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View of Report on the Academic and Didactic Activity of the Institute of Liturgics and Homiletics at CUL in the 2017/2018 Academic Year


Academic year: 2021

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ROCZNIKI TEOLOGICZNE Volume 65, issue 8 – 2018 E n g l i s h v e r s i o n


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18290/rt.2018.65.8-8en





A. Faculty employed as academic teachers:

1. Ordinary professors: Rev. Stanisław DYK, Rev. Zdzisław JANIEC; 2. Associate professors: Rev. Bogusław MIGUT, Waldemar PAŁĘCKI MSF,

Rev. Piotr KULBACKI;

3. Adjuncts: Rev. Zbigniew GŁOWACKI, Rev. Michał KLEMENTOWICZ,


4. Assistants: Rev. Mirosław KOWALSKI, Rev. Tomasz LISIECKI, Rev. Andrzej MEGGER.

B. Academic teachers holding the title of habilitated professor: Rev. Stani-sław DYK, Rev. Zdzisław JANIEC.

C. Academic teachers holding a postdoctoral degree: Rev. Stanisław DYK, Rev. Zdzisław JANIEC, Rev. Piotr KULBACKI, Rev. Bogusław MIGUT,


D. Academic teachers with a academic doctoral degree: Rev. Zbigniew GŁOWACKI, Rev. Michał KLEMENTOWICZ, Rev. Mirosław KOWALSKI, Rev. Tomasz LISIECKI, Rev. Andrzej MEGGER.


Rev. Dr. ANDRZEJ MEGGER is an assistant for the Chair of Spiritual and Liturgical Theology at the Institute of Liturgics and Homiletics for CUL’s Faculty of Theology; he lectures on the liturgy at the Priestly Seminary in Pelplin; e-mail: amegger@kul.lublin.pl



A. Department of the History of the Liturgy; B. Department of Homiletics;

C. Department of Spiritual and Liturgical Theology.


1. DYK, Stanisław. “Homilia jest symfonią albo kakofonią. Co głosić, aby nie zagubić istoty liturgicznego przepowiadania?” [The Homily Is either a Symphony or Cacophony. What to Preach so as not to Lose the Essence of Liturgical Preaching?]. Currenda. Pismo urzędowe diecezji tarnowskiej 167, no. 1 (2017): 93–111.

2. DYK, Stanisław. “Kontemplacja Chrystusa w słowie i ludzie Bożym jako przygotowanie do homilii” [Contemplating Christ in the Word and People of God as a Preparation for the Homily]. Kielecki Przegląd

Diecezjalny 44, no. 1 (2018): 152–163.

3. DYK, Stanisław. “Misterium Wcielenia w przepowiadaniu homilij-nym. Studium na podstawie lekcjonarza Uroczystości Narodzenia Pań-skiego” [The Mystery of the Incarnation in Homiletic Preaching. A Study Based on the Nativity of the Lord Lectionary]. Roczniki Teologiczne 64, is-sue 12 (2017): 31–46.

4. DYK, Stanisław. “Polityka w przestrzeni liturgicznej” [Politics in the Liturgical Space]. Pastores 78, no.1 (2018): 118–128.

5. JANIEC, Zdzisław. “Kult Maryi w świetle publikacji Rev. W. Granata” [The Cult of Mary in the Light of Fr. W. Granat’s Publication].

Kronika Diecezji Sandomierskiej 110, no. 1–2 (2017): 98–113.

6. KLEMENTOWICZ, Michał. “Spójność tekstu jako warunek poprawnej homilii” [Textual Unity as a Condition for a Proper Homily]. Roczniki

Teologiczne 64, iisue 12 (2017): 63–77.

7. KULBACKI, Piotr. “The Symbolism of Water in the Liturgy of the Catechumenate.” Roczniki Teologiczne 64, issue 8 (2017): 43–53.

8. MEGGER, Andrzej. “Studia Pelplińskie w służbie liturgii” [“Pelplin Studies” at the Service of the Liturgy]. Studia Pelplińskie 50 (2017): 75–89.

9. MEGGER, Andrzej. “Confirmation—Is It Still the Sacrament of Chris-tian Initiation?” Teologia i Człowiek 38, no. 2 (2017): 11–31.


10. MEGGER, Andrzej. “Kryteria interpretacji czytań w Lekcjonarzu mszalnym” [Criteria for the Interpretation of Readings in the Mass Lection-ary]. Roczniki Teologiczne 64, issue 8 (2017), 67–82.

11. MEGGER, Andrzej. “Sprawozdanie z 52. sympozjum wykładowców liturgiki (Tarnów, 13–15 września 2016 r.)” [Report from the 52nd Sympo-sium of Lecturers on the Liturgy (Tarnow, September 13–15, 2016)].

Anamnesis 23, no. 4(91) (2017): 81–86.

