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Contents of volume 62 (2018)


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Con tents of vol ume 62 (2018)

Vladi mir G. BAKHMUTOV, Eva HALÁSOVÁ, Daria K. IVANOVA, Štefan JÓZSA, Daniela REHÁKOVÁ and Wil liam A.P. WIMBLEDON – Biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy of the up per most Tithonian–Lower Berriasian in the Theodosia area of Cri mea (south ern Ukraine), 2: 197–236

El¿bieta BILKIEWICZ, Jadwiga PIECZONKA and Adam PIESTRZYÑSKI – Or ganic and in or ganic geo chem i cal study of the Lower Perm ian Walchia shale of the Intrasudetic Ba sin (SW Po land), 3:


Krzysztof BIÑKA and Leszek MARKS – Ter res trial ver sus ma rine ar chives: biostratigraphical cor re la tion of the Mid dle Pleis to cene lac us - trine re cords from cen tral Eu rope and their equiv a lents in the deep-sea cores from the Por tu guese mar gin, 1: 69–80

Albertas BITINAS, Nikita DOBROTIN, Ilya V. BUYNEVICH, Anatoly MOLODKOV, Aldona DAMUžYT# and Donatas PUPIENIS – Coastal dune dy nam ics along the north ern Curonian Spit, Lith u a nia: to - ward an in te grated da ta base, 3: 553–562

Krzysztof BUKOWSKI, Karin SANT, Monika PILARZ, Klaudia KUIPER and Ma³gorzata GARECKA – Ra dio-iso to pic age and biostratigraphic po si tion of a lower Badenian tuffite from the west ern Pol ish Carpathian Foredeep Ba sin (Cieszyn area), 2: 303–318

Alina CHRZ¥STEK, Jolanta MUSZER, Andrzej SOLECKI and Al - fred Mar ian SROKA – Rosarichnoides sudeticus igen. et isp. nov. and as so ci ated fos sils from the Coniacian of the North Sudetic Synclinorium (SW Po land), 1: 181–196

Vlad Aurel CODREA, Nicolae TRIF and Levente TOTH – First re - port of a Plio cene pike (Esocidae: Esox) in Transylvania, Ro ma nia, 3:


Leszek CZECHOWSKI – Enceladus as a place of or i gin of life in the So lar Sys tem, 1: 172–180

Dominika D¥BROWSKA, Andrzej J. WITKOWSKI and Marek SO£TYSIAK – Ap pli ca tion of pol lu tion in di ces for the spatiotemporal as - sess ment of neg a tive im pact of a mu nic i pal land fill on ground wa ter (Tychy, south ern Po land), 3: 496–508

Di ana DIRNEROVÁ and Ro man FARKAŠOVSKÝ – Sed i men tary re cord com par i son of the Piwniczna and Poprad sand stones (Magura Unit, Outer Carpathians) – a study from the bor der area of east ern Slovakia and Po land, 4: 881–895

Abdolnaser FAZLNIA – Geo chem is try and tec tonic set ting of the Chah-Bazargan sub-vol ca nic mafic dykes, south Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone (SSZ), Iran, 2: 447–458

Stanis³aw FEDOROWICZ, Maria £ANCZONT, Przemys³aw MROCZEK, Andriy BOGUCKI, Karol STANDZIKOWSKI, Piotr MOSKA, Jaros³aw KUSIAK and Andrzej BLUSZCZ – Lu mi nes cence dat ing of the Volochysk sec tion – a key Podolian loess site (Ukraine), 3:


Pavlína FRÝBOVÁ, Petr GADAS, Antonín PØICHYSTAL, Dalibor VŠIANSKÝ, Ro man HADACZ and Petr HLAVSA – The prov e nance of ser pen tin ite tools in the Corded Ware cul ture of Moravia (Czech Re pub - lic), 3: 563–578

Ma³gorzata GONERA – Coil ing di rec tion in Mid dle Mio cene globorotaliids (Foraminiferida) – a case study in the Paratethys (Up per Silesia Ba sin, Po land), 1: 155–171

Urszula HARA, Thomas MÖRS, Jonas HAGSTRÖM and Marcelo A. REGUERO – Eocene bryo zoan as sem blages from the La Meseta For ma tion of Sey mour Is land, Antarctica, 3: 705–728

Katarína HOLCOVÁ, Nela DOLÁKOVÁ, Slavomír NEHYBA and František VACEK – Tim ing of Langhian bioevents in the Carpathian Foredeep and north ern Pannonian Ba sin in re la tion to ocean o graphic, tec tonic and cli ma tic pro cesses, 1: 3–17

