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Beter Engels spreken


Academic year: 2021

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Bibliotheek TU Delft






drs. J .K. Michon

Vereniging voor Studie- en Studentenbelangen te Delft -






Marieke en Dr. John


Hans en Maria



Keuze voor docenten uit werkvormen Deel I (10 onderwerpen, 20 Units) Units 1- 2 Holidays

Units 3- 4 Traffic

TEST A (Units 1-4)

Units 5- 6 Language and Media Units 7 - 8 Income and Expenses

TEST B (Units 5-8)

Units 9- 10 Human Relations Units 11- 12 The Government

TEST C (Units 9-12)

Units 13-14 Education

Units 15-16 Town, Law and Order TEST D Units 17-18 Units 19-20 TEST E (Units 13-16) Societies

Holland and the Dutch (Units 17-20)

Aanvullende informatie:

Het definiëren van woorden of begrippen BBC World Service (golflengtes, programma's) Verkeer Holland (1978)

Learn English in Britain

Andere lettertekens voor Engelse kinderen Bruto en netto inkomens in Nederland

Het schrijven van een kort artikel en samenvatting Volledig dagonderwijs in Nederland (1978) Lijst van boektitels over misdaad en spionage

Deel 11 (20 Units SOUNDS OF ENGLlSH) Inleiding

1. Engelse klanken, spelling en het juiste 'accent'

2. De uitspraak van de letters van het alfabet en van afkortingen 3. De uitspraak Van zachte en scherpe kl~en

4. -ed-uitgangen, Zachte en scherpe combinaties 5. os-uitgangen. Zachte en scherpe combinaties 6. Klanken en lettertekens

7. Problemen van Engelsen met hun taal 8. Uitspraakproblemen voor Nederlanders 9. Het probleem van de juiste klemtoon

10. Woorden, waarin h niet of wel wordt uitgesproken

5 6 8-15 16-22 23 24-31 32-38 39-40 41-47 48-54 55-56 58-63 64-69 70-71


78-83 84-85 10 14 18 26 30 34 50 57 68 88 90 91 93 94 96 97 98 100 101 103


11. Betekenis en uitspraak van Engelse woorden, die in Nederlandse gesprekken voorkomen

12. De uitspraak van de scherpe th en ths

13. Enkele moeilijke Engelse persoons- en plaatsnamen 14. De uitspraak van de zachte th, ths en thes

15. De uitspraak van de letter r

16/18. Woorden, waarin geschreven s als z wordt uitgesproken 19. De uitspraak van de letters sh, eh, j en ge

20. De uitspraak van oorspronkelijk Franse woorden Woordenlijst 104 106 107 108 109 111-114 114 115 117-121



Een steeds groter aantal volwassenen volgt cursussen om de spreek- en schrijfvaar-digheid in de Engelse taal te vergroten. De steeds toenemende internationale con-tacten, het zinvol besteden van meer vrije tijd en de wens om in gespreksgroepen tot sociale contacten te komen, zijn enkele oorzaken.

De samensteller van dit lesma:teriaal heeft rekening gehouden met een aantal ver-schillen tussen dit onderwijs en schoolonderwijs, zoals:

a) minder beschikbare lestijd, doorgaans één les per week b) grotere motivatie: elke deelnemer wil meepraten c) andere gespreksthema's.

Deze verschillen hebben er onder meer toe geleid dat het aangeboden lesmateriaal compact en overzichtelijk is en dat verder belangrijke onderdelen zoals geselecteer-de woorgeselecteer-den, belangrijke grammaticale toepassingen en uitspraak-oefeningen syste-matisch en niet toevallig in het lesmateriaal zijn opgenomen.

De 20 opgenomen les-units bevatten de volgende vaste onderdelen:

uitspraak Woorden en zinnen zijn op cassette-tapes ingesproken, zodat men thuis onbeperkt kan oefenen.

grammatica Toepassingen van de voornaamste aspecten in korte zinnen, woorden 70 à 80 per leseenheid, onderverdeeld in 5 groepen van bij één

onderwerp horende woorden. opdrachten voor spreek- en schrijfvaardigheid:

a) 4 vragen, waarvan men de antwoorden voorbereidt

b) een te schrijven samenvatting naar aanleiding van een definitie of tekst, die in de les besproken wordt.

Als nieuwe elementen om gesprekken te stimuleren zal men aantreffen: , a) veel informatie over woorden en de 10 te behandelen onderwerpen.

b) het definiëren van woorden of begrippen aan de hand v.an aangeboden 'praat-lijnen' . Dit vergemakkelijkt gesprekken tussen de deelnemers van een groep. c) het schrijven van een kort artikel, dat daarna moet worden ingeleid en verdedigd.

Hierbij komen uitsluitend de inleider en de deelnemers van de groep aan het woord.

Omdat men een vreemde taal slechts vlot kan leren spreken in vele, intensieve ge-sprekken, moet het grootste deel van de le.stijd aan gesprekken besteed worden. Daarom worden in elke les de bestudeerde onderdelen zoals Uitspraak, Grammati-ca en Woordenkennis aan een korte test onderworpen. Hierna volgt de gesprekstrai-ning.

Het lesmateriaal in dit boek is ontwikkeld in praatgroepen aan de Technische Hoge-school te Delft in de loop van 10 jaar experimenteren met allerlei werkvormen. De schoolopleiding van de deelnemers was erg verschillend (mavo, havo, hts, athe-neum of een opleiding in het buitenland). De inspraak van de deelnemers bij de op-bouwen samenstelling van het lesmateriaal was vaak zeer constructief en waardevol. De samensteller spreekt de wens uit dat vele gebruikers hetzelfde eindresultaat mo-gen bereiken: een belangrijke verbetering van hun spreek- en schrijfvaardigheid in de Engelse taal.



De inhoud, opzet en indeling van dit boek bieden een aantal mogelijkheden voor verschillende werkvormen. De te kiezen werkvorm zal onder meer bepaald worden door:

a) het onder leiding van een deskundig gespreksleider bestuderen en bespreken van het aangeboden materiaal

b) de doelstelling van de gespreksleider en de deelnemers c) de tijd die beschikbaar is voor voorbereiding en bespreking. Elk van de 20 les-Units bestaat uit de volgende onderdelen:

A. UITSPRAAK een Unit uit Sounds of English (deel II) te beluisteren op cassette-tape of in een talenpracticum,





de toepassing van één aspect, uitgewerkt in 10 korte zinnen, 70 à 80 over een bepaald onderwerp, onderverdeeld in 5 groepen,

over een aantal woorden en over het behandelde onderwerp, uit te werken vóór de bespreking,

in te leiden door één deelnemer aan de hand van een aange-boden 'praatlijn'. Daarna kunnen andere deelnemers vragen stellen, zie Inleiding blz.10.

Na de les-units 8,12,16 en 20 als onderdeel van een test

G. SAMENVATTING van een aangeboden tekst, te bespreken na correctie, H. ARTIKEL(EN) voorafgegaan door samenvatting, in te leiden en te

verdedi-gen in de groep (zie aanwijzinverdedi-gen op blz. 50).

Voor groepen onder leiding van een gespreksleider zijn onder meer de volgende werkvormen te realiseren:

1) integrale aanpak I (30 weken, ruim een half jaar)

De onderdelen A-F van elk der 20 Units, 5 Tests, slotartikel. 2) integrale aanpak II (50 weken, ongeveer 1 jaar)

a) 'de onderdelen A-E van elke Unit per week b) herhaling A-E plus Definitie F (tweede week) c) 5 Tests en slotartikel.