12. MIGUT, Bogusław. “Celebracja liturgiczna jako locus homilii” [The Liturgical Celebration as the Locus of a Homily]. Roczniki Teologiczne 64, issue 8 (2017): 83–95.

13. MIGUT, Bogusław. “The Study of the Liturgy. The Origin and Cur-rent Significance of a Theological Discipline.” Worship 91 (2017): 396–414. 14. PAŁĘCKI, Waldemar. “Alegoryczna wymowa proklamacji Ewangelii podczas Mszy świętej według Rationale divinorum officiorum Wilhelma Du-randa na tle liturgicznych zwyczajów epoki średniowiecza” [The Allegorical Articulation of the Gospel Proclamation during the Mass according to the Rationale divinorum officiorum by Wilhelm Durand in the Background of the Liturgical Customs of the Middle Ages]. Liturgia Sacra 23, no. 2 (2017): 319–341.

15. PAŁĘCKI, Waldemar. “Celebracja nałożenia kar osobom duchownym i ich zniesienia według potrydenckiego Pontificale Romanum” [Celebrating the Imposition of Punishments on Clergy and their Annulment according to the Post-Tridentine Pontificale Romanum]. Roczniki Teologiczne 64, issue 8 (2017): 111–128.

16. WYROSTKIEWICZ, Michał, KLUCZKOWSKI, Andrzej. “Circular Econ-omy as an Important Subject of Environmental Education in the Era of En-ergy Demand.” Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University 5, no 1 (2018): 88–94.

17. WYROSTKIEWICZ, Michał. “‘Wolność Internetu’ a rozwój integralny osoby ludzkiej—eksploracje infoetyczne” [‘Internet Freedom’ and the Inte-gral Development of the Human Person—Information-Based Explorations].

Śląskie Studia Historyczno-Teologiczne 50, no. 1 (2017), 161–174.

18. WYROSTKIEWICZ,Michał. “Educating to Forgive as an Expression of Concern for Order in a Person’s Natural Environment. Part 2: The Need for Forgiveness and its Effects.” Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian


19. WYROSTKIEWICZ, Michał. “Od cytatu do plagiatu—eksploracje info-etyczne (cz. 3)” [From a Citation to Plagiarism—Infoethical Explorations (Part 3)]. Biuletyn Edukacji Medialnej 15, no. 2 (2017): 136–145.


1. DYK, Stanisław. Jesteśmy napełnieni Duchem Świętym. Zeszyt

homi-letyczny, (series: Program Duszpasterski Kościoła w Polsce na rok 2017–

2018, z. 3) [We Are Full of the Holy Spirit. Homiletical Folder, (series: Pastoral Program of the Church in Poland for 2017–2018, folder 3)]. Kato-wice: Instytut Gość Media, 2017, p. 164.

2. JANIEC, Zdzisław. Fatima wczoraj i dziś. Objawienia, Orędzie, Kult, [Fatima Yesterday and Today. Revelation, Message, Cult]. Sandomierz: Wy-dawnictwo Diecezjalne, 2017, p. 202.

3. JANIEC, Zdzisław, TKACZYK, Marcin OFMConv, SZUMIŁ, Halina (ed.). Wincenty Granat. Rektor Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego—

kandydat do chwały ołtarzy, (series: Źródła i monografie 442) [Wincenty

Granat. Rector of the Catholic University of Lublin and Candidate for the Glory of the Altar, (series: Sources and Monographs 442)]. Lublin: TN KUL, 2017, p. 499.


1. DYK, Stanisław. “Duszpasterstwo rodzin w parafii.” In Rekolekcje

rodzin w parafii [Family Ministry in the Parish, in Family Retreats in the

Parish], edited by Jacek Goleń, Dariusz Lipiec, 77–96. Lublin: Wydawnic-two KUL, 2016.

2. DYK, Stanisław. “Głoszenie Chrystusa w roku liturgicznym.” In

Gło-simy Pana Jezusa Chrystusa. Treść przepowiadania [Proclaiming Christ in

the Liturgical Year, in: We Proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ. Contents of Preaching], edited by Henryk Sławiński, (series: AncillaVerbi IV), 147– 171. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UPJPII, 2017.

3. JANIEC, Zdzisław. “Prośby Kościoła o wstawiennictwo Maryi w tek-stach Mszy św. i wielkich antyfonach Liturgii Godzin.” In „Chlubimy się nadzieją chwały Bożej” (Rz 5,2). Księga dedykowana Ks. prof. dr. hab.

Ja-nowi Decykowi [The Church’s Pleas for the Intercession of Mary in the Mass

Texts and the Great Antiphons of the Liturgy of the Hours. In “We Boast in the Hope of God’s Glory” (Rom 5:2). Commemorative Book Dedicated to


Fr. Prof. Dr. Hab. Jan Decyk], edited by Krzysztof Filipowicz, 173–182. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo UKSW, 2016.