Petr JIRMAN, Eva GERŠLOVÁ, Magdalena PUPP and Miroslav BUBÍK – Geo chem i cal char ac ter is tics, ther mal ma tu rity and source

rock po ten tial of the Oligocene Šitboøice Mem ber of the Menilite For ma - tion in the Ždánice Unit (Czech Re pub lic), 4: 858–872

Akos KERESZTURI, Krisztian FINTOR, Ildiko GYOLLAI, Zsolt KERESZTY, Mate SZABO, Zoltan SZALAI and Hel ena WALTER – Shock het er o ge ne ity and shock his tory of the re cently found or di nary Csátalja chondrite in Hun gary, 2: 433–446

Artur KÊDZIOR and Mihai Emilian POPA – An Early Ju ras sic braided river sys tem from Mehadia, South Carpathians, Ro ma nia, 2:


Maryna KOMAR, Maria £ANCZONT, Stanis³aw FEDOROWICZ, Petro GOZHIK, Przemys³aw MROCZEK and Andryi BOGUCKI – Strati - graphic in ter pre ta tion of loess in the mar ginal zone of the Dnie per I ice sheet and the evo lu tion of its land scape af ter deglaciation (Dnie per Up - land, Ukraine), 3: 536–552


£ukasz CHABUDZIÑSKI and Waldemar JEZIERSKI – The im por tance of geo log i cal con di tions for the for ma tion of past thermokarst closed de - pres sions in the loess ar eas of east ern Po land, 3: 685–704

Jitka KOPECKÁ, Katarína HOLCOVÁ, Slavomír NEHYBA, Šárka HLADILOVÁ, Rostislav BRZOBOHATÝ and Maria Aleksandra BITNER – The ear li est Badenian Planostegina bloom de posit: re flec - tion of an un usual en vi ron ment in the wes tern most Carpathian Foredeep (Czech Re pub lic), 1: 18–37

Gabriela A. KOZUB-BUDZYÑ and Adam PIESTRZYÑSKI – The first oc cur rence of cupropearceite in the Kupferschiefer de posit, Lubin mine, SW Po land, 2: 319–326

Marcin KRAJEWSKI, Piotr OLCHOWY and Damian RUDZIÑSKI – Sed i men tary suc ces sions in the Mid dle–Up per Oxfordian reef de pos its from the south ern part of the Kraków–Czêstochowa Up land (South ern Po land), 3: 653–668

£ukasz KRUSZEWSKI and Marek DEC – Plumbogummite group min er als in Lower De vo nian placoderm sand stones from Pod³azie Hill, Holy Cross Moun tains, Po land, 2: 353–360

Dariusz KRZYSZKOWSKI and Dorota KOSZKA-MAROÑ – Strati - graphic po si tion and sed i men tary en vi ron ment of Late Pleis to cene de - pos its along the cliffed coast of the mid dle part of the Pol ish Bal tic coast, 1: 48–68

Stanis³aw LESZCZYÑSKI – In te grated sedimentological and ichnological study of the Coniacian sed i men ta tion in North Sudetic Ba - sin, SW Po land, 4: 767–816

Leszek LINDNER and Marcin SZYMANEK – Evo lu tion of Early and Mid dle Pleis to cene river val ley sys tems in Pol ish-Ukraine-Belarus cross-bor der ar eas based on geo log i cal and malacological prox ies, 3:


Fanwei MENG, Yongsheng ZHANG, Anatoliy R. GALAMAY, Krzysztof BUKOWSKI, Pei NI, Enyuan XING and Limin JI – Or do vi cian sea wa ter com po si tion: ev i dence from fluid in clu sions in ha lite, 2:


Re gina MORK¤NAIT#, Artñras BAUTR#NAS, Algimantas ÈESNULEVIÈIUS, Nikita DOBROTIN, Aldona BAUBINIEN#, Margarita JANKAUSKAIT#, Audrius KALESNIKAS and Neringa MAÈIULEVIÈI¤T#-TURLIEN# – Changes in quan ti ta tive pa ram e ters of ac tive wind dunes on the south-east Bal tic Sea coast dur ing the last de cade (Curonian Spit, Lith u a nia), 1: 38–47

Teresa OBERC-DZIEDZIC, Ryszard KRYZA, Stanis³aw MADEJ and Chris tian PIN – The Saxothuringian Terrane af fin ity of the meta - mor phic Stachów Com plex (Strzelin Mas sif, Fore-Sudetic Block, Po - land) in ferred from zir con ages, 2: 237–256

