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The Use of Mathematical Methods and Computers for Analysing Tendencies of Development of Science and Engineering


Academic year: 2021

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G. M. Dobrov (U.S.S.R.)




All sciences, developed u n d er th e influence of vital inquiries and social practice are constantly taking care of im proving th e ir methods, as well as p u ttin g and solving problem s w hich become more and more complicated. “The scientific study of things has two principal o r final aims: forseeing and pro fit,” as M endeleyev said [1].

This observation refers also to the history of science and technology. Scientists w orking in th e field striv e to generalize the experiences of progress and to forsee its fu tu re routes. These aims m ake th e problem of fu rth e r developm ent of methods of investigation used in this field actual in a new way.

The history of science knows, th a t all branches of science pass in th e ir developm ent through such essentially different stages as:

1) th e descriptive one, in w hich th e facts and observations are col­ lected and prim arily system atized;

2) the logico-analytical one, in which the phenom ena are being analysed quantitatively;

3) and the last stage, synthesizing qualitative and quantitativ e methods.

R eferring to this tendency in the developm ent of science K. M arx said: “Science only th en attain s perfection, w hen it succeeds in using m athem atics.” [2]

V arious q uan titativ e m ethods and m odem technical means of data processing are typical for today’s history of science. Of course, th e use of m athem atics and com puters in th e investigator’s w ork does not dim inish th e significance of qualitative m ethods of analysis m astered


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before. To the contrary, it imposes high dem ands on the level of really scientific methodology and gives to th e scientist new im portant facts, grounds and possibilities for deeper understanding of the phenomena.

Problem s of the history of scientific and technological progress, which are being studied w ith the help of new methods, deal closely w ith th e fields of in terest of many branches of science and engineering, those of inform ation services and of institutions controlling th e de­ velopm ent of science and technology.

A ctualization of tasks is a n atu ra l resu lt of the developm ent of the history of science. Scientific and technical progress as a whole embodies the past, th e present and the future. It inherits p ast experiences and traditions, reflects th e m odern views, possibilities and needs and finally it bears the corns of m ethods and ideas of th e fu tu re.

The increasing general ra te of scientific progress and its growing interpendence w ith other aspects of life stipulate obvious changes w ithin the very idea of the “H istory of Science.” W hat took w hole centuries before is now adays perform ed w ithin some decades. The historical period of th e past 65 years of our century comprisez, more than % of all scientifc and technical achievem ents and over 90% of all scientific inform ation worked out by mankind.

In our opinion, history of science should be looked at as scientific, trustw orthy inform ation concerning th e scientific and technological experience of th e past, generalized a t th e contem porary level of know­ ledge.

Such an approach is usually connected w ith considerable methodical and technical difficulties. A t th e same tim e th e re is too much and too little inform ation. This is even more essential for historians, than for scientists in any other field—since th e solving of historical problem s dem ands facing wide fields of- inform ation, covering a long tim e-period as a rule.

The mass of scientific and technical inform ation accum ulated by m ankind is doubling each 10— 15 years. This leads to growing losses of useful data. The lot of duplicated “discoveries” and repeated “in­ ventions” is growing. It is known, th a t 2/3 and often more of all p aten t declarations repeat the inventions m ade before.

One m ay assert th a t we know m ore and more about the m ysteries of n atu re and the possibilities of technique and, a t the same time, a constantly dim inishing p a rt of w h at is already no m ystery for history becomes available to us.

W ithout denying the necessity of reaching the aims of historical chronicles of progress, life suggests new problems, especially inherent to two directions being form ed now:

a) “science of science”


The first direction is being form ed on the basis of a new approach to the study of the history of science and the second one—on the basis of m astering new m ethods of research on th e history of technology.

It is possible to try to form ulate th e principal tasks of above direc­ tions [3]. They are: to generalize th e experiences of developm ent; to acquire such knowledge of the w orld of scientific and technological progress which would enable to assist the optim isation of the process of developm ent w ith the help of social and organizational influence.

