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British Chemical Abstracts. B.-Applied Chemistry. September 1 and 8


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Developm ent of the com bustion in technical firing [of furnaces]. K. Ru m m e l and H. Sc h w ie d e s- sen (Arch. Eisenhiittemv., 1932—3, 6 , 543—549).—

Measurements of the temp, and velocity of the gases and determinations of their composition a t various points in the furnace do not provide sufficient data for evalu­

ating the combustion process since no deductions can be drawn from these data as to the state of combustion a t any point or in any plane of the furnace. The process of combustion is considered mathematically and the deductions made have been confirmed experimentally.

A. R. P.

Foam ing and prim ing of boiler w ater. Peculiar behaviour in an experim ental boiler. C. AV. Fo iilk

and K. Gr o v e s(Ind. Eng. Chcm., 1933, 25, 800—803).—

Foaming and priming occur in opposition to the usual conditions in the boiler described. Castor oil, usually an antifoam, increases the am ount of foam. The phenomena are explained entirely by the design of the

apparatus. E. S. H.

Efficiency of vacuum pum ps. W. Bu c h e (Chem.

Fabr., 1933, 6, 291—293).—A formula for calculating the rate of withdrawal of air is derived. E. S. H.

Percolation. R eal’s “ F iltre-presse ” and its m odifications. M. Wr u b l e (Amer. J. Pharm., 1933, 105, 289—295).—The original apparatus and modific­

ations by Wurzer, Brandes, Geiger, and Beindorf are

described. E. H. S.

D esign of fractionating colum ns for com plex m ix tu res. A. J. V. Un d e r w o o d (J.S.C.I., 1933, 52, 223227 t).—Two methods are described for calculating the no. of theoretical plates required for the fractionation of a complex mixture. By the use of these methods it is unnecessary to calculate the composition of the liquid on even,' plate of the column. The first method makes use of the “ enrichment factor,” which measures the increase in the ratio of the two key components from a plate to the next one above it. In the second method expressions are derived giving the ratio of the two key components on any plate in terms of the temp, of the plates above it (concentrating column) or below it.

(exhausting column).

Equilibrium conditions in continuous recycle sy stem . R. B. Sm it h (Ind. Eng. Chem., 1933, 25, 692—693).—A method of calculating the composition of the recycle gas of a continuous absorption or distillation system where recycling is used is outlined. The formula, L \ P \ ! A — Ly,Pn/B. deduced from Raoult’s law is used, where L \, L r, etc. are mols. of constituent A, B, etc., respectively, in the liquid phase ; P \, P b, etc. are

the v.p. of the corresponding constituents ; and A , B, etc. are the mols. of the constituents in the vapour phase. The method is applied to a petroleum refinery gas-absorption system. In much of this type of work it lias been found th a t Raoult’s law is sufficiently accurate

for engineering purposes. A. B. M.

D ust exp losion s. An o n. (Food Ind., 1933, 5, 178— 179).—Explosions were caused in compartments of different shape and size, with windows and swinging vents in various positions, and the min. vent area for protection against structural damage is suggested.

E. B. H.

Control through spectroscopy.—See X.

See also A., July, 683, S ol. anhydrite as desiccating agent. 689, U -type Hg therm oregulator. 690, P recise fractional-distillation apparatus. Con­

tinuous extractor of large capacity.

Pa t e n t s.

[R oasting] furnace. G. R. Le w e r s (U.S.P.

1,881,732, 11.10.32. Appl., 16.1.31).—A multi-deck roaster is divided into two sections as regards the gases, the air supply being limited in the upper section and the gases therefrom burned in the lower. A third (inter­

mediate) section may be formed into which the gases are finally passed to deposit dust, the solids by-passing this section in vertical conduits. B. M. V.

Radiant and convection heat furnace [for o ils etc.]. L . A. Mf.k i.e r, Assr. to Un iv e r s a l Oi l Pr o d u c ts

Cd. (U.S.P. 1,881,286, 4.10.32. Appl., 29.4.29).—The radiation-receiving tubes are arranged in 2 or 3 layers under the roof and one wall, making 5 or 6 sections, and the oil is passed through the sections in the graduation, coldest oil in hottest tubes and so on. B. M. Y.

Apparatus for producing aggregates [by heating].

R. He d r ic k (U.S.P. 1,882,421, 11.10.32. Appl., 14.5.30).—For the prep, of aggregated particles of, e.g., expanded clay, a rotary kiln (A) is used, having lifter blades extending about halfway up A from the

outlet end. B. M. V.

H eating of substances by circulation of stea m . M. Win c k l e r (B.P. 394,510, 22.8.32. Ger., 21.8.31).—

H eat is transm itted by a circulating body of superheated steam which is never allowed to condense. B. M. V.

Production of high tem peratures. R. G. Wu l f f

(U.S.P. 1,880,306, 4.10.32. Appl., 27.12.27).—A gas mixture is burned within the pores of refractory material (A), e.g., SiC, the temp, of which is further raised electrically; an endothermic reaction mixture is then passed through A while continuing or discontinuing the electric heating as desired. B. M. V.

* The rem ainder of th is set of A bstracts will appear in next w eek's issue.

0 8 7


B r itis h C h em ica l A b s tr a c ts—B .

088 Cl. I.— Ge n e r a l; Pl a n t; Ma c h i n e r y.

Rotary d r u m d r y e r . M . J. Ke r m e r, Assr. to Bu ff a l o Fo u n d r y & Ma c h in e Co. (U.S.P. 1,884,727, 25.10.32. Appl., 30.10.30).-—In a steam-heated drum a conical baffle is placed to form an annular passage of gradually decreasing cross-section for the steam, from an inlet a t one end to an outlet a t the other. B . M. Y.

Drying cylinder. E. C. Gr e is e n, Assr. to Al l is- Ch a l m e r s Ma n u f g. Co. (U.S.P. 1,883,722, 18.10.32.

Appl., 22.10.30).—An externally heated, rotary cylin­

drical dryer is provided with hollow lifting baffles (¿1), the trailing (approx. radial) walls of which are provided with suitably guarded apertures opening into the cylinder; the shell walls of A are apertured to permit heating gases to pass from the lire through A into the charge, the interior of the furnace being maintained

under slight vac. B. M. V.

H eat-exchange apparatus. J. A. P o t t e r , Asar. to W e s t i n g h q u s e E l e c t r i c & M a n u f g . Co. (U .S .P . 1,884,209—10, 25.10.32. Appl., [a ] 18.9.30, [b] 6.1.31.

Renewed [a] 17.2.32, [b] 3.6.32).—Exchangers of the bundle-of-tubes type are described having provision for expansion and for ready removal of the tubes.

B. M. V.

Heat exchanger. C. F. B e r a n , Assr. to C e l a n e s e C o rp . o f A m e r ic a (U.S.P. 1,884,532, 25.10.32. Appl., 21.4.31).—In a heat exchanger comprising a vertical bundle of tubes, the shell merely rests on the lower tube-plate {A) and is surrounded by a rim (or low outer shell), the two and the interior of A forming a liquid seal which also seals any leaks between the tubes and A , some inert heavy liquid being chosen th a t will not damage the inner fluid if admixture take place. B . M. V.

