TECHNISCHE UNIVERSTEIT LaboratorIum voor ScheepthydromeChafllca
Mekolweg 2. 2628 CD Deift
Numerical simulation of a random
sea: a coMìTh1t73°151
error and its effect upon s'ave groLI) statistics
M. J. TUCKERInstIlute ('f O.canocrap/uc Sciences, crossiiavs, 7thnwn. Somerset, UK
ins dru te of Oc'anogìap1iic Sciences, lVortu lev. Godainiing, Surrey, LK
A commonly used method of simulating ocean waves from a specified frequency spectrum is shown to be incorrect. The method consists of adding numerous sine curves with random phases: and the error arises from assuming that the amplitudes of these component sine waves are deterministic, when they are in fact random variables. Methods of using random amplitudes are described and only one is found to he satisfactory. In this method the number of randonivalues simulated - and then trans-formed with an inverse FFT - equals the required number of simulated data points. So simulation in the frequency domain can only give relatively short runs; it is necessary to work in the time domain if arbitrarily long runs are required.
Errors in wave group statistics derived from the incorrect simulation method are discussed and related to discrepancies reported between groupiness in simulated data and ocean measurements.
This paper reports a minor detective story. lt started when two of us employed a commonly-used method for the numerical simulation of ocean waves in order to examine some statistical properties which could not be calculated theoretically. The sea surface is generally assumed to be
Gaussian, and our method of simulation consisted
of summing a finite number of Fourier components to obtain the surface elevation (t) as a function of time, i.e.:N
(t) = e,,cos(2irf,,t + (1)
where f,, are fixed frequencies, e,, are fixed amplitudes determined from the assumed energy spectrum, and 5,, are random phases.
We happened to calculate the variances of the simulated records and noticed that these values varied less than the1 should'(according to the theory, Tucker'). On looking into the reason for this, it turned out that the method of
simula-tion is inherently incorrect. The method, assuming
deter-ministic values for e,, (n = 1. . - . , N), does not model a
random Gaussian surface, except in the limit N - oo, as noted by Rice2 and explained below.
Thus the use of equation (1) in wave theory with the conditions
that N -
- e.g. Cartwright andLonguet-Higgins3- is correct, but for wave simulation with finite
N - e.g. Goda.4 Hurwitz and Neal.5 Rye and Lervik,b and
Haver and Moan7- is incorrect. lt is not clear which wave
statistics simulated in this way are sciously in error, but slatislics of wave iroups are certaiiìl affected, and it is
possible that some rather surprisingresults on wave group
Pc Ju,ic J )'SL(lç,l I, CIOt' J(Iflt. I 9(4.
-l'piid Oeca;: ]',ir:'j;, ¡ 'S..
lengths quoted in the literature (see references) could be due to faulty simulation.
An alternative method for numerical simulation is to
generate random numbers with a Gaussian probability distribution and then to pass these through a linear filter whose frequency response is calculated to give the correct spectrum. We are aware of no fundamental problems with this approach, but it is expensive in computer time com-pared with frequency-domain synthesis.
For simplicity only a one-dimensional measurement, i.e. the
elevation (t) of the sea surface above still water lèvel at a
fixed point, will be considered. However, the same
prin-ciples apply to
a directional wave simulation. In this paper it is assumed that the sea surface can be represented as a stationary Gaussian process with zeromean.A finite wave record taken over an interval i = - T/2 to t = + T/2 from such a random process can he represented by a Fourier series. If (r) consists of N values
rn sampled
at discrete times t,,, with intervals t, then: *
IV/2 rn= (a,,cos27rfnt,,,+bnsin2irì'ntm) (2) ,z=0 N/ 2 e,,cos(2rf,,t,,, + ç5,,) (3) 1= O
1or th nrcnt purpose it i much ciinplcr tn work oit!; the rJ
r:, t hir t ian w i iIi t ti cnn:plc'. nrnhcr rcrrescnti,n of E nouer tranror,n. a i;ct ;vitli a one-sided spectrum. SU;.
