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My summer


Academic year: 2022

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My summer

My favorite season is summer. I like when it’s hot and sunny. I don’t like winter, it gets dark so quickly then. I like snow though but I don’t like when it’s cold. In summer I can go for a long walk with my dog. He runs so quickly! We go to the park mainly, but we don’t stay there until it’s late. Sometimes we play in our big garden.

Very often I go with my parents to the seaside. I like swimming in the sea.

I swim slowly, my father is much faster than me. When we are at the seaside we eat mainly fried fish and chips, I love it! It’s not always sunny, sometimes it rains, but very rarely. Luckily we have a lot of things to do in our hotel – we can play bowls, snooker or watch TV. I play bowls quite well, but sometimes it’s difficult to roll the ball because it’s very heavy.

Summer is very happy time for me because it’s beautiful weather then, I can play all the time and I don’t have to go to school!


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