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NF - When I Grow Up tekst piosenki


Academic year: 2022

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NF, When I Grow Up

when i grow up

do you know what I want to be take a seat

let me tell you my ridiculous dreams I want to rap

I know it’s hard to believe

and I can tell you’re already thinking I will never succeed but I am ok. with it

I admit the lurics a week

I’ve been working I’ll be good eventually

I understand you got to crawl before you get to your feet bur I’ve been running a whi;e

they ain’t ready for me

I know this prolyl really isn’t realistic and honestly

I might never make a difference but that don’t make a difference I ‘ma have to risk it

i see the odds ain’t … for me

I can’t lie to it’s kinda how I like it to be the underdog

I just wanna to pay my bills rapping about the way I feel I just wanna to make a couple mil leave to the fam and the will ui just want to sign a record deal maybe buy a house up in the hills might not be the best of my feel but I guarantee that I’ma die real when I grow up

when I grow up

NF - When I Grow Up w Teksciory.pl


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