41-1 J 87184/02011 sOS $ © 1984 CML PubItcatonc
where: j;, = (nV t)= ,,/T; b0, h\/2 = O; , 0N/2=O. Also
= T/2 is the Nyquist frequency.
Note that the number of values of a,, plus the number of values of h,, equals N. the number of input values of 1). a,, is the nican and is one of the 1V values. thouth we shall assunte it to hc zero.
This representation of
r,,, repeats itself alter a time
T = ¡ /f, where ¿.f is the frequency separation of the har-monics, and is therefore valid only in the interval O ' t T.For a finite Af equation (2) can thus only represent a
sample taken from the infinite time history of (t), and hence the spectrum of (2) is not the same as that of the whole signal. There is a clear distinction between S(f), th spectrum of the process of which.the record we have is a sample, and E(f,,) which is the spectrum of the individual sample, and which is defined 6yE1J,,) f= (a + b,)/2 =
If, for example, we were trying to estimate S(f) from a real
wave record, then E(J) would be our raw estimate of it, but subject to a large sampling variance. Values of E(f,,) taken from different intervals when averaged will converge
on SU).
If T is long so that the f,, are densely packed, thenEUH) can be averaged over adjacent values of f;, within a small but finite frequency range so that as T - 00, this average
E(i) - S(j). In the limit, the result would be the same if equation (I) were used, which is why it is possible to use equation (1) for analytical purposes so long as T is taken to inflnity at a suitable stage in the argument.
From the theory of Gaussian processes, given for
ex-ample by Koopmans,8 ía,, and b,, are independent random variables chosen from a Gaussian distribution with common
variance a =S(f,,)f,,,using sf,, to include the general
case where f is not constant.Since a,, and b,, are independent, their joint probability p(a,,, b,,) is given by the product of their individual prob-abilities, so that:
p(a,,, b,,) da,, db,,
i _L,2
exp , Iexpl ---lda,,dh,,
2iw,, 2a i \/21r0,,
L 2ui
(c + hz)]
da,, db,,
2a= ;- exp
Changing to polar co-ordinates:
= r,, cos
= e,, sin ,,
p(c,,, 0,,) de,, dÓ,, = -- exp e,, de,, dØ,,
L _oj
1dc,,_ir u
Therefore e,, has a Rayleia.h distribution with an rms value
of v'2,j,, (=\/[2s)\J;,J)c:uid the
,, are independentwit h uniform distribution ori (O. ir).
lt follows that lias a negative exponential distribu-tinti with mean value of a, i.e. S(j,)
I, (and a mode of
Numerical simulation o/a random sca: M. J. Tucker. P. G. Cliallenor and D. J. i Guter The common error in wave simulation is to assume that the e,, are not random hut that:
e,, = v'S(J,,) AI,,
The ra ndom nature of t lie record is t hen thought t o arise from the raridorri ,,, i.e. front sittiply selecting the tuh:uis of the Cortiporlent sine curves at random. i hie use of
equa-tion (4) in the time history given by equaequa-tion (3) will
always produce a spectrum equal to S(f and titus some of the randomness of the real wave system will be 1ot.DIGITAL SIMULATION
Random waves frequently need to be simulated, in order to solve problems which are intractable analytically. The solutions may be obtained physically, in a wave tank, or numerically from digital output. Either way often involves a digital simulation procedure in the frequency domain, in which a number of sine curves are summed to producean
approximate Gaussian process. There are essentially two methods for carrying out this procedure. In both methods the amplitudes of the component sine curves have to he derived from the spectrum to he simulated. If they are
given deterministic values then the simulated process is not Gaussian; for instance the sample variance is bounded and essentially tIte sanie for all simulations.
