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Dotyczy klas czwartych (2014/15):

UWAGA!!! Od 2012 roku egzamin ustny odbywa się na jednym poziomie i w zmienionej formie (szczegóły mozna znaleźć na stronie OKE http://www.oke.krakow.pl/inf/).

Egzamin na poziomie podstawowym

·         egzamin pisemny trwa 120 minut (czytanie, pisanie, słuchanie)

Egzamin na poziomie rozszerzonym

·         egzamin pisemny składa się z dwóch części: I 120 minut i II 70 minut (I struktury leksykalno-gramatyczne, pisanie; II słuchanie, czytanie, rozpoznawanie struktur


(z zasobów http://www.oke.krakow.pl/inf/ )

Wskazówki dla zdających ( egzamin ustny)

* Pamiętaj, zadaniem egzaminatora nie jest wyłapanie twoich błędów, lecz odnalezienie dobrych odpowiedzi na podane polecenia.

* Mów głośno i pewnie. Utrzymuj kontakt wzrokowy z egzaminatorem, a jednocześnie zerkaj na


* Jeśli nie znasz potrzebnego ci słowa, zastąp go definicją lub opisz go.

* Pamiętaj, że zawsze możesz poprosić egzaminatora o powtórzenie pytania, oczywiście po angielsku. Nie wpłynie to na twoja ocenę.

* Speak English!

Przykładowe pytania egzaminatora:

CZŁOWIEK- dane personalne, wygląd zewnętrzny, cechy charakteru, uczucia, emocje, problemy etyczne.

* Is a person’s appearance important?

* Do you agree with a statement that ‘beauty is only skin deep’? Why/why not?

* What should we do to keep our appearance good?

* Which personality traits do you like and dislike in yourself?

* What influences our mood?

* Which character features are the best/ the worst to own?

* How are emotions important in our lives?

* What can we do to be a good person?

* What is ’love at first sight’?

* How important are our beliefs, religion, colour of skin and nationality?

* All people are equal. Do you agree? Why/why not?

* What kinds of clothes do you like wearing? Is it connected with your personality?

DOM- miejsce zamieszkania, opis domu, pomieszczeń, wyposażenie, wynajmowanie, kupno, sprzedaż.

* Describe the house of your dreams.

* Is it easy for young people to get their own flat nowadays?

* What’s the view from a balcony (city/village)?

* Is it easy to decorate your own flat?

* How can we keep our houses tidy?

* Which type of housing is best for you?

* What’s the difference between living in the country and living in the city?

* What are personality features of a perfect roommate?

* Describe the room of your dreams.

* Which is better: to rent or to buy a flat/ house? Why?

* What kitchen appliances can we find in every house?

* What’s your favourite type of room?

* Why do people keep pets at home?

* Why do people have dishwashers/electrical kettle etc in their kitchens?

* Should young people help with the housework/household jobs?


SZKOŁA- przedmioty, oceny, wymagania, życie szkoły, egzaminy, kształcenie pozaszkolne, system oświaty.

* What are good and bad sides of today’s schools?

* Why is education important?

* Should students join extra school classes? Why/why not?

* What’s your opinion on tutorials?

* What’s your favourite subject at school and why?

* How would you improve a school system in your country?

* How can people develop their skills?

* How will Polish schools change in the future?

* What are the rules at Polish schools?

* What is the school system in Poland like?

* Do you like studying alone or in a group?

* Do you like preparing for tests?

* Which personal features should a good teacher have?

* What are the ways of broadening your horizons?

PRACA- zawody, warunki pracy, zatrudnienie, praca dorywcza, rynek pracy.

* How to write a perfect CV?

* What would you like to do in the future?

* Which jobs are dangerous in your opinion?

* What to do to get a good job?

* What’s your opinion on seasonal work?

* How can we stop unemployment?

* Why do so many young people work abroad?

* Which jobs are stressful and why?

ŻYCIE RODZINNE I TOWARZYSKIE- okresy życia, członkowie rodziny, czynności codzienne, czas wolny, święta, uroczystości, styl życia, konflikty i problemy.

* How do you spend your free time?

* How important are family and friends?

* Which festivals do you celebrate in your country?

* What kind of problems do families have?

* What are the problems of teenagers?

* How can we solve teenagers’ problems?

* Is going to the cinema popular?

* What to do not to get bored?


* How do people celebrate Christmas/ Easter in your country?

* Should women stay at home and be housewives or should they go to work?

* Is watching tv a good way of spending time?

ŻYWIENIE- artykuły spożywcze, potrawy, posiłki, lokale, dieta.

* What’s your favourite food and why?

* What are typical dishes in your country?

* How to prepare a typical Polish dish?

* Do families have meals together often?

* Where do you like doing your shopping?

* Do you think young people often prepare their own meals?

* Why are fast food restaurants so popular nowadays?

* Eating out can be a pastime. What do you think?

* What’s the best diet for a teenager?

* Why do the people study the menu carefully at restaurants?

* Is eating in restaurants popular in Poland?

* What are eating habits in Poland?

* Which food is healthy /unhealthy?

* What is the most important meal of the day and why?

ZAKUPY I USŁUGI- sklepy, towary, sprzedawanie, kupowanie, reklamacja, środki płatnicze, banki, ubezpieczenia, reklama.

* What types of shops are most popular among teenagers?

* What can you buy in a supermarket?

* Why do so many people do shopping in big shopping malls?

* Why do people do shopping?

* Why are shopping centres so popular?

* What are the ways of doing shopping nowadays?

* What is advertising?

* What’s your favourite advert or tv commercial?

* Why do so many companies advertise their products?

* What things do girls/ boys like to buy?

* What are the ways of paying for goods?