3) onderdeel-aanpak

a) uitspraak 20 Units Sounds of English: uitspraak en betekenis van woorden en zinnen. 20 Tests.

b) grammatica

c) woorden

d) samenvatting

e) artikel(en) 4) zelfstudie

20 toepassingen van hoofdaspecten, die uitgewerkt, gecor-rigeerd en besproken worden.

een of meerdere woordgroepen, waarover vragen beantwoord worden die vooraf of in de les aangeboden worden.

van artikelen in Test B, C, D en E of andere artikelen, te bespreken na correctie.

in te leiden, te bespreken en te verdedigen.

Voor degenen, die zelfstandig, dus zonder de hulp van een docent studeren en niet aan gesprekken kunnen deelnemen, is gebruik van het lesmateriaal beperkt tot de onderdelen (A) uitspraak met gebruik van cassette en de onderdelen (B) grammatica (C) woorden en (D) informatie.



20 units

- woorden

- informatie

- grammatica

- toetsen

- opdrachten



a) pronunciation: Sounds of English (page 90).

1. Introduction and initial Test;

b) grammar : Tenses '(werkwoordstijden) (study R 137, 138). NOTE: R refers to Register of 150 problems,

alphabetically arranged in BETER ENGELS SCHRIJVEN by the same author. c) vocabulary : Holidays (a)

NOTE: explanations of and further information about the words printed in italics (cursief) are to be found in part 11, Information.

Some reasona why people go on a holiday het beu zijn to be fed up spanningen zich ontspannen niets doen (zonne )baden zonaanbidder vakantie toelage stresses to relax to idle (sun)bathing sunworshipper holiday allowance Some initia! decisions to be taken betrouwbare infor- to collect reliable

matie inwinnen information bestemming (zie 3) to determine

vaststellen destination vervoersmiddel (4) means of transport reserveren booking

reisbescheiden papers and documents Countries and places people travel to naar het buiten- to go abroad

land gaan

badplaats seaside resort

- boulevard - seafront

- strand - beach

bergen (beklimmen) climbing mountains bossen woods

meren, plassen lakes, broads

bezienswaardighe- seeing sights, den bekijken sightseeing andere omgeving dtiferent surroundings ander eten different food vlucht uit dagelijk- escape from daily

se sleur routine omdat anderen gaan to keep up with

(sociale status) the Joneses

baggage (zie 6) luggage accommodatie accommodation gunstige periode favourable period

reis journey

bootreis, cruise voyage, cruise vakantiespreiding staggered holidays

pension boarding house

appartement (8) apart ment een hotel (8) an hotel jeugdherberg (9) youth hostel camping (9) camping-site bij familie logeren staying with relatives (sta)caravan (wheelless) caravan Middellandse Zee Mediterranean Means of transport used to reach a holiday destination

met de auto by car met de fiets by bike; cycling

- auto huren to rent a car met de trein by train met een taxi by taxi - slaapwagen - a sleeper met de bus by bus, coach - ondergrondse - underground, tube

- Londense bus doubledecker met een vliegtuig by plane in een huükar in a horse-drawn vlucht flight caravan - vliegveld - airport met de boot by boat - tijdverschil - time-lag

- de veerboot the ferry liften to hitch-hike

Some preparations to be made

inlichtingen in- to make inquiries reisl>ureau travel agency winnen over about reisgids a guide kennis van land en knowledge of country all-in reis a package-tour

volk and people annuleren to cancel een taal leren of learning or brushing reisplan an itinerary

ophalen up a language inenting inoculation (vooruit) reserveren booking (in advance)



101. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. holiday

- a time of rest from work (e.g. a day off)

- (= US vacation) annual period wh en a person does not work. a busman 's holiday

spare time or holiday spent in doing one's usual work (e.g. a bus-driver driving a car). a Bank holiday

official, public holiday, not being a Saturday or Sunday. to keep up with the Joneses (see also nr. 82)

to compete with the average family in the purchase of articles e.g. a car, a swim-ming-pool, colour television, holidays, indicating social status.

102. staggered holidays

holidays arranged in such a way that different groups of the population go at different times.

103. boarding-house

a house where landlady or landlord has boarders who rent a furnished room or floor. Full board or bed and breakfast may be provided.

When in Rome do as the Romans do

Advice to e.g. tourists to adapt themselves to or respect the customs and way of life of the inhabitants of the country in which they spend their holidays. Foreign countrÏl!S visited by Dutch tourists (1978)

Spain 33.1 % Austria

Portugal 3.0 Germany

Italy 9.9 France

Greece 8.7 Total 54.7 % Britain 104. Percentages of means of transport used during holidays

10.3 % 6.5 4.2

3.8 Total 24.8 %

66% of tourists go by car, 15% by plane (1978!) and 7% by. coach. hitch-hiking

to go on a (long) journey trying to get rides in other people's cars or trucks in order to re duce travelling expenses.

105. a package-tour

a holiday at a fixed price planned and organized by a company so that the tourist or travelIer does not have to buy tickets, find hotels etc.

an itinerary

Plan of a holiday including places and sights to be visited and seen.

111. GRAMMAR. Translate and write down:

1. Ik woon in' Nederland. 6. Dat boek wordt hier verkocht. 2. Ik woon al jaren in Den Haag. 7.

3. Het volgend jaar woon ik in Frankrijk. 8. 4. In 1975 heb ik in Parijs gewoond. 9.

Overmorgen wordt dat boek hier verkocht. Al jaren wordt dat boek hier door ons verkocht. Dat boek is in 1972 door ons verkocht.



Lesonderdeel V (Fluency Practice) bevat naast 4 vragen over het vooraf bestudeer-de onbestudeer-derwerp een bestudeer-definitie-opdracht over hetzelfbestudeer-de onbestudeer-derwerp.

Iedereen, die met Engelsen of Engels-sprekende buitenlanders gesprekken heeft ge-voerd in het Engels, kent de situatie waarin men ineens, totaal onvoorbereid vragen moet beantwoorden zoals bijv.

- what type of school is the Dutch Atheneum?

- why are there so many political parties and broadcasting corporations in Holland?

- why and how do the Dutch celebrate St. Nicholas?

Spreekvaardigheid - het vermogen om vlot gedachten in een vreemde taal monde-ling weer te geven - is een vaardigheid, waarvoor onder meer vereist zijn: - kennis vooral van die taalstrukturen, die verschillen van die in je eigen taal, - een goede uitspraak van die vreemde taal,

- een ruime woordenschat vooral van alledaagse woorden, uitdrukkingen en sociale formules.

Daarnaast is het vermogen om je nauwkeurig uit te drukken, om precies dat te zeggen,' wat je wilt zeggen, erg belangrijk.

