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"Prosopographische Oproekingen - betreffende Ptolemaeisch Egypte", Willy Peremans, 1951 : [recenzja]


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J o s e f K e i l , Zum Text der Constitutio Antoniniana (Anz. Akad. d. Wiss. Wien, phil.-hist. Kl. Jhg. 1948 №. 11 p. 143 — 151) This article brings a new restoration of the text of the C. A. It runs as follows: Δίδωμι τοίνυν άπα[σι τοις οόσι (ο οΐ αν ώσι) κατά τήν έμ]ήν οίκουμένην π[ολ(.τ]είαν 'Ρωμαίο>ν [μ]ένοντος [ούδενός εςω των έμών δωρημ]άτων χωρ[ίς] των [δε]δεΐ·τικίων. ο[φ]είλει [γ]άρ το [πλήθος ού μόνον συνυπομέ]νειν πάντα, ά[λλ]ά ήδη κ[α]ί τ^ νίκγ(


Ε. S c h ö n b a u e r , Wortlaut und Sinn der Constitutio Antoni-niana (Atti del Congr. intern, di dir. rom. e di storia del diri-tto, vol. I V 105 — 138).

The author voices the opinion that the Constitutio Antoniniana granted to the population of the Empire a general Roman citizens-hip of much inferior quality. This citizenscitizens-hip admitted no civil organisation, governing bodies or validity of local laws. The Roman law valid for the persons of Roman origin was not applicable to those to whom citizenship was granted under the Constitutio Antoni-niana. They were subject to their respective provincial laws.

L e o p o l d W e n g e r , Über die Zukunft des römischen Rechts (Festschrift Schulz, Bd. II p. 364 — 387).

In this interesting article the author considers the value of pa-pyrology with special emphasis upon the history of ancient law. The history of ancient law does not mean at all a uniform interna-tional law but embraces a universal history of law of the ancient world as a part of the universal history of antiquity. To the Greek papyri in Egypt are enjoined national laws, the numerous Demotic and Coptic texts and in Minor Asia a wealth of cuneiform docu-ments with the all-important Hammurabi-code. To examine the mutual influences of the laws of states and nations of the ancient world and the central position of the Roman Empire and its law, we must first become acquainted with these laws and hence their study belongs to the conception of the history of ancient laws — or to say more correctly — to the history of the law of antiquity.

W i l l y P e r e m a n s , Prosopographische Oproekingen - betreffen-de Ptolemaeisch Egypte (Recherches prosopographiques concer-nant l'Egypte ptolémaique) (1951) (with a french summary).


SURVEY OF LITERATURE 1951-1952 279 It is known that the author in collaboration with E. Van't Dack edited a collection of the names of persons who had lived under the reign of Lagides (323 B. C.), in Egyptian metropolies or in the non-Egyptian possessions of those kings. The names are cited in the available sources (authors, inscriptions, papyri, archeological munuments and coins). In this article he writes about the work planned out by the Prosopographia Ptolemaica what are the methods adopted in the face of multiple difficulties, which the work of such kind is liable to encounter; finally he shows the divers and valuable services which can be rendered by a similar work.

W. P e r e m a n s — E. Y a n ' t D a c k , Notes prosopographiques (Chronique d'Egypte №. 52 Juillet 1951 p. 386 — 390).

In this article the author indicates, illustrating his arguments by well chosen examples, how advantageous can be the prosopo-graphic study of the texts for a correct interpretation in particular of titles and dates of certain documents.

Μ. Η о m b e r t, Bibliographie papyrologique (Chronique d'Egypte №. 52 Juillet 1951, p. 411—451).

С. B. W e l l e s , Archaeological Bibliography (American Journal of Archaeology vol. 55 №. 4 October 1951) p. 390 Egypt and Egyptology.

С. B. W e l l e s , Archaeological Bibliography of Current perio-dical Literature (American Journal of Archaeology vol. 56, №. 1 January 1952) p. 76 Greco-Roman Papyrology.

E. W e i s s , Ein neues Werk über die juristische Papyrusforschung. Fortsetzung (Journal of jur. pap. Y 105).

R. T a u b e n s c h l a g , Survey of the literature chiefly 1950 till 1951 (Journal of jur. pap. V 229).

R. T a u b e n s c h l a g , Survey of the papyri chiefly 1950 till 1951 (Journal of jur. pap. V 253).


L e s l i e H. N e a t b y , Romano-Egyptian Relations During the Third Century B. C. (extr. from the Transactions of the American Philological Association vol. L X X X I , 1951).


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