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Mechanical Characterization of Flexible and Stretchable Electronic Substrates


Academic year: 2021

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Accompanying the thesis

Mechanical Characterization of Flexible and Stretchable

Electronic Substrates

of Lingen Wang

1. Flexible substrates can be subdivided in two classes:

Substrates that allow for inextensial bending only and substrates that due to the larger stretchability allow for more arbitrary bending.

The first group of flexible substrates can only be applied on surfaces with zero Gaussian curvature. The application of the second group of flexible substrates is more general. They can also be applied on doubly curved surfaces. Therefore, the applicability of the second type of flexible substrates will be more general.

2. In engineering, cooperation and communication are more important than conducting experiments and simulations.

3. Plastic strain cannot be used as a measure in a criterion for degradation of the electric conductivity of a metal interconnection (see Chapter 3 of this thesis).

4. Silicone rubber is more suitable as an embedment material in stretchable substrates than polyimide (see Chapter 4 of this thesis).

5. Stretchable substrates that are based on a concept of silicon segments with free-standing interconnections being sandwiched between silicon rubber foils will be advantageous compared to substrates with complete embedment within silicon rubber or polyimide.

6. As technology develops continuously, people do not need to work 5 days a week anymore to solve society problems.

7. The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is often considered as a basic measure of a country’s overall economic performance. However, there is no direct relation between the GDP and the profitability of companies and/or personal actions within a country. Therefore a high GDP does not correlate to the welfare of its inhabitants.

8. The Dutch government has apparently reasons to change over from the present partly fixed and partly energy dependent road tax system to a system that is partly energy dependent and partly driving distance dependent. However, the change in system finally will not solve any problem. The only outcome will be that everyone pays more and the government income will rise.

9. When all countries build electronic driving distance dependent road tax systems separately, travelling through more countries will be hindered by the fact that different electronic registration systems must be installed and used. This development will degrade economic growth and conflicts with the European Union’s basic principle of free travelling.

10. A energy dependent road tax system does not work if the vehicle energy can be taken a source that is not controlled by the government, such as from local wind energy.

These propositions are considered opposable and defendable and as such have been approved by the Promoter Prof. dr. ir. L.J. Ernst.


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