De definitie is een hulpmiddel om die vaardigheid te vergroten. In het begin is het moeilijk om een begrip zoals bijv. 'klaarover'zonder verdere aanwijzigingen te ver-duidelijken. Dat is zelfs voor velen in de moedertaal een moeilijke zaak, Daarom zijn de 15 definities (10 in de eerste 10 lessen en 5 in de laatste 10), die in dit boek zijn opgenomen:

- vooraf geanalyseerd en daarna

- in een logische volgorde van een trefwoorden geplaatst

- zodat een 'praatlijn' ontstaat als hulpmiddel bij de uiteenzetting. B. Werkwijze

De opdracht wordt dan voor

a) degene, die de definitie in het Engels gaat bespreken:

bestudeer de trefwoorden en vul de ontbrekende gegevens in, schrijf een samenvatting op uitgaande van de trefwoorden, lever deze samenvatting in ter controle door de docent,

spreek minstens 5 minuten in de eerste 8 lessen (later zelfs 10 minuten) over de definitie. Hierbij mag in het begin slechts van enkele trefwoorden gebruik worden gemaakt,

- beantwoord daarna de vragen, die over de definitie gesteld worden. b) degenen, die de definitie beluisteren:

maak enkele aantekeningen over datgene wat niet duidelijk is of misschien zelfs onjuist of waarover je meer informatie wilt hebben,

stel na de definitie vragen aan degene, die de definitie uiteengezet heeft. Nog een voordeel van de definitie-methode - naast de training om zich vlot en nauwkeurig in het Engels te leren uitdrukken - is dat een groepsproces ontstaat. De leden van de groep gaan elkaar vragen stellen en die vragen beantwoorden. Geleid~lijk aan wordt de docent toehoorder, die het gesprek zo nodig wat bijstuurt en de gehoorde foutjes noteert, die aan het eind besproken worden.

Bij elke mondelinge test na elke 4 lessen wordt van de studenten verwacht dat zij een van de vier behandelde definities zelfstandig kunnen bespreken.





Pronunciation Test. Pronounce clearly and explain:

1. I breathe my breath a beard a pear a steak

2. rough thorough orchard orchid the aged

3. I laid he says pudding a mayor marriage 4. comfortable Pacific Arabic analysis admirabie 5. khaki a sweater clothes a recipe apricot brandy Vocabulary Test. Pronounce and explain:

1. fed up to idle sights bank holiday the Joneses


reliable initial luggage favourable staggered holidays


abroad seaside resort broads boarders by coach

4. doubledecker ferry time-lag by tube to hitch-hike

5. to brush up in advance a guide itinerary inoculation V. FLUENCY PRACTICE

Prepare the answers to the questions and the definition. Write down some short notes to consult.

1. a) Mention 3 reasons why people go on a holiday. Why do you?

b) Where did you go last year? (country, accommodation, means of transport? ) 2. a) What information ab out your destination and accommodation is essential?

b) How could you check that it is reliable?

3. Write down a list of 5 initial decisions to be taken, when planning a holiday. Explain the reasons for your choice.

4. Mention one advantage and one disadvantage of a package-tour holiday arrangement.

5. DEFINITION 1. England (5 minutes) Read introduction on page 10.

Write down a summary, containing the main key-words, to be handed in, not to be read aloud.

1. largest part of island (Britain, United Kingdom. Other parts? ) 2. geographical position

3. strategic position

4. world power (l9th century) 5. capital

6. political parties 7. Downing Street 10 8. weights and measures 9. your holiday choice

(between Continent and lreland. Climate) (ever occupied? naval power, when? ) (one quarter of globe, decline? ) (Big Ben, Piccadilly, Tower, Soho) (party in power? opposition? ) (residence of? Whitehall?)

(why non-decima1? what about currency? ) (climate, traffic left, language? )




a) pronunciation : Sounds of English (page 91).

2. The letters of the a1phabet. Abbreviations. b) grammar : the verb ZIJN (study R nrs.ISO, 69, 138) c) vocabulary Holidays (b)

6. Luggage and things needed for holidays vreemde valuta foreign currency bescheiden documents, papers

pas passport

visum, visa visa, visas

reischeques traveller's cheques

koffer bag, trunk

spelletjes games

7. Formalities when crossing frontiers douanekantoor customs office de douane the Customs douane beam bte customs officer

grens the frontier

-vliegveld -airport

-haven -port

8. Staying at an hotel or apartment eenpersoonskamer single room tweepersoonskamer double room balkon op het balcony facing

zuiden uitzicht op bediening south view of attendance, service 9. Staying at a camping-site kampeerterrein camping-site kampeerwagen (motor )caravan stacaravan whee11ess caravan

tent a tent

-opslaan -to pitch, set up -afbreken -to strike

-haringen -pegs (film)camera kleding zonnebril pockets levensmiddelen gemalen koffie vrijetij dsk1eding reserve onderdelen invoerrechten vrij van rechten aangeven visiteren baggage smokkelen in/uitschrijven logies kamer en ontbijt (cine )camera c10thes sung1asses paperbacks foodstuffs ground coffee casual c10thes spares, spare parts

import duties duty-free to decIare to search luggage to smuggle to check in/out accommodation, lodging bed and breakfast volledig pension full board and lodging omgeroepen worden to be paged

trektocht make to hike jeugdherberg youth hostel

-slaapzaal -dormitory -slaapzak -sleeping bag kookgerei cooking utensils groep zang community singing

rugzak rucksack

10. How to remember particular sights, persons or events

foto a snapshot dagboek

foto-album snapshop album souvenir

een film a film een sterk verhaal

een' dia a colour slide plakboek

prentbriefkaart picture postcard onvergetelijk type

a diary a souvenir a ta11 story a scrap-book


11. INFORMATION 106. a visa 107. the customs frontier border 108. to page 109. to hike youth hostel

an official mark put in apassport giving a foreigner permission to enter, pass through or leave th at country.

a)-the government organisation established to collect taxes (import duties) to be paid in accordance with the laws on goods entering a country (frontier, airport, port).

b) socially accepted practices.

dividing line between the land of one country and that of another country.

land near the dividing line between two countries, e.g. between England and Scotland.

to call aloud in hotel or club for someone who is wanted for some reason.

to travel about the country or an area especially on foot or without the regular use of a vehic1e (compare: hitchhike nr. 104).

a building in which young people (students) working away from home or walking around countryareas in holidays can live and eat for which they pay sm all amounts of money, or assist in preparing meals.

a dormitory large room containing a number of beds for either women or men.

a dormitory town place from which people, mostly commuters, travel to work in another place every day.

110. (colour) slide piece of film in a frame to show a picture on a screen. a diary a book containing

a) a daily record of (personal) events (Pepys, Anne Frank), b) (= agenda) appointments or dates to be remembered.

111. GRAMMAR. Translate and write down: I!. Zij zijn loodgieter.

12. Zij zijn weggegaan. 13. Zij zijn al jaren lid. 14. Zij zijn nooit vergeleken. 15. Zij zijn te vergelijken. 16. Zij waren verloofd.


Zij waren ontdekt. 18. Zij zullen op tijd zijn. 19. Zij zullen gegaan zijn. 20. Zij zouden geschreven zijn.



adress: PO Box 76, Bush House, London WC2B 4 PH England

monthly magazine: BBC LONDON CALLING, subscription .L 6 a year.