Scale - shedding heat - transfer apparatus.

S. Br o w n, Assr. to Gr is c o m- Ru s s e l l Co. (U.S.P.

1,884,555, 25.10.32. Appl., 15.7.30).—Heat-exchanging tubes are arranged to deform with change of temp. ; e.g., they mav be in the form of a U with unequal legs.

B. M. V.

Evaporator top. C. G. Ha w l e y, Assr. to Ce n t r if ix

Corp. (U.S.P. 1,833,908, 25.10.32. Appl., 6.12.27).—

Stationary centrifugal-entrainment separators are hung from a ceiling inserted in the evaporator dome ; the ceding is provided with a drain. B. M. Y.

Crushing m achinery, (a) W . A. Ba t t e y, (b) G. W.

Bo r t o n, Assrs. to Pe n n s y l v a n ia Cr u s h e r Co. (U.S.P.

1,884,523 and 1,884,544, 25.10.32. Appl., [a] 9.2.31, [b] 29.1.30).—In crushers of the rotating-beater type, in (a) the breaker plate is arcuate and is provided with a reciprocating scraper, and in (b) the plate is in the form of a disc which is rotated under a fixed scraper.

B. M. V.

S i n g l e - r o l l g r i n d i n g m i l l s . O. Sodf.r (B.P.

394,612, 1.2.33. Ger,, 5,2.32).—The grinding block (or other device) is pressed against the roll by a lever with adjustable wt. A hand-operated screw adjustm ent is provided to keep the lever horizontal irrespective of w ear; the position o f the counter-wt. alone will then always indicate the exact pressure of the block,

B. M. V.

Tube m ills. Hu m b o ld t- De u t z m o t o r e n A.-G. (B.P.

394,500, 28.7.32. Ger., 20.2,32).—A ball- or pebble-

mill has the material fed through an annular passage (/I) a t the same end as the axial outlet for air and ground material, A being provided with vanes which deposit the material on the rolling heap of balls. The material is not deliberately showered into the axial stream of air until it reaches the other or air-inlet end of the mill, where a false wall and lifters are provided for that purpose, so th a t the open space of the mill forms the classification chamber, the oversize dropping down to

be re-ground. B. M, V.

R otary m ix er s. J. F. Wa k e (B.P. 394,449, 29.3.32).

—A rotary drum is provided with blades which mix the material during rotation in one direction and dis­

charge it on reversal. The feed hopper may be counter­

poised to form a weigh box. B. M. V.

M ixer. A. W . Wa l k e r (U.S.P. 1,884,423, 25.10.32.

Appl., 22.11.30).—The dry material (cement etc.) is passed through a screen or grizzly a t the top of the conical portion of a hopper having a H20 supply diagon­

ally tangential to the conical surface. The wetted material drops into a mixing chamber having an inclined worm conveyor, and an extension of the same worm of smaller diam. delivers the mixed material a t an elevated

point. B. M. V.

P lants for m ix in g and rendering hom ogeneous [dry] pulverulent m aterials. M. V o g e l - J0r g e n s e n (B.P. 394,484, 14.6.32).—Roughly mixed arriving mat­

erial is divided in a const, ratio between storage silos and a small sampling homogeniser in the latter of which it is kept mixed by compressed air and a mechan­

ical agitator ; the supply of materials having been ad­

justed so th a t th e final total sample is correct, the bulk is agitated by similar means in the storage silo or, better, by running it out in a no. of homogenisers just before it is required for use. B. M. Y.

Bowl classifier. H. W . Ne w t o n, Assr. to Do r r Co., In c. (U.S.P. 1,881,875, 11.10.32. Appl., 29.5.31).—

A bowl rake classifier is provided with an adjustable baffle (A) to separate the two flows through the bottom of the bowl (B), viz., outlet of settled solids to the rake classifier (C) and return of overflow from C to B. A com­

pressed-air rose is situated below A to break up conges­

tion ; the air for this may be turned on automatically by a float actuated by the rise of liquid in C, and the same float may also cut off the supply of backwash liquid normally supplied near the head of C. B. M. Y.

Apparatus for feeding powdered m aterial, R . D - Hu l s l a n d e r, Assr. to Fi r e s t o n e Tir e & Ru b b e r Co.

(U.S.P. 1,880,452, 4.10.32. Appl., 31.7.30).—A hopper is provided with a vibrating bottom to which is attached a flexible discharge tube, above the aperture of which is a tapered valve to adjust the opening. B. M. V.

Feeder for pulverised m aterials. R . S. Mo o r e, A ssr. t o Ai i e r. Sm e l t in g & Re f i n i n g Co. (U.S.P.

1,882,861, 18.10.32. Appl., 25.11.27).—A n o n -c lo g g in g a n d a i r t i g h t f e e d e r is d e s c rib e d . B. M. Y.

Centrifugal (a) separator, (b) m achine. Y. W . Ma cIsa a c (U.S.P. 1,882,389—90, U.10.32. Appl., 21.3.30).—I n (a), a separator for the continuous removal of both light and heavy impurities from, e.g., paper pulp is described. In (b), the energy of the liquid leaving


B ritish C h em ica l A b s tr a c ts—B .

Cl. I I . — Fu e l; Ga s; Ta r; Mi n e r a l Oi l s.

a centrifuge is recovered in a turbine device on the same

shaft. B. M. V.

Centrifugal b ow ls. Ak t i e b. Se p a r a t o r (B.P.

394,845, 23.9.32. Swed., 24.9.31).—Spiral vanes or tubes are placed in the liquid-discharge neck(s) to cause the liquid to take a spiral course and eventually to overflow evenly all around the weir even though it is running slightly eccentrically. B. M. V.

Filtering apparatus. J. L. St e v e n s, Assr. to Ra c o n ite Ch e m. Co. (U .S .P . 1,882,045,11.10.32. Appl., 28.7.30).—In a rotary vac. disc-filter the sectors are so shaped and assembled th a t the disc becomes a truncated cone lying bn its side ; the angle of the cone being about 90°, the sectors when in the highest position are approx.

vertical. A rim is formed around the base of the cono to form an internal bath of prefilt, so th a t there is a tend­

ency for the coarser particles to reach the filter medium first; only the interior surface is effective. The cake is discharged through the truncated a p e x ; overflow of excess prefilt may be perm itted so th a t it can be kept agitated by recirculation. B. M. V.

Filter. 0 . He n n in g s (U.S.P. 1,882,078, 11.10.32.

Appl., 20.11.30).—A C-block filter surrounded by gran- iilar flint and charcoal for preliminary filtering is

described. B. M. V.

F ilte r. D . D . Do o l ey, Assr. to Do o l ey Im p r o v e­ m e n t s, In c. (U.S.P. 1,884,616, 25.10.32. Appl., 5.5.30).

