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Academic year: 2021

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//============================================================== // Deklaracja zmiennej globalnej kategorii 'extern';

// Plik podstawowy projektu; //

// ver data temat autor // 100 2010/11/14 Pierwszy projekt J.Malinowski // 101 2015/10/03 Cleanup JM // 102 2019/12/16 Cleanup JM //============================================================== #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> //---#include "funkcje.h" double glx; //---int main() { //??? register int x1 = 5, y1 = 9; glx = 5.5; double glx = 3.3;

printf("Global variable - before calling the function: %lf\n", ::glx);

printf("Local variable - before calling the function: %lf\n", glx);


printf("Global variable - after calling the function: %lf\n", ::glx);

printf("Local variable - after calling the function: %lf\n", glx);

printf("\nPress any key to terminate program\n"); getch();

return 0; }


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