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Michał OkulewiczWarsaw University of TechnologyFaculty of Mathematics and Information ScienceM.Okulewicz@mini.pw.edu.pl JavaScript: jQuery


Academic year: 2021

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JavaScript: jQuery

Michał Okulewicz

Warsaw University of Technology

Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science


jQuery: introduction

jQuery is a JavaScript library dedicated to easier operations on several HTML DOM elements in one function

Current version

1.x – supports IE 6, 7 and 8

2.x – does not support IE 6,7 and 8

jQuery hides browser specific functions and


jQuery: basic query

jQuery utilizes CSS selectors in $() function

$('li') instead of


$('ol ul li') instead of

very long plain JS code




Applying styles/classes to all selected elements

Attaching events to all selected elements http://api.jquery.com/category/events/event-


Animating selected elements


CSS styles and classes



$(selector/element).css(style name, value)


JS events



$(selector/element).keypress(handler) etc.


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