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St. Hedwig Church 408 S. Harrison Street, Wilmington, Delaware, 19805


Academic year: 2022

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St. Hedwig Church

408 S. Harrison Street, Wilmington, Delaware, 19805 ________________________________________

Parish Office

Telephone: 302-594-1400, ext. 0 Fax: 302-594-1415

Email: sthedwigchurch@comcast.net www.sthedwigde.org

Fr. Andrew Molewski Pastor

Fr. Tomasz Pietrzak SChr Assistant Pastor Deacon Ray Zolandz

Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:00 p.m.

Sunday: 9:00 a.m.

11:30 a.m. (Polish) 4:00 p.m.

Holy Days: see website & bulletin First Friday: 6:30 p.m.

Purgatorial Society Mass Adoration: Sunday 3:00-4 p.m.

Weekday Mass Schedule (in Saint Pope John Paul II Chapel Monday - Friday 6:30 p.m.

(Adoration 5:30-6:25pm each evening)

Saturday 8:00 a.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation Confession on Saturday: 3:00-3:45 p.m.

and on weeknights before Mass Parish Office Business Hours

Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. only FEBRUARY 14, 2021 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

St. Hedwig Church welcomes you …

We the faithful of Saint Hedwig Parish, a Catholic Community, are committed to living and sharing the Gospel values as disciples of Jesus Christ, celebrating our lives together around the table of the Eucharist and other sacramental times during our journey of faith.




ear Parishioners and Friends,

Today’s first reading is from the book of Leviticus, a collection of laws and legislation attributed to Moses.

Levicus is concerned with the faithful practice of ritual, sacrifice, the priesthood, purity, atonement, and holiness.

Today’s reading comes from the section on purity, and outlines the procedure for declaring a leprous person un- clean. In the ancient world, the term leprosy covered a multitude of skin diseases, some of which were benign.

However, to avoid its spread most societies outlined con- tainment procedures. The leper is to dwell apart from oth- ers.

In the second reading from First Corinthians, Paul directs the Corinthian believers on how to negotiate their new life in Christ within pagan society. Since most meat was sacrificed in the name of an idol, the Corinthians wonder if they can attend banquets at which meat will be served. As he did in 1 Corinthians 8:9, Paul reminds them to choose that which will not offend the conscience of others, whether Jews or Greeks or the church of God.

Whatever they eat or drink should be for the glory of God. As a living example, Paul presents himself and chal- lenges the believers to “be imitators of me, as I am of Christ”.

In the Gospel reading, a leper approaches Jesus, obvi- ously unaware of the proscriptions of Leviticus 13 that required that he (the leper) announce himself first.

Throughout Mark’s Gospel, Jesus is noted to be moved with compassion. The Greek word is splagchnizomai and means literally “to have one’s guts moved.” Here Jesus is moved with compassion at the pitiful state of the leper.

The leper does not ask to be healed but rather to be made

“clean”, though it’s clear that it is physical healing that occurs. After Jesus has healed the man, He instructs him to go to the priest to initiate the process described in Le- viticus 14:1-32, by which the man will be declared

“clean” and thus allowed to return to his home. Jesus di- rects Him to go directly to the priest and to tell no one anything. The man publicizes the matter so that Jesus can- not openly enter a town. Despite this, the people keep coming to Him from everywhere.

God bless,

Fr. Andrew


ochani Parafianie,

14 lutego obchodzone są tzw. Walentynki, czyli święto, kiedy posyłamy sobie życzenia z zapewnieniem przyjaźni i miłości. Św. Walenty, biskup i męczennik, rzeczywiście znany jest jako patron zakochanych, ale jest on także orędownikiem podczas ciężkich chorób, zwłaszcza nerwowych i epilepsji. Jedna z angielskich legend opowiada o tym, że św. Walenty martwił się, że nie potrafi czynić wielkich dzieł dobroci. Wtedy ukazał Mu się anioł, który podpowiedział Mu: CZYŃ DOBRO MAŁYMI RZECZAMI.