4. KULBACKI, Piotr. “Katechizmowe ujęcie roli świętego Józefa w miste-rium zbawienia.” In Święty Józef w liturgii Kościoła i pobożności ludowej [Catechism on the Role of Saint Joseph in the Mystery of Salvation. In Saint Joseph in the Church’s Liturgy and Popular Piety]. Studia Liturgiczne vol. 12, edited by Waldemar Pałęcki, Andrzej Megger, 73–86. Lublin: TN KUL, 2016.

5. MIGUT, Bogusław. “Liturgiczny obraz Trójjedynego Boga (2).” In “Chlubimy się nadzieją chwały Bożej” (Rz 5,2). Księga dedykowana Ks.

prof. dr. hab. Janowi Decykowi [Liturgical image of the Triune God (2). In

“We Boast in the Hope of God’s Glory” (Rom 5:2). Commemorative Book Dedicated to Fr. Prof. Dr. Hab. Jan Decyk], edited by Krzysztof Filipowicz, 105–116. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2016.

6. PAŁĘCKI, Waldemar MSF. “‘Benedictio fontis baptismalis’ w śred-niowiecznych rękopisach liturgicznych w Polsce.” In Miejsca chrztów, urzą-dzenia baptyzmalne i ceremoniał chrzcielny od starożytności

chrześcijań-skiej do soboru trydenckiego [‘Benedictio fontis baptismalis’ in Medieval

Liturgical Manuscripts in Poland. In Baptism Sites, Baptismal Devices and Baptismal Fonts from Christian Antiquity to the Council of Trent], edited by Andrzej M. Wyrwa, 275–304. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskiego Towa-rzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk, 2016.

7. PAŁĘCKI, Waldemar MSF. “Miejsce muzyki w liturgii. Muzyka „sio-strą” liturgii?” In “Gloriam Dei per musicam pronuntiare”. Teologiczna

refleksja nad muzyką sakralną [The Place of Music in the Liturgy. Is Music

the Liturgy’s “Sister”? In “Gloriam Dei per musicam pronuntiare.” A Theo-logical Reflection on Sacred Music], edited by Stanisław Garnczarski, Ja-nusz Królikowski, 51–66. Tarnów: Wydawnictwo Diecezji Tarnowskiej, Bi-blos 2017.

8. PAŁĘCKI, Waldemar MSF. “Znaczenie nadziei w życiu pustelniczym w świetle egzort i modlitw w potrydenckiej tradycji kamedulskiej.” In “Chlubimy się nadzieją chwały Bożej” (Rz 5,2). Księga dedykowana Ks. prof.

dr. hab. Janowi Decykowi [The Meaning of Hope in the Life of a Hermit in

the Light of Exhortations and Prayers in the Post-Tridentine Camaldolese Tradition. In “We Boast in the Hope of God’s Glory” (Rom 5:2). Com-memorative Book Dedicated to Fr. Prof. Dr. Hab. Jan Decyk], edited by Krzysztof Filipowicz, 91–101. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo UKSW, 2016.



1. DYK, Stanisław, MIGUT, Bogusław. “Instytut Liturgiki i Homile-tyki.” In Encyklopedia Katolicka [The Institute of Liturgics and Homiletics. In Catholic Encyclopedia], 2018.

2. DYK, Stanisław. “Chrystus nie przyniósł nam doktryny, lecz nowe życie. O integralności ludzkiego ciała z perspektywy homiletycznej.” In Integralność ludzkiego ciała jako powinność moralna i granice jego

naruszalności [Christ Did not Bring us Doctrines, but a New Life. On the

Integrity of the Human Body from the Homiletical Perspective. In The Integ-rity of the Human Body as a Moral Obligation and the Limits Determining its Violation], edited by Józef Wróbel. Lublin 2018.

3. DYK, Stanisław. “Dignity in suffering.” In Godność w cierpieniu,

bliskość w umieraniu, miłość w żałobie. Studium interdyscyplinarne [Dignity

in Suffering, in: Closeness in Dying, Love in Mourning. An Interdisciplinary Study], edited by Mirosław Kalinowski. USA, Seton Hall University, 2018.

4. DYK, Stanisław. “Dyk Stanisław ks.” In Encyklopedia katolicka [Dyk Stanisław Fr. In Catholic Encyclopedia], 2018.

5. DYK, Stanisław. “Eschatologia jako treść homilii.” Roczniki

Teologiczne [Eschatology as the Contents of a Homily. Annals of Theology]

65, issue 12 (2018).

6. DYK, Stanisław. “Homiletyka—teologia w służbie ewangelizacji.”

Teologia—Kultura—Społeczeństwo [Homiletics—Theology at the Service

of Evangelization. Theology—Culture—Society] 2 (2018).

7. DYK, Stanisław. “Homilia wprowadzeniem w doświadczenie Ducha Świętego.” In “Jesteśmy napełnieni Duchem Świętym”. Zeszyt

teologiczno--pastoralny [The Homily as an Introduction to Experiencing the Holy Spirit.

