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A Graph-based Dataset of Commit History of Real-World Android apps


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Delft University of Technology

A Graph-based Dataset of Commit History of Real-World Android apps

Geiger, Franz-Xaver; Malavolta, Ivano; Pascarella, Luca; Palomba, Fabio; Di Nucci, Dario; Bacchelli,


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Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR. ACM, New York,


Citation (APA)

Geiger, F-X., Malavolta, I., Pascarella, L., Palomba, F., Di Nucci, D., & Bacchelli, A. (2018). A Graph-based

Dataset of Commit History of Real-World Android apps. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference

on Mining Software Repositories, MSR. ACM, New York, NY (pp. 30-33). Association for Computing

Machinery (ACM).

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Delft University of Technology

Software Engineering Research Group

Technical Report Series

A Graph-based Dataset of Commit History

of Real-World Android apps

Franz-Xaver Geiger, Ivano Malavolta, Luca Pascarella, Fabio

Palomba, Dario Di Nucci, and Alberto Bacchelli

Report TUD-SERG-2018-008



Published, produced and distributed by: Software Engineering Research Group Department of Software Technology

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science Delft University of Technology

Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6 2628 XE Delft

The Netherlands ISSN 1872-5392

Software Engineering Research Group Technical Reports: https://se.ewi.tudelft.nl/tr.html

For more information about the Software Engineering Research Group: https://se.ewi.tudelft.nl/

This paper is a pre-print of: Franz-Xaver Geiger, Ivano Malavolta, Luca Pascarella, Fabio Palomba, Dario Di Nucci, and Alberto Bacchelli – A Graph-based Dataset of Commit History of Real-World Android apps. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR-2018), May 27-28 2018 — Gothenburg, Sweden.

doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/3196398.3196460

Acknowledgments. This project has received funding from the European Unions’ Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 642954, the Swiss Na-tional Science Foundation through the SNF Project No. PP00P2 170529, and the Belgian Innoviris TeamUp project INTiMALS (2017-TEAM-UP-7).


2018 ACM. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from ACM must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.


A Graph-based Dataset of Commit History

of Real-World Android apps

Franz-Xaver Geiger

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam The Netherlands f.geiger@student.vu.nl

Ivano Malavolta

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam The Netherlands i.malavolta@vu.nl

Luca Pascarella

Delft University of Technology The Netherlands l.pascarella@tudelft.nl

Fabio Palomba

University of Zurich Switzerland palomba@ifi.uzh.ch

Dario Di Nucci

Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium ddinucci@vub.ac.be

Alberto Bacchelli

University of Zurich Switzerland bacchelli@ifi.uzh.ch


Obtaining a good dataset to conduct empirical studies on the en-gineering of Android apps is an open challenge. To start tack-ling this challenge, we present AndroidTimeMachine, the first, self-contained, publicly available dataset weaving spread-out data sources about real-world, open-source Android apps. Encoded as a graph-based database, AndroidTimeMachine concerns 8,431 real open-source Android apps and contains: (i) metadata about the apps’ GitHub projects, (ii) Git repositories with full commit history and (iii) metadata extracted from the Google Play store, such as app ratings and permissions.


• Software and its engineering → Maintaining software;


Android, Mining Software Repositories, Dataset


Since mobile apps differ from traditional software and require to tackle new problems (e.g., power management and privacy protec-tion [5,7,15,16]), researchers are conducting empirical studies— especially by mining software repositories—to understand and sup-port mobile software development.

As an example of recent research on apps, Malavolta et al. ana-lyzed more than 11,000 apps published in the Google Play store and investigated the end users’ perceptions about various hybrid development frameworks [12]. Also, Linares-Vásquez et al. mined 54 Android apps from the Google Play store to find programming practices that may lead to an excessive energy consumption [5].

A common challenge when investigating apps is accessing candi-date subjects (i.e., the app binaries or source code). A widely adopted approach is to gather information from open-source software (OSS) MSR ’18, May 28–29, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden

© 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to Associa-tion for Computing Machinery.

This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in MSR ’18: MSR ’18: 15th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories , May 28–29, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden,https://doi.org/10.1145/3196398.3196460.

market places, F-Droid1[4,9,13]. Nevertheless, relying on F-Droid

impacts the number of projects that can be considered, as it only contains metadata of 2,697 apps.2Moreover, for every study,

re-searchers have to (i) systematically explore several online reposito-ries to find analyzable apps, (ii) filter out source code not intended for the Android platform, and (iii) verify apps’ consistency within official distribution channels.

