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Academic year: 2021

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Kuratorium O6wiatv w Lublinie

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Zestaw konkurcowy zawieraT zadafi.


Prued rozpoczgciem pracy sprawdL, czy zestaw zadari jest



leireli zauwa2ysz


zglod je Komisji Konkursowej.


Zadania czytai


i ze zrozumieniem.


Odpowiedzi wpisuj na arkuszu w rniejscach do tego wyznaczonych.


Pisz czytelnie, czamym lub niebieskim dh.tgopisem/pi6rem.

Rozwi4zania zapisane ol6wkiem nie bgd4 oceniane.


Niezbgdne notatki mo2esz sporzqdzai w brudnopisie, kt6ry nie bgdzie oceniany.


Przy ka2dym zadaniu podana jest malsymalna liczba punkt6w, kt6ra moima uzyskat za jego rozwiqzanie.


Staraj sig nie popehriai bl9d6w przy udzielaniu odpowiedzi,

ale je6li siq pomylisz, bledne zaPisy



10. Nie u2ywaj korektora.

Pracuj samodzielnie.

Good Luck!!





201612077 ETAP







punkt6w mo2liwych


uzyskania w

czg3ci pisemnej:


Liczba punkt6w


PrzewcJnicz4ca Wojewodzkjcj Xornisli Konkur:ctei

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1 Zadanie 1.

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie nagrany tekst. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą. Odpowiedzi wpisz w odpowiednie miejsca pod

tekstem zadania.

Za to zadanie możesz uzyskać 5 punktów.

Usłyszysz wywiad z profesorem Wineburgiem.

Masz 30 sekund na przeczytanie pytań przed odtworzeniem nagrania.

1.1. The number of students who took part in the study was A/ 78

B/ 780 C/ 7,800 D/ 78,000

1.2. Professor Wineburg is a professor of A/ history at Stanford University

B/ education at Stanford University

C/ education and history at Stanford University D/ education history at Stanford University

1.3. In one of the tests students looked at a picture showing A/ a nuclear disaster

B/ strange-looking flowers C/ a Fukushima power plant D/ a district in Japan

1.4. According to professor Wineburg, about 80% of high school students in the study A/ wanted to know where the picture came from

B/ found looking at the picture difficult

C/ thought the picture showed the effects of a nuclear disaster D/ proved that the picture was deformed

1.5. When professor Wineburg speaks of ‘the new basic skill’, he means A/ recognizing educational programmes

B/ catching up with new sources of information C/ developing new concepts on a day-to-day basis D/ telling apart real news from fake news

1.6. According to professor Wineburg, fact-checkers A/ look at web content in the way we all do

B/ quickly check many different websites C/ read the whole web content vertically

D/ read web content as if they read a magazine article

1.7. Who, according to professor Wineburg, is responsible for fact-checking?

A/ newspaper editors B/ library workers C/ ordinary citizens D/ university professors

adapted from http://www.npr.org

1.1______ 1.2. ______ 1.3. ______ 1.4. ______ 1.5. ______ 1.6. ______ 1.7. ______

………../5 pkt.



Przetłumacz podane w nawiasach fragmenty na język angielski, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.


W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy.

Za to zadanie możesz uzyskać 5 punktów.

2.1. It’s hard to believe that Mr Brooks has been running this company (od 40 lat) __________________________________________ .

2.2. No matter what you think, Bill (nie mógł pożyczyć= niemożliwe, żeby pożyczył)

__________________________________________ her any money as he was broke himself.

2.3. I’m said to be unquestionably the best swimmer in our class,(czyż nie) _______________________?

2.4. Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was banned from flights in autumn 2016 due to fire hazard, (w następstwie serii) _________________________________________ incidents in which the device burst into flames.

2.5. This picture shouldn’t (był być powieszony) ___________________________________ here. It’s in the wrong place.

2.6. My English teacher made me (przepisać pracę domowa dwa razy)

_____________________________________________________________ as a punishment.

2.7. The queen was really impressed and wanted to find out how long (uczyłam się)


2.8. You don't have to apply for a student visa (chyba że) ____________________________ you're from outside the EU.

2.9. I (żałuję, że nie poszedłem) ____________________________________________ to bed earlier last night. I'm so tired today.

2.10. I bought a new iPod so I can listen to (muzyki jaką lubię)_________________________ when I'm at the gym.

………../5 pkt.