In “We are Filled with the Holy Spirit.” Theological and Pastoral Work], ed-ited by Jan Bartoszek, Roman Chromy, Krystian Piechaczek, (series: Pro-gram duszpasterski Kościoła w Polsce na rok 2017/2018). Katowice 2018.

8. DYK, Stanisław. “Kudasiewicz Józef Ks. 1926-2012 biblista, teolog, tłumacz.” In Encyklopedia katolicka [Kudasiewicz Józef Fr. 1926-2012 Biblist, Theologian, Translator. In Catholic Encyclopedia] 2018.

9. DYK, Stanisław. “Liturgia i nowa ewangelizacja—próba podsumowa-nia.” In Liturgia i nowa ewangelizacja [Liturgy and the New Evangeliza-tion—a Summary Attempt. In Liturgy and the New Evangelization], edited by Bogusław Migut. Lublin 2018.


10. DYK, Stanisław. “Problematyka cierpienia w przepowiadaniu homi-lijnym.” Kieleckie Studia Teologiczne [The Issue of Suffering in Homiletic Preaching. Kielce Theological Studies] 17 (2018).

11. DYK, Stanisław. “Przegląd Homiletyczny.” In Encyklopedia

kato-licka [Homiletic Review. In Catholic Encyclopedia] 2018.

12. GŁOWACKI, Zbigniew. “Duchowość eucharystyczna.” Roczniki

Teo-logiczne [Eucharistic Spirituality. Annals of Theology] 65, issue 8 (2018).

13. GŁOWACKI, Zbigniew. “Instytut Liturgiki i Homiletyki.” In 100-lecie KUL [Institute of Liturgics and Homiletics. In The 100th Anniversary of the Catholic University of Lublin], Lublin, 2018.

14. GŁOWACKI, Zbigniew. “Katedra Teologii Liturgii i Duchowości Li-turgicznej.” In Encyklopedia Katolicka [Chair of Theology of the Liturgy and Liturgical Spirituality. In Catholic Encyclopedia] 2018.

15. GŁOWACKI, Zbigniew. “Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne.” In

Encyklopedia katolicka [Liturgical and Homiletical Annals. In Catholic

Encyclopedia] 2018.

16. KLEMENTOWICZ, Michał. “Delimitacja w posłudze słowa.” Roczniki

Teologiczne [Delimitation in the Service of the Word. Annals of Theology]

65, issue 12 (2018).

17. KLEMENTOWICZ, Michał. “Słowo zawsze aktualne. Systematyzacja homilii w kluczu chrystocentrycznym.” Roczniki Teologiczne [The Word Is Always Current. Systematizing a Homily in the Christocentric Key. Annals of Theology] 65, issue 8 (2018).

18. KLEMENTOWICZ, Michał. “The Affective and Volitional Dimension of Preaching as a Way to Effectively Communicate with People in Danger of Death.” In Godność w cierpieniu, bliskość w umieraniu, miłość w żałobie [Dignity in Suffering, Closeness in Dying, Love in Mourning], edited by Mirosław Kalinowski. Lublin, 2018.

19. KULBACKI, Piotr. “Danielski Wojciech.” In Encyklopedia katolicka [Danielski Wojciech. In Catholic Encyclopedia] 2018.

20. KULBACKI, Piotr. “Eklezjologia eucharystyczna.” Studia Liturgiczne [Eucharistic Ecclesiology. Liturgical Studies], vol. 14, edited by Waldemar Pałęcki, Andrzej Megger. Lublin, 2018.

21. KULBACKI, Piotr. “Eklezjologia, posług i funkcji liturgicznych laikatu.” In Quia fecit mihi magna. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Ks. profesorowi

Czesławowi Krakowiakowi z okazji złotego jubileuszu kapłaństwa

[Eccle-siology, Ministry and Liturgical Functions of the Laity. In Quia fecit mihi


the Occasion of his Golden Jubilee of Priesthood], edited by Zbigniew Głowacki, Andrzej Megger. Lublin, 2018.

22. KULBACKI, Piotr. “Formacja liturgiczna ewangelizatora.” In Liturgia

i nowa ewangelizacja [The Liturgical Formation of the Evangelizer. In

Lit-urgy and the New Evangelization], Lublin, 2018.

23. KULBACKI, Piotr. “Formulas for the Universal Prayer in the Typical Editions of the Post-Conciliar Missal.” Roczniki Teologiczne [Annals of Theology] 65, issue 8 (2018).

24. KULBACKI, Piotr. “Instytut Formacji Pastoralno-Liturgicznej.” In

Encyklopedia Katolicka [The Institute of Pastoral and Liturgical Formation.

In Catholic Encyclopedia] 2018.