FREQUENCIES (all times GMT Greenwich Mean Time) for Dutch listeners:












11 GlIT 13






















22 23 24 11Hz 21.55 17 .885 17.79 17.705 15.42 15.07 12.095 9.915 t GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG + + 21.55 t t t t t t + t t t t t 17 .885 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG + + + 17.79 17.705 t + t t t t + + + + + + + 15.42 + GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG + 15.07 + GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG + + t t t + + + + + + + + + + + 12.095 9.75 9.58 9.41 7.23 7.185 7.12 6.195 6.05 5.975 3.955 + GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + .. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG + + t t t t t t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + G + GGG + GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG + GG + GGGGGGGGG + + + t t t t t t + + + + + + + :GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG + + + + + + + + + + GGG+ + GG+GGGGGGGGG+ 9.915 9.75 9.58 9.41 7.23 7.185 7.12 6.195 6.05 5.975 3.955 1296kHz 810kHz 648kHz 200kHz + + + + GGG + + + + GG 1296kHz + + + GGt + + + + + + + + + GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG + + GG + GGGGGGGGGGG + t. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + SUNDAY '

0800 World News; 0890 Reflections; 0815 The Pleasure's Vours

0900 World News & Review of the British Press; 0915 People & Polities; 0930 From the Weeklies; 0945 Sports Review; 1015 Classica I Record Review; 1030 Religlous Service

1100 World News & News about Britain: 1115 Letterfrom

America; 1130-1300 Play of the Week (1 wk. in 4);

1130-1230 Play of the Week (3 wks. in 4); 1230-1300

Baker's Half Dozen (3 wks. in 4)

1300 World News & Commentary; 1315 From Our Own Correspondent; 1330 World Service Short Story 1345 The Sandi Jones Request Show; 1430 Comedy Show:

What Ho, Jeevesl (Jan 4-Feb 8); Smash of the Day (Feb 150n)

1500 Radio Newsreel; 1515 Concart Hall

1600 World News & Commentary; 1615 Science in Action;

1645 Letter trom America

1700 World News; 1709 Financial Review; 1720 New Ideas; 1730 Aria; 1745 Sportscall

1800 World News & News about Britain; 1815 Radio Newsreel;

1830 Feature: The Ufe and Death ofthe Silly Ass (Jan 41:

Robert Louis Stevenson (Jan 11): InternatIonal Vear of the Disabled (Jan 18): Minci and Community (Jan 25-Feb 1); Chemical Warfare (25-Feb 8): Phobias (25-Feb 151:

Wo men in Polities (Feb 22): Faking It (Mar 11; Study of

Man (Mar 8-22); The Aintree Challenge (Mar 291;

Samuel Beckett (Apr 5); The Charity Business (ADr 12);

Disraeli (Apr 191; Daniel Defoe (ADr 261; 1900 Country

Style: 1915 Radio Theatre (Jan 4-Feb 15); Little Dorrit

(Feb 22-Apr 26)

2000 World News & Commentary; 2015 Letterbox;

2030 Sunday Half Hour; 2100 Talks (see Sat 0815 for

details); 2115 Sandi Jones Request Show

2200 World News; 2209 Science in Action; 2240 Reflections;

2245 Sportscall

2300 World News & Commentary; 2315 Letter from America; 2330 Music Now












810kHz 648kHz 200kHz Metre • 13.92 16.77 16.86 16.94 19.46 19.91 24.80 30.26 30.77 31.32 31.88 41.49 41.75 42.13 48.43 49.59 50.21 75.85 231 MIl 370MII 463M11 1500LW







Pronunciation Test. Pronounce cIearly and explain:

6. g u w y


Maugham Hughes Leicester Geoffrey 0.05

8. e.g. Ph.D. Le. an IOU viz.

9. abominabie adequate agency academy accommodation

10. pyjamas advantageous care er particular certificate

Vocabulary Test. Pronounce and explain:

6. currency paperbacks I ground it casual cIothes to search


attr.ndance he is paged pegs to hike dormitory

8. (colour)slide a diary the visa import duty the laws

9. a border a hostel are as commuter appointment

10. frontier foodstuffs double room a tall story dormitory town



Note: prepare the tasks and answers to questions beforehand. Write down some short notes to consult.

6. a) Mention some types of luggage you always take with you on a holiday. b) Mention three personal things or objects you could not do without.

Why couldn't you? 7. Crossing the frontier

a) Mention three articIes you have to decIare. b) What three things are worth smuggling?

8. DEFINITION 2. The Customs (5 minutes)

Read lntroduction on page 10.

Write down a summary containing the main key-words to be handed in, not to be read aloud. '

I. a) strange cu stoms (of one or more persons? )

2. b) going through the Customs (where? 3 places? ) 3. officials called . . . ?

4. what do they check? 5. why is checking necessary? 6. protecting what interests ?

(their main function? )

(luggage, goods, people, documents? ) (what imports limited, forbidden? ) (home market, industry, trade) 7. meaning 'anything to decIare'? (mention some articIes)

8. import-duty to be paid (when, where and how? )

9. do all people pay? (reasons for not paying? )

10. is smuggling justified? (did you ever do it? Why?)

9. Select one of the possibilities of accommodation stated and discuss one advantage and one disadvantage

a) an hotel b) an apartment c) a boat, a yacht

d) a youth hostel e) a tent f) the house of a relative



a) pronunciation : Sounds of English (page 93), voiced and breathed sounds. b) grammar : the verb WORDEN. Translation of MEN and ER.

(study R nrs. 143, 138, 73, 36, 5) c) vocabulary : Traffic (a).

11. General aspects

op de weg on the road opstopping jam

de weg naar A the way to A rijbewij~ driving licence plein (vierkant) (Trafalgar JSquare snelheid speed

plein (rond) (Piccadilly J Circus maximum snelheid speed limit druk verkeer heavy traffic spitsuren rush hours links houden to keep left tegenliggers oncoming traffic eenrich tingsverkeer one-way traffic verkeersregels Highway Code 13. Kinds of roads

autoweg Motorway overweg level crossing hoofdweg main road, highroad -bomen gates, barriers

highway -halve bomen half-barriers

laan avenue gelijkvloers level

laantje, weggetje lane U nadert een MAJOR ROAD AHEAD omlegging (road) diversion voorrangsweg

afslag slip road, exit road verkeersplein a roundabout randweg ringroad = rotonde

12. Parts of the road

rijweg carriage way vluchtstrook hard shoulder tweebaansweg dual carriageway scherpe bocht sharp bend rijstrook lane kruispunt intersection,

middenberm een tral reservation (= knooppunt) a crossroads, junction vangrail crash barrier parkeerstrook layby

14. Means of transport

rijden (auto) to drive a car fietser cyclist bestuurder driver, motorist bakfiets carrier-cycle (paard )rij den to ride on horse back bromfiets, brommer a moped (met) de auto (by) car motorfiets motor-cycle antieke auto vintage car vrachtauto truck, lorry (met) de bus (by) bus aanhanger trailer een fiets a bicycle, cycle imperiaal roof-rack fietsen to cycle invalidewagen invalid carriage fietspad cycle path

15. Pedestrians

bebouwde kom built-up area klaarover lollipop man

trottoir pavement school-crossing patrol

vluchtheuvel (traffic) island wettelijk beschermd protected by law oversteekplaats a crossing aanrijden to knock down, to hit zebrapad a zebra crossing recht oversteken to cross at right angles wegpiraat hit-and-run driver


111. Trafalgar Square; with Nelson's Column. The naval battle between the English and the French was fought at Trafalgar in 1805.