The form of o u tp u t of “final resu lts” of investigation in this field should of course be renewed. As the new methods of investigation are being m astered, concrete proposals based on th e scientific analysis of history should be presented to the agencies controlling scientific and techno­ logical progress. The practical participation in creating actual infor­ m ation systems can help to use more fully the experience of the past. Such aims make th e task of m astering m athem atical m ethods and using m odem com puting techniques in our historical investigations especially im portant.

The history of science and technology sensed since long th e need for new methods. In recent years, w hen this need became especially acute, the possibilities to satisfy it have been enlarged due to general scientific progress. We have to be prepared for th e fact th a t general rapid p ro ­ gress of inform ation and com puting techniques, along w ith th e achie­ vem ents in m athem atics and cybernetics will open in the close fu tu re new wide possibilities of effective processing of huge am ounts of historico-technological and historico-seientific inform ation.

Deep study of the logic of scientific and technological creation, preparing the classification of science and technique, th e stu d y of moving reasons and contradictions in development, scientific analysis of the role of social and economic factors of progress and regress—all those are necessary and im portant conditions in m astering new m ethods and technical means of research on historical problems.


F irst of all is possible to point out four types of problem s w hich differ in levels and m ethods of solution: 1

1) inform ation retrieval;

2) statistical and com putational problems;

1 This basic common character of processing inform ation exceeds the lim its cf the history of scien ce alone. We can point out problem s at various lev els in all sciences m astering computer m ethods of data processings. It is appropriate to m ention here the analogy betw een the “science of science” and structural- -m athem atical linguistics, as w ell as between concrete h istorico-techn ical analysis and concrete sociological investigations.


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3) logical (comparative) inform ation analysis; 4) study of phenom ena and modelling of processes.

The difference betw een the problem s consists in depth and logical com plexity of processing inform ation, w hile on each level the problems are extrem ely varied in actual details [4, 5].

1) The collection of data, documents, bibliography and other similar problems determ ined as “inform ation retrieval”. These are usually labour-consum ing tasks. V initi, p aten t service and cybernetics have vuluable experience in this field for the historian of science [6, 7]. The historian M. Braichevsky in co-operation w ith the In stitu te of Cyber­ netics (Kiev—E. Skorokhodko) carried out a successful experim ent in compiling bibliographical surveys on archeology in th e U kraine using the com puter “U ral—L .” [8]

The D epartm ent of H istory of Technology and N atu ral Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the UkSSR (G. Dobrov, L. Sm irnov [9, 10] 2 together w ith the cybernetists from Donetsk (A. P iatkin, M. Fedorenko) solved on the com puter “U ral—I ” a num ber of problem s concerning retrospective search for m aterials in the field of history of technology [11, 12]. At the In stitu te of H istory of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (U. K aakhk, H. Palli) punch-cards w ith the edge perforation are widely used for sim ilar aims [13]. H istorians of technology S. Shukhardin, V. K lim eniuk have w orked out a universal punch-card index for registering events and facts concerning world history of scientific and technical progress [14].

The search for historical m aterial w ith th e help of perforation tech­ nique (the system of “A ritm a”) has been successfully m astered by the Institutes of H istory of the European Socialist countries such as the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences [12]. The experience of using edge and machine punch-cards in various investigations on the history of science and technology has been forw arded also in the Laboratory of M achine M ethods of Processing Historico-Technical Inform ation of our D epartm ent [16].

2) The analysis of quantitative statistical regularities of different processes over time. For th e m ajority of sciences w hich have since long taken the path of m athém atisation this is a well m astered method. Active penetration of m athem atics into branches of knowledge begins, as a ru le w ith form ulating and solving statistical calculating problems of different kind. The m athém atisation of classical hum anities and in p articu lar of the historical sciences has begun in th e same way. 3 V. Us­ tinov, a historian and specialist of com puter techniques from Novo­

2 The authors are w orking at the Laboratory of Processing Historical Information.

3 See, for exam ple, the reports of the A ll-U nion conference on C ybern etics


sibirsk, became a pioneer in solving such problem s for different hum an sciences, basing on sources of mass inform ation [18, 19] Having started w ith the brilliant work of decoding ancient Maya inscriptions, having solved a series of problem s p u t forth by the historians of the w orking class and peasantry of the USSR (Z. K arpenko, J. Kovalchenko) [20, 21], V. U stinov together w ith A. Deyev recently pay m uch attention to the task of preparing a library of standard program m es for problem s of a sim ilar kind, especially those serving for concrete sociological in­ vestigations [10]. Such experience of using the com puter has also been accum ulated in other historical investigations [9, 22].