To improve this situation, we propose AndroidTimeMachine, a graph-based dataset with data linked from different sources con-cerning the development and publication process of 8,431 OSS Android apps. We combine information from GitHub and Google Play to create a unified dataset including (i) metadata of GitHub projects, (ii) full commit and code history, and (iii) metadata from the Google Play store. This dataset is the largest collection of published OSS Android apps with linked source code and store meta-data that we know of. The connected nature of this dataset and the included revision history allow a holistic view on OSS Android apps from development to publication on Google Play.

AndroidTimeMachine is composed of two main parts: A graph-based database (which facilitates understanding and navigation by focusing on links between apps, repositories, commits, and con-tributors) and a Git server hosting a mirror of all 8,431 GitHub repositories (thus providing a self-contained snapshot of the apps within the dataset). AndroidTimeMachine is publicly accessible at

http://androidtimemachine.github.ioand it is available as a Docker container image, which runs an instance of a Neo4J database with all the metadata and a GitLab server hosting all the mirrored GitHub repositories.


Creating AndroidTimeMachine involved retrieving large quantities of information from several sources and combining it by linking it based on available identifiers. During this process we had to deal with limitations on how these sources select and publish data and how they restrict access, e.g., through rate limits. We detail the process we used to identify the Android apps in our dataset (Sec-tion2.1), the structure of our Neo4j database (Section2.2), and the distribution of our dataset (Section2.3). Furthermore, we showcase


2References counted on March 12, 2018 fromhttps://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/


SERG F. Geiger et al. – A Graph-based Dataset of Commit History of Real-World Android apps


MSR ’18, May 28–29, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden F. Geiger, I. Malavolta, L. Pascarella, F. Palomba, D. Di Nucci, and A. Bacchelli how the data can be used (Section2.4) and point out limitations in


2.1 Apps Identification

To create our dataset we defined a 4-step process (see Figure1), which: (1) identifies open-source Android apps hosted on GitHub, (2) extracts their package names, (3) checks their availability on the Google Play store, and (4) matches each GitHub repository to its corresponding app entry in the Google Play store.3

1. Find Android manifest files in GitHub (378 610) 2. Extract package names from Android manifest files (112 153) 3. Select package names available on Google Play (9 478) 4. Match GitHub repositories to Google Play pages (8 431) bigquery-public-data:

github_repos Google Play GitHub API v3

8 431 apps metadata

8 216 repositories

Figure 1: App Identification Process

Step 1. Identification of Android manifest files in GitHub. Step 1 aims at finding all repositories on GitHub potentially con-taining the source code of an Android app. Since each Android app is required to contain an XML file named AndroidManifest.xml (which describes the app metadata and how it interacts with the Android system [11]), we performed this step by searching for AndroidManifest.xmlfiles across all repositories on GitHub. Our search has been performed on the publicly-available GitHub mirror available in BigQuery.4This mirror contains information about

files in all open-source repositories on GitHub, making it a good in-terface for finding repositories containing certain file types [3]. Our query returned 378,610 AndroidManifest.xml files across 124,068 repositories (search performed in October 2017).

Step 2. Extraction of Android package names. Repositories may contain more than one manifest file, e.g., when they host the code of more than one app (e.g., free and paid versions) or in-clude third-party code (e.g., libraries with their own manifest file). This complicates matching repositories to apps and warrants the heuristic algorithm in step 4. In every AndroidManifest.xml file, the root element must also include a package attribute containing the unique identifier of the app in the Google Play store. In this step we queried the BigQuery table containing the raw contents of all AndroidManifest.xml files and extracted the package names of their corresponding apps. The result of this query was a collec-tion of 112,153 package names. This step still contained duplicated package names, mainly due to frequent usage of common names for test or toy projects, inclusion of libraries, or because repositories got forked [8]; this was taken care of in the following step(s). Step 3. Selection of package names in Google Play. In this step we aimed at excluding all test, library, or toy projects. By using the package name as app identifier, we filtered out all those apps for which there was no corresponding webpage in the Google Play store. This filtering step excluded all unpublished and non-existent package names, leading to 9,478 potentially-real app identifiers.