Podobne słowa św. Paweł kieruje dzisiaj do nas:

CZY JECIE, CZY PIJECIE, CZY COKOLWIEK INNEGO CZYNICIE, WSZYSTKO NA CHWAŁĘ BOŻĄ CZYŃCIE (por. 1Kor10,31-11,1). Ciekawe jak wyglądałoby życie każdego z nas, nasze relacje, gdybyśmy cały czas pamiętali o tym, że wszystko co robimy, mamy robić dla chwały Bożej? Spróbuj dzisiaj jeść, pić, chodzić, mówić, słuchać, patrzeć właśnie w ten sposób. Popatrz też, że wszystko co masz jest darem Boga dla ciebie. On troszczy się o ciebie, wyciąga do ciebie rękę przez cały czas, abyś mógł się jej chwycić w każdej chwili, kiedy potrzebujesz pomocy. W czytanej dzisiaj ewangelii (Mk1,40-45) Jezus wyciąga rękę do trędowatego i uzdrawia go. Trąd jest chorobą, która atakuje cały organizm, prowadzi do deformacji ciała i niepełnosprawności. Uzdrowienie Jezusa ma głębsze znaczenie - przemienia całego człowieka. Relacja z Jezusem sprawia, że nie tylko jakaś cząstka zmienia się w człowieku, ale cały człowiek staje się jakby nowy, inaczej zaczyna myśleć, inaczej wchodzić w relacje i je kształtować, inaczej postrzegać swoje życie. Słowa, by wszystko czynić na chwałę Bożą stają się wówczas pierwszą, wybijającą się motywacją we wszelkich podejmowanych działaniach.

Może jest to jakaś zachęta dla nas w kontekście rozpoczynającego się w najbliższą środę Wielkiego Postu, który bardzo związany jest ze zmianą człowieka, jego myśleniem, czyli z metanoią, a bardziej potocznie mówiąc nawróceniem. Może właśnie słowa: czyń dobro małymi rzeczami i wszystko czyń na chwałę Bożą staną się dla ciebie motywacją do podjęcia konkretnego postanowienia wielkopostnego?

Szczesc Boze,

Ks. Tomasz Pietrzak, SChr

Słowo Księdza Wikariusza

OFFERTORY COLLECTION February 6-7 $4,041

Offertory Envelopes—$3,498

& Special Collections —$543



St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.





received to date WE ARE OVER HALF-WAY THERE !!!


is the total needed to complete the work to restore the exterior steeple flashings and also the roofs and lead-copper flashings and also the complete restoration of the two (2) steeple

crosses at the very top.

All donations, large and small, are greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.


Ash Wednesday marks

the beginning of Lent.

It is a day of fast and abstinence.

Ashes will be distributed at all Masses in Church on Ash Wednesday:

12:00pm, 5:30pm & 7:00pm (Polish)

(Ashes will be sprinkled on top of each person’s head instead of making a cross on people’s foreheads) Note: Ashes will only be distributed on Ash Wednesday! Due to Covid, ashes will NOT be distributed at any of the weekday or weekend Masses following Ash Wednesday. Absolutely no exceptions!

DUE TO COVID WE ARE USING A NEW METHOD FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF ASHES In anticipation of Ash Wednesday, we would like to inform you about how the Vatican is directing priests to take special anti-COVID-19 precautions this year when distributing ashes on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17th, includ- ing sprinkling ashes on the top of people's heads rather than using them to make a cross on people's foreheads.

This year will be different because the pandemic prevents us from physically touching each person.

Instead, the distribution of ashes will proceed in the following way:

• After the homily, the priest will bless the ashes and sprinkle them with holy water;

• Then, the priest will say to all in attendance either,

“Repent, and believe in the Gospel, “ or “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

• Then each person will approach the priest, who will sprinkle ashes on the top of the head of each person

without saying anything.