—A discardable filter for, e.g., automobile oil comprising a deeply corrugated cylinder of filter medium on a wire

frame is described. B. M. V.

Method of d istillin g . W. T. Ha l l, Assr. to E. B.

Ba d g e r & Sons Co. (U.S.P. 1,882,568, 11.10.32. Appl., 18.6.28).—The feed oil (A) is distilled in a fractionating column, the underflow from which is heated, one part only to a sufficient extent to return to the column as heating medium and the other to cracking temp. The cracked vapours return to the same column below A.

B. M. V.

(a ) Concentrator, (b) Evaporator. M . J. K e r m e r , Assr. t o B u f f a l o F o u n d r y & M a c h in e Co. (U.S.P.

1,883,378—9, 18.10.32. Appl., [ a ] 20.8.30, [b ] 30.8.30).

—In (a ) an evaporator has an annular heating zone surrounding a central clear space, and a vapour space above, the whole being in one shell. In (b) the calandria is a t the side of, and a spray condenser in the upper part of, the evaporating chambeT. B . M. V.

Concentration of liquids b y spray evaporation.

W. C. Mason and W. W. Hu t c h e s o n (B.P. 394,912, 9.2.33).—Spraying and entry of hot air are both effected a t the lower end of a conical chamber, the feed liquid passing through the axis of the hot-air conduit and the spray head being rather beyond the air outlet.. The bulk o f the dried material slides down the conical walls, and if sticky may be removed by rotating chains. Cyclones are provided to separate air-borne material. B. M . V.

Regulation of v isco sity of liquids. J. P . Le a s k

and S. T. Wa r n e r, Assrs. to Pe a b o d y En g. Co r p. (U.S.P. 1,881,200, 4.10.32. Appl., 10.9.28).—The liquid is passed through a restriction, long pipe, Venturi tube, o r other device which will cause a drop in pressure

according to the viscosity, and this drop is caused to regulate the supply of heat. B. M. Y.

Manufacture of em u lsion s. M. G. Gr e g g, Assr.

to Fl in t k o t e Co r p. (U.S.P. 1,884,664, 25.10.32. Appl., 19.7.30).—An already formed emulsion is kept in circulation in a horizontal ring-conduit while fresh materials and emulsifying agent tire added continuously a t one point and emiQsion is removed a t another. The apparatus is suitable for use under pressure so th at the b.p. of, e.g., H 20 is raised to a point a t which the viscosity of, e.g., asphaltic material is much reduced. B. M. V.

Device for producing and treating thin liquid film s. V. C. Be n j a m in (U.S.P. 1,881,041, 4.10.32.

Appl., 30.3.29).—The liquid is forced through a porous sheet preferably in the form of a vertical cylinder.

B. M. V.

A pparatus for detecting and estim atin g in flam m ­ able g a se s in air. A. N. Er ic k s o n, Assr. to Un io n Ca r b id eCo. (U.S.P. 1,880,941, 4.10.32. Appl., 5.4.27).—

A metal filament is heated electrically a t a temp, th a t avoids the necessity of a catalyst in a device like a miner’s safety lamp ; the rise in temp, and increase of resistance of the filament due to combustion upset the balance of a Wheatstone bridge. 0-5% of CH4 can be

recognised. B. M. V.

M easurem ent of vapour [in w arm g a s]. 0 . 11.

Bla c k w o od and P. G. Ex l i n e, Assrs. to Ko p k e r s Co.

o f De l a w a r e (U.S.P. 1,880,720, 4.10.32. Appl., 30.9.29).—In the measurement of the quantity of condensable vapour in a gas, e.g., H 20 in water-gas, definite portions of the gas are taken and cooled to condense the vapour, the quantity of which is measured by the decrease in vac. under definite conditions of temp, and rate of flow to a pump rotating at. const, speed.

B. M. V.

Com position friction elem ent. J . D. Al l e y, A ssr. t o Am e r. Br a k e Ma t e r ia l s Co r p. (U.S.P.

1,882,702, 18.10.32. A p p l., 22.8.29).—A lin in g f o r b r a k e s (e tc .) c o m p ris e s s h o r t- f ib r e d a s b e s to s , n a tu r a l p y r o b itu m in o u s m a te r ia l ( b itu m in o u s c o a l), a v e g e ta b le d r y in g o il (ra w lin s e e d ), a n d S ( a b o u t 15% o f t h e o il), b a k e d a t te m p , ris in g t o 145°. B . M. V.

H ydrom eter. D. H i e r o e s e l l , Assr. to W. H i e r - g e s e l l & Sons (U.S.P. 1,882,321, 11.10.32. Appl., 1.5.31).—The ballast chamber is coated internally with a reflecting layer of metal before the ballast proper is

introduced. B. M. V.

H eat-treating coal. Lubricating heated bearings.

—See II. H eat-interchanging brines.—See V II.

Pptn. apparatus for g a se s. M easuring suspended m aterial in g a se s. D eterm ining H 20 in gas.

See X I. Cone, latex.—See XIV. Cone, fruit juices.

—See X IX .

II.— F U E L ; G A S ; T A R ; M INERAL O ILS.

Com bustion. X II. “ A ” and “ C ” layers of the Tandjoeng-Enim coal d ep osits. D. J. W.

Kr e u l e n (Chem. Weekblad, 1933, 30, 387—391).—

D ata are given, and discussed, relating to the H 20 , ash, and volatile m atter contents, and the heats of combustion


B r itis h C h em ica l A b s tr a c ts—B .

000 Cl. II.— Ku k i. ; Ga s; Ta r; Mi n e r a l Oi l s.

of samples of coal from a deposit of which t he nature varies progressivelv from lignite to natural coke.

H. F. G.

A sh of washed coal. T. Ho r iu c h i (J. Fuel Soc.

Japan, 1933, 12, 72—73).—The relation (A) between the sp. gr. and the ash content of the coal is first determined.

The sp. gr. of a new sample is then measured, whereby the ash content is deduced from the known val. of A.

A formula is given by means of which the determination can be accomplished in 15 min. with a max. error of

0-7% . C .E .M .

Evolution of coke furnaces since the w ar. G.

Lkcocq (Chim. et Ind., 1933, 29, 1287—1292).—The principle of twin flues has been adopted in most of the post-war coke-furnace batteries. A crit. examination is made of furnaces of various types, and particularly of

regenerators. C. E. M.

Influence of physical properties of gas-carbon black on its staining pow er. E. P. W. Kearslev

and G. L. Roberts (Farben-Chem., 1933, 4 , 249—252 ; cf. B., 1932, 1063).—The volatile m atter of 4 samples of black from gas-C increased with decrease in the particle size. The oil-absorption and covering power also showed a general increase, but dips in the curves indicated th a t the effect of the gas films which surround the particles is to counteract the effect of the greater surface. W etting involves removal of the gas by a medium having sufficiently low y. The staining power (S ) varied little with the particle size and is influenced by the thickness and n of the adsorbed gases. Pressed samples showed decreased S in consequence of floccula- t ion, whilst removal of the gas film by heating increased S. Ordinary samples may contain up to 8% H 20 .

