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"Appunti sul ius italicum", G. I. Luzzatto, "Revue internationale des droits de l'antiquité", V : [recenzja]


Academic year: 2021

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SURVEY OF LITERATURE 1950-1951 243 the Roman law in the last phase of its evolution and the recognition of these elements in Justinian's Codification. The author justly remarks that in these studies one ought above all to know the na-ture of the examinated text, the territory and the persons to that it should be applied, to determine if it contains indeed a rule of the Roman law or a rule suitable for the population of the empire: subsequently to establish the relation of it to the provincial law and to inquire why the compilers have bestowed it with a general value admitting it into their codes. In this study the author makes use of the rich papyrological literature and that is one of the reasons of having reviewed it here.

C l a i r e P r é a u x , Sur la réception des droits dans Γ Egypte greco-romain (Revue internationale des droits de Vantiquité IV p. 349—359) In this essay the author asserts that the reciprocal influences, do concern almost exclusively only the Greek law and the native law and that these influences have not been very deep. The cases of influences bear witness without doubt to a process of reception, but they don't permit to assure that they are the result of a will for unifi-cation. One doesn't find in the Greek traditions the principle, accor-ding to which the victor imposes his law upon the vanquished. There is rather to be found the principle of the law of personality, which prevails in the juridical life and preserves on the same soil the integrity of different laws. The fact, that in the moment they come into contact, the Greek and the native laws are more or less on the same level of development, opposes to a prevailing influence on each other.

G. I. L u ζ ζ a t t o , Appunti sul ius italicum (Revue internationale des droits de Vantiquité V pp. 79—110).

Although this study disregards the papyri it deserves neverthe-less ths attention of the papyrologists with regard to its interesting inferences concerning the C. A. on the page 108-9, and in particu-lar that „from the investigation of the ius italicum there results an indication, that the question of the perseverance of local laws after the Constitutio Antoniniana does not seem possible to be resol-ved according the uniform criteria as the prevailing opinion accepts. Before and after the Constitutio Antoniniana problems concerning the grant of the Roman citizenship and problems concerning the local laws have given rise to a number of particular solutions, of which



t h e c o m m u n i t i e s endowed with t h e ius italicum provides a charac-teristic e x a m p l e .

G. I. L u z z a t t o , Dolus malus abesto... et iuris consultus (Appunti suW applicazione del diritto romano nelle provinzie), Estratto da Studi in onore di Enrico Redenti vol. I I (1950) p p . 2-17.

I n t h i s interesting s t u d y t h e a u t h o r is concerned w i t h a f o r m u l a in some sepulchral inscriptions a n d in a t a b l e t of sale discovered in Frisia ( A r a n g i o - R u i z , Fontes I I I N o 137); he asserts t h a t t h e p a r t i e s using t h i s f o r m u l a i n t e n d e d t o r e a c t against t h e application of R o m a n f o r m s also in t h e provinces.

C. B r a d f o r d W e l l e s , Archeological Digest (reprinted f r o m The American Journal of Archeology vol. L I Y № 3 J u l y 1950).

I n t h i s review p. 230 refers t o E g y p t , t o papyrological l i t e r a t u r e a n d to t h e publications of p a p y r i .

M a r c u s N . T o d , Bibliography: Greco-Roman Egypt. Greek Inscrip-tions (1948—1949) (The Journal of Egyptian Archeology vol. 36 (Dec. 1950) p p . 1 0 7 - 1 0 9 ) .

T o d quotes a n article P . M . F r a s e r ' s ( Journal of Roman Stu-dies 39, 56) u n d e r t h e title „ A l e x a n d r i a a d A e g y p t u m a g a i n " who with reference t o a Delian decree ( I G X I , 588) shows t h a t in t h e reign of P t o l e m y P h i l a d e l p h u s t h e Delians r e g a r d e d Alexandria as in, a n d n o t m o r e l y close t o E g y p t ; he cites A. B a y o u m i a n d O. G u é r a u d edited f r a g m e n t of a n e w copy of t h e „Decree of Cano-p u s " in Ann Serv. 46, 373—82 a n d a w o r k ,,Einige ägyCano-ptische Denk-mäler in Schweden" U p p s a l a 1945 k n o w n t o h i m only f r o m t h e sum-maries of J . B i n g e n (Chron. d'Egypte 23, 208) a n d of J . a n d L. R o b e r t (Rev. ét. gr. 62, 156) in which T . S ä v e — S ö d e r -b e r g h pu-blishes t w o f r a g m e n t s , of u n k n o w n p r o v e n a n c e , of a dec-ree passed b y t h e priestly σύνοδος early in t h e reign of P t o l e m y I I E u e r g e t e s , b e f o r e t h e passage of t h e „ D e c r e e of C a n o p u s " ; t h e editor a d d s (pp. 39—41) a list of eight other k n o w n decrees of t h e σύνοδος. D r . S a m u e l E i s e n s t a d t , Repertorium bibliographicum

littera-turae totius iuris prudentiae hebraicae, Hierosolimae 1931. This b i b l i o g r a p h y , which came t o m e j u s t n o w owing t o t h e kin-dness of t h e a u t h o r , contains also t h e papyrological l i t e r a t u r e cf. f. i. p . 297.


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