While sprinkling ashes on the top of the head is not the common practice in the United States, it is in many other countries. In baptism we are washed clean from our origi- nal sin and anointed with Sacred Chrism as priest, proph- et, and king on the crown of the head. It is fitting, then, that ashes, a reminder of our sin and baptism into death, be sprinkled on the crown of our heads because at Easter we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, the conquering of sin and death, and baptism into life. When you attend Mass on Ash Wednesday, we will remind everyone of this revised practice for this year and will ask everyone to put their head down once they approach the priest so that the ashes can easily be sprinkled on the head.


Monday - Thursday (in chapel) at 6:30 p.m.

Adoration: before Mass - 5:30-6:25 p.m.

Friday (in church) at 6:30 p.m.

Adoration: before Mass - 5:30-6:25 p.m.

Saturday morning Mass (chapel) at 8:00 a.m.


7:00 p.m. Friday evenings in Church

(immediately following 6:30 p.m. Mass in Church)

February 19th through March 26th


Due to Covid-19, will not be performed this year.

CONFESSION Weeknights during Adoration Weekends—one-half hour before Mass Parish Lenten Penance Service will be held on Thursday, March 25th. Confessions only (no Mass)

will be heard in Church at 12:00 p.m. and at 7:00

p.m. Mass will be celebrated at 6:30 p.m. in Church.


† Sanctuary Lamp †

signifying the Eucharistic Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ,

will burn this week for the

Living Intentions & Blessings of Health for

Betty Truszkowski Leonard

as requested by Fran Golden

Monday, February 15

6:30pm Msgr. John J. Gulcz int. Holy Rosary Society Tuesday, February 16

6:30pm Rev. Edward Wisniewski int. Rosary Society Wednesday, February 17 † Ash Wednesday

12:00pm Margaret Pietras (anniversary) int. Margie, Mary Ann and Helena 5:30pm Theresa Zielinski int. Sue, Patty and Jeff

7:00pm Janina & Boleslaw Karwowscy int. Family Thursday, February 18

6:30pm Joseph Czerwinski int. Stan & Joan Kozicki Friday, February 19

6:30pm Deceased Members of the Poniatowski, Pietkiewicz & Hanczyc Families int. Family Saturday, February 20

8:00am Parishioners & Benefactors of St. Hedwig Church & St. Stanislaus Kostka Church

4:00pm Joseph Czerwinski int. Rick & Diana Ryk Sunday, February 21 † First Sunday of Lent

9:00am Casimer Ragan int. Family 11:30am Mary Kozicki int. Mania, John, & Daughters

4:00pm For the Healing Intentions & Blessings of Health for Frank Krzanowski, Cindy, Fran Golden, John Yasik, Father Andrew, Diane Naylor, Teresa Vivolo, Bob Selner, Anna Kaminska, Sharon Kozlowski, Katie, Joe Rybaltowski, Emma Kozlowski, Joan Pitrizzi and Wanda Weikel

Sacrament of Baptism: Call the Parish Office during office hours to make arrangements for Baptism.

Sacrament of Marriage: Engaged couples should call the Parish Office so that the proper preparation may be made at least one year in advance of the planned wedding date.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: One-half hour before daily Mass in the Chapel, Monday—Thursday and on Saturday from 3:00– 3:45 p.m. in Church; or by appointment.

Anointing of the Sick and the Eucharist: Please call the parish office to arrange for Communion, Confession, and/or Anointing of the Sick. Parishioners who are planning surgery should contact the priest to receive the Anointing of the Sick before the surgery.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): All adults who are discerning readiness to join the Catholic Church and are interested in becoming Catholic or completing their sacra- ments should call the Parish Office. All are welcome.

Religious Education Classes (CCD): Children not attending Catholic School are educated in the faith through our Religious Education Program. Please contact the Office of Religious Education and leave a message at 594-1400 Ext. 4.


Frequently, those seeking to celebrate Marriage, have children baptized or serve as sponsors for Confirmation or Baptism request a letter stating that they are parishioners. To receive such a letter, one must be registered and in our parish records, attend Mass regularly, & be committed to a stewardship of time/talent/treasure. If you would like to become a registered parishioner, please consider filling out a registration/census form located on the table in the back of the Church.