3Code and queries at:https://github.com/androidtimemachine/open_source_



Metadata for these apps was downloaded from the app store using a publicly available web scraper called node-google-play.5

Step 4. App-repository matching. In this step, Google Play pages got mapped to GitHub repositories, via heuristics. We linked a package name to a repository if the repository was the only one containing an AndroidManifest.xml file for a given package name (77.1%). If more than one repository existed with the same package name, we searched metadata of the Google Play entry for mentions of GitHub repository URLs. We matched a repository to the package name if we found links to exactly one repository (6.6%). Finally, in cases in which neither of the two previous approaches resulted in a match, we selected the most popular repository based on number of (i) forks, (ii) watchers, and (iii) subscribers (5.0%). We discarded 1,047 package names for which we could not determine a unique match or which were not accessible on GitHub anymore. These four steps resulted in a collection of 8,431 real Android apps whose source code is available in 8,216 GitHub repositories.

2.2 Database Structure

To make data about OSS Android applications easily accessible and queryable, we designed and populated a graph-based database representing all the data gathered during the app identification process and the metadata related to each GitHub commit within the dataset (e.g., number of changes and contributors). The database is persisted using Neo4j (i.e., a graph DBMS6), thus researchers can

use algorithms from graph theory for investigations (e.g., recon-structing the chain of commits across the whole lifetime of the app and identifying apps in a certain category with at least n active developers in a certain timeframe); morever, our dataset can be accessed: (i) with Cypher, a domain-specific graph query language, (ii) via a native Java API, and (iii) via a dedicated HTTP REST API.

id String App docId String uri String title String versionCode Int starRating Float permissions List ... GooglePlayPage id Long owner String name String forksCount Int ownerType String parentId Long ... GitHubRepository id String short_id String title String message String additions Int deletions Int total Int Commit name String message String Tag name String Branch email String name String Contributor PUBLISHED_AT IMPLEMENTED_BY

[manifestPaths, gradleConfigPaths, mavenConfigPaths]


Figure 2: Schema of our dataset, as persisted in Neo4j (a graph database management system).

5https://github.com/dweinstein/node-google-play-cli 6http://neo4j.com

F. Geiger et al. – A Graph-based Dataset of Commit History of Real-World Android apps SERG


A Graph-based Dataset of Commit History of Real-World Android apps MSR ’18, May 28–29, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden Figure2shows the structure of the database. Data points are

stored as nodes connected by relationships (i.e., the edges of the graph); both nodes and edges can have properties.

Node types and their properties. Android apps are represented as nodes of type App. They include the package name used to iden-tify the app as string property id. The node type GooglePlayPage holds the metadata we mined from the Google Play entry of the app, such as its title, package name, average rating, and requested permissions. The GitHubRepository node represents a GitHub project with its id (i.e., the fixed internal identifier for repositories on GitHub). All other properties of GitHubRepository nodes rep-resent a subset of data accessible through GitHub API v3, such as the owner, forks count, and repository name. A Commit node describes a commit of the Git repository. The id property is the full hash of the commit. The node also contains short_id, num-ber of changed lines (additions, deletions, total), as well as the commit title and message. Both authors and committers are represented by the node type Contributor. This node type has an email and a name property. Contributor nodes get merged by email, i.e., only the latest name seen during creation of the database is accessible. They can be differentiated by their relationship to a Commit. Finally, Git tags and branches are stored as nodes of type Tagand Branch, respectively. Both node types have a property name. Tags may also include the message stored with the tag. Relationships between nodes. Relationships are directed graph edges between nodes and can contain properties. PUBLISHED_AT relations connect App nodes to their corresponding Google Play node. The link between an app and its corresponding GitHub repository (IMPLEMENTED_BY) contains the following proper-ties: the paths to its Android manifest files (manifestPaths) and the paths to its build configuration files (gradleConfigPaths or mavenConfigPaths). Branches, tags, and commits are linked to a GitHub repository with edges of type BELONGS_TO. A POINTS_TO relation connects Branch and Tag nodes to a Commit. Version con-trol history between commits is represented with the PARENT relation, which is a many-to-many relation due to the nature of branches and merges of Git. The COMMITS and AUTHORS rela-tionship indicate the Contributor who authored and committed a change. Both relationships store a timestamp of their event.