A series of various statistical problem s concerning the historical experience of science organization has been solved in the USA by D. Price [23, 24, 25] and by his assistants (L. Badash, D. B ritton and others). An interesting historical and scientific analysis of th e com­ parative accuracy of astronom ical data given by Ptolem y, Copernicus and contem porary scholars was carried out by O. G ingerich a t H arvard U niversity [26]. Czechoslovak scholars I. Folta and L. Novy [27] have analysed on detailed statistical m aterial historical tendencies in th e developm ent of m athem atics for more than 200 years. The Laboratory of Com puter M ethods of Processing H istorico-Scientific Inform ation in Kiev has solved some of the statistical problem s of analyzing th e historical experience in the field of inventions and tendencies of scien­ tific developm ent (G. Dobrov, L. Smirnov, V. Klim eniuk) [9, 28].

3) Logical analysis of scientific inform ation. These problem s include the comparison of inform ation contents the establishm ent of proxim ity, degree of sim ilarity and the level of novelty, the definition of succession and trends in the historical developm ent of events and phenom ena. In archeology and historiography these are problem s of identification and dating of m aterial sources.

In the field of historico-technical analysis we tried to establish, together w ith E. Skorokhodko and E. Levin, and w ith the aid of a com­ puter, the degree of sim ilarity between different technical and scientific solutions, established a t different times [9, 10].

In the Lebanon H. H addad and E. K ennedy solved the problem of identification of ancient nam es in th e field of history of geography [29].

A ttem pts at w orking out prognosing judgem ents concerning the fea­ tu res of technology d uring the n ex t 10— 15 years on the base of ana­ lysing trends in the inventing experience, w ithin definite branches of technique (Moscow—I. Ivanov, B. Tardov and others) [9, 30], are of particu lar in terest and high actuality.

4) The modelling of processes and phenomena of historical develop­ m ent. This is an especially complicated and im portant class of problem s 17 — O r g a n o n , N r 4/67


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w hich is closely connected w ith w orking out generalized scientific ideas and creating a logically capacious and m ighty m athem atical body of science.

Interesting attem p ts are known to describe directly th e historical phenom ena w ith the help of m athem atical equations [31, 32], but those attem pts have not y et been developed and realized.

The generalizing methodological works [33, 38] have special significance for successful use of cybernetical tools in history.

The K iev cybernetists u nd er the leadership of V. Glushkov have perform ed perpective attem pts of modelling the historical processes of evolutionary development. (A. Letichevsky, A. Dorodnitsina) [39]; they are elaborating th e m achine language of scientific inform ation (Z. Skorokhodko, L. Pshenichnaya, T. G ryasnukhina) [40].

In the Laboratory of Com puter M ethods of Processing Historico- -Scientific Inform ation, a p atte rn of the stru ctu re of th e historical flow of inform ation on technical ideas and typical models of th e mechanisms of science interaction (i.e. the process of differentiation and integration of science) have been w orked out [41].

Some interesting perspectives for concrete study and modelling the stru c tu re of logical connections in th e process of historical science developm ent opens the citate index method, which was successfully used in historico-scientific investigations by J. Bernal [43] and G. Garfield [43, 44]. I t is seen from this short review th a t th e re is a variety of modern technical means, allowing to solve effectively different kinds of historical and technical problems. One should clearly distinguish three levels of technical means which increase according to th e ir com plexity and possibilities:

A) punch-cards w ith edge perforation and the so-called “small m echanization” of inform ation work;

B) com puter punch-cards, sorters and tabulators to work w ith them ; C) computers.

To be b ette r oriented on such means, one should in our opinion be guided by the following complex of criteria:

a) the size of the accum ulated store of inform ation; b) th e rate of historical increase of the inform ation; c) logical com plexity of the problem s being solved;

d) frequency of the repeated use of historical inform ation available; e) difficulties in preparing the data.