25. KULBACKI, Piotr. “Wartość postanowień i przyrzeczeń w drodze do wolności osobistej.” In Ku wolności Narodu [The Value of Decisions and Promises on the Way to Personal Freedom. In Towards the Nation’s Free-dom], edited by T. Bronakowski, 2017.

26. LISIECKI, Tomasz. “Formacja muzyczna wiernych Kościoła w Polsce na podstawie dokumentów synodalnych po Soborze Watykańskim II.”

Roczniki Teologiczne [Musical Formation of the Faithful of the Church in

Poland Based on the Synod Documents after the Second Vatican Council. Annals of Theology] 65, issue 8 (2018).

27. MEGGER, Andrzej. “Jedność sakramentów inicjacji chrześcijańskiej.” In Quia fecit mihi magna. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Ks. profesorowi

Czesławowi Krakowiakowi z okazji złotego jubileuszu kapłaństwa [Unity of

the Sacraments of Christian Initiation. In Quia fecit mihi magna. A Memo-rial Book Dedicated to Fr. Professor Czesław Krakowiak on the Occasion of his Golden Jubilee of Priesthood], edited by Z. Głowacki, A. Megger. Lu-blin, 2018.

28. MEGGER, Andrzej. “Megger Andrzej, ks.” In Encyklopedia 100-lecia KUL [Megger Andrzej, Fr. In Encyclopedy of 100-anniversary of KUL] 2018.

29. MEGGER, Andrzej. “Nieodkryty dokument: Compendium Eucharisti-cum.” Studia Liturgiczne [An Undiscovered Document: Compendium

Eucha-risticum. Liturgiczne Studia], vol. XIV, edited by Waldemar Pałęcki, Andrzej

Megger. Lublin, 2018.

30. MEGGER, Andrzej. “Odkryć Nieznanego. Duch Święty sprawcą litur-gii.” In Zaangażowanie ducha—zaangażowanie ciała [Discover the Un-known. The Holy Spirit Performs the Liturgy. In Involvement of the Spirit — Involvement of the Body]. Poznań, 2018.


31. MEGGER, Andrzej. “Studia Liturgiczne.” In Encyklopedia 100-lecia KUL [Liturgical Studies. In Encyclopedy of 100-anniversary of KUL] 2018.

32. MEGGER, Andrzej. “W kierunku ewangelizacyjnej odnowy kultu Eucharystii poza Mszą św.” In Liturgia i nowa ewangelizacja [Towards an Evangelistic Renewal of the Eucharistic Celebration Outside of the Mass. In Liturgy and the New Evangelization]. Lublin, 2018.

33. MIGUT, Bogusław. “Liturgiczna perspektywa teologii.” Roczniki

Teologiczne [The Liturgical Perspective of Theology. “Theological Annals”]

65, issue 8 (2018).

34. MIGUT, Bogusław. “Misteryjna natura liturgii.” In: Język w liturgii [The Mysterious Nature of the Liturgy. In Language in the Liturgy], edited by Wiesław Przyczyna. Lublin, 2018.

35. MIGUT, Bogusław. “Wiara i chrzest.” In Quia fecit mihi magna. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Ks. profesorowi Czesławowi Krakowiakowi

z okazji złotego jubileuszu kapłaństwa [Faith and Baptism. In Quia fecit mihi

magna. A Memorial Book Dedicated to Fr. Professor Czesław Krakowiak on

the Occasion of his Golden Jubilee of Priesthood], edited by Zbigniew Głowacki, Andrzej Megger. Lublin, 2018.

36. PAŁĘCKI, Waldemar. “Canon Missae w alegorycznej interpretacji Ruperta z Deutz OSB.” Roczniki Teologiczne [Canon Missae in the Allegori-cal Interpretation by Rupert from Deutz OSB. Annals of Theology] 65, issue 8 (2018).

37. PAŁĘCKI, Waldemar. “Mistagogiczny wymiar formacji seminaryj-nej.” In Quia fecit mihi magna. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Ks. profe-sorowi Czesławowi Krakowiakowi z okazji złotego jubileuszu kapłaństwa [The Mystagogical Dimension of Seminary Formation. In Quia fecit mihi

magna. A Memorial Book Dedicated to Fr. Professor Czesław Krakowiak on

the Occasion of his Golden Jubilee of Priesthood], edited by Zbigniew Gło-wacki, AndrzejMegger. Lublin, 2018.

38. PAŁĘCKI, Waldemar. “Misterium Najświętszego Imienia Jezus w li-turgii Kościoła rzymskiego.” Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne [The Mystery of the Most Holy Name of Jesus in the Roman Church’s Liturgy. Poznan Theological Studies] (2018).