The first method is based on the theory given above, with ¿/,, constant, independent of n, so f, n /. Random a,, and b,, are generated from a Gaussian distribution with yariance S(f,,) ¿f and the sum produced from equation (2). pr, more efficiently, an inverse Fast Fourier Transform is used to obtain the simulated record. (An alternative is to generate c from a Rayleigh distribution with mean square
value of 2S(f,,)Í.f and 6,, from a uniform distribution
(O, 2ff). This method is suggested by Cuong et al.,9 but to the present authors, it seems more laborious than using a,, and b,,.)lt should perhaps be pointed out that in this method the number and values of the frequencies are determined by the
required time interval between record values and
thelength of record, T: and that we
can say nothing about what happens outside the period T.Figure 1 a-d show spectra estimated from simulations of I 800 values at 0.5 s intervals from a Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum with a variance of I in2 so 900 frequencies were used in the FFT. These estimates were smoothed with a Daniel window, i.e. replacing every ten adjacent points w
their arithnietic nican.
Tihie second method involves summation of components at frequencies with unequal intervals, so the period of the sine curves are not harmonically related and tIte series
repeats only ait er a long time, t lins enabling much loníier
series to he simulated than h' t lie first method for a given
number of frequencies. There are various ways nf selectinC
these frequencies, such as choosing it;, such thatS(.f,,)
is constant. Sometimes a random element is included, mr example by Goda.4 which introduces slight differences sample variance from run to run, hut they are much stn:tllc than would arise from a t rue Gaussianprocess.
1f tite only purpose of tite experiment is to derive i
linear response function for a structure, thus lack of randnot
deviation in the sample spectrum E(t) from the inruor spectrum S(f) can he an :tdvantaee : hut it is no
clear that workers realise tira t n tirer statistics can e
hi:uscd. brennan'0 discirsscs i his problem uuid :uv; ' ha 'i lucre tue many unsolved iiucouctic:rl quesliotus Ci)uiuiC
with constrained sirnulations, that is. with simulations which arc flot trtily random represen t a t lotis. \t hen
simm-lating waves for noii-linear problems und statistical work it is extremely dangerous to use the relationship of equa-tion (3).
These effects are illustrated by Figs. 2 and 3 which show examples of spectra calculated from simulations of 15 min
o 00 20 15 10 5 o 00 25 20 -10 o 00 25 15 10 O L I 00 0-1 02 Frequency (Hz)
Fi cure la-d. Examples of spectra ¡i-oui 15 min records simulated frani a Prerso,i-Mosk 'oit: spectrum (shoii',i
dashed) using iwmch rn a,, and b,, andau inierse FFT
ìaran&Jm sea: 11. J. Tucker, 1'. G. Cha/lanar and D. J. T. ('crier
o-t 0-2
I 0 il pp/led Ocean Research, 1984, I'l. 6. Vo. 2
25 20 E 115 G? 10 u o 00 25 20 15 10 5 o 00 25 20 15 lo 5 o 00 25 20 15 10 15 o 00
records at 0.5 s intervals from a Pierson-Moskowitz spec-trum. with a variance of I rn2, using Goda's method to
obtain the loo component frequencies between 0.05 and 0.1 lIz. In Fig. 2, the component amplitudes vere taken deterniinisticallv from the Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum: and the sample spectra show very small variation from i lie
0'l 02
0'l 0-2
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 2e-d. Examples of spectra from 15 min records siniulated from a Pierso,;-Mos/-oo'itz spectrum (shown dashed) using Goda's method (with deterministic ampli-tudes)
23 o 00 0l 25 20 15 10 o
Numerical simulation of a random sea: if. J. Tucker, P. G. Cha//enr'r and D. J. T. C'arter
o i
09 01 02
Freauency (Hz)
Figure 3a-d. Examples of spectra from 15 i',iu records simulated from a Pierso,i-1Ioskoit'irz spectrion (S/low,, dashe&/ using Goda 's method wit/i Rat'/ci'h- iisîrthuted amplitudes
Pierson-Moskowitz these
simulations are not from
arandom Gaussian process. In Fig. 3, the component ampli-tudes were obtained by sampling from a Rayleioh distribu-tion with rms given by the Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum: the sample spectra exhibit considerable variation about the
Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum.
I lowcvcr. this second simulai inn process is not entirely sat isfaci ory. even vith random amplitudes. for two reasons.
