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St. Hedwig Church 408 S. Harrison Street, Wilmington, Delaware, 19805


Academic year: 2022

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St. Hedwig Church

408 S. Harrison Street, Wilmington, Delaware, 19805 ________________________________________

Parish Office

Telephone: 302-594-1400, ext. 0 Fax: 302-594-1415

Email: sthedwigchurch@comcast.net www.sthedwigde.org

Fr. Andrew Molewski Pastor

Fr. Tomasz Pietrzak SChr Assistant Pastor Deacon Ray Zolandz

Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:00 p.m.

Sunday: 9:00 a.m.

11:30 a.m. (Polish) 4:00 p.m.

Holy Days: see website & bulletin First Friday: 6:30 p.m.

Purgatorial Society Mass Adoration: Sunday 3-4:00 p.m.

Weekday Mass Schedule (in Saint Pope John Paul II Chapel Monday - Friday 6:30 p.m.

(Adoration 5:30-6:25pm each evening)

Saturday 8:00 a.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation Confession on Saturday: 3:00-3:45 p.m.

and on weeknights before Mass Parish Office Business Hours

Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. only MARCH 21, 2021 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT

St. Hedwig Church welcomes you …

We the faithful of Saint Hedwig Parish, a Catholic Community, are committed to living and sharing the Gospel values as disciples of Jesus Christ, celebrating our lives together around the table of the Eucharist and other sacramental times during our journey of faith.




ear Parishioners and Friends,

The book of the prophet Jeremiah has a rich and complicated history. The book includes poetic oracles, narratives about the life of Jeremiah, and sermon like sec- tions. The stories about the life of Jeremiah likely come from the hand of his scribe, Baruch, while the sermons are the result of an author known as the Deuteronomistic Historian. Oracles, as we have in today’s reading, are likely the voice of the six-century prophet himself, speak- ing on behalf of God. The new covenant that God promis- es will be written upon the hearts of God’s people, so that the least to the greatest will know God, who forgives their evildoing and forgets their sin.

Today’s second reading and the Gospel demonstrate two different accounts of the suffering of Jesus. All the Gospels record that Jesus suffered personal agony before His arrest. The Synoptics place this in the Garden of Gethsemane. John locates it during a discourse of Jesus.

Like the Johannine passage, the Hebrews passage, which is our second reading, does not place the suffering of Je- sus within a specific locale. Each evangelist and the au- thor of Hebrews portray Jesus through a slight different lens. Mark is concerned with discipleship. Matthew stresses doing God’s will. Luke recognizes the agony as a test. Hebrews emphasizes Jesus’ humanity and the purify- ing potential of suffering in a context of faith. John por- trays Jesus’ willingness to give His life.

The Gospel also signals a shift in the mission of Jesus.

When His mother requested His aid, Jesus had responded that His hour had not yet come. When the religious au- thorities wanted to arrest Jesus while He taught in the temple, they were unable to do so because His hour had not yet come. Now in today’s Gospel, Jesus acknowledg- es, “The hour had not yet come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” The request of the Greeks to see Jesus signals that the mission of Jesus has reached a new level. The Book of Signs comes to a close and the Book of Glory begins.

God bless,

Fr. Andrew


ochani Parafianie,

Człowiek jest obdarzony pięcioma zmysłami:

wzrokiem, słuchem, smakiem, węchem i dotykiem, oczywiście możemy dodać jeszcze kilka (kilkanaście?) zmysłów z nowszej systematyki, niemniej jednak klasyczny podział jest chyba najbardziej nam znany.

Celowo użyłem słowa „obdarzony”, aby podkreślić niestandardowość naszej umiejętności odczytywania i reagowania na rzeczywistość, której doświadczamy oraz na Tego, który jest obdarzającym – czyli Boga. Można jeszcze dodać, że to „obdarowanie” jest czymś dziejącym się – zatem „obdarzaniem”. Co z tego wynika dla nas przyjmujących ten dar? – to, aby z niego korzystać w taki sposób, który służy naszemu prawdziwemu zdrowiu – czyli ostatecznie zbawieniu wiecznemu.

Dlaczego temat obdarzania pięcioma zmysłami pojawia się w moim słowie? – ponieważ w dzisiejszej Ewangelii J12,20-33 „Grecy” poprosili Filipa: „Panie, chcemy ujrzeć Jezusa”? „Ujrzenie” w pierwszym znaczeniu odwołuje się do zmysłu wzroku, który w dzisiejszej kulturze w wielu przestrzeniach życia jest zasadniczy. Jednak warto wejść w dynamikę wiary i spojrzeć na Jezusa oczami wiary, czyli wejść w modlitewne patrzenie a zatem kontemplację ewangeliczną, która pozwala spojrzeć od strony ducha zmysłami wewnętrznymi i przyjąć to, co Jezus daje.