Piccadilly Circus; said to be the heart of London. The traffic moving round thè

statue of Eros (God of love). '

a traffic jam; a long line or queue of vehicles so close together that move ment is difficult or impossible.

the Highway Code; an official booklet containing rules for the behaviour of road-users (drivers, pedestrians).

oncoming traffic; traffic (cars, buses) coming towards one from the opposite direct-ion.

112. motorway; abbreviated M (e.g. MI, M2); very wide raad built for fast vehicles, travelling long distances and on which one is not allowed to stop unIe ss one's car breaks down.

a sliproad; road for entering or leaving a motorway.

a level crossing; place where a road and a railway cross each other, mostly protected by gates or (automatic) half-barriers that shut off the road (partly) while a train passes.

major road; road on which all traffic has the right of way.

a roundabout; a central space at a road crossing, which makes cars go in a circle round it and not straight across.

113. carriage-way; (part of) the road used by vehic1es.

dual carriage-way; main road on which the traffic travelling in opposite direction is kept apart by a central separation.

a crossroads; a place where 2 or more roads cross.

a junction; place where roads or railway lines meet or diverge.

a layby; place next to a road where vehicles may park out of the way of traffic.

114. a roof-rack; a metal frame fixed on top of a car-roof for carrying things (luggage, bags etc.).

115. built-up area; area in town or village covered with buildings.

traffic island; a raised place in the middle of a road where pedestrians crossing the road can wait for the traffic to pass.

lollipop man/wo man ; person whose task it is to stop traffic so that young (school) children can cross safely. They raise a stick with a notice on top telling drivers to stop.

hit-and-run driver; one, who causes an accident, and does not stop.

lIl. GRAMMAR. Translate and write down:

21. Het wordt donker. NB. zinnen met MEN vertalen in lijdende vorm! 22. Het wordt vaak gezegd. 26. Men ziet mij.

23. Het wordt al jaren gedaan. 27. Men ziet dat al jaren. 24. Het zal duidelijk worden. 28. Men zou mij zien. 25. Het zou gedaan worden. 29. Men heeft mij gezien.


Traffic Holland in 1978 (CBS)

A. Total number of motor-vehicles

private cars 4.016.000 mopeds 1.100.000 delivery-vans motorcyc1es 197.000 92.000 trucks buses other vehicles Total 91.000 10.000 39.000 5.545.000

B. Total number of people involved in traffic

accidents people people people

killed % injured % killed driving or being driven in:

% 0- 4 years 5-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 51 229 1.002 private car 1.033 (45) 65 and older age unknown 700 (30) 455 (20) 389 470 (20) 2.294 in built-up areas 807


7.291 truck 51 27.225 (44) bus 13.668 (22) motorcycIej 110 8.277 (13) scooter 4.287 other motorvehicle 11 380 rail transport 62.130 moped 253 37.516 cycle 460 (20) other vehicle 8 pedestrians 368




! /





people injured % 22.934 (37) 1.311 227 3.084 101 37 16.619 (23.5) 11.805 (19) 84 5.928






Pronunciation Test. Pronounce clearly and explain:

11. cap gap back bag colt gold

12. heart hard fast vast

13. half halves chin gin aitch age

14. the use I use tenth with

15. analysis apostrophe Arabic athletics ballets

Vocabulary Test. Pronounce and explain:

11. rush hours the verge a lay-by a sliproad a diversion

12. level crossing vintage car a moped a roof-rack a pavement

13. an island a crossing a right angle to knock down hit-and-run driver

14. a square a circus a road-user a roundabout speed limit

15. a lane ringroad half -barriers sharp bend crash barrier


Prepare the answers to the questions and the definition. Write down some short notes to consult.

11. Mention one essential regulation - laid down in the Highway Code

-protecting the lives of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists, connected with:

a) speed (limit) b) crossing a road c) changing direction

12. How does motorized traffic passing through a built-up area endanger the lives of pedestrians and cyclists? How can these dangers be - partly -reduced?

13. (see picture on page 18) What should a motorist pay attention to, when

ap-proaching a crossroads - no major road being ahead - before

a) turning right b) driving straight on c) turning left?

14. DEFINITION 3. A lollipop woman (5 minutes)

Read Introduction on page 10.

Write down a summary containing the main key-words to be handed in, not to be read aloud.

1. lollipop = lolly (sweet set on stick)

2. lollipop woman (woman eating or selling one? ) 3. her function in traffic? (stopping what road-users? ) 4. how does she stop them? (resemblance with lollipop? ) 5. at what type of crossings?(resemblance with zebra? ) 6. at what times of the day? (coinciding with? dangers? ) 7. guiding wh at pedestrians across?(small or large number? ) 8. wh at crossing is legally protected? (why guide across? ) 9. are other places protected? {is ctriving on an offence?) 10. could any woman be one?(requirements? special c1othes? ) 15. Saving petrol and avoidirig pollution

What limitations are to be imposed by law on able-bodied motorists driving alone in a 4-seat car




a) pronunciation: Sounds of English 4 (page 94). 4. Voiced or breathed -ed-endings.

b) grammar: future tenses: ZULLEN, ZOUDEN (study R 109, 137, 138, 149) c) vocabulary: Traffic (b) 16. Manoeuvres afslaan to turn 17. 18. 19. 20. links, rechts inhalen langzamer rijden in file rij den

Traffic control borden wegwijzer verkeerslich ten verkeersagent (18) Traffic-police left, right to overtake to slow down to drive in a queue traffic signs sign-post traffic-lights (red, amber, green) point-policeman

plaatselijke controle spot check strafbaar feit, . offence


overtreder offender

getuige witness

bekeuren to summon (for) to take a p. name

bekeuring a summans

proces-verbaal a report Trouble, breakdown

lekke band flat tyre, puncture band verwisselen to change a tyre binnenband a tube

zonder benzine run out of petrol benzinepomp petrol station gewone defecten common defects

Accidents (INFORMATION page 21) botsen tegen to collide with

botsing collision

frontale botsing head-on collision kettingbotsing a pile-up

slippen to skid

slachtoffer victim, casualty

rechtdoor rijden to drive straight on rechts houden to keep right

remmen to brake

uitwijken to swerve voorrang right of way voorrang geven ta give way

verboden inrit na tharaughfare

voorrang geven to give way parkeren verboden no parking parkeerbon parking ticket parkeerwachter traffic warden

alcohol proef breath test 'ballonnetje' breathalyser bag

beboet worden to be fined een boete a fine

voorkomen to appear in court veroordelen to convict, find

guilty vrijspreken ta acquit

achterlicht rear light voorlichten headlights richtingwijzers indicator lights

voorruit windscreen

ruiten wissers wipers

driehoek reflecting triangle wegenwacht(er) A.A. scout

(automo-bile Association)

eerste hulp first aid

kunstmatige adem- artificial respiration

haling (mouth to mouth)

ambulance ambulance-car W.A. verzekering third-party insurance

all-risk camprehensive in-surance



116. in single file; persons wa1king or cyc1ing one behind the other.

a file; office-arrangement (e.g. cupboard) for storing information. Information about one particular subject.

to give way; allow priority to another vehic1e, as indicated in the road-sign GIVE WAY.

117. traffic control; active regulation of traffic by traffic lights or authorised persons (e.g. point-policemen)

traffic sign; a board or other notice giving information, warning, directions 'etc. in· traffic.

traffic warden; a uniformed official employed to enforce the parking regulations and assisting the police in dealing with raad traffic.

ll8. summons(es); order(s) often written, to appear in court.

breathalyser; apparatus used by the police to measure the amount of alcohol a car driver has drunk.

ll9. A.A. scout; a person providing help with rep airs on the road. One of the advantages of being a member of the Automobile Association (A.A.).