3 Zadanie 3.

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst o propozycji budowy elektrowni słonecznej w pobliżu brytyjskiej wioski Bendington. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w tekście, z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą. Odpowiedzi wpisz w odpowiednie miejsca pod tekstem zadania.

Za to zadanie możesz uzyskać 5 punktów.

The Bendington Village Committee is opposed to plans to build a 6,890 panel solar farm on a 15-acre site adjacent to the village recreation ground, currently used for agriculture. Under the proposed scheme, the area will be surrounded by an 8ft-high fence. The panels themselves will be about 7 feet high.

The committee has already lodged an appeal to the local authority against construction of the solar farm. The councillors are due to meet on 13th March to vote whether or not plans will go ahead. Local residents are invited to attend. Our objections will be presented before the board, and a representative from the solar firm SunGen will put forward the case for the development.

Residents are encouraged to voice their objections to the development. These must address the aspects of the scheme that violate the current planning policy. However, you are welcome to make your objections personal, by stating how the plans will affect you as a user of the recreation ground. Some of the most common objections are listed below:

1. The extensive views from the village and recreation ground across the open country will be blocked by the panels and high fencing. Furthermore, once the site has been built upon, it may be considered brownfield, thus an acceptable site for housing or industrial development. It does not, therefore, comply with the local policy which states that developments must not adversely effect on the appearance or character of the landscape.

2. The recreation ground has recently undergone major improvements including a perimeter running track, new playground equipment and seating. It is heavily used by families, sports teams and dog walkers, and is regularly used for village events. Cricket and football teams regularly use the recreation ground and it is not uncommon for balls to enter the field. Cricketers are worried that they may become liable for damage to solar panels. If teams are forced to relocate, this would adversely affect the character of the village, and may jeopardise participation in the children’s teams. This goes against the National Planning Policy Framework which requires developments to promote high quality public space and encourage the active and continual use of public areas.

3. There has been no assessment of the extent to which noise from inverters and cooling fans will affect local residents.

2. As the ground beneath the solar panels will be surfaced, there will be more additional run-off of rainwater. The recreation ground already has problems with drainage, and these may be exacerbated by this development. A formal flood risk assessment must be submitted.

5. The lighting and security systems have not been outlined; it is not clear how the area will be made safe for children

Email your objections to planning@bendingtoncouncil.gov.uk, and quote the reference BEN7258/00578 in the subject line.

adapted from http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org


4 3.1. What is the committee’s opinion of the development?

A/ It is opposed to the development.

B/ It supports the development.

C/ It is waiting for comments from residents before taking a viewpoint.

3.2. The solar farm would be built A/ on the recreation ground.

B/ in an agricultural field.

C/ on a brownfield site.

3.3. The meeting with councillors A/ has already taken place.

B/ will take place shortly.

C/ has been proposed, but not planned.

3.4. Which of the following is NOT true of the proposed solar farm?

A/ It will be surrounded by a high fence.

B/ It will comprise of 3,890 7-foot high panels.

C/ The solar panels will be placed directly on the grass.

3.5. People who want to object the development are advised A/ not to write about their personal feelings.

B/ to refer to the village’s planning policy.

C/ to send a letter in the mail.

3.6. What is inferred about brownfield sites?

A/ It is easier to get permission to develop brownfield sites.

B/ There are already too many brownfield sites in the village.

C/ A brownfield site is not a suitable location for a solar farm.

3.7. Teams may no longer play on the recreation ground because A/ parents will be worried about their children’s safety.

B/ spectators won’t want to watch matches at the recreation ground.

C/ players will be worried about damaging the panels.

3.8. Which of the following is NOT true of the recreation ground?

A/ It has recently received considerable investment.

B/ It occasionally floods.

C/ It is well-lit.

3.1_____ 3.2. _____ 3.3. _____ 3.4. _____ 3.5. _____ 3.6. _____ 3.7. ______ 3.8. _____

………../5 pkt.


5 Zadanie 4.

Z podanych możliwości wybierz jedną tak, aby otrzymać prawdziwą informację. Odpowiedzi wpisz w odpowiednie miejsca pod tekstem zadania.

Za to zadanie możesz uzyskać 5 punktów.

