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Innovatie van de achterlandverbinding de multitrailer op de weg (summary)


Academic year: 2021

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Delft University of Technology

Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering Transport Technology

P.H.W. Timp Innovatie van de achterlandverbinding. De multitrailer op de weg. Masters thesis, Report 95.3.TT.4490, Transport Engineering and Logistics.

This report describes a new way of container transportation between Rotterdam and its hinterland. For this transportation the multitrailer is used. A multitrailer is a long vehicle with five trailers, a tool that fulfils the intern transportation (at about 5 km long) of the Rotterdam harbour for the past 20 years. The mean idea is that Dutch highways are not frequently used during the night. Multitrailers can use this 'over'-capacity. They can transport containers over distances of about 150 km and more: which can be seen as a huge expansion of the intern transportation.

In short, the highway is used in an optimal way.

During the night a multitrailer can transport a maximum of ten 20 ft containers, on a reserved highway. Using multitrailers a big flow of containers can be achieved, which is in favourite of both Rotterdam (rapid delivery) and the Netherlands (less congestion).

Multitrailers are driving between huge 'parking places' (called Multitrailer Splits Points). From here the transportation can be done in two ways. The multitrailers can either split (one truck will now transport one trailer, as usual), or the containers can be put on a train or a ship.

The purpose of this report is to describe the new multitrailersystem, to find out whether this concept is feasible or not and to design the new multitrailer, according to the demands of the legislator. The multitrailersystem is described. Then it is verified according to criteria of environment, traffic noise, traffic safety and costs per container, and the trailer is designed in detail.

The multitrailer concept turns out to be a good concept, especially as a system for mid-long distances. This system will solve road problems (congestion) and the Rotterdam intern transportation will be longer. As a competitor the train' Betuwelijn' it meets political problems, according to the recent report of the 'Commission Hermans'.

Reports on Transport Engineering and Logistics (in Dutch)


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