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Zastosowanie włókien celulozowych pochodzących z recyklingu do produkcji papieru i testury przeznaczonych do kontaktu z żywnością


Academic year: 2021

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E ven if there w as a big effort to increase recovery in so m e E u rop ean countries, the result o f 3.3 % in crease o f utilisation rate was m oderate. O n e reason is the fact that in so m e cou n tries the u tilisation rate has b een very high for m any years [2] .

F or years A ustria has had th e highest rate o f w aste paper collection , 1996 it was m ore than 70 % . T h e follow in g Figures show the w aste paper con su m p tion in Austria and th e p ercen tage o f co llection (% collected o f used paper and board) in European countries.

F i g . 1. Waste paper consumption in Austria in 1000 tons


2 Papier i karton do pakowania żywności 139

Recovered P aper and Board C onsum ption in R elation to T otal U se o f R ecycled Fibres in Europe

That m eans tw o third o f the w h ole quantity o f recoverd papers is u sed in 4 countries. • Recovery rates (R ecovered Paper and Board as % o f Paper and Board C on su m ­


In 6 countries th e recovery is less than 40 % .

• U tilisation rates (U s e o f R ecovered Paper and Board as % o f T otal Production o f Paper and Board)

For Denmark no exact figures are available due to moulded products (utilisation rate



There are only 5 countries with a utilisation rate of less than 30 %. Paper products and R ecovered Paper and Board C onsum ption


Papier i karton do pakowania żywności 141

• Groups o f R ecovered Paper G rades (according to E N 643 [3])

Mixed G rades (A 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, В 3) 6 586 000 to Grades for Corrugating (A 4, 5, 6, D 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6) 12 167 000 to Deinking G rades (A 8, 10, И , В 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,

13, С 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10) 9 270 000 to

Others, incl. higher G rades (C 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19) 2 470 000 to

Total R ecovery 30 493 000 to

There are unim portant quantities in category “O thers“available, which cou ld be addressed as P reconsum er Q u alities (Post Industrial W aste, PIW ).


2. F old ing B oxboards (all kinds o f retail-boxes for n on -food articles such as shoes, d etergen ts, hardware, toys, blisterpacking, cigarettes, cosm etics, pharm aceuticals, all kind o f food packaging like liquid packaging, frozen food , dry fo o d , p et fo o d )


Fi g. 4. PCB content in cartonboard in mg/kg, (Limit 2 mg/kg)


Fi g. 8. Cadmium, migration to cold water extract in mg/kg, (Limit 0,5 mg/kg)


F i g . 1 0 . Total Chromium, migration to cold water extract in mg/kg, (Limit 3mg/kg) (Note: Hexavalent chromium is not detectable in all samples)

T h ey ch ecked also the b leed in g o f optical brighteners if there is a con tact with fatty fo o d s and th e b leed in g o f biocides. Since 1993 they determ in ated also primary and secondary aliphatic am ines and if found, far b elow the limit o f W arenw et or Recom- m andation X X X V I.


Papier i karton do pakowania żywności 151

A survey o f the contam ination o f paperboard with germ s and their m igration is given by T E G E W A [23, 24] . T hey state that there is also no m icrobiological risk in the use o f recovered fibers. A n exam p le for packaging o f pizza is given in T ab le I. Mayr-Melnhof has a clo se coop eration with the H ygienic-Institute o f the U niversity in Graz. In a lon gtim e study board w as determ inated to p ath ogen ic germ s. E. coli, Coliforms, Streptococcus, p ath ogen ic Clostridia and Listeria could n ever be d etected (paper in p reparation).

No p athogenic germ s w ere found.

Differentiation o f m igrating germs: C oagulase negative m icrococci Streptom yceae

gram positive, oxidase n egative rods

Remarks: From 4 recycled fiber boards the board with the highest germ ination num ber was ch osen . T h e tests w ere m ade in 3 different in d ep en d en t labs. Every lab did it 5 tim es.

M AFF (M inistry o f A griculure, F isheries and F o o d ) in U K stud ies on the m igration from paper and board food packing m aterials. Y ou will find exam inations about phthalates [25] , am ine m on om er from w et strengh agents [26] , curing agents [27] , fluorescent w hitenin g agents [28] and grease proofing agents [29] and m ore global overview ab out m igration from paper and board [30] w here it is stated, that the levels in the paper and board and con sequ en tly m aximum p oten tial levels o f transfer to packed food s w ere generally found to b e low and the n eed for m igration test is doubtful. In an oth er survey m ade on p en tachloroph en ol (PC P) in p aper and board packages used for retail food [31] M A F F d etected PCP in sam e sam ples, though no PCP was found in packed food at a d etection lim it o f 10 Atg/kg.


If w e con sid er, that a substance o f 2 kg, w hich has sim ilar p rop erties like the used tracer, m ight pass accidentally the control o f recovered paper input in to th e production system , an in crease up to 0.0046 mg lithium per 6 dm 2 w ould b e exp ected .

T h e tracer com p ou n d lithium chloride is an inorganic salt, it cannot b e degraded in biological w ater treatm ent system s. T h e am ount o f organic su bstances w ould decrease b ecau se o f b iological d egradation effects.

So, what w e can learn ou t o f this test is that even an accidentally added substance w ill n ot in crease th e am ount o f this substance in board to a critical con centration level.


I w ill give you an exam p le how board for contact with food is produced in an Austrian m ill based on G M P and how a regulary control by in depend en t institutes is done. F i g . 1 1 . Incoming Control - Fiber Materials


f i g . 12. Quality Control - Cartonboard


Papier i karton do pakowania żywności 157

24. EGEWA (German Association o f the Manufactures of Textiles, Paper and Leather Auxi­ liaries, Tanning and Detergent Raw Material), Germ Load on Packaging Paper and Board - Transfer o f Microorganisms, 1997

25. MAFF Food Surveillance Information Sheet Number 60, May 1995, HMSO London 26. MAFF Food Surveillance Information Sheet Number 90, May 1996, HMSO London 27. MAFF Food Surveillance Information Sheet Number 72, May 1995, HMSO London 28. MAFF Food Surveillance Information Sheet Number 47, 1995, HMSO London 29. MAFF Food Surveillance Information Sheet Number 66, HMSO London 30. Castle et al., Food Additives and Contaminants, 1997, Vol 14, No. 1, 35 - 44 31. MAFF Food Surveillance Information Sheet Number 139, 1997, HMSO London


Powiązane dokumenty

The information was collected from sources such as the International Ergonomics Association, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, International Labour Office, National Institute

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A review and comparison o f the US regulations contained in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Food and Drug Administration (FD A ) and the German ones

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