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St. Hedwig Church 408 S. Harrison Street, Wilmington, Delaware, 19805


Academic year: 2022

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St. Hedwig Church

408 S. Harrison Street, Wilmington, Delaware, 19805 ________________________________________

Parish Office

Telephone: 302-594-1400, ext. 0 Fax: 302-594-1415

Email: sthedwigchurch@comcast.net www.sthedwigde.org

Fr. Andrew Molewski Pastor

Fr. Tomasz Pietrzak SChr Assistant Pastor Deacon Ray Zolandz

Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:00 p.m.

Sunday: 9:00 a.m.

11:30 a.m. (Polish) 4:00 p.m.

Holy Days: see website & bulletin First Friday: 6:30 p.m.

Purgatorial Society Mass Adoration: Sunday 3-4:00 p.m.

Weekday Mass Schedule (in Saint Pope John Paul II Chapel Monday - Friday 6:30 p.m.

(Adoration 5:30-6:25pm each evening)

Saturday 8:00 a.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation Confession on Saturday: 3:00-3:45 p.m.

and on weeknights before Mass Parish Office Business Hours

Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. only


St. Hedwig Church welcomes you …

We the faithful of Saint Hedwig Parish, a Catholic Community, are committed to living and sharing the Gospel values as disciples of Jesus Christ, celebrating our lives together around the table of the Eucharist and other sacramental times during our journey of faith.




ear Parishioners,

The scene from Daniel draws on ancient motifs to depict the final triumph of God’s power over hostile, cha- otic forces. The time of persecution comes to an end when God (“the Ancient of Days”) set up thrones of judgment against those who have brought chaos to the earth (Daniel 7:1-12). At this time, a figure “like a Son of man,” that is, with human features, appears on a chariot of clouds. From God this figure receives dominion over the whole earth.

As the Jewish tradition developed, this image came to be associated with an expected Messiah who would establish and rule over the kingdom of God on earth. It was in this sense that “the Son of Man” was understood by many in the first century.

The book of Revelation was intended to inspire faith in the final victory of God and the Anointed One – the Christ – over the forces of evil that had been persecuting Christians. Thus, the book begins with a vision of Christ as the victorious and supreme sovereign, whose power extends through space and time. Key themes of the book are sounded here. Jesus is the “faithful witness” who was obedient to God even to death. Resurrected, he is the first of many who will be raised. The work of Christ is a work of love, which seeks to free those whom he loves from all bondage, beginning with sin. As God’s Christ, he is form- ing a people to give glory to God. The final section, which draws on the vision in Daniel, connects Christ to Jewish messianic expectations.

Pontius Pilate and the Romans were concerned about Jesus and his actions only because they believed them to be connected with political insurrection against the Em- pire. Was Jesus claiming to be the king of the Jews in an attempt to establish a Jewish state? Pilate wants to

Know what Jesus’ intentions are. Jesus affirms he has a kingdom, albeit one not of this world, and so in a sense no threat to the Romans. But he is strangely reluctant to af- firm explicitly that he is a king (perhaps because it is a title that can be misunderstood), focusing instead on the question of truth. Those who belong to the truth know who and what Jesus is. Pilate can call him whatever he wants.

God bless, Fr. Andrew

K ochani Parafianie,

Piłat z Jezusowego oświadczenia w dzisiejszej Ewangelii (J18,33b-37), podjął tylko jedno słowo

„król”, dlatego ponownie zapytał Go, czy rzeczywiście jest królem. Oczywiście Jezus nie może zaprzeczyć swojej godności królewskiej, jaką ma z racji bycia jednorodzonym Synem Ojca. W Starym Przymierzu mamy wzmianki, że czczono Boga jako króla (por.

Wj15,18) i usiłowano podporządkować Mu całą władzę.

Bóg był uznawany przez lud Boży za władcę historii i gwaranta porządku religijno-etycznego, a ziemski król był jedynie widzialnym reprezentantem, jakby odbiciem Jego władzy. Jezus, Syn Boga i odwieczny Król, stojąc przed Piłatem nie mógł milczeć, gdy w grę wchodziła sprawa Jego Ojca i Jego królestwa. Jezusowe królestwo jest królestwem prawdy. Przyszedł na świat, aby powiedzieć i zaświadczyć o tym, co widział i słyszał od Ojca, aby ukazać ludziom Ojca i pouczyć ludzkość o Bogu.

Znamienne jest, że Jezus ogłosił się królem, kiedy był najmniej podobny do króla; również zadziwiające jest to, że nie używał w odniesieniu do siebie terminu „król”, za wyjątkiem okoliczności opisanych w dzisiejszej perykopie, w czasie przesłuchania przez najwyższego rzymskiego urzędnika okupowanej prowincji, jaką wówczas była Judea.

Żydzi oczekiwali Mesjasza będącego potomkiem Dawida, który odtworzy królestwo Izraela i doprowadzi je do powszechnego, i ostatecznego splendoru i potęgi.