4.1. Which of these people could not have met?

A/ William Shakespeare and Queen Elisabeth I B/ Charles Dickens and Queen Victoria C/ J. K. Rowling and Queen Elisabeth II D/ Jane Austen and King Henry VIII

4.2. Which of these writers did not get a Nobel Prize in Literature?

A/ Doris Lessing B/ Roald Dahl C/ Bob Dylan D/ Alice Munro

4.3. What is the word pub short for?

A/ Pub House B/ Public Space C/ Public Room D/ Public House 4.4. Snowdon is

A/ the highest mountain in Wales B/ the longest river in Ireland C/ the deepest lake in Scotland D/ the smallest cave in Cornwall

4.5. Which of these sentences is not true?

A/ Luisa May Alcott wrote Little Women.

B/ Lewis Carroll wrote Through the Looking Glass.

C/ Jerome K. Jerome wrote Three Men in a Boat.

D/ J. R. R. Tolkien wrote The Shepherd's Crown.

4.6. Which of these sentences is not true?

A/ California has the largest population of all US states.

B/ Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes of North America.

C/ The Super Bowl is the final in ice hockey.

D/ The US is a federation which consists of states with limited governments.

4.7. The national American anthem is called A/ Long Live America

B/ The Star Spangled Banner C/ God Save the Queen D/ Auld Lang Syne


6 A/ The capital of Australia is Sydney.

B/ The large island south of Australia is called Tasmania.

C/ Australia’s native people are called Aborigines.

D/ Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef on earth.

4.9. Which of these sentences about Canada is not true?

A/ The capital city of Canada is Toronto.

B/ The plant which is a symbol of Canada is the maple leaf.

C/ English and French are Canada's two official languages.

D/ Anne of Green Gables lived in the province of Prince Edward Island.

4.10. Which of these sentences is not true?

A/ Oxford Street is a major shopping street in the West End of London.

B/ Fleet Street used to be known as the centre of British journalism.

C/ Baker Street is a street in London famous for its connection to Sherlock Holmes.

D/ Downing Street is a street in London where the Houses of Parliament are located.

4.1.____ 4.2.____ 4.3.____ 4.4.____ 4.5.____ 4.6.____ 4.7._____ 4.8.____ 4.9.____ 4.10.____

………../5 pkt.

Zadanie 5.

Zaznacz pary wyrazów, które się rymują wpisując literę Y (yes) lub N (no) w odpowiednim miejscu.

Za to zadanie możesz uzyskać 5 punktów.

5.1. horse – worse ...

5.2. busy – dizzy ...

5.3. eye – key ...

5.4. blood – food ………

5.5. choir – liar ………

5.6. tomb – bomb ……….

5.7. war – far ……….

5.8. dear – bear ……….

5.9. hiccough – cup ……….

5.10. weight – height ……….

………../5 pkt.


7 Zadanie 6.

Uzupełnij rymowany wiersz podanymi wyrazami. Rozwiązania wpisz w miejsca pod tekstem.

Za to zadanie możesz uzyskać 5 punktów.

near shake though queer know deep snow mistake year keep

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I 6.1. __________

His house is in the village 6.2. __________;

He will not see me stopping here

To watch his woods fill up with 6.3. __________ . My little horse must think it 6.4. __________

To stop without a farmhouse 6.5. __________

Between the woods and frozen lake

The darkest evening of the 6.6. __________ . He gives his harness bells a 6.7. __________

To ask if there is some 6.8. __________

The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and 6.9. __________, But I have promises to 6.10. __________, And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.

6.1. ___________ 6.2. ____________ 6.3. ___________ 6.4. ___________ 6.5. ___________

6.6. ___________ 6.7. ____________ 6.8. ___________ 6.9. ___________ 6.10. __________

………../5 pkt.

Zadanie 7

Twój kolega/koleżanka z Anglii wkrótce przyjedzie do ciebie na kilka dni z wizytą. Napisz do niego/niej list, w którym przekażesz następujące informacje:

 gdzie gość się zatrzyma na czas wizyty

 jak spędzicie wspólnie czas w ciągu tych kilku dni

 co gość powinien koniecznie ze sobą zabrać i dlaczego

 co gość powinien wiedzieć o Polsce przed przyjazdem, czego nie przeczyta w przewodnikach turystycznych

Twoja odpowiedź powinna mieć około 150 słów. Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego i interesującego przekazania informacji, spójność, bogactwo językowe oraz poprawność językowa.

Pisz czytelnie!

Za to zadanie możesz uzyskać 10 punktów.





























Treść Spójność i logika wypowiedzi

Zakres środków językowych

Poprawność środków językowych



punktów 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2




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