2.3 Dataset Availability

As explained in Section2, our dataset is composed of: (i) a Neo4j graph database with metadata of identified apps and (ii) a list of GitHub repositories. For ease of use and reproducibility, we make available a Docker-based containerized version of the entire data with pre-installed software necessary to show, explore, and query the data. Docker containers are a good way of sharing runnable environments with all dependencies included [2].

The total size of all Git repositories in the dataset is 136GB. Since not all researchers may need to access the full dataset, we split the data into two containers, where one Docker image contains the Neo4j database7and the second container serves as a snapshot of

all GitHub repositories in the dataset cloned to a local Gitlab.8




All information from the graph database is also available in CSV format in the Git repository of the docker image.9

2.4 Dataset Usage

Researchers can access our dataset through the Neo4j and Gitlab web interfaces, as well as through their respective REST-based APIs. The Gitlab web server and its API are accessible on port 80,10 while the Neo4j instance can be accessed through default ports 7474 for the HTTP protocol and port 7687 for the bolt protocol used for Cypher queries.11In the Neo4j database, the snapshot attribute of GitHubRepository nodes links to the address of the corresponding repository in our GitLab instance. Documentation on how to run the container and access the data is in the Docker image repository.7

The connected nature of the graph database facilitates many potential research questions. In the following we showcase queries and analyses supported by our dataset.12

Scenario 1. Select apps belonging to the Finance category with more than 10 commits in a given week.

WITH apoc . date . parse ( '2017 -01 -01 ' , 's ', 'yyyy -MM -dd ') as start ,

apoc . date . parse ( '2017 -01 -08 ' , 's ', 'yyyy -MM -dd ') as end MATCH (p: GooglePlayPage ) < -[: PUBLISHED_AT ] -( a: App )

-[: IMPLEMENTED_BY ] - >(: GitHubRepository ) < -[: BELONGS_TO ]-(: Commit ) <-[c: COMMITS ] -]-(: Contributor )

WHERE ' Finance ' in p. appCategory AND start <= c. timestamp < end WITH a. id as package , SIZE ( COLLECT ( DISTINCT c)) as commitCount WHERE commitCount > 10

RETURN package , commitCount

Scenario 2. Select contributors who worked on more than one app in a given year.

WITH apoc . date . parse ( '2017 -01 -01 ' , 's ', 'yyyy -MM -dd ') as start ,

apoc . date . parse ( '2017 -08 -01 ' , 's ', 'yyyy -MM -dd ') as end MATCH ( app1 : App ) -[: IMPLEMENTED_BY ] - >(: GitHubRepository )

< -[: BELONGS_TO ] -(: Commit ) <-[ c1 : COMMITS | AUTHORS ] -( c: Contributor ) -[ c2 : COMMITS | AUTHORS ] - >(: Commit ) -[: BELONGS_TO ]->

(: GitHubRepository ) < -[: IMPLEMENTED_BY ] -( app2 : App )

WHERE c. email <> ' noreply@github . com ' AND app1 . id <> app2 . id AND start <= c1 . timestamp < end AND start <= c2 . timestamp < end RETURN DISTINCT c LIMIT 20

Scenario 3. Providing our dataset in containerized form allows future research to easily augment the data and combine it for new insights. The following is a very simple example showcas-ing this possibility. Assumshowcas-ing all commits have been tagged with self-reported activity of developers, select all commits in which the developer is fixing a performance bug. We apply a simple tagger, but a more advanced model (e.g., [14]) would lead to better results.

MATCH (c: Commit ) WHERE c. message CONTAINS ' performance ' SET c : PerformanceFix

Also, given these additional labels, performance related fixes can then be used in any kind of query via the following snippet.

MATCH (c: Commit : PerformanceFix ) RETURN c LIMIT 20



10Username: root – password: gitlab. Documentation of the Gitlab API is

avail-able in the container at endpoint/help/api/README.mdand a potentially newer version athttps://docs.gitlab.com/ce/api/

11Neo4j documentation available athttps://neo4j.com/graphacademy/ 12Some of the examples rely on the Neo4j plugin APOC, which can be installed by

mapping an external directory into the Docker image:https://guides.neo4j.com/apoc

SERG F. Geiger et al. – A Graph-based Dataset of Commit History of Real-World Android apps


MSR ’18, May 28–29, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden F. Geiger, I. Malavolta, L. Pascarella, F. Palomba, D. Di Nucci, and A. Bacchelli Scenario 4. Metadata from GitHub and Google Play can be

com-bined and compared. Both platforms have popularity measures, e.g., star ratings, which are returned by the following query.