39. WYROSTKIEWICZ, Michał. “Wokół ekologii Mszy świętej.” In Quia fecit mihi magna. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Ks. profesorowi

Czesła-wowi Krakowiakowi z okazji złotego jubileuszu kapłaństwa [Concerning the

Ecology of the Holy Mass. In Quia fecit mihi magna. A Memorial Book Dedicated to Fr. Professor Czesław Krakowiak on the Occasion of his


Golden Jubilee of Priesthood], edited by Zbigniew Głowacki, Andrzej Megger. Lublin, 2018.


ANDCONFERENCES (Within the Institute of Liturgics and Homiletics)

1. “The Eucharist. A Celebrated Mystery.” 53th Symposium of Lecturers of the Liturgy at Faculties of Theology in Higher Seminaries. Łódź, Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne, September 11–14, 2017.

2. “The Homily as an Object of Scholarly Reflection.” Academic Con-ference. Lublin, Catholic University of Lublin, November 14, 2017.

3. “There Is Hope because Life is Eternal.” Academic Conference. Góra Klasztorna Hill. November 18, 2017.

4. “The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, the Environment for the Development of the Living Church.” Symposium. Lublin, Catholic Uni-versity of Lublin, October 21, 2017.

5. “Fr. Vincent Granat: a Man of Great Wisdom and Goodness of Heart.” Conference. Listening, October 9, 2017.

6. “The Liturgy and Evangelization.” Academic Conference. Lublin, Catholic University of Lublin, May 18, 2017.

7. “The Liturgy and New Evangelization.” International Conference. Lublin, Catholic University of Lublin, June 8–9, 2017.

8. “Youth, Faith and Vocation Discernment.” International Congress of FSE Pastors. Rome, January 29–31, 2018.

9. “Young in the Church.” Academic Symposium. Częstochowa, Febru-ary 24–25, 2018.

10. “Young People in the Parish.” Academic Symposium. Łódź-Porszewice, October 9–12, 2017.



DYK Stanisław, Christ Did not Bring Doctrine, but a New Life. The

‘Integrity of the Human Body’ from a Homiletic Perspective. Academic

Conference: “The Integrity of the Human Body as a Moral Obligation and the Limits Determining its Violation.” Lublin, December 6, 2017.



DYK Stanisław, The Homily Is an Introduction to Experiencing the

Holy Spirit. A Meeting of the Directors of Diocesan Ministries.

Łódź-Porszewice: March 6, 2017.


DYK Stanisław, New Wine Is not Poured into Old Wineskins (cf. Mk

2:22). A Call for the New Evangelization Today. Academic Symposium: The

10th Days of Catholic Culture. “Go and Preach. A Call to Lay Catholics.” Białystok, September 23, 2017.


DYK Stanisław, Proclamation and the Mission Retreat about

Mar-riage. The Redemptorist Missionary Convention: “The Sacrament of

Mar-riage, Family, and Parenthood in Proclaiming the Word of God.” Cracow, January 30, 2018.


DYK Stanisław, Proclamation and the Mission Retreat about the

Family. The Redemptorist Missionary Convention: “The Sacrament of

Mar-riage, Family, and Parenthood in Proclaiming the Word of God.” Cracow, January 30, 2018.


GŁOWACKI Zbigniew, The Homily as the Subject of Analysis in the

Perspective of Research Methodology. Academic Conference: “The Homily

as the Object of Academic Reflection.” Lublin, November 14, 2017.


GŁOWACKI Zbigniew, The Liturgical Year in the Light-Life

Move-ment Retreats. Symposium: “The Light-Life Movement at the Church’s

Ser-vice.” Krakow, October 14, 2017.


KLEMENTOWICZ Michał, The Coherent and Cohesive Dimensions of

a Homily. Academic Conference: “The Homily as the Object of Academic

Reflection.” Lublin, November 14, 2017.


KLEMENTOWICZ Michał, Processuality as an Element of the

Discur-sive Strategy in Homilies. Poland’s XII National Interdisciplinary

Confer-ence on “Language. Religion. Identity.” Głogów, April 8–11, 2018.


KULBACKI Piotr, Fr. F. Blachnicki at the Sources of Theology of

the Liturgy in Poland. Symposium: “John Paul II Catholic University of

Lu-blin Is the Environment of the Development of the Living Church.” LuLu-blin, October 21, 2017.


KULBACKI Piotr, The Liturgy as the Place for the Presence of Parish

Young according to Fr. F. Blachnicki. XXVI Koinonia Symposium: “Young

in the Parish.” Łódź, October 10, 2017.


KULBACKI Piotr, The Church’s Responsibility in the National

Pro-gram of Sobriety. Kujawski-Pomorski Congress “Towards the Nation’s



KULBACKI Piotr, Implementing the National Sobriety Program by the

Church, Local Government and Non-Government Organizations. Academic

Conference: “Towards the Nation’s Sobriety.” Zamość, June 11. 2018.


KULBACKI Piotr, Implementing the National Sobriety Program in Polish Parishes and among Poles Abroad. Academic Conference: “Free in Christ.” Toruń, February 20, 2018.