120. a pile-up; a multiple collision with many vehic1es involved.

comprehensive insurance; formof insurance against all kinds of accidentalloss or damage to the car, driver or other passengers or persons.

third-party insurance; contract with an insurance company which agrees to certain kinds of accidentalloss or damage caused to a third party.


If you are first on the scene of an accident you should:

a) wam other traffic by displaying a red triangle or switching on hazard warning lights or other lights or by any other means.

Extinguishlighted cigarettes or other fire hazards and ask drivers to switch off their engines.

b) arrange for the police and ambulance authorities to be summoned immediately with full details of the location and casualties; on a motorway, if necessary drive on to the next emergency telephone.

c) remove casualties if in any immediate danger but do not move them unneces-sarily; give first aid.

d) get uninjured pe'ople out of the vehic1es and into a place of safety; on a motor-way this should be amotor-way from the carriagemotor-way or hard shoulder or central

. reservation;

e) stay at the scene until emergency services arrive.

(from: the Highway Code). 111. ' GRAMMAR. Translate and write down:

31. Zij zullen gaan. 36. Zij zouden gaan.

32. Zij zullen niet gaan. 37. Zij zouden komen (afspraak). 33. Zullen zij gaan? 38. Zij zouden niet gaan.

34. Zij gaan morgen. 39. Zouden zij gaan? 35. Zij zullen gegaan zijn. 40. Zij zouden gegaan zijn.





Pronunciation Test. Pronounce clearly and explain:

16. I1ailghed Ilooked I stopped 1 missed I increased 17. 110ved I begged I rubbed I used I used to go 18. 'the aged very 1earned blessed rugged wicked 19. damned repaired showed played tried 20. buffet capab1e catastrophe certificate character Vocabu1ary Test. Pronounce and exp1ain:

16. to brake sign-post amber spot check a summons 17. breathalyser a fine to convict to acquit a puncture 18. a rear light wipers A.A.scout a collision to skid 19. to overtake a queue an offence a witness traffic warden 20. an offender a wind screen a pile-up petrol station artificial respiration


Prepare the answers to the questions and the definition. Write down some short notes to consult.

16. Mention three cases in which a cyc1ist or motorist has to give right of way in traffic.

17.a) Mention 3 major traffic-offences.

b) What could be the consequences when you commit one? c) In what cases are driving-licences withdrawn - permanently - ? 18.a) Mention three main causes of car-accidents.

b) What should peop1e do when they witness an accident?

c) What information is essential when you give an eyewitness-account? 19. Mention 3 major car-defects.

- What person cou1d assist you when your car breaks down on a motorway? - Are possib1e rep airs free of charge?

20. DEFINITION 4. Third-party insurance (5 minutes) Read Introduction on page 10.

Write down a summary containing the main key-words to be handed in, not to be read aloud.

1. types of insurance, purpose (life, property, fire, health) 2. procedure of being insured (policy, premium, personal risk) 3. a comprehensive insurance (covering what and whose damage? ) 4. period in case of new car? (why not af ter, say, 4 years? ) 5. third-party insurance (mention 3 parties involved)

6. is insurance compu1sory? (is it limited to means of transport? ) 7. co vering whose damage? (is total amount of damage paid? ) 8. premium the same anilUally? (reason for reduction? )

9. when preferabie to comprehensive insurance?



Repeat a) Sounds of English: Units 1-4

b) Vocabulary : (1, 2) HoIidays, (3, 4) Traffic


Pronounce and spel!: 1. Geoffrey 2. Maugham 3. Hughes g-e-o-f-f-r-e-y m-a-u-g-h-a-m h-u-g-h-e-s

Pronounce and explain the meaning of:

Macleod Leicester Holrnes m-a-c-l-e-o-d l-e-i-c-e-s-t-e-r h-o-l-m-e-s

4. In 1970 A.D. a Ph.D. dialled WHI 007 about an IOU at 3 p.m. 5. At M.1.5 H.Q. room temperature was pretty high viz. 30° C. 6. That intriguing VIP appeared on I.T.V. in beige pyjamas.

7. Her neglect of the 3 R's and of P.T. in the gymnasium was not advanta-geous for her career.

8. "A pear a day keeps the G.P. away, sir", whispered the au pair girl to the P.M. in the Commons.

9. Did the aged M.Sc. buy that particular TV-set on H.P.?

10. On receipt of a certificate at 10 a.m. the plumber had to pay 2 gns.

11. "Skeletons in cup boards, beware" , was one of the mysterious messages broad-cast during the war years.

12. The low ceilings in the prefabs produced curious echoes.

13. The rebelling rebels were marching through the orchard in khaki uniforms. 14. Towards the close of th at period many curious ideas about ballad and ballet

were characteristic.

15. The weights and heights of these eight iron machinesmay vary. 16. That pretty co-ed received my emphatic refusals in January. 17. My learned relatives laughed at my niece's admirabie BBC-accent.

18. After making a clean breast of the wicked scheme to the members of the C.I.D. I felt reIieved. My conscienee was comforted.

19. When Robinson Crusoe dialled TIM he heard the signature tune of a famous orchestra recorded on a separate record.

20. The hearth and plough are considered to be sacred institutions in underdeve-loped countries.


Introduce and discuss one of the 4 definitions:

1) England (5) 3) a lollipop woman (14)



a) pronunciation: Sounds of EngJish (page 96). b) grammar :

c) vocabulary :

5. Voiced of breathed -s-endings.

The order of words in an English sentence. (study R 120, 121 and 122).

Language and Media (a). 21. One's native language or mother tongue

communicatie- a means of middel communication gedachten en gevoe- to express thoughts

lens uitdrukken and feelings - spreken - speaking - luisteren - listening mondeling oral

spreker van moe- native speaker dertaal

gedrukte of geschre- printed or written ven taal

- lezen

- schrijven lezen en schrijven (op lagere school) (zie nr. 167) language ~ reading - writing 2 of 3 Rs taught at primary school manier van spreken a class-accent (v. iem. v. bepaalde (read 1 181) sociale klasse)

22. English, spoken by more foreigners than native speakers




(verplicht) vak compulsory (school) uitspraak pronunciation subject omgangstaal colloquial language spraakkunst grammar algemeen beschaafd RP (Received

regels rules Pronunciation)

woordenschat betekenis talenpracticum band, cassette vocabulary meaning language lab tape, cassette

uitspraak woorden- pronouncing boek dictionary niveau level halfgevorderd gevorderd intermediate advanced The alphabet (for pronunciation see Sounds of English, unit 2, page 91). letter letter, sym bol feestdag red-letter day hoofdletter capital letter schuttingwoord four-Ietter word medeklinker consonant analfabeet illiterate klinker vowel fonetische om- phonetic trans-(plaats)naam spelling schrijving cription

spellen a (place )name initialen initials kleine lettertjes small print Reading books, papers, magazines

roman (SChrijver) novel, . novelist hoofdredacteur chief editor

pocket paperback oplaag circulation

uitgeven to publish modeblad fashion paper, glossy

uitgever .publisher koppen headlines

abonnement su bscription adverteren to advertise abonneren op to su bscribe to advertentie advert, advertisement (druk)pers (printing)press 'detective' crime novel, thriller bibliotheek library (titels p. 68).

