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[Professor Ronchi in his interesting speech...]


Academic year: 2021

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a parlé paraissen t une conséquence des changes (dans l’appréhension d e la réalité physique. Mais les m odes de concevoir la réalité ne p ré ­

sentent jam ais u n phénom ène isolé; pour les éclaircir il fau t p re n d re aussi en considération les facteurs sociaux e t cu ltu rels qui changent dans le cou rs d u tem ps et agjissent s u r la m entalité hum aine. Donc la deuxièm e conclusion: l’histoire des sciences est une science hum aine. Certes, elle a -besoin d u concours des spécialistes dans les d ifféren tes branches; m ais c’est une science h isto riq u e qui fait des recherches su r u ne sphère paitriculière de l ’activité hum aine, et qui doit com prendre dans ses recherches le s divers facteu rs réels et idéaux qui déterm inent cette activité.

J. B. Pogrebyssky

Professor Rornchi iin his interesting speech sh ared w ith us his very precious experience of w ork in th e w ay of th e history of optics. However, th e conclusions form ulated by him ran g pessim istic. But, it seems to m e th a t th e resu lts of Professor Ronchi’s profound and thorough investigations prom pt qu ite optim istic conclusions. As a m a tte r of fact, it is ju st in th e w orks o f Professor Ronchi th a t w e see th e whole fru itfu ln ess of th e in teraction of historico-scientific aend strictly scientific researches.

It is qu ite tru e th a t the subject of science, its content and m ethods change so considerably th a t th e theories u niversally recognized in one epoch tu rn ou t even noin-scientific in the following one. Is, how ever, th e content of one or another science so unstable and vague as to draw th erefro m a conclusion on th e im possibility of stu dying th e h isto ry of science? C ertainly not. It is to be believed th a t th e w itty paradoxes o f Professor Ronchi w ill n o t frighten aw ay th e young research w orkers from dealing w ith the history of science, a n d his excellent w orks w ill be able to a ttra c t them a n d to make th e m en th u siasts for ou r branch of science.

En o u tre ont pris la parole m ais n ’o n t pas envoyé leurs contributions: V. Rionchi, R. Taton.


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