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Journal of the Institute of Petroleum, Vol. 29, Abstracts


Academic year: 2022

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26, P O R T L A N D PLACE, L O N D O N , W . I.



K. T. A r t e r , B . S c . , A .M .I.A .E., M .Inst.Pet.

J . C a n t o r , B . S c . , A .I.C .

S. E. C o o m b e r , B .Sc., A .M .In st.P et.

R. A. E l d r i d g e .

H. G a r d n e r , B .Sc., A.I.C.

C. L. G i l b e r t , B .Sc., A .R .C .S., F .In st.P et.

G. D . H o b s o n , P h .D ., A .M .In st.P et.


J. W . H y d e , B .Sc., A .M .In st.P et.

A . L a m o n t , P h .D .

H . B . M i l n e r , M .A ., D .I.C ., F .G .S ., F .I n s t .P e t . A. H . N i s s a n , P h .D ., A .M .In st.P et.

D . L. S a m u e l , B . S c . , A .I.C ., F .I n st.P e t.

E . H . W i l d , B .S c., A .M .In st.P et.

J . G. W i t h e r s , A.M ., I n s t.P e t.






Abbreviated Title.

A ircr. Engng A n n . M in . Belg. . A n n . M in . Roumcmie . A n n . Off. Combust, liq.

A sp h . u. Teer A uto. E ngr .

A uto. Tech. Z . (B erlin ) Azerb. neft. K hoz.

B eitr. angew. Geophys. . B eitr. Geophys.

B itum en Bohrtech. Z .

B ol. Geol. y M in . (C aracas) Bol. Inform . Petroleras (B .A .) Boll. Soc. geol. ital.

B rennst Chemie . . . .

B ull. A cad. S ei. (U .S .S .R . In st.

Seism ol.)

B ull. A m er. A s s . Petrol. Geol.

Bull. A m er. geol. Soc. . Bull. A ss. fr a n f. Tech. Pétrol.

Bull. In st. M in . (metali.) E ngrs B ull. M ath. P h ys. Éc. p o lyt. B ucha­


B ull. roum. geol. Soc. . B ull, seism ol. Soc. A m er.

B ull. U niv. T exas (B ur. econ. Geol.


B ur. Stand. J . R es., W ash.

Calif. O il W orld . Cañad. J . R es.

C añad. M in . J . . Cañad. M in . metall. B ull.

Chem. dk In d . Chem. Rev. . Chem. T r. J . Chem. Wkbld Chim. e In du stria Chim . et In d .

C .R . A cad. S ci. (P arís) C .R . Geol. P étr. (Strasbourg) I I “' Congrés M ond. Pétrole Diesel Eng. U s. A ss.

Dirección M in a s y Geol.

Econ. Geol. . Engineer Engineering E .P . . Fuel . Gas O il Purr Geol. M ag. (Bond Geophys.

Jou rn al.

Aircraft E ngineering.

A nnales des Mines de B elgique.

A nnales des Mines de R oum anie.

A nnales de l ’Office N a tio n a l des C om bustibles Liquides.

A sp h alt und Teer.

A u tom ob ile Engineer.

A utom ob iltech n isch e Z eitschrift (Berlin).

A zerbaidzhanskoe N efty a n o e K h o zy a istv o . B eitrage angew andte G eophysik.

B eitrage zur G eophysik.

B itu m en .

B ohrtechniker Zeitung.

B o letín de G eologia y Minería (Caracas).

B o letín de Inform aciones Petroleras (B uenos Aires).

B o lletin de la S ocieta G eológica Italian a.

B ren n stoff Chemie.

B u lletin of th e A cadem y o f Sciences (U .S .S .R . In s titu te o f Seism ology).

B u lle tin o f th e A m erican A ssociation of P etro ­ leum G eologists.

B u lletin of th e A m erican G eological Society.

B u lletin de l ’A ssociation Français des T ech ­ nicien s du Pétrole.

B u lletin o f th e A m erican In stitu te o f Mining and M etallurgical Engineers.

B u lletin de M athém atique e t de Physique, B uch arest (É cole-polytechnique).

B u lletin o f th e R oum anian G eological Society.

B u lletin o f th e Seism ological S o ciety of America.

