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Joel Corry & Jax Jones - OUT OUT (feat. Charli XCX & Saweetie) tekst piosenki


Academic year: 2022

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Joel Corry & Jax Jones, OUT OUT (feat. Charli XCX & Saweetie)

Out, out for the night

Why am I on my own on a Friday night?

My friends are on my phone, they keep blowin' up my line Send me your location, the Uber's outside

Runnin' out of time If we’re going out Out for the night

Imma meet you down on the floor Tell me, so tell me

When you’re out Out for the night We can get it started Let’s go

Just watch me dance Just watch me

Watch me /3x Just watch me

Joel Corry & Jax Jones - OUT OUT (feat. Charli XCX & Saweetie) w Teksciory.pl


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