S. M.

U tilisation of coal for g a s. F . Fis c h e r (J. Indian Chem. Soc., 1933, Ray No., 331—362).—A summary

and bibliography. H. J . E.

D esign of purifiers for rem oval of hydrogen sulphide from town gas by iron oxide. Axox. (Gas J., 1933, 202 , 922—924 ; 203 , 51—52).—The various formula? enabling the design of purifiers to be calc, and the chemical reactions involved are discussed. The velocity of reaction is mainly dependent on the available surface of the Fe20 3 and not on the H ,S concn. The velocity of adsorption increases from 7° to a max. a t 50°

although optimum results are usually obtained a t 21—

27°, with 65% R.H. If the revivifying takes place in situ the gas should be alkaline and completely saturated. The activity is independent of the Fe20 3 content b u t is a function of the mol. state of the oxide.

A new formula has been deduced to determine the size of purifiers: R = K \ / S F \ V , where R is the ratio of vol. of material to vol. of gas, F — % active Fe20 3, IF — bulk d of material, S = concn. of H 2S, and K is a const. From this it is shown th a t 105 cu. ft, of gas containing 500 grains of H 2S/cu. ft., when purified with oxide containing 18% of active Fe20 3 (IF = 50 lb./

cu. ft.), need four purifiers each of a capacity of 2525 cu.

ft. ' R. N. B.

Recovery of hydrogen sulphide from petroleum refinery g a se s. L. Ro s e k s t e ik (Petroleum, 1933, 29, No. 24, 4—6).—Of the liquids available for the absorp-

fcion and subsequent recovery of H 2S from refinery oc other gases a conc. aq. solution of K3P 0 4 appears to be one of the most suitable, combining cheapness, high absorptive power, and non-volatility. The reaction which occurs on absorption (K3P 0 4 + H 2S ^ K 2I IP 0 4 + KHS) is smoothly reversible a t higher temp. The max.

absorptive power of the solution a t 25° is determined principally by the solubility of K 2H P 0 4 a t th a t temp., and, assuming th a t 90% of the K3P 0 4 reacts and that 70% of the absorbed I I 2S is readily driven off again, is estimated a t 55 g. of H 2S per 1000 g. of solution. The principal item in the cost of the process is th a t of the steam used in the regeneration of the solution ; the estimation of the steam consumption is briefly discussed.

A. B. M.

G ases from therm al decom position of common com bustible m aterials. J . C. Ol s e n, G. E. F e r g u s o n , and L. S c h e f l a n (Ind. Eng. Chem., 1933, 25, 599—603;

cf. B., 1930, 1047).—The gases evolved when various materials, e.g., cellulose, textiles, oil, rubber, etc., are decomposed in N , or are burned in a confined space differ greatly in toxicity. The burning of cellulose produces gases containing toxic concns. of CO (about 6% under the experimental conditions) ; thermal decomp, in an inert gas produces high concns. of CO and C 02, and also some highly acrid compounds. Of the textiles used for clothing etc., cotton and rayon produce the least toxic gases, whereas silk and especially woollen materials evolve appreciable quantities of H 2S, IICN, S 0 2, NHs, and CO. When gasoline is burned in a room the CO concn. produced is much lower than th a t resulting from the burning of wood. The gases produced by the burning of rubbeT insulation are highly toxic. The results aTe discussed in relation to the possible

loss of life in fires. • A. B. M.

C om pletion of com bustion in gas a n a ly sis. R. S.

Ja k o v l e v ( J . Appl. Chem., Russ., 1933, 6 , 333—347).—

More exact results are obtained by using a S i0 2 tube than a P t one, as the latter adsorbs certain of the products of combustion. The optimum temp, is 1050°, a t which complete combustion of CH4 is obtained in 10 min., and in < 10 min. for H 2 and CO. The chief source of error lies in the dissolution of C 02 in the H 20 of the valves, which should be replaced by saturated aq. NaCl. Should the CO content of the gas be high, as much as possible should previously be absorbed by CuCl solution. R. T.

D egree of carbonisation ; bitum en. H. A. J.

Pi e t e r s and H. Ko o pm a n s (Chem. Weekblad, 1933, 30, 374—375).—Since coal is a heterogeneous material it is not possible to regard the degree of carbonisation as a definite, measurable quantity. Kreulen’s work is criticised on the grounds, inter alia, th a t the ignition temp., % volatile m atter, and behaviour on oxidation depend on a no, of unknown factors, th a t the samples studied were not homogeneous, and th a t the ignition temp, of a mixture cannot be calc, from the vals. for the components. The term bitumen, as used by Kreulen, has no precise significance (cf. following abstract).

H. F. G.

D egree of carbonisation ; bitum en. D. J. W.

Kr e u l e x (Chem. Weekblad, 1933, 30, 375—376).—A reply to criticism cf. preceding abstract). H. F. G.


B ritish C h em ica l A b s tr a c ts—B .

C l. I I . — Ki j k l; G a s; T a b ; Mi n e r a l Oi l s. 691

Wood-spirit oil. S. I. Ry b in and S. S, Med v e d e v

(J. Appl. Chem., Russ., 1933, 6, 311—319).—Light wood-spirit oil, b.p. 70—137°, contained H 20 6, sub­

stances insol. in H 20 (COEtPr*, COEtPr3, and COMeBu“) 42, substances sol. in II20 (COMe2, COEtPr“, c//ciopentanone, allyl and crotyl alcohols, and dimethyl-

glycol ether) 50%. R. T.

A nalysis of sh ales. N. S. Go l o u s c h in and R. S.

Ja k o v lev ( J . Appl. Chem., Russ,, 1933, 6 , 3 4 8 — 35 7 ).— The analysis of bituminous shale differs from th a t of coal in th a t H 20 should be determined by drying under reduced pressure a t > 80 °, the ash content by heating during <£ 5 hr. a t 8 00°, and volatile constituents by heating a t 1 0 5 01100°, with the application of a correc­

tion for C 02 evolved from carbonates. R. T.

Refining of Grozni wax-free crude-oil products with clay. A . Ka k a sev a and E. Ya k o b i (Azerbaid.

Neft. Choz., 1932, No. 12, 77—82).-—Refining with H 2S 0 4 and clay yields more stable products than th a t with HjS04 and NaOH, but, except from cylinder stocks, nivphthenic acids are not removed. Methods of removing uaphthenic acids are described. Ch. Ab s.

Preparing bright stock s from residues w ith 4-9—5-4 E im viscosities from Do'ssor and Makat crude oil m ixtu res. N. N. Ka r s k i (Rep. Lubr. Oil Comm., U.S.S.R., 1932, 2, 117—126).—Treatm ent with H2SO, and then clay is described. Ch. Ab s.

Cracking of heavy ends left after the distillation of [hydrocarbon oil) p ressure distillate. B. K.