B u lletin o f th e U n iv ersity of T exas (Bureau of E conom ic G eology and T echnology).

U n ite d S ta tes B ureau o f Standards Journal of R esearch, W ashington.

California Oil W orld.

Canadian Journal of R esearch.

C anadian M ining Journal.

B u lletin of th e C anadian In stitu te of Mining and M etallurgy.

C hem istry and Ind u stry.

C hem ical R eview s.

Chqmical Trade Journal.

C hem ische W eekblad.

L a C him ica e 1’Industria.

Chimie e t Industrie.

C om ptes R en d u s hebdom adaires des Seances de l ’A cadém ie des Sciences (Paris).

C om pte-R endu des Seances du Groupe des Géo­

logues P étroliers de Strasbourg.

Il"“ Congrès M ondial du P étrole (Paris, 1937).

D iesel E ngine U sers A ssociation.

P u b lication of D irección Minas y G eológicas (A rgentine).

E conom ie Geology.

E ngineer.

E ngineering.

E n glish P a ten t.

F u el in Science and Practice.

Gas and Oil Pow er.

G eological M agazine (L ondon).

G eophysics.


Qlückauf Groz. N eft. .

Industr. Engng Chem. . Industr. Engng Chem. A n al.

Industr. P w r & Fuel Econ.

Instrum ents In t. Z. Bohrtech. . J . A m er. chem. Soc.

J . a p p l. Chem. (U .S .S .R .) J . a p p l. P h ys.

J . chem., metali, m in. Soc. S . A frica Abbreviated T ille.

J . chem. Soc.

J . F uel Soc. J a p a n J . Geol.

J . In st. Fuel J . In stn auto. Engrs J . In st. Petrol.

J . org. Chem.

J . p h ys. Chem.

J . R . aero. Soc. . J . Soc. aut. Engrs J . Soc. chem. In d . K h im . Tverd. T opliva . K o p . N aft. Polsce M atières grasses . M in . db M etall. . M in . M ag. (Lond.) M onit. P étr. roum.

M ontan. Rdsch. . N a t. P etrol. N ew s N ature

N eft. K hoz.

N ickel In d . N ov. N eft. . N ov. Tekhn. B ur.

N ov. Tekhn. N eft.

Oel u. Kohle Oil Gas J . . O il W kly

Oie, Fette, Wachse O lii m in.

P a in t M n fr.

P a in t Technol.

Petrol. Engr

Petrol. Tech. (A .I .M .M .E .) Petrol. T im es

Petrol. W orld (L .A .) Petrol. W orld (Lond.) . Petrol. Z.

P h ysics

P ip e L ine N ew s . P roc. A m er. Petrol. In st.

Proc. A m er. Soc. T est. M ate Proc. A ss. A sph . P a v. Technol.

Proc. In stn mech. Engrs Proc. p h y s. Soc. (Lond.) Proc. roy. Soc.

Przeg. Chem.

P rzem . N aft.

Quart. J . geol. Soc. Lond.


Groznenskii N eftyan ik .

In d u strial and E ngineering C hem istry.

In d u strial and E ngineering C hem istry, A n a ly ti cal E dition.

In d u strial Pow er and T he F u el E con om ist.

Instrum ents.

In tern ation al Z eitsehrift für B ohrtechnik.

Journal of th e A m erican C hem ical S ociety.

Journal of A pplied C hem istry, U .S .S .R . Journal of A pplied P h ysics.

Journal of th e Chemical, M etallurgical and M in­

in g S ociety of Sou th Africa.

Journal of th e Chem ical S ociety.

Journal of th e F u e l S ociety o f Japan.

Journal of G eology.

Journal o f th e In s titu te of F u el.

Journal of th e In stitu tio n of A utom obile E n ­ gineers.

Journal of th e In stitu te of P etroleu m . Journal of Organic C hem istry.

Journal of P h y sica l C hem istry.

Journal of th e R o y a l A eronautical S ociety.

Journal of th e S ociety of A u to m o tiv e Engineers.

Journal of th e S ociety of C hem ical In d u stry.

K h im iya T verdovo T opliva.

K opalnictw o N aftow e w P olsce.

M atières Grasses.

M ining and M etallurgy.