Królestwa, którego władcą będzie sam Bóg, Jezus jednak uściśla, że Jego królestwo nie jest takie, jak sobie wyobrażano: ziemskie, militarne, polityczne. Jezus jest królem-sługą, jak sam powiedział o sobie: „…Ja jestem pośród was jak ten, kto służy” (por. Łk22,27). Kiedy tłum po rozmnożeniu chleba usiłował obwołać Jezusa królem, Ten to odrzucił, bowiem dobrze wiedział, że pojmowali Jego królestwo w kategoriach ziemskich. Natomiast przyjął tytuł króla wobec Piłata, a na krzyżu zawieszono tabliczkę z napisem: „Jezus Nazarejczyk, Król Żydowski” (por. J19,19). W tym kontekście można zadać sobie pytania: w jaki sposób postrzegam Jezusa jako króla? i jak w moim życiu objawia się Jego królowanie?

Szczesc Boze,

Ks. Tomasz Pietrzak, SChr

Słowo Księdza Wikariusza

OFFERTORY COLLECTION November 6-7 $4,930

Regular Offertory: - $3,731

& Special Collections - $1,199 Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

Due to holiday bulletin deadlines, offertory totals for November 13-14 were not available when this bulletin

was printed. Totals will be posted in the next bulletin.



St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.






received to date Thank you!

and a big thank you to our most recent donors!

* * * $125,000 * * *

is the total needed to complete the work to restore the exterior steeple flashings and also the roofs and lead-copper flashings and also the complete restoration of the two (2) steeple crosses at the top.

We greatly appreciate each and every donation received to date, large and small. Thank you

and God bless you for your generosity!

YOUTH NEEDED FOR CHRISTMAS CHOIR We are now recruiting youth/

young adults for our Christ- mas Eve Mass - singers and instrumentalists. This is a great way to give your talents as a gift to our Lord. Music will be the traditional Christmas hymns. Invite your friends and relatives to participate as well. Please call Charlotte Coletta for more information, (302-377-3199).

PRAY FOR THE SICK Father Andrew, Jana & Mike Siwek, Katie,

Dot, Maureen Kemble, Joe Rybaltowski, Fran Golden, Diane Naylor, John Yasik,

Cindy, Carl Koekkoek, Wanda Weikel, Jimmy Daggett, Terry, Sharon Kozlowski,

Samantha Wilson, Lori Weikel and Tina Cushing All those suffering with Coronavirus



The need in the community remains great, so we are asking for food donations. Donations of non-perishable foods can be placed in the bins near the church exits. No glass containers please. Thank you in advance for your generosity to those less fortunate.



(a Holy day of obligation)


in St. Hedwig Church

12:00 p.m.

5:30 p.m.

& 7:00 p.m. (Polish)



with Fr. Piotr Janas, SChr

Fr. Piotr (Peter) will preach at all Masses on December 3-4-5. The retreat begins at the 6:30 p.m.

Mass on Friday, December 3 and will end with the 4:00 p.m. Mass on Sunday, December 5.

Father Piotr is a priest of The Society of Christ and an assistant pastor of Holy Trinity Parish in Chicago.



We invite all parish families & CCD families to join us on the first Sunday of each month at 9:00 a.m. for our monthly parish Family Mass. The next Family Mass will be on Sunday, December 5th at 9:00 a.m. All are invited.


MASS in Church

at 9:00AM

Let us give thanks to God for His many blessings, at Thanksgiving

and throughout the year.

Happy Thanksgiving!


CHRISTMAS BABKA & BAKE SALE The Pope John Paul II Knights of Colum- bus are selling Babka and other baked goodies! Pick up a flyer on the table in the back of the Church. All orders must be placed in advance by December 5th.

Pickup date is Saturday, December 18th from 9AM to 11:30AM in the hall beneath the Church. Menu: Plain Babka $9; Box of Chrusciki $7;

Cheese babka $16; Sweet Poppy Seed Loaf $15; and Loaf of sliced Rye bread $7. To place an order by December 5th, please call Stan at (302)429-0102. We thank you for your generosity and support throughout the year.


Sanctuary Lamp †

signifying the Eucharistic Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ,

will burn this week in loving memory of

Dorothy Skipski

as requested by her daughter, Rhonda Monday, November 22

6:30pm Walter Kula, Jr. (10th anniversary)

int. Stash & Janice Tuesday, November 23

6:30pm Deceased Members of Milowicki Family

int. Family Wednesday, November 24

6:30pm Damian Osip int. Basia Malek Thursday, November 25 * Thanksgiving Day

9:00am Parishioners & Benefactors Friday, November 26

6:30pm Aniela Pysz int. Basia Saturday, November 27

8:00am Antoinette Koston int. Sandy Drzewicki 4:00pm Living Intentions & Blessings

for Donna Lindsay

int. Paul & Adrienne Suarez

Sunday, November 28 † First Sunday of Advent 9:00am Janina Schulz

int. Neuwiem & Szczepanski Families 11:30am Living Intentions & Blessings

for Barbara & Family

int. Sister, Marta and Family 4:00pm Rob (anniv.) & Joe Klaczkiewicz int. Family

Sacrament of Baptism: Call the Parish Office during office hours to make arrangements for Baptism.