LISIECKI Tomasz, Pastoral Challenges towards the New Instruction

of the Polish Episcopate on Liturgical Music. Sandomierz, January 20, 2017.


MEGGER Andrzej, Ars celebrandi according to the 2002 Missal. Pasto-ral Academic Lectures: “Liturgy and Evangelization.” Lublin, April 3–4, 2018.


MEGGER Andrzej, Does the Liturgy Set Requirements. Ars celebrandi

the Key to actuosa participatio. Academic Conference: “The Future of the

Liturgy.” Pelplin, October 28, 2017.


MEGGER Andrzej, Undiscovered Document. Compendium Eucharisti-cum. 53th Symposium of Lecturers on Liturgics at Faculties of Theology and Higher Spiritual Seminaries: “The Eucharist. A Celebrated Mystery.” Łódź, September 12, 2017.


MEGGER Andrzej. Discover the Unknown. The Holy Spirit Performs

the Liturgy. Academic Conference: “Law in the Liturgy: Between the Spirit

and the Letter.” Poznań, March 3, 2018.


MIGUT Bogusław, The Eucharistic Genotype. Academic Conference: “Genetics of the Liturgy.” Warsaw, November 14, 2017.


MIGUT Bogusław, Liturgical Orientation in Theology. Academic Symposium: The 50th Ecclesiological Week. “Why Theology?” Lublin, April 20, 2018.


MIGUT Bogusław, Places of the Liturgy in Theology and Seminary

Formation. Academic Symposium: “Priesthood and Liturgy. Astare coram

Te et Tibi ministrare. On the 40th Anniversary of Fr. Dr. Jan Sołowianiuk at

the Service the Seminary as Lecturer in Łomża.” Łomża, April 26, 2018.


PAŁĘCKI Waldemar, ‘At the Name of Jesus Every Knee Shall Bend’ (Phil 2:10). The Liturgical Cult of the Holy Name of Jesus in the Tradition

of the Latin Church. Academic Conference: “The Name of Jesus in the

Bi-ble, Theology and the Life of the Church.” Poznań, January 17, 2018.


PAŁĘCKI Waldemar, ‘The Life of Your Faithful, Lord, Changes, but it Does not End.’ The Paschal Character of Christian Hope in the Funeral

Lit-urgy. Conference: “There Is Hope because Life Is Eternal.” Górka



PAŁĘCKI Waldemar, The Camaldoli Hermitage as a Place of

Re-sounding with ‘Laudis perennis.’ Academic Conference: “Camaldolese in

Rytwiany. 400 Years of the Golden Forest Hermitage, 1617–2017.” Rytwiany, September 23–24, 2017.


PAŁĘCKI Waldemar, Introibo ad altare Dei ... The Ordination Liturgy

to the Presbyterate in the Times of Pallotti. Academic Conference:

“Sacerdos a Man of God.” XIX Symposium of the Pallotti Institute. Kon-stantyn Jeziorna, April 7–8, 2018.


PAŁĘCKI Waldemar, Between the Ordinary and Extraordinary Form

of the Roman Rite (10 Years of Summorum Pontificum). Academic

Confer-ence: “The Future of the Liturgy.” Pelplin, October 28, 2017.


WYROSTKIEWICZ Michał, A Christian in Politics. Academic Confer-ence: “The Church and Pluralism in Social Life. Dialogue or Conflict?” Toruń, June 11, 2018.


WYROSTKIEWICZ Michał, The Homily in the Structure of Analyzing the Language and Extra-Language Code. Academic Conference: “The Hom-ily as an Object of Scholarly Reflection.” Lublin, November 14, 2017.


WYROSTKIEWICZ Michał, Interactivity as a Tool for Integrating the

Information Society. Academic Conference: “Virtual Reality, Real

Dilem-mas. An Objectified Person in the World of Objectified Things?” Katowice, June 19, 2018.


WYROSTKIEWICZ Michał, The Image of Men in the Media. Academic Conference: “Manhood and Fatherhood as Values and Challenges in Contemporary Society.” Krakow, June 5, 2018.


WYROSTKIEWICZ Michał, The University as an Ecological Niche for

the 21st Century Man. Academic Conference: “The Place and Role of the

University in the 21st Century. Science, Culture, the Local Dimension.” Bia-łystok, October 5, 2017.


1. MIGUT Bogusław, Skauting a powołanie chrześcijańskie (Scouting

and the Christian Vocation). “Young People, Faith and Vocational

Discern-ment.” International Congress of FSE Religious Assistants. Rome, January 29–31, 2018.

2. WYROSTKIEWICZ Michał, Security at the Foundations of the


Science in the Field of National Security: Problems and Priorities of Devel-opment.” Ostroh, National University of Ostroh Academy, June 7, 2018.


1. MIGUT Bogusław. “The Role of the Catholic University in the Time of Tensions of Populism and Nationalism.” Lviv, Ukrainian Catholic Uni-versity, May 18–19, 2018.