Proceeding from the available experience it is possible to give a ge­ neralized sum m ary of possibilities of processing inform ation at various technical levels, as applied to the main types of problem s being solved (Table).


The survey projects presented below express a wide and increasing range of in terest in the use of m athem atical and com puting techniques for means of historical investigation. On th e o th er hand it should be definitely stressed, th a t investigations in these perspective directions are still in th e stage making. The fact, th a t during those last years stable scientific bodies have been forned in some countries, and th a t those bodies are engaged in investigation concerning the “science of science” as w ell as concrete historico-technical analysis, has to play an im portant p art. Level of computer techniques Types of problems R etrospective retrieval S tatistical com puting problem s L ogical analysis of information M odelling of historical processes

Punch cards w ith edge perforation and m eans of “sm all m echaniza­ tion” Yes P artly No No Computer punch- -cards, sorters, tabulators Y es Yes Partly No

Computers Yes Yes Yes Y es

Thus, th e In stitu te of th e H istory of Science, the leading study of w hich concerns “science about scientific activity,” has been functioning a t Yale U niversity, USA (chief, prof. D. Price).

A D epartm ent of “science of science” (chief, prof, A. Tuszko) was organised a t th e In stitu te of the H istory of Science and Technology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The leading scientific problem there is the generalizing of th e experience of perspective science planning and th e analysis of the effectiveness of scientific activity.

The In stitu te of Theory of Science O rganisation and P lanning of the Czechoslovakian Academy of Science (chief, prof. B. Starnovsky) has been generalizing the experience of science organization.

A specially form ed research working group a t the Presidium of th e G erm an Academy of Science in Berlin, G. D. R. (H. M üller, F. B am etski) has been developing m ethods of estim ating and analysing th e results of scientific activity and generalizing th e experience of science pro­ gnostics.


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G eneral methodological problem s of the theory of science are being studied a t the In stitu te of the H istory of Science and Technology of the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R. (B. Kedrov, S. M ikulinsky, N. Rodnyi).

For the Section of Machine M ethods of Processing the Historico- -Scientific Inform ation of the D epartm ent of the H istory of Technology and Science of th e Academy of the U kraine the leading problem s are:

1) Profound historical and technical analysis of technological experience and of concrete regularities of creative invention in im portant branches of technique. We think, th a t the results of such investigation could be inculcalted in practical w ork of existing inform ation services.

2) Scientific analysis of historically shaped levels of science and historical experience of organization of scientific activity. The results of such w ork would be useful for organs controlling scientific develop­ ment.

3) P reparing basic works on the history of scientific and technical progress using traditional m aterials from d ifferent sciences and also results, achieved w ith the help of new methods of investigation. Con­ crete attem pts at prognosticating historical w ays of scientific and technical progress should be u n dertaken in such works.


We hope, th a t once the new directions of investigation have been outlined, the im proving of their methods will be useful for turning the interests of the historians of science to the needs of life and practice. It is possible, th a t the attem p t to outline the present and fu tu re p ro ­ blems of the two new directions of investigation in contem porary history of science and technology will be of use for this work.

Perspective problems of concrete historico-technical analysis 1. Introducing the historico-technical inform ation in such a form, which would enable its fu rth e r processing by using machine languages and methods of coding the historical inform ation. The results of m a­ them atical linguistics and scientific docum entation are used here.

2. Inform ation concerning inventive and designing experience in concrete branches of technology w hich has been collected and analysed by historians, should be used w hile solving problem s of inform ation. (For exam ple — selection of m aterial according to subject m atters; “signal” inform ation of p aten t connections etc.) Such m aterial should also serve for solving various statistical tasks. (For exam ple—analysis of statistical distribution, frequency characteristics, correlation, etc.)


3. Working out a set of “stan d ard ” program m es for concrete historico-technica] analysis of inventive and designing experience. Fulfilling the algorythm of identification of th e contents of the “found anew ” or “supposed anew ” decisions w ith the technological ideas accum ulated before. Realizing the program m es of analysis of the historical experience, which takes into consideration the relative significance of various technical ideas and th e ir logical interconnections.