Ta raso v and G. N. Se l e d z iiie v (Neft. Choz., 1932, 2 3 , 177—179).—Repeated cracking in an autoclave of fractions of b.p. > 200° is described, and the character­

istics of the resulting oils are recorded. Ch. Ab s. H igh-grade fuel oil m ade from cracked residue.

R. T. Go o d w in (Refiner Nat. Gasoline Mfr., 1932, 11, 508).—The Goodwin process is described. Ch. Ab s.

C racking-still g a ses logical source of ethylene.

A. L. Nu g e y (Refiner Nat. Gasoline Mfr., 1932, 11, 547).—Gases from cracking plants appear to be the only economical source of C2II4 of a grade (98% pure, S-free) suitable for the manufacture of metastyrene. The separation of C2H4 is discussed. Ch. Ab s.

V apour-phase cracking. H. P. A. Gr o l l (Ind.

Eng. Chem., 1933, 2 5 , 784—798).—An investigation has been made of the pyrogenetie conversion of gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons into aromatics. The cracking of gas oil has been studied at normal pressure over a wide range of temp, and throughput. Of gaseous hydrocarbons, propylene gives the highest yields of aromatics, whilst striking regularities are observed in the pyrolysis of all hydrocarbons, and on these a theory of cracking is based. The mechanism for the formation of aromatics at about 800° is much simpler than th a t for low-temp. cracking. At all temp.

“ demethanisation ” prevails over dehydrogenation, provided C formation is prevented. The nature and yield of the products are functions of the temp, and rate of throughput, and show a simple relationship over a comparatively wide range. A method is given by which the throughput of commercial vapour-phrase cracking processes can be considerablv increased.

C. E. M.

Com position of cracking benzine. I. Z. Iv anov

(J. Appl. Chem., Russ., 1933, 6, 257—261). The fraction, b.p. 20—150°, contains C0He, PliMe, xylenes, A“- and A^-heptylene, AT-hexylene, and A^-octylene, unsaturated n- and ¿¿‘«-hydrocarbons (25% of the frac­

tion of b.p. 60—70°; 40% of that of b.p. 120— 125°), and saturated hydrocarbons ( -< 30% ; chiefly naph- tlienes, including c/yc/ohexane). R. T.

Inhibitors in cracked gasoline. II. Correlation of inhibiting action and oxidation reduction potential. C. D . Lo w r y, j u n., G. Eu l o f f, J. C.

Mo r r e l l, and C. G. Dr y e r (Ind. Eng. Chem., 1933, 2 5 , 804—808 ; cf. B„ 1933, 136).—A correlation is observed bet ween the effectiveness of gasoline inhibitors, as measured by an accelerated oxidation test, and their crit. oxidation potential. The best inhibitors have potentials between 0-60 and 0-80 volt, fair inhibitors are in the range 0-800—1-043 volt, whilst practically no inhibiting action is shown by compounds with higher potentials. Quinol and certain ethers show an inhibiting action would be expected from their po ten tials; this is attributed to their tendency to undergo direct oxidation. Vais, for various compounds containing OH and NH2 groups are tabulated.

_ 5. M.

A ction of paraflow [on lubricating o ils]. H.

Su id a and H. Po l l(Petroleum, 1933,29, No. 23, Motor- enbetr., 6 ,2 —1).—Addition of 0 ■ 2—0-3% of paraflow (I) (paraffin-C10H8 polymerisate) to oils from paraffin-base crudes lowers the setting point by 7—8°. Lubricating oils from asphalt-base crudes containing small quantities of paraffin wax also have their setting points lowered by the addition of (I). Oils from purely asphalt-base crudes containing no paraffin wax are unaffected by addition of (I). The viscosity of the oils at •< 20° is little affected by the addition of (I), whereas the coking val. (Conradson) is raised by 10—50%. (I) cannot be used for transformer oils or other oils used for lubrication over long periods of time since oils so treated age more

easily. A. B. M.

Im provem ent in solvent refining of lubricating o ils by the Edeleanu process. W, Ka in (Refiner Nat. Gasoline Mfr., 1932, 11, 553).—S 0 2 extraction of lubricating oil fractions is as satisfactory as th a t for kerosene, although 15—20 vol.-% of C6H6 must be added to some oils. S 0 2-C6H6 treatm ent affords lower yields of refined oil, but the quality is higher.

Ch. Ab s. D istilled bright stock s from lubricating oil crude oil. V. L. Gu r v ic h and R. L. Ma r g o l in a (Rep.

Lubr. Oil Comm., U.S.S.R., 1932, 2 , 149—157).—

Treatment is described. The yield of dewaxed bright

stock was 75—77%. Ch. Ab s,

P reparing cylinder oils from Em ba crude oils N. D . Gr a m e n it z k i (Rep. Lubr. Oil Comm., U.S.S.R., 1932,2,162—172).—Oils having tf1002-8—3-2,4-8—5-2, 6-0—6-5, and Brenken flash 270°, 290°, 320°, respect­

ively, were prepared from fuel oils by distillation and treatm ent with acid and fuller’s earth. Ch. Ab s.

Preparing h igh -viscosity cylinder oils from refined bottom oils. L. A. Gu k h m a n (Rep. Lubr. Oil Comm., U.S.S.R.. 1932,2, 173—177).—H 2S 0 4 treatm ent



B r itis h C h em ica l A b s tr a c ts—B .

69 -2 Cl. II.—Fu e l ; Ga s; Ta r; Mi n e r a l O ils.

causes large losses, and gives products having inferior colour and high Conradson C val. Bottoms diluted with gas oil and treated with 96—98% H 2S04 give a better

product. Ch. Ab s.

Preparation of cylinder oils from lubricating oil bottom oils. V. L. Gu r v ic h and R. L. Margoltna

(Rep. Lubr. Oil Comm., U.S.S.R., 1932, 2, 178—183).—

The oil bottoms, vac.-steam-distilled (atomised) by the Pengu-Gurvich method, yielded 42% of high-grade distillates, which required 2—3% of H 2S 0 4 and 5% of fuller’s earth. Characteristics arc recorded.

Ch. Ab s. Preparing bright stocks and autom obile oils from Baku crude oils. L. A. Gu k h m a n (Rep. Lubr.

Oil Comm., U.S.S.R., 1932, 2, 143—148).—Bottoms vac. steam-distilled and vac.-distilled produced satis­

factory bright-stock distillates ; the total loss in refining (H2S 0 4 and fuller’s earth) was about 25%. The yield of final product after dewaxing was 70% of the original

distillate. Ch. Ab s.

Autom obile oils from Baku fuel oils. Y. E.

Em m u il (Rep. Lubr. Oil C'oinm., U.S.S.R., 1932, 2, 139—142).

V iscosity-dilution function of lubricating oils.

J. Tausz and A. Ra b l (Petroleum, 1933, 29, No. 24, 1—3).—D ata are given showing the change in viscosity of a series of lubricating oils on dilution with 10% or 20% of PhMe, and the changes in viscosity of “ Mobil- oil ” and castor oil on dilution with 10% or 20% of a series of solvents. The application of various empirical formula; to these data is briefly discussed (cf. B., 1932,

53, 632). A. B. M .