Julia ONNEKEN, Mi chael SCHRAMM and Jörg HAMMER – Min er - al ogy and geo chem is try of the Tonmittelsalz (z3TM) and Tonbrockensalz (z4TS) as “zuber” equiv a lents in the Ger man Zechstein (Up per Perm ian), 4: 896–916

Geological Quarterly, 2018, 62 (4): 941–942 941


Marta OSZCZYPKO-CLOWES, Nestor OSZCZYPKO, Anna PIECUCH, Jan SOTAK and Józef BORATYN – The Early Mio cene re - sid ual flysch ba sin at the front of the Cen tral West ern Carpathians and its palaeogeographic im pli ca tions (Magura Nappe, Po land), 3:


Ivica PAVIÈIÆ, Ivan DRAGIÈEVIÆ and Ivona IVKIÆ – High-res o lu - tion 3D geo log i cal model of the baux ite-bear ing area Crvene Stijene (Jajce, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and its ap pli ca tion in on go ing re - search and min ing, 1: 100–119

Ma³gorzata PISARSKA-JAMRO¯Y, A.J. (Tom) VAN LOON and Ma³gorzata BRONIKOWSKA – Dumpstones as re cords of over turn ing ice rafts in a Weichselian proglacial lake (Rügen Is land, NE Ger many), 4: 917–924

Kamil PLUTA and Anna GÓRECKA-NOWAK – Miospore ev i dence for the Car bon if er ous age of rocks from the Œwiebodzice Unit (Sudetes, SW Po land), 1: 120–133

Pawe³ POPRAWA, Natalia RADKOVETS and Johannes RAUBALL – Ediacaran-Pa leo zoic sub si dence his tory of the Volyn-Podillya-Moldavia Ba sin (W and SW Ukraine, Moldova, NE Ro - ma nia), 3: 459–486

Andrzej PSZCZÓ£KOWSKI – Up per Ju ras sic bac te ria from the Raptawicka Turnia Lime stone For ma tion in the Ma³y Giewont area (West ern Tatra Moun tains, Po land), 4: 840–857

Grzegorz RACKI, Leszek MARYNOWSKI and Micha³ RAKOCIÑSKI – Anom a lous Up per De vo nian mer cury en rich ments:

com par i son of In duc tively Cou pled Plasma – Mass Spec trom e try (ICP-MS) and Atomic Ab sorp tion Spec trom e try (AAS) an a lyt i cal data, 3: 487–495

Omar RADWAN, Ali BU KHAMSIN and Khalid AL-RAMADAN – De tri tal do lo mite: char ac ter iza tion and char ac ter is tics, 1: 81–89

Jacek RETKA – Lithologically-re lated rare earth el e ment vari a tions the Mio-Plio cene Poznañ For ma tion (Po land), 1: 146–154

Natalia SAWICKA, Janusz JANECZEK, Monika FABIAÑSKA, Krzysztof BAHRANOWSKI, Tomasz KRZYKAWSKI and Aniela MATUSZEWSKA – Min er al ogy and or ganic geo chem is try of phyllite from the Dewon–Pokrzywna de posit, the Opava Moun tains (SW Po - land), 4: 817–828

Mohammad SHARIFI, Ebrahim GHASEMI-NEJAD, Mehdi SARFI, Mohsen YAZDI-MOGHADAM, Mostafa TARJANI SALEHANI and Maryam AKHTARI – Ma rine palynology and en vi ron men tal in ter pre ta - tion of the Lower Cre ta ceous (Barremian?–Aptian) rock units in the Koppeh-Dagh Ba sin, NE Iran, 1: 90–99

Rafa³ SIUDA and Anna MACIOCH – Sec ond ary ar senic min er als from the Z³oty Stok As-Au aban doned mine(SW Po land), 4: 925–940

Jolanta SMOLEÑ and Jolanta IWAÑCZUK – Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Mid dle and Up per Ju ras sic of the Pol ish Low - lands: the state of the art, 2: 257–286

Marek SO£TYSIAK, Dominika D¥BROWSKA, Konrad JA£OWIECKI and Vahid NOURANI – A multi-method ap proach to ground wa ter risk as sess ment: a case study of a land fill in south ern Po - land, 2: 361–374

Micha³ STACHACZ, Weronika £ASKA and Al fred UCHMAN – Large cruzianid trace fos sils in the Or do vi cian of the peri-Bal tic area:

the case of the Bukówka For ma tion (Holy Cross Moun tains, Po land), 2:


Jacek B. SZMAÑDA – Main de ter mi nants of the grain size dis tri bu - tion of overbank de pos its in Po land – an over view of lit er a ture on mod - els of sed i men ta tion, 4: 873–880

Azizollah TAHERI, Mahdi JAFARZADEH, John S.