First, t he true process wit h a coot itluous sped rum IS
ereodic. i.e. an average trotii one realisation over a lone time is equivalent to an averace of an ensemble of shorter realisations. This is not tie case for the simulation process with a linìe Spectrum. For example. if the process used to obtain any one of the spectra in Fig. 3 had been continued after 15 min for a further 1 5 min. the samplespectra from
the two 15 min records would have been essentially the sanie. Any such simulation technique that involves
summing a finite number of sine curves will produce series that are not ergodic; so ifany averaees are to be used, they must be ensemble averages and not timeaverages. Thus the
apparent advantage of this method, that
it produces a longer record for a given number of frequencies. isillusory. Secondly, the distribution of sample variances is not known. In particular, we do not know whether the simula-tion process is giving the correct value for the variance of this distribution. We might expect it to be too large: for example for Fig. 3, N = 100 frequencies were used toproduce the 1800 values, compared with 900 frequencies for Fig. 1, suggesting an increase in variance of about
-i.e. proportional to /7V. However, for Fig. i, many of tite 900 frequencies liad very small amplitudes, while for Fig. 3, using Godajs method, the frequencieswere clustered around tite spectral peak.
The variance of the variance of recordssimulated from a Pierson-Moskowitz spectrums
as in
Figs.1-3, can be
derived theoretically, Tucker.' For a record of 900s witha sampling rate of 0.5 Hz and a variance of i m2
it is0.0100 m4. Results calculated from 40 simulations of this
process are as follows:
Thus the 15 min record produced from 100 frequencies,as for Fig. 3, does not have thecorrect distribution of sample 1variance: perhaps if 150 or 200 frequencies were used the variance of the variance might he nearer the correct value, but tlos could only be determined by repeated simulations. and even tIten the correct distribution is not assured.
A wave group in a random wave train is a sequence of cmi-secutive high waves, and (lie number of such waves may
used ro define the
group Icnet li. Zero-up-crossing waveheight is L'erterallv used, and the bevel defining a htigitwave
is often ti-te significant wave height of tite wave train. The distribution of group length or the 'groupiness of Ute waves - cari have a profound effect upon tile forces on ships. moored structures arid sea defences: so it is
ito-port lilt when carrying out model test s to have a realistic simulation of eroilpiness.
Some recent papers have compared croup lengths simulated waves vitb, ocean records. arid have generalI':
replu ted discrepancies. For exatnplc. (;d'
finds liai!?'OtI (.)' 'i,z /?rcuuci,. !",-1. I r', 'i,
.. 121 Mean sample variance (m2) sample Variance of variance (m4) Theory 1.0 0.0100 FF1 simulation 1.0 188 0.0118 (Fig. 1) Goda simulation 0.9994 0.0006 (Fig ) Goda + Rayleigh 0.9852 0.0254 (Fig.3) 00 01 02Yiofa rwiJin 5c;: 11. J. 7uckcì observed mein group lengths arc often greater titan those in
ive trains simulated using his met hod. l3urcha r ti'
com-pares waves recorded off Cornwall and off Jutland to waves simulated with the same spect ra iii two laboratories using different methods, digitally filtered random noise and the summation of ten sine curves with amplitudes fixed by the spectra. Ile found that with the first niet hod t he group
lengths of observed and simulated wave trains agreed well when wave heigit was defined by zero-down-crossings) but with the second method agreement was poor, with too few
long runs in the simulated waves.