Takie patrzenie i czucie też innymi duchowymi zmysłami, wymaga od nas obumierania jak dzisiejsze, również ewangeliczne „ziarno”, aby wydać plon. Jest to proces, który w mniejszym lub w większym stopniu zakłada jakąś formę cierpienia, którą trzeba przecierpieć.

Można to porównać do oczyszczenia, które pozwala otworzyć się bardziej na Boga, samego siebie i drugiego człowieka. W trakcie tego procesu trzeba pamiętać o wytrwałości i o ciągłym powracaniu do uważności na obecność Jezusa. Kontemplacja ewangeliczna będzie nas przemieniać, aby bardziej stawać się tym na kogo patrzymy wzrokiem wewnętrznym, dzieje się to często niespodziewanie i jako „efekt” uboczny naszej wytrwałości.

Na koniec warto powrócić do „obdarzania”, aby mieć świadomość, że nasze zmysły są nam nie tylko dane, ale i zadane, aby wyrażać miłość. Dzisiaj zauważyliśmy szczególnie zmysł wzroku – a na jaki Ty drogi czytelniku zwróciłbyś uwagę dzisiaj?

Szczesc Boze,

Ks. Tomasz Pietrzak, SChr

Słowo Księdza Wikariusza


Offertory Envelopes—$344

& Special Collections —$2,693




Monday - Thursday (in chapel) at 6:30 p.m.

Adoration: before Mass - 5:30-6:25 p.m.

Friday (in church) at 6:30 p.m.

Adoration: before Mass - 5:30-6:25 p.m.

Saturday morning Mass (chapel) at 8:00 a.m.


7:00 p.m. Friday evenings in Church

(immediately following 6:30 p.m. Mass in Church)

Every Friday evening through March 26th


Due to Covid-19, will not be performed this year

CONFESSION Weeknights during Adoration Weekends—one-half hour before Mass FINAL WEEK!

LENTEN DAY OF RETREAT in the parish hall on

SATURDAY, MARCH 27TH immediately following the 4:00 p.m. Mass

Bishop Robert Barron’s newest study program


Part 6 of 6 is the sacrament of MATRIMONY & HOLY ORDERS

The great sacraments of the Church have endured for thousands of years and structured countless lives.

Everything in the Church’s life comes from and returns to them. But there is far more to these ancient rites than meets the eye. This is the final session! Come join us!


Divine Mercy Sunday has become a special feast day when God’s mercy is offered to us in abundance. We welcome you to join us here at St. Hedwig Church as we celebrate the Feast of Mercy.

The Homilist will be Father Tomasz Pietrzak, our associate pastor. See printed flyer for details.

PARISH PENANCE SERVICE In the Sacrament of Reconciliation we are forgiven by God, reunited with the Church, and renewed in our baptismal purity. We invite you to our Penance Service on Thursday, March 25th at 12:00 p.m. and in the evening imme- diately following the 6:30 p.m. Mass in Church.

Confessions in English and Polish. Please join us.

CLEANING OUR CHURCH FOR EASTER On Saturday, March 27th, beginning at 9:00 a.m. we will clean our beautiful Church for Easter. We need your help with cleaning and invite you to join us. If possible, please bring a bucket and cleaning cloths. Thank you.


8:00am † Prayer Service 7:00pm † Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8:00pm-10:00pm † Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

10:00pm † Rite of Tenebrae (Service of Darkness)


8:00am † Prayer Service (No morning Mass) 12:00pm † Stations of the Cross

3:00pm † Solemn Good Friday Liturgy (English) 7:00pm † Solemn Good Friday Liturgy (Polish)


8:00am † Prayer Service (No morning Mass) 10:00am, 1:00pm & 3:00pm † (Swienconka)

Blessing of Easter Foods in Church 7:00pm † Easter Vigil Mass



9:00am † Procession inside Church before Mass Holy Mass at 9:00am † 11:30am (Polish)

(No 4:00 p.m. Mass on Easter)