PODRÓŻOWANIE I TURYSTYKA- środki transportu, noclegi, informacja turystyczna, wycieczki, zwiedzanie, wypadki, awarie.


* Why do people travel?

* Why do people emigrate to other countries?

* Can travelling educate us? Why/ why not?

* What are the problems of foreign tourists?

* Do many people travel abroad?

* Where do you stay when you travel?

* Why is travelling by car so popular?

* Is travelling by plane becoming more or less popular?

* Tell me something about the flights-what makes them comfortable?

* Is visiting historical places popular?

* What are the ways of traveling around the world?

* What’s the best way to travel in your opinion?

* Where can you stay overnight when you travel?

* What are the types of holidays people can go on?

* Do you think drivers have many problems in city centres?

* What are the most interesting places to visit in your area?

* Where would you like to go?

* What are bad sides of camping?

* Which country/ city would you like to visit and why?

* What do you need to take with you when you travel?

* What precautions do you need to take when you travel to a remote country?

* What’s your opinion on travel agencies?

KULTURA- dziedziny kultury, twórcy, dzieła, uczestnictwo w kulturze.

* What is art.?

* Who is your favourite writer?

* Who is your favourite singer?

* Who is your favourite artist?

* What’s your favourite film/ book/ play?

* Who can be an artist?

* Do you think music is important to young people?

* Why do people to the cinema/ theatre/ opera?

* Why do people go to museums and art galleries?

* Do people like going to the museums?

* What are good and bad sides of being a famous artist/ person?

* Art is important in our lives. Do you agree? Why/ why not?

SPORT- dyscypliny, sprzęt, imprezy sportowe, sport wyczynowy, sporty ekstremalne.

* Why do people practise sport?


* Why do people go to fitness clubs or gyms?

* How is sport important in our lives?

* Why do people take up extreme sports?

* What’s the best sport to practice if you’re a teenager/ an elderly person?

* Practising sport is expensive. Do you agree? Why/ why not?

* Which sports equipment can be expensive?

* What are good and bad sides of being a sportsman?

* What to do to become a professional sportsman?

* Why do people take part in marathons?

* Why do so many sportsmen dream of taking part in the Olympic Games?

* Which sports are easy to practice and which ones are difficult or dangerous?

ZDROWIE- higieniczny tryb życia, schorzenia, przyczyny, symptomy, choroby, leczenie, niepełnosprawni, uzależnienia, system ochrony zdrowia.

* What to do to be in good health?

* What’s the role of hospitals and treatment centres?

* Why do people go to a doctor?

* Is a doctor’s job easier nowadays than it used to be a long time ago?

* Which illnesses are dangerous and why?

* Why do people take drugs?

* How do you like taking a rest?

* Why is it good to drink a lot of water?

* Why do people go to a dentist’s?

* What can be done to make children’s stay in hospitals more comfortable?

* How can we prevent young people from taking drugs?

* How can we help a person who is addicted to drugs?

* How would you improve the National Health Service in Poland?

* What’s the best way to stay young and energetic?

* What’s your opinion on the disabled?

NAUKA, TECHNIKA- odkrycia, wynalazki, technika, nauka, urządzenia techniczne, środki przekazu, przetwarzanie informacji, nowoczesna technologia.

* What’s the importance of inventions and discoveries?

* What’s your opinion on modern technology?

* What are the most important inventions in your opinion?

* Why do people want to discover new places/ things?

* Who can get the Nobel Prize and why?

* Is it important to learn how to operate a computer?

* Which electrical and electronic appliances are useful in our lives?

* How do we use modern technology in our everyday lives?

* How can people communicate?


* What’s the best way of communication nowadays?

* Why do so many people use the Internet?

* What can you use a computer for?

* Why do people use so many electrical and electronic machines in their homes?

ŚWIAT PRZYRODY- klimat, świat roślin i zwierząt, krajobraz, zagrożenie i ochrona środowiska, klęski żywiołowe, przestrzeń kosmiczna.

* What’s the weather like today?

* What’s the best season in your opinion and why?

* What’s the difference between the summer and winter time?

* How can we save endangered species?

* How can we protect our environment?

* What’s good and what’s bad for our environment?

* What kinds of disasters do you know? Describe two of them.

* What happens during an earthquake?

* Why are tornados and tsunami dangerous?

* How can we help people who suffer because of disasters?

* Why do astronauts go into space?

* How does the weather influence our mood?

* What disasters do you know? Describe.

PAŃSTWO I SPOŁECZEŃSTWO- struktura państwa, urzędy, organizacje międzynarodowe, przestępczość, problemy i konflikty wewnętrzne i międzynarodowe, polityka społeczna, partie i politycy, kościoły i religie, gospodarka.

* What are the problems of third world countries?

* Which international organizations are useful and important?

* What can we do to stop crime?

* What do the police do to protect people?

* What do people think of the police and their work?

* Why do the police use notebooks when sth happens?

* What kinds of crimes do you know and which one is the most cruel?

* What’s the role of the police and prisons?

* What are good and bad sides of being a politician?

* What would you like to change in your country?

* What personal features should a president have?

* What problems do Polish people have?

* What’s your opinion on racism?

* Why do people fight?

* What are the reasons for wars?


Trade Center?

* What to do to keep peace in the world?


(podane informacje mogą być zawarte w tekstach podczas pisania, a w szczególności czytania i słuchania)

Uczeń powinien znać pełną nazwę Wlk. Brytanii, podział na regiony wraz ze stolicami, wymienić główne miasta UK, zabytki, w szczególności zabytki i znane miejsca Londynu, miejscowości nadmorskie, sławne regiony, potrawy, tradycje i zwyczaje, symbole, wymienić gł członków rodziny królewskiej i osobowości ze świata kina, teatru, muzyki, literatury etc.

Przygotowała Beata Śliwa



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