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St. Hedwig Church 408 S. Harrison Street, Wilmington, Delaware, 19805


Academic year: 2022

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St. Hedwig Church

408 S. Harrison Street, Wilmington, Delaware, 19805 ________________________________________

Parish Office

Telephone: 302-594-1400, ext. 0 Fax: 302-594-1415

Email: sthedwigchurch@comcast.net www.sthedwigde.org

Fr. Andrew Molewski Pastor

Fr. Tomasz Pietrzak SChr Assistant Pastor Deacon Ray Zolandz

Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:00 p.m.

Sunday: 9:00 a.m.

11:30 a.m. (Polish) 4:00 p.m.

Holy Days: see website & bulletin First Friday: 6:30 p.m.

Purgatorial Society Mass Adoration: Sunday 3-4:00 p.m.

Weekday Mass Schedule (in Saint Pope John Paul II Chapel Monday - Friday 6:30 p.m.

(Adoration 5:30-6:25pm each evening)

Saturday 8:00 a.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation Confession on Saturday: 3:00-3:45 p.m.

and on weeknights before Mass Parish Office Business Hours

Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. only FEBRUARY 21, 2021 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT

St. Hedwig Church welcomes you …

We the faithful of Saint Hedwig Parish, a Catholic Community, are committed to living and sharing the Gospel values as disciples of Jesus Christ, celebrating our lives together around the table of the Eucharist and other sacramental times during our journey of faith.




ear Parishioners and Friends,

The word “covenant” appears five times in the first reading. In Genesis 15, God will make another covenant with Abraham, setting in motion God’s particular rela- tionship with all of Abraham’ heirs. But in this reading, God is making a covenant not only with Noah and his family, but also with all of creation. Never again will God destroy the earth with a flood. To mark this covenant, God will place a rainbow in the sky as a continual re- minder of this covenant. Neither Noah nor any creature initiates this pact. It is a grace-filled gift from God.

The author of First Peter recalls God’s relationship with Noah. The water through which the family of Noah was saved anticipates baptism. As the flood cleansed the earth, baptism is an appeal to God for a clear conscience.

This letter purports to have been written by Peter and his companions in Babylon; however, scholars believe it was penned by an anonymous Christian, well-trained in Greek rhetoric, writing in the late first century.

Today’s Gospel sets up two themes that will be de- veloped throughout Mark’s Gospel: resistance and procla- mation. Beginning with the demonic realm, Jesus will do battle with Satan and his demons, particularly in the first few chapters of Mark. Political and religious forces will also attempt to prevent Jesus’ mission. But the proclama- tion of the gospel of God is not so easily thwarted. The time of the fulfillment of God’s promises and the realiza- tion of the reign of God are imminent. In response, the disciples are to repent and believe. The word for gospel, euangelion in the Greek, was used in imperial inscriptions in reference to Caesar Augustus. By adopting this term, early Christians like Paul and Mark were making a politi- cal statement that it was God, not human authority, who was the source of true good news.

God bless,

Fr. Andrew


ochani Parafianie,

Czas Wielkiego Postu, który rozpoczęliśmy w Środę Popielcową zaprasza nas do bliższej relacji z Jezusem, naszym Panem, prawdziwym Bogiem i prawdziwym człowiekiem. Jezus mówi dzisiaj: „Czas się wypełnił i bliskie jest królestwo Boże. Nawracajcie się i wierzcie w Ewangelię!” (por.Mk1,12-15). Możemy powiedzieć, że jest to czas, który mamy dzisiaj, i w którym bliska jest obecność Boga, a pomocą w przyjmowaniu obecności Boga w naszym tu i teraz jest zmiana myślenia, umysłu, serca, całego człowieka – czyli nawrócenie, które kieruje nas do Dobrej Nowiny czyli Ewangelii. Proste w pisaniu, trudniejsze w wykonaniu:), dlatego dostajemy na ten czas i nie tylko konkretne narzędzia duchowe. W Katechizmie Kościoła Katolickiego (KKK) w punkcie 1434 możemy przeczytać: „Wewnętrzna pokuta chrześcijanina może wyrażać się w bardzo zróżnicowanych formach. Pismo święte i Ojcowie Kościoła kładą nacisk szczególnie na trzy formy: post, modlitwę i jałmużnę”.