Sacrament of Marriage: Engaged couples should call the Parish Office so that the proper preparation may be made at least one year in advance of the planned wedding date.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: One-half hour before daily Mass in the Chapel, Monday—Thursday and on Saturday from 3:00– 3:45 p.m. in Church; or by appointment.

Anointing of the Sick and the Eucharist: Please call the parish office to arrange for Communion, Confession, and/or Anointing of the Sick. Parishioners who are planning surgery should contact the priest to receive the Anointing of the Sick before the surgery.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): All adults who are discerning readiness to join the Catholic Church and are interested in becoming Catholic or completing their sacra- ments should call the Parish Office. All are welcome.

Religious Education Classes (CCD): Children not attending Catholic School are educated in the faith through our Religious Education Program. Please contact the Office of Religious Education and leave a message at 594-1400 Ext. 4.


Frequently, those seeking to celebrate Marriage, have children baptized or serve as sponsors for Confirmation or Baptism request a letter stating that they are parishioners. To receive such a letter, one must be registered and in our parish records, attend Mass regularly, & be committed to a stewardship of time/talent/treasure. If you would like to become a registered parishioner, please consider filling out a registration/census form located on the table in the back of the Church.

Parish Membership: We welcome new parishioners and all who wish to join our Parish Family. To register, call or visit the Parish Office. Registration forms are available on the table in the back of the Church. Please drop the form in the collec- tion basket or mail it to the Parish Office.

Holy Rosary Society: Members attend Mass monthly on

the Sunday following First Friday. Recitation of the Rosary begins one-half hour before Mass. New members are always welcome. For more information call the Parish Office at 302- 594-1400, ext. 0.

Knights of Columbus, Pope John Paul Council 7608: Meets the second Tuesday of every month. Mass at 6:30 pm in the Chapel, followed by meeting. New members welcome. Contact John Kwiatkowski, Grand Knight.

Our Lady, Queen of Peace Prayer Group: Meets on Thurs- day evenings immediately following the 6:30 p.m. Mass in the Chapel. All are welcome to join us in prayer.

The Gift that Keeps on Giving: In your will you can re- member your loved ones and the institutions that have been important in your life. We hope St. Hedwig merits your consideration.


NEW TELEVISION SETS IN CHURCH By now you are probably wondering what the new TV sets are that are hanging on the columns in our Church. In the coming months we will be able to use them to display Scriptures, Lyrics, Video and other parish presen- tations. We would like to send out a BIG thank you to a few of our parishioners who generously donated the funds needed to make it possible for the parish to purchase the TV’s and equipment needed to make this new technology available for you in our Church.


DELICIOUS PIEROGI, KIELBASA AND GOLUMPKI This is your last chance to order homemade pierogi in time for Christmas! Menu—PIEROGI (pyrohy): potato

$12/dozen, Sauerkraut $12/dozen and farmers cheese

$15/dozen. KIELBASA: (kovbassa) $14 a ring (approx. 2 pound ring). GOLUMPKI: (stuffed cabbage/holubtsi) 3 for $12; $20 half dozen; $40 dozen. Order and pickup from St. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 1406 Philadelphia Pike, Wilmington, 19809. To order you must call in your order on Monday and Tuesday, November 29 & 30 and December 6 & 7, from 9AM- 11AM only! To place an order call (302)798-4588.

Pickup will only be on Friday, December 17 from 11AM TO 2PM. We thank you for supporting our fundraising events each year.

CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE During the Christmas season, we have an Angel Giving Tree in Church decorated with angel tags that indicate a gift selection for someone in need. St. Hedwig Parish Giving Tree program provides a hap- py Christmas to families in the parish who are having difficulty making ends meet. The Christmas Giving Tree will be set up on the Blessed Mother altar in Church. We invite you to pick up a gift tag before or after all Masses.

All gifts MUST be new items and MUST be returned under the tree or to the Parish Office by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 15th. Gifts do not need to be wrapped. You may place the gift in a gift bag stuffed with tissue paper and the gift tag secured tightly to the package. Our Giving Tree program provides a happy Christmas to those less fortunate who are having difficulty making ends meet during the holiday season.

Please feel free to go up to the tree and pick a gift tag and help make someone’s Christmas special.

Advent Retreat—December 3-4-5

Immaculate Conception Holy Day—December 8 Penance Service (Parish Confessions)- December 16

Clean the Church for Christmas-December 18 Caroling Under the Spires—December 18


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We the faithful of Saint Hedwig Parish, a Catholic Community, are committed to living and sharing the Gospel values as disciples of Jesus Christ, celebrating our lives

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