Structure of hydrocarbons of petroleum paraffin w ax . S. S. Na m e tk lv and S. S. Nif o n t o v a (J. Appl.

Chem., lluss., 1933, 6 , 248-—256).—Grosni, m.p. 52-5°, and American paraffin wax, m.p. 50-1°, yielded the following nitro-derivaiives (impure) on heating in a sealed tube at 125—130° during 12 hr. with H N 03 (<£ 1-075):

tert.-C24H49-N 0 2, m.p. 29° (corresponding amine, m.p.

27—29-5°; its Bs derivative, m.p. 43— 14°); sec.- C24H49-N 02, m.p. 45—48°, and C24H 48(X 02)2, an oil, (I 0-9249. The relative yields of sec.- and tert.- NOo-derivatives indicate th at paraffin wax contains

25—30% of tsoparaffins. R. T.

D evelopm ent of com bustion in furnaces. E qui­

librium conditions in continuous recycle sy stem .

—See I. Gas purification. H 2S and Fe o x id e s.—

See VII. Lignite as m anure.—See XVI.

See also A., July, 684, D ecom p, of thiosulphates w ith H 2S 0 4. 693, Jam es coal of N ew Zealand.

Pa t e n t s.

H eat-treatm ent of coal. C. E. Lu c r e, Assr. to Babcock & Wilc o x Co. (U.S.P. 1,883,311, 18.10.32.

Appl., 19.11.28).—In the conversion of pulverised coal into combustible fluids by treatm ent with super­

heated steam in a fire-heated conduit, the waste heat of the product« is used to generate low-pressure steam which is compressed and superheated for nse in the conversion. The waste heat of the fire may be used to generate high-pressure steam which is added to the other steam after reduction in pressure. B. M. V.

Carbonisation device. F. L. Te n n e y, A ssr. to Al l is- Ch a l m e r s Ma n u f g. Co. (U.S.P. 1,884,379, 25.10.32. A p p l., 3.5.30).—A t u b u l a r r e t o r t is co n ­ tin u o u s ly r o t a t e d a n d a w o rm c o n v e y o r w ith in i t is r o t a t e d in o p p o s ite d ir e c tio n s in a l t e r n a t e p e rio d s .

B. M. V.

A pparatus for carbonisation of coal. J. D.

McQu a d e, Assr. to Co a l Ca r b o n iz a t io n Co. (U.S.P.

1,881,826, 11.10.32. Appl., 22.12.27).—The apparatus comprises a horizontal co-axial assembly o f : (a) rotary shaft with worm, (6) rotary tube with external worm, (c) stationary tube, (d) coil for superheating the steam, (e) space for combustion gases from fireplace below.

The coal passes inside b and returns between b and c, the gases being taken off a t the return end ; d is con­

nected to c near the point where the coke discharges.

B. M. V D istillation of coal. J. E. L o u rin ' and E. H.

Re c o r d s(U.S.P. 1,884,017, 25.10.32. Appl., 14.1.29).—

Steam a t 1—5 lb./sq. in. and <£ 671° is passed through coal in the form of vertical slab-like masses, every slab having individual steam inlet and gas offtake. B. M. V.

T herm al treatm ent of solid substances by m eans of the com bustion of a solid fuel. Soc. Ox y t h e r m iq u e, Assees. of M. Fr a n k l(B.P. 393,160, 3.2.32. Ger., 4.2.31.

Cf. B.P. 383,417 and 390,246 ; B., 1933, 96, 471).—The- solid fuel is charged into two vertical shafts (A) and burned alternately a t the bottom thereof, preferably with air enriched with 0 2. A are connected a t the bottom by a chamber wherein the melted product accumulates. Recovery of the heat of the gases is effected by direct contact of the latter with the fuel in the shaft where combustion is not taking place. The materials to be melted are admixed with the solid fuel, or may be introduced in a pulverised state a t the bottom of A. The gases leaving the top of the second shaft may be recirculated through the apparatus if desired.

A. B. M.

T reatm ent of vapour of wood [distillation] or its by-products. E. L. Da y (U.S.P. 1,878,678, 20.9.32.

Appl., 17.12.28),—Wood is distilled in a suitable retort and the vapours evolved are made to traverse a circuit­

ous path, partly horizontal and partly vertical, filled with packing material and having the temp, therein so controlled as to effect the desired fractionation of the products. The heavier fractions may be returned to the

retort for redistillation. A. B. M.

Regenerative coke oven and m ethod of operating the sam e. H. E. Mit c h e l l, Assr. to Se m e t- So l v a y Co.

(U.S.P. 1,878,972, 20.9.32. Appl., 2.12.26).—An oven of the Semet-Solvay horizontal type is provided with two pairs of air or gas passages extending from one end of the battery to the other, and communicating with each set of regenerators. Each pair of passages are connected by spaced apertures. Ports a t the ends of the passages permit, both ends of one pair to be open to the air while the other pair are closed a t one end and in communication with the stack flue a t the other. The arrangement is designed to secure an adequate and uniform air supply

to the heating flues. A. B. M.

Coking g a s oven. L. C. Ha m l in k, Assr. to Ga s Ma c h in e r y Co. (U.S.P. 1,881,528, 11.10.32. Appl.,


B ritish C h em ica l A b s tr a c ts—B .

Cl. I I . — F u k l ; G a s ; T a r ; M i n k r a i . O i l s . 0 9 3

28.4.27).—In a setting of parallel retorts, a separate pair of regenerators is provided under every combustion space between the Tetorts. B, M. V.

Chamber ovens. G ib b o n s Bros., L t d . From K o k s o f e n b a u u . G a s v e r w e r t u n c A.-G. (B.P. 393,143, 8.9.32).—The heating wall of the oven is divided into vertical heating flues by means of transverse partitions, and a pair of burners, one adjacent to each of the opposite heating surfaces, is arranged in each heating flue. A projection extending from the top to the bottom of the flue is provided down the centre of each transverse partition, and has converging faces designed to reflect heat back on to the surfaces of the heating wall.

A. B. M.

(a) B y-product coke-oven recovery sy ste m , (b, c) Electrical precipitation. S. P. Mi l l e r, Assr. to Ba r r e t t Co. (U.S.P. 1,884,084—6, 25.10.32. Appl., [a] 3.6.27, [b] 6.7.28, fc] 18.12.28).—Electrical precipit­

ators for gases from the carbonisation of coal are operated at a temp. ( > 205°) suitable to ppt. the tar b u t not the light oils. The precipitator tubes are provided with jackets which arc heated, in (a), by a circulation of the retort heating gases, in (b), by separate combustion gases, and, in (c), electrically. A therm ostat in the clean gas controls the supply of heat. The method of (c) is not confined to coal gases. B. M . V.