ARMSTRONG-ALTRIN and Seyed Reza MIRBAGHERI – Geo chem is - try of siliciclastic rocks from the Shemshak Group (Up per Tri as sic–Mid - dle Ju ras sic), north east ern Alborz, north ern Iran: im pli ca tions for palaeoweathering, prov e nance, and tec tonic set ting, 3: 522–535

Tomasz TOBO£A and Jacek WACHOWIAK – Ev i dence of high-tem per a ture rock salt trans for ma tions in ar eas of oc cur rence of bo rate min er als (Zechstein, K³odawa salt dome, Po land), 1: 134–145

Igor TUULING and Rein VAHER – Struc ture and de vel op ment of the Valmiera–Lokno Up lift – a highly el e vated base ment block with a strongly de formed and eroded plat form cover in the East Eu ro pean Craton in te rior around the Es to nian–Lat vian–Rus sian bor der land, 3:


Paul £IBULEAC – Two me dium-sized deinotheres (Proboscidea:

Mammalia) from the Mio cene rocks of the East ern Carpathians Fore - land (Ro ma nia), 3: 669–684

Andrzej WIERZBOWSKI and Ewa G£OWNIAK – The Early Kimmeridgian suc ces sion at Kodr¹b (Radomsko el e va tion, cen tral Po - land) and its palaeo geo graphi cal and palaeotectonic im pli ca tions, 3:


Tomasz WOZNIAK, Grzegorz BANIA, W³odzimierz J. MOŒCICKI and Micha³ ÆWIKLIK – Elec tri cal re sis tiv ity to mog ra phy (ERT) and sedimentological anal y sis ap plied to in ves ti ga tion of Up per Ju ras sic lime stones from the Krzeszowice Graben (Kraków Up land, south ern Po land), 2: 287–302

Anna WYSOCKA, Maciej £OZIÑSKI, Micha³ ŒMIGIELSKI, Urszula CZARNIECKA and Maciej BOJANOWSKI – New data on the age of the sed i men tary infill of the Orava-Nowy Targ Ba sin – a case study of the Bystry Stream suc ces sion (Mid dle/Up per Mio cene, West ern Carpathians), 2: 327–343

Sedigheh ZIRJANIZADEH, Fernando ROCHA and Somayeh SAMIEE – Min er al og i cal, geo chem i cal and sta ble iso tope stud ies of ka - olin de pos its in north-west Gonabad dis trict (east ern Iran), 2: 385–399

Tomasz ¯UK, Zbigniew MA£OLEPSZY and Ewa SZYNKARUK – An a logue GPR study of the Perm ian fanglomerates from Zygmuntówka Quarry near Chêciny, Holy Cross Moun tains, south ern Po land, for con - struc tion of a train ing im age for mul ti ple point sim u la tions, 4: 755–766 Karel ŽÁK, Vladimír LIPTÁK, Michal FILIPPI, Monika ORVOŠOVÁ, Hel ena HERCMAN and Šárka MATOUŠKOVÁ – Cryo genic car bon - ates and cryo genic speleothem dam age in the Za Hájovnou Cave (Javoøíèko Karst, Czech Re pub lic), 4: 829–839

Gintautas ŽILINSKAS, Dar ius JARMALAVIÈIUS and Donatas PUPIENIS – The in flu ence of nat u ral and anthropogenic fac tors on grain size dis tri bu tion along the south east ern Bal tic spits, 2: 375–384


Przemys³aw GEDL – „Depositional set ting of the Oligocene se - quence of the West ern Carpathians in the Pol ish Spisz re gion – a re in - ter pre ta tion based on in te grated palynofacies and sedimentological anal y ses” – Dis cus sion, 3: 745–750

Anna FILIPEK, Anna WYSOCKA and Marcin BARSKI –

„Depositional set ting of the Oligocene se quence of the West ern Carpathiansin the Pol ish Spisz re gion – a re in ter pre ta tion based on in - te grated palynofacies and sedimentological anal y ses” – Re ply, 3:


942 Contents of volume 62 (2018)


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