4. Practical participation of the historians in creating inform ation- -reference systems, which aim at: a) operative inform ation about possible (approved) versions of solving technical problem s; b) objective evaluation of changing tendencies in concrete fields of engineering; c) w orking out a system scientifically based upon prognosing suggestions and technical conditions.

5. Profound study of concrete historical regularities and tren d s in technical creative work. (For exam ple—modelling some aspects of th e historical process of technical developm ent; attem p t a t exposing the algorythm of inventive activity in concrete branches of engineering.)

6. Combining qualitative analysis w ith the defining of concrete quantitative characteristics of the historical process; it is possible to prepare fundam ental works dealing w ith the history of definite technical means w ith fields of technology and w ith technical developm ent as a whole.

Problems concerning the general science of science

1. The making of a form al and m athem atical body of the “science of science”. Side by side w ith w ider and more delicate use of statistical m ethods one has to m aster here other m athem atical methods.

The system s approach to the study of science and its stru ctu ra l analysis will im prove on this basis. P u ting into practice the ideas and possibilities of modelling the processes of scientific developm ent is also bound up w ith im proving the m athem atical body.

I t is obvious, th a t the most im portant preconditions for successful use of the m ighty means of contem porary m athem atics are: th e making of a formalized language, the form ation of a definite system of notions and, w hat is especially im portant, the w orking out of concrete indexses for various characteristics of scientific development. It is possible to presume, th a t investigations in this field w ill in the course of time, form a trend which will deserve the nam e of “scientiom etrics.”

For scientits generalizing th e m any years of experience of scientific developm ent this trend should create a m athem atical body of historical analysis which would m eet th e ir specific demands. The use of it, will in tu rn allow th e science of science to m ake a contribution to the theory of scientific docum entation and to the practice of scientific inform ation services.


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2. The study of the historical experience of labour organization in the field of science.

This problem w ill require the use of some of the m ethods of concrete sociological investigations, and also of some resu lts and m ethods worked out by “engineering psychology.” On this basis historians will be able to study thoroughly such traditionally interesting problem s as “scientific schools,” the history of communities of creative w orkers and the analysis of creative activity of many outstanding men of science. One should expect th e results in this field to be a concrete contribution to th a t fu tu re scientific subject, which is sometimes called: “scientific labour organization in science.”

3. The analysis of historical changes in the developm ent of science organisation and the search for optim al structu res of scientific staff and of scientific institutions.

All this is a valuable source of practically im portant conclusions and observations. A sim ilar kind of analysis can lend new im pact to the study of the history of form ation and developm ent of large scien­ tific organizations, such as the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.

4. The problem of historical changes in various aspects of effective­ ness of scientific activity.

We face a num ber of problem s here, startin g w ith the level of scientific activity and individual results, and ending w ith economic effectiveness of science. Using such data one may expect th e analysis and the estim ations of the history of science to be integral and con­ vincing. One m ay also expect results, valuable for the “economics of scientific activ ity ” which are now being form ed w ithin the general fram ew ork of economic sciences. The experience and results obtained in this field may be of essential value for solving problem s of financial policy tow ards science, based on estim ating the results of the activity of scientific institutions and th e expediency of scientific trends.

5. The study of the experience of functioning of scientific systems and th e ir interaction w ith other sciences, w ith engineering and with industry.

It is obvious in the general historical plan, th a t no “chronicle” of science can have a really scientific character w ithout including original experience of such interaction. It should be expected th a t the results of solving the above problems will be widely used for study on the now urgently needed research topic, concerning the “scientific basis of planning and controlling scientific activity.” And even before this subject comes to life, the results obtained by the investigators of the history of scientific and technological progress may be of use for solving problem s of the tactics of science planning.

6. G eneralisation of the experience in prognosticating the ways of science.


W orking on this problem means th e exposing of one more precious facet of a single, in its essence, historical experience of science. I t is possible for fu tu re investigations in this field to develop into a new scientific trend, the “theory of scientific prognosticating.“ Such historic experience in prognosticating may be of great use for solving practical problem s of preparing the strategy of science and of its perspective planning.