Writing a letter, summary, artièIe (information see R 12).

vel papier sheet of paper envelop envelope blocnote note-pad geadresseerde addressee

ballpoint ball-point pen postcode postcode (U.S. zip) kladje draft (copy) postzegel stamp

bijlage enclosure plakken to affix

luchtpost airmail rechterbovenhoek top righthand corner sollicitatie"brief letter of application naar de brieven bus to the pillar-box ingezonden brief letter to the Editor lichting collection handtekening signature



122. colloquiallanguage; ordinary, informal or familiar conversation.

RP or Received Pronunciation is the accent usually referred to as BBC English, occasionally the King's or Queen's English or Oxford English.

This pronunciation is normally selected for teaching foreign learners of British English (for more information see Introduction on page 90 and 40).

123. a red-letter day; a particularly happy day that will be remembered (read nr. 45). an illiterate; a person unable to read and write (2 of three R's) (see 167).

slang (as defined in the LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH) language that is not usually accept ab Ie in serious speech or writing, including ~

words and expressions regarded as very informal or not polite, and those used among particular groups of people (army, schoolboys etc.). Slang often goes in and out of fashion quickly.

124. editor; person (a) preparing e.g. an article for printing, written by another person (b) supposed to write an editorial, leading article (or leader) and to give an opinion ab out an up-to-date topic or issue.

41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

letter to the Editor; letter written by a reader of a newspaper about alocal, national or international issue.

Fleet Street; area in London where most of the important newspaper offices are. Request for information

to the Librarian of the British Council 343, Keizersgracht 1016 EH Amsterdam

Dear Miss Volume,

Rijswijk, June Ist, 1975

From the BBC, Bush House, London, WC2B4 PH, I received a reply to my letter in which I inquired where I could borrow a copy of

A Concise Pronouncing Dictionary of British and American English, by J. Windsor Lewis, published in 1972.

The BBC representative, Mr James Alien, advised me to write to you because most modern publications in English are available in your library.

Could you inform me whether the book mentioned above is available and how I could obtain a membership card for your library?

Looking forward to your reply, I am Miss S. Punt

Batavierenwal 88

Yours faithfully,

111. GRAMMAR Translate and write down: Nooit zou hij dat toegeven. 46. Zelden had hij hard gewerkt. 47. In geen geval doe ik dat. 48. Zij is niet aanwezig. Hij ook niet. 49. Hij klaagde nooit. Wij ook niet. 50.

Ik liet het hem doen. Ik liet het niet doen.

Een onlangs in Delft gehouden vergadering. De door hen bestede tijd.



The Association of recognised English Language Schools publishes a complete guide to English all-year and summer vacation courses annually.

Inquire: The British Council, 343, Keizersgracht, 1016 EH Amsterdam.

35 Marhle Arc:h Intensive English


Adclre88 21 Star Street, London W2 1 QB Telephone (Ol) 402 9273

Telex 28604 Ref 5 10

The school is owned and run by the staff. Open throughout the year (except 21 Dec-2 Jan),

General English courses: 10-30 hours a week.

Evening classes 6-10 hours a week. Private lessons,

Cambridge First Certificate/Proficiency courses: 2

Mar, I Sep,

4-week course dates: 5 Jan, 2 Feb, 2 Mar, 30 Mar,

27 Apr, II May, 8 Jun, 6 Jul, 3 Aug, I Sep, 28 Sep, 26 Oct, 23 Nov,

3 week course dates: 15 Jun, 6 Jul, 27 Jul,

17 Aug, 7 Sep,

Special Easter course: 13-24 Apr, Special summer courses: Language into literature (6-31 Jul); Study skills for higher education (6-31 Jul); Women writers

(3-21 Aug); Teacher training (3-21 Aug), School without walls: 25 hours a week classwork and visits in London, eg theatre, law, education

topics, RSA courses for initia I teacher training and certificate in TEFL,

Situated in a quiet residential street five minutes

from the West End, Friendly and informal atmosphere, Listening centre library, Coffee bar, sodal club, student council, excursions, parties, Free accommodation and welfare service,


Children's courses in summer,

37 Pitman School of English

Adclress 46 Goodge Street, London WIP 2AQ Telephone (0 I) 580 8341

Telegrams lP ANDSONS, London Telex 261367 Pitman G

PrincipalJohn Steven, BA

Our very friendly school is in a modern, specially

designed building (with centra I heating) in central

London, We specialise iri top quality teaching for students who wish to Ie arn English quickly, Use our

library, listening room, large cafeteria, colour TV and bar and stay in a good family, We are a long

established school-part ofthe internatJonally famous Pitman Group - and give personal attention to all our students,

Throughout the year, study 3, 4 or 6 hours each dav, or during the evening, Minimum enrolment 4weeks,

Tuition for Cambridge First Certificate and

Proficiency examinations; for Pit man Examinations

Institute and London Chamber of Commerce

examinations; for ARELS Oral examination. Special courses in business and commercial


Full-time student accommodation service; weekly

sociaVexcursion programme,


Summer programme: 3/4 week summer courses in London and University ofSheffield, with social, excursion and sports programmes, Special facilities for juniors (12-16 years),

One-to-one tuition: individually designed intensive

tuition, one teacher/student in comfortable 'office

style' rooms for executives, professional and

technical staff. Flexible starting date/study hours, normally 25 hours per week. Hotel or family accommodation on request.

Additional information about these 2 (out of 28) schools in London.

'" a> ro u a> i"u "a> Ox u.;::: Q; ~ E "", c:'" E!l! "u E"" ._ u X<O <0 a> ::i:s 35 Merbla Arch Intensive English (Co·operativel, W2

General 16+ v' v' 12


37 PItman School of English, W1 General English Special English S!Jmmer programme 16+ 16+ 16 v' v' 17 x v' 5 V V 17 i" a> c: ~ .~ ë ~ a> a> EU) Q) ~6 c. 0.'" E " " , 0 (/)~ u 3+/4+ V v' x 4/8+ v' v' x 2+ x v' V 3-8 v x x 15/25 23/37 x BB62/HB75 15+ 36 v 10 HB70 25 345 x x 15 36


10 HB/FB70



(a) Pronunciation Test. Pronounee clearly and explain:

21. staffs locks caps cats months

22. he gives dogs he rubs lids baths

23. witches buses boxes wishes garages

24. he breathes he buzzes clothes he reaches he bathes

In which of the words is final s pronounced z?

25. chocolates comforts committees colonels colleagues

(b) Vocabulary Test. Pronounce and explain:

21. red-letter day four-Ietter word an illiterate small print a novelist

22. intermediate advanced 3 R's RP the pre ss

23. editor colloquial word circulation a glossy headlines

24. note-pad a draft signature pillar-box

25. Fleet Street librarian


membership card representative available


Prepare the answers to the questions and the definition. Write down some short notes to consult.

21. Learning languages (speaking, reading and writing)

a) how and in what order do young children learn their native language? b) can a foreign language be learned in the same way? Differences? 22. Learning a foreign language

Indicate priorities of learning by a, b or c. 1) ( ) gram mar ( ) vocabulary (what words? )

2) ( ) writing ( ) speaking

23. DEFINITION 5. BBC English (5 minutes)

) pronunciation ) reading

Write down a summary containing the main key-words to be handed in.

