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Clinical and epidemiological observations on an out-break of trichinellosis in Bydgoszcz (Poland) 1959


Academic year: 2022

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State Institute of Hygiene, Department of Parasitology in Warsaw and San.-Epid. Station in Bydgoszcz, Poland

In summer 1959 large outbreak of trichinellosis occured in Bydgoszcz City.

After eating raw smoked sausages (,,metka" and „polska") 308 persons became ill. Carefully epidemiological investigations were performed, but it was not possible to get portions of the· sausage eaten.

Of the total 308 patients 167 were men and 141 were women. The disease was mild and non of the sufferers died. 116 cases were treated in hospitals; others were treated as ambulant cases.

The incubation period during the present outbreak varied from 3 to 27 days.

By far the commonest symptoms were in following order: headache and weak- ness in 95.1 per cent, muscle p:rins in 91.2 per cent, fever and sweating in 88.3 per cent, swelling of the eyelids in 87.6 per cent. Diarrhea appeared only in 9.8 per cent of cases.

The order of the appearence and disappearence of the symptoms is discussed.

Eosinophilie ranging from 6 to 62 per cent was found in 81.8 per cent of cases.

The highest eosinophilie appeared between 3-6th week after infestation.

Precipitin ring test, microscopic precipitin test with living larvae and complement fixation test were used to confirm the clinical diagnosis. 125 out of 151 examined patients gave posivite serological reactions with one, two or three tests.

The results of serological tests in relation to the duration of the illness and to the eosinophilie are discussed. Authors conclude that the serological tests are of great value as confirmation of clinical evidences, especially in epidemiological procedures.

For treatment Prednisone, ACTH and Cortisone were used with benefit results.

In conclusion, comparison with other outbreaks in Poland and in other count- ries are made and some suggestions for prophylaxis are given.


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