Parish Membership: We welcome new parishioners and all who wish to join our Parish Family. To register, call or visit the Parish Office. Registration forms are available on the table in the back of the Church. Please drop the form in the collec- tion basket or mail it to the Parish Office.

Holy Rosary Society: Members attend Mass monthly on

the Sunday following First Friday. Recitation of the Rosary begins one-half hour before Mass. New members are always welcome. For more information call the Parish Office at 302- 594-1400, ext. 0.

Knights of Columbus, Pope John Paul Council 7608: Meets the second Tuesday of every month. Mass at 6:30 pm in the Chapel, followed by meeting. New members welcome. Contact John Kwiatkowski, Grand Knight.

Our Lady, Queen of Peace Prayer Group: Meets on Thurs- day evenings immediately following the 6:30 p.m. Mass in the Chapel. All are welcome to join us in prayer.

The Gift that Keeps on Giving: In your will you can re- member your loved ones and the institutions that have been important in your life. We hope St. Hedwig merits your consideration.


LENTEN DAY OF RETREAT St. Hedwig Church in

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH on immediately following

the 4:00 p.m. Mass

Bishop Robert Barron’s newest study program


Part 1 of 6 is the sacrament of BAPTISM Join us this Lenten Season as we present to you a video and study program on the SACRAMENTS. Filmed in Hollywood, California, in Blessed Sacrament Church, in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The video series consists of 6 videos, one per week during Lent. Each week the video presentation will run approximately one hour and a half.


BAPTISM (shown on February 20) CONFIRMATION (February 27)


THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK (March 20) MATRIMONY & HOLY ORDERS (March 27) The great sacraments of the Church have endured for thousands of years and structured countless lives.

Everything in the Church’s life comes from and returns to them. But there is far more to these ancient rites than meets the eye. We invite you to join us this Lent!


Thank you for your continued support of our Parish Food Drive. The food that we collect is taken to agen- cies such as Catholic Charities and Ministry of Caring for distribution to the needy. The needs in the com- munity are still great.


Dear parishioners, while it has been a difficult time with the passing of my father, your prayers and words of consolation have helped ease the burden. Thank you for all your support, and may God continue to bless you.



on FACEBOOK at sthedwigde


9:00AM (English)

& 11:30AM (Polish)



Frank Krzanowski, Father Andrew, Lori, John, Dot, Cindy, Katie, Joan Pitrizzi, John Yasik, Fran Golden, Gini & Bob Selner, Emma Kozlowski,

Diane Naylor, Sharon Kozlowski, Wanda Weikel Joe Rybaltowski and Betty Truszkowski Leonard


Joseph Thomas Olson

who passed away on Feb. 6, 2021 Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let

perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the

mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.


Powiązane dokumenty

We the faithful of Saint Hedwig Parish, a Catholic Community, are committed to living and sharing the Gospel values as disciples of Jesus Christ, celebrating our lives

The prayer books kept in the Library of Saint Bartholomew and Saint Hedwig Parish in Trzebnica and discussed in this paper are unique witnesses to the development of the

Call Parish Office to register at least one month prior to expected birth date.. Godparents: non-parishioners

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): All adults who are discerning readiness to join the Catholic Church and are interested in becoming Catholic

at ST. Hedwig Church as we celebrate the Feast of Mercy. The Homilist will be Father Tomasz Pietrzak, our associate pastor. See printed flyer for details.

We the faithful of Saint Hedwig Parish, a Catholic Community, are committed to living and sharing the Gospel values as disciples of Jesus Christ, celebrating our lives

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): All adults who are discerning readiness to join the Catholic Church and are interested in becoming Catholic

We the faithful of Saint Hedwig Parish, a Catholic Community, are committed to living and sharing the Gospel values as disciples of Jesus Christ, celebrating our lives