Production of clean oils at coal-distillation plants. S. P. Mi l l e r, Assr. to Ba r r e t t Co. (U.S.P.

1,884,087, 25.10.32. Appl., 3.5.29).—A portion of the coal-distillation gases is cleaned by the methods described in U.S.P. 1,884,084—6 (preceding abstract), or by scrubbing with finely-divided p itc h ; another portion is scrubbed with a mist of ta r which is thereby distilled, the portions are united, and clean oils are

condensed out. B . M. V.

Production of coke. F. W. St e e r e, Assr. to Ba r r e t t

Co. (U.S.P. 1,884,339, 25.10.32. Appl., 1.2.28).—

UngTound breeze is coated with molten pitch and re-coked with pulverised co al; the product is a good

domestic coke. B. M. V.

Induction process of graphitising carbon. I. H.

De r b y, Assr. to P. C. Re il l y(U.S.P. 1,884,600, 25.10.32.

Appl., 23.4.31).—The furnace comprises a tube of re­

fractory material having a t the graphitising zone extra heat insulation in the form of powdered C. The wall is heated by embedded electric resistances, and the core also by induced currents (frequency >• 2000 ~ ) to

> 2500°. B. M. V.

Com bustion cham ber [for manufacture of carbon black]. Ci Mi l l e r, Assr. to Th e r m a t o m ic Ca r b o n Co.

(U.S.P. 1,881,325, 4.10.32. Appl., 28.1.31).—A hydro­

carbon gas is mixed with hot gases of combustion and passed through highly heated chequerwork ; the reaction being endothermic, it may be necessary to stop at intervals and reheat the chequers by combustion therein.

The gases are cooled by H 20 sprays and the C is collected

in bag filters. B. M. V.

Manufacture of carbon black. G. C. Le w i s, Assr.

to Co l u m b ia n Ca r b o n Co. (U.S.P. 1,881,084—5, 4.10.32.

Appl., [a] 7.7.30, [b] 1.10.30).—Hydrocarbon flames are caused to impinge on metallic surfaces. In (a) the oper­

ation is effected in a chamber having heat-insulating

walls ; in (b) an electrical p.d. is maintained between the burner tip, if of metal, and the condensing surface ; if the burner tips are non-metallic a wire electrode in the

flame is electrified. B. M. V.

Manufacture of decolorising carbon and the like.

R . N. Rid d l e, Assr. to Rid d l e Pr o c e s s Co. ("U.S.P.

1,882,916, 18.10.32. Appl., 24.2.30).—Pulverised bitum ­ inous coal is mixed with an aq. solution of an alkali salt, e.g., Na2C03 (30—40% of the coal), and a wetting agent, e.g., sol. soap (1%). The H aO is boiled off while continu­

ing the agitation and the mixture is retorted a t a red heat in absence of air and with avoidance of fritting.

The powder may now be used after cooling, but is improved by further treatm ent in a pan the lid of which is adjusted to keep the mass just glowing by combustion, until NH3 ceases to be evolved. B. M. Y.

M anufacture of carburetted w ater-gas. D. J.

Yo u n g, Assr. to Youn g- Wh it w e l l Ga s Pr o c ess Co.

(U.S.P. 1,878,227, 20.9.32. Appl., 26.3.26. Cf. U.S.P.

1,751,849 ; B., 1931, 233).—In a plant consisting of a generator (A), carburettor (B), and superheater (0), the following cycle of operations is carried o u t : (1) the fuel bed is air-blasted, the blast gases being burned in B and G ; (2) steam is passed through A, B, and G, the water-gas formed in A being carburetted in B ; (3) N2, or a gas of high N2 content, is heated by being passed through C and B and is then passed through A into which finely-divided fuel is simultaneously intro­

duced. A. B. M.

Direct recovery of am m on iu m sulphate from hot g a s. W. B. Win g e r t, Assr. to Se m e t- So l v a y Co.

( U .S .P . 1,880,631, 4.10.32. Appl., 24.1.29).—The coal gas is passed through sprays of NH3 liquor in the collec­

tor main (A) and freed from ta r in an electrostatic separator ; it is then passed through an NH3 saturator- evaporator (B) and finally through a preheating chamber

(0) a t a temp, sufficient to maintain the carbolic oils volatilised. The liquor is circulated through A, G, B, A, H 2S 0 4 being added between A and G. (NH4)2S 0 4 crystals are formed in B and removed. B. M. V.

R em oval of nitric oxide from [coke-oven] g a ses.

F. A. Be n t, Assr. to Sh e l l De v e l o p m e n t Co. (U.S.P.

1,888,547, 22.11.32. Appl., 14.5.31).—The purified gas is passed through CrS04, CrCl2, or Cr(OAc)2 solutions to reduce the NO to NIL, or NH 2OH derivatives.

A. R. P.

Production of acetylene by com p ression . R. G.

Wu l f f (U.S.P. 1,880,307, 4.10.32. Appl., 27.12.27).—

C2H 2 is prepared from natural gas, light oils, kerosene, and the like by raising the temp, of the gases to <

1370° by compression, 50 atm. being suitable if the gas be preheated ; after a pause for the formation of C2II2 the gases are quickly cooled, preferably by causing them to do mechanical work. A suitable steam-operated

compressor is described. B. M. Y.

H alogenation process of m aking acetylene and other products. R. G. Wu l f f (U.S.P. 1,880,310, 4.10.32. Appl., 27.3.29).—Hydrocarbons (aliphatic or aromatic) and an active diluent (Cl2, Br, or S) together with H a0 are heated a t considerably above 400° (980°) for <C 5 sec. and rapidly cooled. . B. M. Y.


B r itis h C h em ica l A b s tr a c ts—B .

6 9 4 Cl. I I , — Fu e l ; Ga s ; Ta r ; Mi n e r a l Oi l s.

Production of acetylene from petroleum oil.

H. B. Ki p p e r, Assr. to R. B. Kn o x (U.S.P. 1,883,799, 18.10.32. Appl., 11.9.30).—Petroleum oil is injected by means of a current of H ¡ into an electric arc formed between a stationary and a rotating conical electrode.

The products are withdrawn rapidly and the C2H 2 is separated by suitable means. H. S. G.

Regeneration of w ash oils by distillation. W. C.

H o lm e s & Co., C. Cooper, and I). M. H e n s h a w (B.P.

393,041, 8,3.32).—The wash oil is heated to vaporise the whole of the volatile constituents (benzol and C10l i 8), and the vapours are then subjected to fractional condensation by bringing them in direct or indirect contact -with a cooling medium (I), in one or more fractionating condensers (II), in which the temp, of the vapours issuing from (II) is utilised to control autom atic­

ally the temp, or the rate of feed of (I). A. B. M.

R em oval and recovery of phenols and pyridine from [coal-carbonisation] liquors. W. R. Kn a p p, Assr. to Se m e t- So lv a y Co. (U.S.P. 1,878,927, 20.9.32.