An alternative approach to defining group length is in terms of the wave envelope. The niore narrow-banded, the more slowly the e-rvelope varies, and the greater the mean
group length. A marked feature of the sample spectra in Fig. i is the pronounced peakedness or narrow-bandedness of some compared to those in Fig. 2. The lengths of wave
groups within these samples would be greater than
ex-pected from any samples in Fig. 2, which might well explain the observations that observed mean run lengths are greater than obtained from simulations with fixed
coni-ponent amplitudes (although the difference found by
Burcharth'2 between results using up-crossing and down-crossing waves smests a significant non-linear effect in this case, which wss in shallow water).CONCLUSIONS
The sea surface is generally assumed to be a representation of a random Gaussian process and a method commonly used for simulating ocean waves, with a given spectrum, both in a wave tank and numerically, is based upon the assumption that such a process
can be obtained by the
addition of a fi.nite number of sine waves with random phase and with amplitudes fixed by the spectral values atthe specifled frequencies. This method does not simulate a random Gaussian process, and hence does not correctly simulate ocean waves. The resulting constrained simulation can be useful in certain circumstances - provided its
limita-tions are recognised.
One such limitation is that it incorrectly reproduces the distribution of the lengths of wave groups. In particular, theoretical consideratkms and measurements, for example
by Goda," indicate that the
mean length of the wavegroups can be expected to be higher in the
ocean than obtained from such simulations.Some simulation methods involve summing components at frequencies with unequal intervals, so that long series can be generated without repeating from relatively few
i 2 Applied Occaim Rc'scarciz. 1984. 1 4. & Xn. 2
P. G. CIza(lc,i'r ait! D. J. T. carier
frequencies. However, even if component amplitudes are
chosen randoritIv front Rayleigh distributions, the dist ributicirt of tite sample variances between runs will
not be correct, and the process is not ereodic.
In order to simulate a random Gaussian surface in the frequency dom-air,, it is necessary to generate Gaussian vziriahhes tor each sitie auch cosine term, with hic total number of variables equal to the number of data points
to be simulated
¿om to generate tite same number of Rayleigh random amplitudes and random phases). Aninverse Fast Fourier Transform titen gives, very elli-ciently.
the required simulation for the specified
run length.\Vorking in the tinie domain, rather titan in the fre-quency domain. and simulating waves by filtering Gaussian white noise avoids these problems and enables arbitrarily long series to be generated, at time expense of greater com-puting COStS.
Tucker. M. J. The analysis of finite-h erigth records of fluctuat-ing signals, Br. J. App!. Phvs. 1957, 8, 137'
2 Rice, S. O. The mathematical analysis of random noise. Bell
System 7'ech. J.. 1944, 23,282; 1945, 24, 46. (Reprinted in:' Selected Papers on Noise and Stochastic Processes, \Vax, N.;
cd., Dover Publications, New York. 1954)
3 Cartwright, D. E. and Lomuet-Fliggins. M. S. The statistical
distrit,ution of the maxima of a random function. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 1956, 237, 212
4 Goda, Y. Numerical experiments on wave statistics with
spec-tral simulation, Report of the Port and Harbour Res. Inst.
1970.9(3), 3
5 Hurwitz, R. B. and Neal. E. Digital simulation ofa Gaussian
seaway based on the random pItase model. David W. Taylor Naval Ship Res, and Der. Center Rpt 79/056, 1979
6 Rye, Il. and Lervik. E. Wave grouping studied by means of
correlation techniques, Preprinr In!. Situp. on Hydrodynamics in Ocean Engineering, Trondheim, Norway, August 1981, I, 25
7 Haver, S. and Moan. T. On some uncertainties related to the
short term stochastic modelling of ocean waves, Applied
Ocean Research 1983, 5 (2), 93
8 Koopmans, L. H. The Spectral Analysis of Time Series, Aca-'
tiemic Press, 1974g
9 Cuong, Il. T., Trocsch, A. W. and Birdsahl, T. G. The genera-tion of digital random time series, Ocean Engineering 1982,
9 (6), 581
iO Borgman. L. E. Conditional simulation of ocean wave
proper-ties, Proc. 17th conf, on coastal Engineering, Sydney, Australia, Vol. 1, 1980, 318
11 Goda. Y. On wave groups, Proc. conf on Behaviour of Off' s/tore Structures. Trondhcim, Norway, Vol. 1, 1976, 115 12 Burcharth, H. F. A comparison of nature waves and model
waves with special reference to ivave grouping. coastal .hnginecring 1981,4, 303