MATCH (r: GitHubRepository ) < -[: IMPLEMENTED_BY

]-(a: App ) -[: PUBLISHED_AT ] - >( p: GooglePlayPage )

RETURN a.id , p. starRating , r. forksCount , r. stargazersCount ,

r. subscribersCount , r. watchersCount , r. networkCount


Scenario 5. Is a higher number of contributors related to the suc-cess of an app? The following query returns the average rating on Google Play and the number of contributors to the code by app.

MATCH (c: Contributor ) -[: AUTHORS | COMMITS ] - >(: Commit )

-[: BELONGS_TO ] - >(: GitHubRepository ) < -[: IMPLEMENTED_BY ]-(a: App ) -[: PUBLISHED_AT ] - >( p: GooglePlayPage )

WITH p. starRating as rating , a. id as package ,

SIZE ( COLLECT ( DISTINCT c)) as contribCount RETURN package , rating , contribCount LIMIT 20

2.5 Dataset Limitations

We only considered applications available in the Google Play store. This limitation is mitigated by the fact that Google Play is the official Android app store and offers the largest selection of Android apps [1]. We mined Google Play from a server in our region, thus limiting the data collection to the apps available here.

Data selection can be biased by the presence of the source code on GitHub. We consider this acceptable because GitHub is the best known platform for the open-source community and it offers a large and diverse selection of OSS projects [6].

Searching candidate repositories using the GitHub API was not possible due to limitations on the number of results returned by each query. We overcame this issue by using BigQuery.

Resorting to a heuristic approach for matching Google Play listings to GitHub repositories entails the risk of mismatches. Es-pecially the 5.0% of apps that were linked by popularity measures might have been wrongly classified. However, confidence of cor-rect matches is high for the 77.1% of apps for which only a unique repository contains an AndroidManifest.xml file.


Previous studies created data collections of OSS Android applica-tions. For their study on app releases, Nayebi et al. [13] linked 69 F-Droid apps with version control repositories. Where available, metadata from Google Play was included. A similar dataset of OSS Android apps was constructed by Krutz et al. [9] to facilitate secu-rity research [10]. Das et al. [4] used F-Droid as a starting point for identifying open-source Android apps. They built a dataset for the analysis of performance related commits of mobile applications by matching apps listed on F-Droid against GitHub repositories. Later, the apps were filtered considering their availability on Google Play. The final dataset was composed of 2,443 apps.

These datasets have the advantage that F-Droid contains exe-cutable app packages which our collection does not include. How-ever, AndroidTimeMachine covers more apps than listed on F-Droid because we identify candidate repositories searching the Android app manifest; this approach provides a more realistic sample of open-source Android apps and increase the number and diversity of apps to perform research on.


We created AndroidTimeMachine, a dataset of 8,431 real-world open-source Android apps. It combines source and commit history information available on GitHub with the metadata from Google Play store. The graph representation used for structuring the data eases the analysis of the relationships between source code and metadata. The dataset is provided as Docker container to improve its accessibility and extensibility.


Pascarella gratefully acknowledges the support of SENECA - EU MSCA-ITN-2014-EID no.642954. Bacchelli and Palomba gratefully acknowledge the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation through the SNF Project No. PP00P2_170529. Di Nucci is funded by the Belgian Innoviris TeamUp project INTiMALS.


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[12] Ivano Malavolta, Stefano Ruberto, Tommaso Soru, and Valerio Terragni. 2015. Hybrid mobile apps in the google play store: An exploratory investigation. In Proceedings of the Second ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engi-neering and Systems. IEEE Press, 56–59.

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[14] Luca Pascarella, Franz-Xaver Geiger, Fabio Palomba, Dario Di Nucci, Ivano Mala-volta, and Alberto Bacchelli. 2018. Self-Reported Activities of Android Developers. In 5th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems. ACM, New York, NY, to appear.

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F. Geiger et al. – A Graph-based Dataset of Commit History of Real-World Android apps SERG




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