Appl., 10.12.26).—The liquor is brought in intimate contact with C(iHc vapour in an extraction tower com­

prising a no. of superimposed washers. The condensed C6Hg is separated, extracted with H 2S 0 4 to recover the C6H5N, and then distilled to recover the PhOH (etc.), the vapour from the still being returned to the extraction

tower, A. B. M.

R e m o v a l o f p h e n o l s f r o m g a s l i q u o r . W . Tid d y, Assr. to K o p p f .r s Co. o p D e l a w a r e (U.S.P. 1,878,979, 20.9.32. Appl., 20.7.28. Cf. U.S.P. 1,566,796; ' B„

1926, 147).—The liquor is first freed from NH3 by distillation ; the hot liquor while a t about 98° is then scrubbed with an inert gas, e.g., stéam or air, to remove the phenols. Finally the liquor is treated with CaO and distilled to recover the fixed NH3. A. B. M.

D istillation of tar. A. H. Ra d a s c h, Assr. to Ba r r e t t Co. (U.S.P. 1,884,220, 25.10.32. Appl., 31.5.29).—Tar is fractionally condensed from coal- distillation gases and the heavy (A) and light (B) fractions are then distilled separately by intimate contact with the same hot oven gases a t successively lowered temp., the pitch from B forming feed ta r for A.

B. M. V.

Preparation of asphaltic em u lsion s. L. G.

Th o m p so n, A ssr. to Am e r. Bit u m u d s Co. (U.S.P.

I,884,919, 25.10.32. Appl., 11.7.28. Can., 25.7.27).—

A very stable 1 : 1 bitum en-H.,0 emulsion is formed by adding part of the melted asphalt, while stirring, to hot dil. NaOH ; when a scum begins to form, 0-5% of oleic acid is added and the rest of the asphalt together with

< 2% of clay. B. M. V.

Manufacture of aqueous [bitum en-pitch type]

dispersions. L. Kir s c h b r a u n (U.S.P. 1,878,974, 20.9.32. Appl., 15.12.27).—Bitumen or pitch is dis­

persed in an aq. paste of starch the p u of which has been adjusted to 4-0—5-0 by the addition of tannic acid or material containing tannin. The product may contain 60% of bitumen, 1-5—2% of starch, 0-15-A)-2% of tannic acid, and the remainder H aO. A. B. M.

Bitum inous m ixtu res for expansion joints and general construction w ork. A. C. Fis c h e r, Assr. to

Ph i l i p Ca r e y Ma n u f g. Co. (U.S.P. 1,881,436, 11.10.32.

Appl., 16.10.25).—Bituminous material is melted, a flow-retarding filling added, and the whole mixed with fibrous vegetable m atter until a plastic mass is produced without saturation of the pores of the fibre. Liquid rubber may be added to im part elasticity. B. M. V.

Production of aqueous dispersion. H. L. Lev in, Assr. to Fl in tk o tf, Co r p. (U.S.P. 1,881,729, 11.10.32.

Appl., 2.12.27).—An aq. dispersion of bitumen pitch is claimed to be stabilised against electrolytes by the addition of 2—5% of chemically untreated starchy colloid, e.g., maize-starch paste. B. M. V.

Heat treatm ent of hydrocarbon o ils. Standard Oi l Co. (B.P. 394,745, 5.2.32. U.S., 9.2.31).—Heated hydrocarbon oils are supplied selectively to one of a no.

of chambers through a continuous loop passageway having a free passage throughout its length for hot oil flowing in an opposite direction to the selected chamber.

H. S. G.

Conversion of hydrocarbon oils. Ga s o l in e Pro­ d u c t s Co. ( B .P . 393,788, 2.8.32. U.S., 29.8.31).—

Crude petroleum or a residuum is distilled and poly­

merised during passage through a heating coil (A) to an enlarged chamber maintained a t a coking temp.

The evolved vapours are passed to a distillation and fractionation zone in which a light gasoline distillate, a heavier condensate which is returned to A, and a liquid residue are produced. H. S. G.

Conversion of hydrocarbon oils. A. L. Mo n d. From Un iv e r s a l Oil Pr o d u c ts Co. (B .P . 394,867, 1.11.32).—The residual liquid products from a hydro­

carbon oil cracking operation arc withdrawn from the reaction zone (A), quickly heated to coking temp, in a heating coil for a period of time inadequate to cause a deposit of coke, and then introduced into a coking zone operated a t reduced pressure relative to th at

maintained in A. I I . S. G.

C atalysts, m ore particularly for use in the con­

version of hydrocarbons into lighter hydrocarbons [by hydrogenation]. Un it e d Kin g d o m Oi l Co., Lt d., and G. F. Fo r w o o d (B.P. 393,664, 15.9.31),—

A mixture of hydrocarbon and steam is heated in the presence of a catalyst comprising an alloy of Sn (2 pts.) and Fe (1 pt.) containing 1 pt. of Ni, Cr, or Co or a combination thereof. H. S. G.

T reatm ent of hydrocarbon oils w ith alum inium chloride. J. H. Os m e r, Assr. to St a n d a r d Oil Co. o f Ca l if o r n ia (U.S.P. 1,881,901,11.10.32. Appl., 28.12.26).

—The feed oil is vaporised before addit ion of A1C13, and the underflow' and A1C13 from the cracking rectifier is further cracked in a heated reaction chamber, the vapours from which join the feed oil before the vaporiser. B. M. V.

Treating [hydrocarbon] oils. R. Cr o ss, Assr. to Cr o ss De v e l o p m e n t Co r p. (U.S.P. 1,882,000, 11.10.32.

Appl., 1.4.25).—Cracked vapours are passed in counter- current contact with a moving stream of basic Fe compounds, absorbent clay impregnated with Cu

compounds, and steam. B. M. V.

N eutralising acid-treated o ils. H. H. Ca n n o n. Assr. to Ca n n o n- Pr u tzm a n Tr e a t in g Pr o c e s s e s, Lt d- (U .S .P . 1,881,044, 4.10.32. Appl., 8.7.29).—T h e oil is


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lubricant, but it is only a t low speeds and high pressures th a t the benefit of the use of graphite is realised. The object of graphite lubrication is to obtain a

S. Preparation of anhydrous perborates. During both stages dry inert gases m ay be passed over the material, and the tem perature during the second stage may be increased

sisting of Na sulphonates in a polymerised hydrocarbon, the latter being obtained in a preceding operation of the process and returned after treatment with acid and

mined satisfactorily, however, in the standard method for determining ash content. The decolorising power of the char varies inversely with the size of the grains,

ore pulp. Provision is made to return cool products of combustion back to the combustion chamber just beyond the fire-bridge. —The liquid in the still is agitated

For 8 samples from seams of increasing depth in the same mine, this initial temp, of combustion was higher and the volatile content lower with increasing

N. liquor, gas, and benzine condensed from the gas are given for 3 kinds of lignite distilled a t various temp., with and without steam. The products resulting from

parison of the results obtained by a standard gravimetric method with those obtained from the ta rtra te titration on each type of material. Z entr, 1927,1.,