Zatem o tych narzędziach kilka zdań niewyczerpujących tematu. Post – zakłada odmówienie sobie czegoś godnego i dobrego ze względu na cel jakim jest relacja z Jezusem, co w konsekwencji prowadzi do zbawienia. Jednak – odmówienie sobie czegoś godnego i dobrego nie wyczerpuje całości, ponieważ, to co się zaoszczędzi ma posłużyć jako uczynek miłosierdzia względem brata czy siostry w potrzebie (mamy tu na myśli kwestie materialne: jedzenie, ubranie, pieniądze ale i nie materialne, np. rozmowę, wsparcie duchowe, danie swojego czasu bliźniemu). To wszystko ma być wsparte modlitwą. W ten sposób tworzy się triada napędzająca się wzajemnie: post+modlitwa+jałmużna a to z kolei jest wypełnianiem potrójnego Przykazania Miłości: Boga (modlitwa), bliźniego (jałmużna), siebie samego (post).

Na koniec o „Ścisłym Poście”: zgodnie z kanonami 1251- 1252 Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego w Środę Popielcową oraz w piątek Męki i Śmierci Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa obowiązuje wstrzemięźliwość (nie spożywa się pokarmów mięsnych) i post (ilościowy – dwa posiłki lekkie i jeden do syta). Prawem o wstrzemięźliwości są związani wszyscy powyżej 14. roku życia, a prawem o poście - osoby pełnoletnie do rozpoczęcia 60. roku życia.

Szczesc Boze,

Ks. Tomasz Pietrzak, SChr

Słowo Księdza Wikariusza

OFFERTORY COLLECTION February 13-14 $2,526

Offertory Envelopes—$2,291

& Special Collections —$235




$90,042 !

received to date WE ONLY NEED $34,958



is the total needed to complete the work to restore the exterior steeple flashings and also the roofs and lead-copper flashings and also the complete restoration of the two (2) steeple

crosses at the very top.

We greatly appreciate each and every donation received to date, large and small. We thank you!


Monday - Thursday (in chapel) at 6:30 p.m.

Adoration: before Mass - 5:30-6:25 p.m.

Friday (in church) at 6:30 p.m.

Adoration: before Mass - 5:30-6:25 p.m.

Saturday morning Mass (chapel) at 8:00 a.m.


7:00 p.m. Friday evenings in Church

(immediately following 6:30 p.m. Mass in Church)

February 19th through March 26th


Due to Covid-19, will not be performed this year.

CONFESSION Weeknights during Adoration Weekends—one-half hour before Mass Parish Lenten Penance Service will be held on Thursday, March 25th. Confessions only (no Mass) will be heard in Church at 12:00 p.m. & at 7:00 p.m.

Mass will be celebrated at 6:30 p.m. in Church.

LENTEN DAY OF RETREAT St. Hedwig Church in

will begin next week on

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH immediately following

the 4:00 p.m. Mass

Bishop Robert Barron’s newest study program


Part 1 of 6 is the sacrament of BAPTISM Join us this Lenten Season as we present to you a video and study program on the SACRAMENTS. Filmed in Hollywood, California, in Blessed Sacrament Church, in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The video series con- sists of 6 videos, one per week during Lent. Each week the video presentation will run approximately one hour and a half.


BAPTISM (shown on February 20) CONFIRMATION (February 27)


THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK (March 20) MATRIMONY & HOLY ORDERS (March 27) The great sacraments of the Church have endured for thousands of years and structured countless lives.

Everything in the Church’s life comes from and returns to them. But there is far more to these ancient rites than meets the eye. We invite you to join us this Lent!


Sanctuary Lamp †

signifying the Eucharistic Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ,

will burn this week for the Living Intentions & Blessings of Health for

Edward Zaremba

as requested by Fran Golden Monday, February 22

6:30pm Irene Kolaski

int. Bill & Dolores Rybaltowski Tuesday, February 23

6:30pm Bernadette Sobieski int. Steven Williams Wednesday, February 24

6:30pm Deceased Family Members of Steve & Chris Thursday, February 25

6:30pm Marian Leonarski Friday, February 26

6:30pm In thanksgiving to God for job promotion int. Sidonie

Saturday, February 27

8:00am Rev. Anthony Schelich, OSFS

int. St. Hedwig Holy Rosary Society 4:00pm Stephen J. Siemienski

int. Daughters, Dorothy and Beatrice Sunday, February 28 † Second Sunday of Lent

9:00am Deceased Members of Milowicki Family

int. Deborah Barineau 11:30am Roman Kwiatkowski int. Family

4:00pm Parishioners & Benefactors of St. Hedwig Church & St. Stanislaus Kostka Church

Sacrament of Baptism: Call the Parish Office during office hours to make arrangements for Baptism.

Sacrament of Marriage: Engaged couples should call the Parish Office so that the proper preparation may be made at least one year in advance of the planned wedding date.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: One-half hour before daily Mass in the Chapel, Monday—Thursday and on Saturday from 3:00– 3:45 p.m. in Church; or by appointment.