M ining M agazine (London).

M oniteur du P étrole R oum ain.

M ontanistische R undschau.

N ation al P etroleu m N ew s.

N ature.

N efty a n o e K h o zy a istv o . N ick el In d u stry.

N o v o sti N eftepererabotki.

N o v o sti T ekhniki B ureniya.

N o v o sti Tekhniki N efted ob vick i.

Oel und K ohle vereinigt m it E rdoel und Teer.

Oil and Gas Journal.

Oil W eekly.

Ole, F e tte , W achse, Seife, K osm etik . Olii Minerali.

P a in t M anufacture.

P a in t T echnology.

P etroleum Engineer.

P etroleum T echnology (A m erican In s titu te of M ining and M etallurgical E ngineers).

P etroleum T im es.

P etroleum W orld (Los A ngeles).

P etroleum W orld (L ondon).

P etroleum Z eitsehrift.

P h ysics.

P ipe L ine N ew s.

P roceedings of th e A m erican P etroleum In stitu te.

P roceedings of th e A m erican S ociety for T esting M aterials.

, Proceedings of th e A ssociation of A sp h a lt P a v ­ ing T echnologists.

. P roceedings of th e In stitu tio n of M echanical Engineers.

. Proceedings of th e P h y sica l S ociety (L ondon).

. Proceedings of th e R o y a l Society.

. Przeglad C hem iczny.

P rzem ysl N aftow y.

. Quarterly Journal o f th e G eological S ociety of L ondon.

Jo u rn al.


A bbreviated T itle. Jou rn al.

R d s & R d Constr.

Rec. T rav. chim. P a y s-B a s Refiner

Rev. Comb. liq.

Rev. Pétrolif.

Rev. sci. In strum . R iv . ita l. Petrol. . S . A fr. M in . (Engng) J . Strode

Su lz. tech. Rev.

Sum m . Ops, C alif. O il E lds Tech. P h ys. U .S .S .R . . Tekn. T tdskr.

Terr. M agn.

T rans. A m er, geophys. Un.

T rans. A m er. In st. M in . & M etall.

T ran s. F a ra d a y Soc.

T ran s. In st. m ar. Engrs

T ran s. In stn m in. E ngrs . . U .S . B ur. M in es, In f. Circ. . U .S . B ur. M in es, R ep. Invest.

U .S. B ur. M in es, Tech. P aper U .S . öeol. S urv. B u ll. .

U .S .P ...

W orld Petrol. . . . .

Z . dtsch. geol. Oes.

Z . Oeophys. . Z . prakt. Oeol. . Z . ver. dtsch. Chem.

R oad s and R oad C onstruction.

R eceu il des T ravau x Chim iques des P a y s-B a s.

R efiner and N atu ral Gasoline M anufacturer.

R ev u e des C om bustibles Liquides.

La R ev u e Pétrolifère.

R ev iew of Scientific In stru m en ts.

La R iv is ta Ita lia n a del Petroleo.

S ou th A frican M ining and E ngineering Journal.


Sulzer T echnical R eview .

Sum m ary of O perations, Californian Oil F ield s.

Technical P h y sics of th e U .S .S .R . T eknisk T idskrift.

Terrestrial M agnetism .

Transactions o f th e A m erican G eophysical U nion.

Transactions of th e A m erican In stitu te of M in­

ing and M etallurgy.

T ransactions of th e F araday S ociety.

Transactions of th e In s titu te of M arine E n ­ gineers.

T ransactions o f th e In stitu tio n of M ining E n ­ gineers.

U n ited S ta tes B ureau of M ines, Inform ation Circular.

U n ited S ta tes Bureau of M ines, .R eport o f I n ­ vestigation s.

U n ited S tates Bureau o f M ines, T echnical Paper.

U n ited S ta tes G eological S urvey B u lletin . U n ited S ta tes P a ten t.

W orld Petroleum .

Zeitschrift der D eu tsch en G eologischen G esell­

sch aft.

Zeitschrift für G eophysik.

Zeitschrift zur Praktische Geologie.

Z eitschrift V ereins deutscher Chemiker.

(Certain periodicals listed ab ove have n o t been availab le during 1943).

$ b ' ° \



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