7. Studying the functioning of science as a whole in its interaction w ith society.

C ontem porary science possesses a basic am ount of investigations in th e field. They enter u n d er the heading: “Sociology of science.” New aspects of this problem, full of present interest, are linked up w ith the processes of contem porary scientific revolution. The resu lts of research having been enriched and particularized by way of new methods of specific sociological approach are called to become a con­ tribution in the course of preparing scientific grounds for governm ent policy tow ards science.

8. W orking out th e generalizing concepts of science of science, as the science about scientific activity as a whole.

This w ork is aimed a t giving a single methodological approach to the analysis, the estim ations and the solving of m any different “science of science” problems. It m ay be supposed, th a t such conceptions will arise while using the ideas and experience of n atu ra l sciences (e. g. inform ation theory), of philosophy (e. g. the logic of science) and also of the history of science and technology. Investigations on this problem may, perhaps, correspond to w h at is sometimes called the “theory of science,” b ut of course, they do not exhaust all c u rre n t problem s of the science of science.

To have reasonable chances of success in th eir w ork for th e cause of developm ent and for th e application of new m ethods of investigation the historians m ust conclude an alliance w ith a broad variety of spe­ cialists. This joint w ork m ust prom ote m aking the highest principle of science come true: “out, of the past, through th e present, into th e fu tu re.”


[1] Д. И. Менделеев, Основы химии, I, Петербург 1906, стр. 9. [2] Воспоминания о Марксе и Энгельсе, Москва, 1956, стр. 66.

[3] Т. Kotarbiński, «Przegląd problemów nauk o nauce», Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa, War­ szawa, 1965 №. 2—3, s. 5.

[4] Г. М. Добров, „О предвидении развития науки”, Вопросы философии' 1964, № 10, стр. 71-82; Veda a iivot Praha 1965, №. 8, pp. 449—457; Minerva, 4, London 1966, №. 2.


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[5] Г. M. Добров, „О применении математических методов и ЭВМ в исследованиях по исто­ рии техники”, Нариси з icmopiï технти на УкраМ, Кшв, 1964, стр. 3-18; Kwartalnik Hi­

storii Nauki i Techniki 1965, № 1—2, s. 3—17.

[6] А. И. Гринкруг, В. H. Клименюк, Е. И. Левин, Общее науковедение и документалистика. (Библиография), Киев 1966, около 800 названий. [7] М. Ю. Брайчевский, Э. Ф. Скороходько, JI. Э. Пшеничная, „Машинный библиографи­ ческий поиск в области археологии”, Научно-техническая информация (ВИНИТИ), 1963, № 8, с. 13—16. [8] Первый Симпозиум по применению количественных методов и вычислительной техники в исследованиях по истории научно-технического прогресса, Киев 1966, 45 стр.

[9] G. Dobrow, V. Klimeniuk, S. Shukhardin; "Thosaurus of Scientific Events," Organon 4 [10] Использование счетно-вычислительных устройств в исследованиях по истории науки

и техники, Москва 1966, стр. 187.

[11] Г. М. Добров, „Применение ЭВМ для историко-технических исследований”, Вопросы

истории естествознания и техники, 1965, вып. 19; Vynalezy, Praha 1964,№ 10, s. 191—193; Publikacije elektrotechnickogo fakulteta Universiteta u Beogradu, Serija: Matematika i fizika,

1965, No. 132-142. [12] JI. П. Смирнов, „Пщготовка шформацп i виб1р методу ïï кодувания для розв’язання завдань юторико-техн1чногоанал1зу на електронних цифрових обчислювальних машинах” Нариси з icmopii технти i природознавства, V Кшв 1965, стр. 20—28. [13] В. М. Клименюк, X. Е. Палл1, „Використання перфокарт у наукових дослщженнях”, Украшський icmopu4Huü журнал, 1965, № 3, стр. 79—87. [14] Г. М. Добров, В. Н. Клименюк, С. В. Шухардин, Перфокартотеки для исследований по истории научно-технического прогресса, Киев 1966, 40 стр.

[15] М. Svankmajer, V. Vanek, ”К otazce pouźiti vypocotni techniku v Historicke prace”

Racionalisace prace, strojove spracovani informaci v knihovnach a utvarech, Praha, 1963

s. 93—103; Vestnik ĆSAV, Praha 1963, № 3.

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