Anointing of the Sick and the Eucharist: Please call the parish office to arrange for Communion, Confession, and/or Anointing of the Sick. Parishioners who are planning surgery should contact the priest to receive the Anointing of the Sick before the surgery.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): All adults who are discerning readiness to join the Catholic Church and are interested in becoming Catholic or completing their sacra- ments should call the Parish Office. All are welcome.

Religious Education Classes (CCD): Children not attending Catholic School are educated in the faith through our Religious Education Program. Please contact the Office of Religious Education and leave a message at 594-1400 Ext. 4.


Frequently, those seeking to celebrate Marriage, have children baptized or serve as sponsors for Confirmation or Baptism request a letter stating that they are parishioners. To receive such a letter, one must be registered and in our parish records, attend Mass regularly, & be committed to a stewardship of time/talent/treasure. If you would like to become a registered parishioner, please consider filling out a registration/census form located on the table in the back of the Church.

Parish Membership: We welcome new parishioners and all who wish to join our Parish Family. To register, call or visit the Parish Office. Registration forms are available on the table in the back of the Church. Please drop the form in the collec- tion basket or mail it to the Parish Office.

Holy Rosary Society: Members attend Mass monthly on

the Sunday following First Friday. Recitation of the Rosary begins one-half hour before Mass. New members are always welcome. For more information call the Parish Office at 302- 594-1400, ext. 0.

Knights of Columbus, Pope John Paul Council 7608: Meets the second Tuesday of every month. Mass at 6:30 pm in the Chapel, followed by meeting. New members welcome. Contact John Kwiatkowski, Grand Knight.

Our Lady, Queen of Peace Prayer Group: Meets on Thurs- day evenings immediately following the 6:30 p.m. Mass in the Chapel. All are welcome to join us in prayer.

The Gift that Keeps on Giving: In your will you can re- member your loved ones and the institutions that have been important in your life. We hope St. Hedwig merits your consideration.


MAN UP PHILLY VIRTUAL CONFERENCE Men of all ages are invited to join Catholic men from throughout the Archdiocese for a day focused on fellowship and ways to live your faith everyday.

The 13th Annual Philadelphia Archdiocesan Catholic Men’s Conference has been changed to a Virtual Event.

It will held on Saturday, March 6, 2021. The Man Up Philly volunteer team has made the decision to change the format out of an abundance of caution given the COVID-19 status.

• We are excited to share that Father Michael Schmitz will be joining our speaker lineup this March! He will join another first time Man Up speaker, Bishop Joe Coffey, auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Military Services, who was pre- viously a priest of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and is in active chaplain service with the U.S. Navy Col Tom Manion, who served in the Marine Corps for over 30 years.

• Colonel Manion founded the Travis Manion Foun- dation (TMF) to support our military, the families of the fallen and to help create the next generation of leaders after the loss of his son, 1st Lt. Travis Manion USMC, who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country in April 2007. Deacon Steve Javie, Retired NBA referee and Deacon at St Andrews in Newtown Square will be joining us as well.

• For tickets visit www.manupphilly.com/registration All tickets are $10 for this virtual event which you can view on your computer or mobile phone.

On Saturday, March 6, 2021, all men are invited to join Catholic men from throughout the Archdiocese of Phil- adelphia for a day focused on fellowship and ways to live your faith everyday.



on FACEBOOK at sthedwigde


9:00AM (English)

& 11:30AM (Polish) PRAY FOR



Frank Krzanowski, Father Andrew, Dot, Cindy, Katie, Joan Pitrizzi, John Yasik, Maureen, Fran Golden,

Gini & Bob Selner, Emma Kozlowski, Diane Naylor, Sharon Kozlowski, Wanda Weikel Joe Rybaltowski and Betty Truszkowski Leonard,

All those suffering with Coronavirus




* Because of the generosity and support of those businesses and individuals who purchase advertising space on the back cover of our bulletin, we are able to defray all publishing costs with which the Church would otherwise be burdened, as we provide you with news and information about your parish and your faith.

* Take a look at the ads that run every week, and patronize our advertisers-and when you do, let them know that you’re patronizing them because you saw their ad in our bulletin. Then thank them personally for

supporting our parish community.

* If you are interested in becoming a bulletin sponsor, please contact Karen Donehower, the Church Bulletin Representative for our parish:

Karen Donehower Church Bulletin Representative

JOHN PATRICK PUBLISHING kdonehower@jppc.net

Mobile: 484-363-9475

“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10

Call me for any of

your Advertising



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We the faithful of Saint Hedwig Parish, a Catholic Community, are committed to living and sharing the Gospel values as disciples of Jesus Christ, celebrating our lives

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