Sanctuary Lamp †

signifying the Eucharistic Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ,

will burn this week in loving memory of

Betty Hollweck Zsembik

as requested by June Monday, March 22

6:30pm Eleanor Wykpisz (anniv.) int. Family Tuesday, March 23

6:30pm Rev. Thomas Gardocki int. Rosary Society Wednesday, March 24

6:30pm Emilia Bialecki (12th anniv.) int. Children Thursday, March 25

6:30pm Anthony Podsiad int. Sisters Friday, March 26

6:30pm Eva & Stanley Dziegielewski int. Family Saturday, March 27

8:00am Edward H. Blake int. wife, Regina Blake 4:00pm Alfred A. Rutkowski, Sr. int. Wife,

Children, Grandchildren & Great-Grandson Sunday, March 28 † Palm Sunday

9:00am Jennie Minakowski

int. Bill & Dolores Rybaltowski 11:30am Halina (Kaminski) Gorski int. Children,

Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren 4:00pm Parishioners & Benefactors of St. Hedwig

Church & St. Stanislaus Kostka Church

Sacrament of Baptism: Call the Parish Office during office hours to make arrangements for Baptism.

Sacrament of Marriage: Engaged couples should call the Parish Office so that the proper preparation may be made at least one year in advance of the planned wedding date.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: One-half hour before daily Mass in the Chapel, Monday—Thursday and on Saturday from 3:00– 3:45 p.m. in Church; or by appointment.

Anointing of the Sick and the Eucharist: Please call the parish office to arrange for Communion, Confession, and/or Anointing of the Sick. Parishioners who are planning surgery should contact the priest to receive the Anointing of the Sick before the surgery.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): All adults who are discerning readiness to join the Catholic Church and are interested in becoming Catholic or completing their sacra- ments should call the Parish Office. All are welcome.

Religious Education Classes (CCD): Children not attending Catholic School are educated in the faith through our Religious Education Program. Please contact the Office of Religious Education and leave a message at 594-1400 Ext. 4.


Frequently, those seeking to celebrate Marriage, have children baptized or serve as sponsors for Confirmation or Baptism request a letter stating that they are parishioners. To receive such a letter, one must be registered and in our parish records, attend Mass regularly, & be committed to a stewardship of time/talent/treasure. If you would like to become a registered parishioner, please consider filling out a registration/census form located on the table in the back of the Church.

Parish Membership: We welcome new parishioners and all who wish to join our Parish Family. To register, call or visit the Parish Office. Registration forms are available on the table in the back of the Church. Please drop the form in the collec- tion basket or mail it to the Parish Office.

Holy Rosary Society: Members attend Mass monthly on

the Sunday following First Friday. Recitation of the Rosary begins one-half hour before Mass. New members are always welcome. For more information call the Parish Office at 302- 594-1400, ext. 0.

Knights of Columbus, Pope John Paul Council 7608: Meets the second Tuesday of every month. Mass at 6:30 pm in the Chapel, followed by meeting. New members welcome. Contact John Kwiatkowski, Grand Knight.

Our Lady, Queen of Peace Prayer Group: Meets on Thurs- day evenings immediately following the 6:30 p.m. Mass in the Chapel. All are welcome to join us in prayer.

The Gift that Keeps on Giving: In your will you can re- member your loved ones and the institutions that have been important in your life. We hope St. Hedwig merits your consideration.


PRAY FOR THE SICK Father Andrew, Dot, Cindy, Katie, Maureen Kemble, Joe Rybaltowski,

Fran Golden, Diane Naylor, John Yasik, Wanda Weikel, Gini & Bob Selner, Joan Pitrizzi, Betty Truszkowski Leonard & Kathy Mahoney

All those suffering with Coronavirus


$90,042 !

received to date HELP US REACH


WE STILL NEED $34,958 We greatly appreciate each and every donation received to date, large and small. We thank you!


is the total needed to complete the work to restore the exterior steeple flashings and also the roofs and

lead-copper flashings and also the complete resto- ration of the

two (2) steeple crosses at the very top.


RACHEL’S VINEYARD CATHOLIC RETREAT Rachel’s Vineyard Catholic Retreat for post-abortion healing will be held the weekend of May 14-17, 2021.

This retreat is a beautiful opportunity for any person who has struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of abor- tion. For more information, contact Nan at 302-463-7711 or visit www.rachelsvineyard.org.



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We the faithful of Saint Hedwig Parish, a Catholic Community, are committed to living and sharing the Gospel values as disciples of Jesus Christ, celebrating our lives

We the faithful of Saint Hedwig Parish, a Catholic Community, are committed to living and sharing the Gospel values as disciples of Jesus Christ, celebrating our lives

We the faithful of Saint Hedwig Parish, a Catholic Community, are committed to living and sharing the Gospel values as disciples of Jesus Christ, celebrating our lives