1. spoken by whom? (educated minority" announcers)

2. standard for whom? (native speakers, foreigners)

3. why great social prestige? (upperclass, public school, snobs) 4. international communication (between a Dutchman and Italian) 5. communication Europeans? (Common Market, European parliament)

6. to be heard in Holland (BBC, teachers, cassette-tapes)

7. to be checked in what book?

8. correct accent important? (compared with grammar, vocabulary)

9. pronunciation düficult? (sounds or symbols pronounced)

10. your advice to somebody wanting to improve it?

24. a) what type of book is re ad by the majority of book-readers? b) what is your favourite type of book? Why?

c) do you buy or borrow (where? ) your books?

25. a) is writing an informalletter a difficult .task for you? Why? b) can you write a formal letter or short article in good English?




a) pronunciation : Sounds of English (page 97).

6. Sounds and Symbols.

b) grammar : The verbs KUNNEN and MOGEN. (study R 58, 59, 79, 78).

c) vocabulary : Language and Media (b). 26. The telephone,phone (slang: blower)

aangesloten zijn, telefoon hebben telefoonnummer kiesschijf 10 gaatjes drukknop hoorn op haak to be on the telephone telephone number dial 10 holes push button receiver on hook 27. Making a telephone cal)

gids directory

gouden gids yellow pages geheim nummer unlisted,

ex-direc-tory number lokaal gesprek local caU interlokaal trunk caU

netnummer dialling code

28. Radio set, wireless set

afstemmen op to tune in to

golflengte wavelength

zachter zetten to turn down

uitzenden to broadcast

zond uit, uitge- broadcast zonden

uitzending a broadcast

gids radio and TV


omroeper announcer

29. Television,TV, the teUy

op TV on the teUy

kijken naar to watch

TV-kijker teUy-viewer

kanalen channels

de buis the box

het 'kastje' the goggle-box

verslaafde addict

30. Broadcasting corporations

zendtijd broadcasting time

toewijzing allocation gebaseerd op based on

bepaald aantal definite number Ieden, abonnees members,

subscribers centrale telefonist( e) intern nummer 5 an twoordapparaat telefooncel gleuf voor munt

afluisteren nummer draaien wijsvinger draaien in richting van klok in gesprek( toon) kiestoon tijdsein tijdmelding programma's platen NB. pick up hoorspel laatste nieuws nieu wslezer weerbericht -voorspelling journaal (bioscoop) programma-eisen (read 130) informatief ontspannend educatief cultureel overeenkomsten verschillen veroorzaakt door godsdienstige of politieke over-tuiging wensen van kijkers

the exchange


extension 5

answering machine telephone booth slot for coin to tap dialling a number forefinger turning c10ckwise engaged (signal) dialling tone the pips speaking c10ck program mes records record-player radio play latest news news reader weather report -forecast newsreel program me require-ments informative en tertaining educational cultural resemblances differences caused by reIigious or polit-ical conviction viewers' wishes



126. dial; circular disc on a telephone, having 10 holes, which is moved round when one makes a telephone call.

exchange; central place where telephone wires can be joined so that people may speak to each other.

extension; any telephone line which connects the switchboard to a room or office in a large building.

slot machine; a machine especially for selling drinks, stamps, cigarettes etc. which is made to work by putting a coin into a slot.

127. trunk caU (US: long-distance caB) a telephone caB made over a long distance.

dialling code; the group of numbers that one must dial to caU the country or city in which a person is, before one dials the person's own number.

note: London districts used to have letter codes e.g. WHI (Whitehall).

STD = subscriber trunk dialling; the telephone system in Britain aBowing people to connect their own long-distance calls.

the pips; short, high-sounding notes as used in the operation of telephones or as given on the radio to show the exact time.

128. record-player; (or gramophone) an instrument which can turn the information stored in the long narrow groove of a record back into the original sounds (speech or music) by letting a special needie travel along it.

Nate: the pick-up is the needie and arm of the record-player.

129. There are 3 television channels in Britain, 2 run by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC1 and BBC2) and one by the Independent Television Authority (IT A), which is made up of a number of separate commercial companies. The BBC program mes are advertised in the RADIO TIMES, the ITV program mes in the TV TIMES. The BBC is financed mainly by the annual television receiving licences. The ITV is self-supporting, being financed by advertisements on their services.

96% of the population have television in their homes. Average weekly viewing time per person is over 17 hours.

130. The Dutch broadcasting-system is democratic, non-commercial and pluriform. The difference in A, B or C-corporations depends on the number of members. The numbers on January lst. 1981 were:

AVRO 809.037 TROS (1964) 751.218 KRO 611.799 NCRV 528.896 VARA VERONICA Evangelische Omroep EO VPRO (1976) (1972) (1966) 523.678 317.000 220.000 181.598

The television-programmes produced must be 'comprehensive' program mes, contain-ing items of acultural, educational, informative and entertaincontain-ing nature.

Commercial (STER) broadcasts started in 1967.

The NOS (Netherlands Broadcasting Corporation) broadcasts 25% of the available time and was founded in 1969.

111. GRAMMAR . .Translate and write down:

51. Ik kan niet komen (2 mogelijkheden). 56. Jij mag gaan.

52. Kan hij gaan? (2 mogelijkheden) 57. Jij mocht niet blijven.

53. Ik kan morgen komen. 58. Mocht hij bellen, dan ben ik afwezig. 54. Ik kan al jaren typen. 59. Morgen mogen zij komen.


TEXT PRINTED IN THE INITlAL TEACHING ALPHABET (IT A), discussed in Sounds of English, Unit 7, page 98.

Granny Grant livQ in a littl cottrej

in me cuntry.

Jhe cottrej haQ a lP.atÖJ.t roof,

wim too Httl winQres upstrers

anQ too littl winQres Qounstrers,

wun on E€-ÖJ. sieQ ov me Httl frunt Qor.


haQ a big room bilt on

at wun



anQ a big ÖJ.imny bilt out

at 1he 1i1her sieQ.



Granny Grant


woJhi~ up

her brekfast QiJhes,







up 1he palP..

"A lette.r for mE€-!" seQ Granny Grant.


doo liek havi~ a letter."

"It's a gOOQ job


hav too beQrooms upstrers,"

lP.aut Granny Grant,

anQ JhE€- repenQ me lP.i.rQ lette.r.

"DE€-r Granny,

CooQ yoo plE€-s hav me ÖJ.ilQren

too stre for me wE€-k-enQ,

as Tom anQ


hav too gre

too LonQon. WE€- will poot mem

on me 2 re'clock bus on FrieQre.


yoo very muÖJ..

Wim luv-Jan."

Granny Grant lived in a little cottage

in the country

The cottage had a thatched roof,

with two little windows upstairs

and two little windows downstairs,

one on each side of the little front door.


had a big room built on

at one side,

and a big chimney built out

at the other side.

One morning,

Granny Grant was washing up

her breakfast dishes,

when she saw the post-man

coming up the path.

"A letter for me!" said Granny Grant.

"Oh, I do like having a letter."


a good job


have two bedrooms upstairs,"

thought Granny Grant,

and she opened the third letter.

"Dear Granny,

Could you please have the children

to stay for the week-end,

as Tom and I have to go

to London. We will put them

on the 2 o'clock bus on Friday.

Thank you very much.


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