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Contents Marine Technology, Volume 25, Numbers 1-4, 1988


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J A N U A R Y 1 9 8 8 Volume 2 5 , Number 1 (ISSN 0025-3316)

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1 SNAME News xxi Book Reviews

X X V Technical and Research Activities xxvii Section Activities

1 The Design and Operation of Pumps Furnished for Marine Cargo Service: Part I—Centrifugal Cargo Pumps

by William J. Sembler

30 Machine Management of Marine Operations

by C. G. Biancardi and D. R. Dellwo

36 The Use of CAD in Ship Design

by W. W. Van Devender, Jr.

44 Analysis of Japanese and Korean Shipbuilding Prices

by Alexander C. Landsburg, Allan Jenks, Sam Lee, and Edwin B. Schimler

67 Classification Systems for Ship Items: A Formal Approach and I Application _

by Adrian Birbanescu-Biran

Forthcoming Events are listed on the inside back cover


A P R I L 1 9 8 8 Volume 25, Number 2^ (ISSN 0025-3316)


VM )( xi 75 BseHc Review?

Teehnieal and Researeh Aelivliies Section Activities



The Design arsd Operation of Pumps Furnisiied for Marine Cargo Service: Part II

by William J. Sembler

Fishing Vessels of the Pacific Northwest: The Past 30 Years by James A. Cole

Current Practices and Future Trends in Marine Propeller Design and Manufacture

by John A. Norton and James W. Elliott, Jr.

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by A. Kendrick and J. Carter

Drogues: A Study to Improve the Safety of Sailing Yachts by Carol L. Hen/ey and Donald J. Jordan

Contingency Planning for Oil Spills: An Ufidate Based en Eisperience Gained from «ie Pert Angeles Spill

by Robert A. Levlne

160 lnde]c of SNAWIE PublScations for 1987

Forthcoming Events are listed on the inside back cover 145


jnal Weiss, iwer of Vessels. Mast-Jar 198T Ü U U T I 9 0 0 Volume 25, Number 3 (ISSN 0025-3316)



i SmUE Wems xiv Book Reviews

xvi TechniGa! and ResearcSi Activities )o(i Section Activities

163 Shortening Afloat of a Very Large Crude Carrier

by Carlo Podenzana-Bonvino, Rodolfo Tedeschi, Dario Boote, and Marco Ferrando

172 U.S. SiiJaritime Assistance in Perspective by Robert Lowry and Jennifer Zeien

IBS The Use ©f Untrimmed End Volumetric Heeling [Moments in the Grain Stability Calculation for Specially Suitable Bulk Carriers

by Paul A. Garber

190 Ship-Handling in the Port of CEiurchill—The " B e a r " Essentials by Robert G. Allan and Peter Woodward

205 Notes on the Preparation of Fire Control Plans by William M. Riley

209 ConlinuoMsly Distributed Fiber Optic Monitoring System for Shipboard Applications

by Richard W. Griffiths and Herbert I. Chatterton

220 A Constant-Tension Winch System for Handling IReseue Boats by 8. Grant Christison

229 Industrial Photogrammetry—Its Application to Shipbuilding by Michael J. Gunn and Ronald S. Hicks

Forthcoming Events are listed on the inside bacï^ cover


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.Thelin, ning less lignmenii hment of ; on them ng, stiucf operation 11-orches-l [lis group ation anl he wateH ill dimenj establisS new meai )uld inter! ntrol pr» ;sponsibilJ i b e t o S n to pievi-] ntrol data-1 ower. This! ov collisioB limized bJ ition aboU ; organize IS varied! propelled ology to m ;tural Giof ii SNAME News ;{ Bs9!c Reviews

xii Technical and Research Activities

xiv Section Activities

239 Some Guidance for Hull Form Selection for SWATH Ships

by G. Robert Lamb

253 Three-Dimensional Sloshing of Water on Decks

by Michael S. Pantazopoulous

262 Maneuverability of Frigates in Waves

by J . P. Hooft and J. B. M. Pleffers

272 Effects of Length on Frigate and Destroyer Performance

and Cost

by J . L. Colwell

281 Diaphragm Couplings Versus Gear Couplings for Marine


by Jon R. Mancuso and James H. Paluh

293 Small Vessel Hull Form Optimization for Heave and Pitch


by Andrew ZborowskI and Simon R. Sainsbury

304 Small Craft Software Catalog

by The Small Craft Committee of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers



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