2. WYROSTKIEWICZ Michał. “Dialogue, Respect and Freedom of Ex-pression in the Public Arena.” Rome, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, April 17–19, 2018.

3. WYROSTKIEWICZ Michał. “Philadelphia: The Challenge of Frater-nity.” International Congress of the European Society for Catholic Theology. Strasbourg, University of Strasbourg, August 30–September 2, 2017.


1. DYK Stanisław. “Głoszenie słowa Bożego na peryferiach” [“Preach-ing the Word of God at the Outskirts”]. Stowarzyszenie Homiletów Polskich, Wigry, September 24–26, 2017.

2. DYK Stanisław. “Homilia jako przedmiot refleksji naukowej” [“The Homily as the Subject of Academic Reflection”]. Lublin, KUL, November 14, 2017.

3. DYK Stanisław. “Integralność ludzkiego ciała jako powinność moralna i granice jej naruszalności” [“Integrity of the Human Body as a Moral Obli-gation and the Limits of its Violation”]. Lublin, CUL, December 6, 2017.

4. DYK Stanisław. “Sakrament Małżeństwa, rodzina, rodzicielstwo w prze-powiadaniu Słowa Bożego” [“The Sacrament of Marriage, Family, Parenthood in Proclaiming the Word of God”]. Kraków, January 30, 2018.

5. DYK Stanisław. “X Dni Kultury Katolickiej —Idźcie i głoście. We-zwania dla katolików świeckich” [“X Days of Catholic Culture. Go and

Proclaim. A Challenge for Lay Catholics”]. Białystok, September 23, 2017.

6. JANIEC Zdzisław. “Fatima nel Divino piano della salvezza. Con-gresso Internazionale Mariologico-Mariano” [“Fatima in the Divine Plan of Salvation. Inter-national Mariological-Marian Congress”]. Zakopane-Krzep-tówki, September 13–17, 2017.


7. JANIEC Zdzisław. Walne Zgromadzenie Federacji Europejskich Uni-wersytetów Katolickich (FUCE). Katolicka Edukacja, Nauki Społeczne i Hu-manistyczne [The General Assembly of the Federation of European Catholic Universities (FUCE). Catholic Education, Social Sciences and Humanities]. Lublin, CUL, May 24-26, 2018.

8. MEGGER Andrzej. “Eucharystia—Tajemnica celebrowana”. 53 Sympo-zjum Wykładowców Liturgiki na Wydziałach Teologicznych i w Wyższych Seminariach Duchownych [“The Eucharist. A Celebrated Mystery.” 53rd Sym-posium of the Professors of Liturgics at Faculties of Theology and Major Seminaries]. Łódź, Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne, September 12–14, 2017.

9. MEGGER Andrzej. “Jaka liturgia przyszłości?”. XVIII Pelplińskie Spotkania Duszpasterskie [“The Future Liturgy?” XVIII Pelplin Pastoral Mi-nistries Meeting. Pelplin, October 28, 2017.

10. MEGGER Andrzej. “Liturgia. Zaangażowanie ciała—zaangażowanie du-cha” [“The Liturgy. Involving the Body and Soul”]. Poznań, March 3, 2018.

11. PAŁĘCKI Waldemar. „Eucharystia—Tajemnica celebrowana”. 53 Sym-pozjum Wykładowców Liturgiki na Wydziałach Teologicznych i w Wyższych Seminariach Duchownych” [“The Eucharist. A Celebrated Mystery.” 53rd Symposium of Lecturers of Liturgics at Faculties of Theology and Major Se-minaries”]. Łódź, Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne, September 12–14, 2017.

12. PAŁĘCKI Waldemar. “Imię Jezus w Biblii, teologii i życiu Kościoła” [“The Name of Jesus in the Bible, Theology and the Church’s Life”]. Po-znań, January 17, 2018.

13. PAŁĘCKI Waldemar. “Jaka liturgia przyszłości?”. XVIII pelplińskie spotkania duszpasterskie [“The Future Liturgy?” XVIII Pelplin Pastoral Ministries Meeting. Pelplin, October 28, 2017.

14. PAŁĘCKI Waldemar. “Jest nadzieja, bo jest życie wieczne” [“There Is Hope because there Is Eternal Life”]. Górka Klasztorna, November 18, 2017. 15. PAŁĘCKI Waldemar. “Kameduli w Rytwianach. 400 lat Pustelni Zło-tego Lasu, 1617–2017” [“Camadolese in Rytwiany. 400 Years of Hermitage in the Golden Forest”]. Rytwiany, September 23–24, 2017.

16. PAŁĘCKi Waldemar. “Sacerdos człowiek Boga”. XIX Sympozjum Instytutu Pallottiego [“Sacerdos a Man of God.” XIX Symposium of the Pallotti Institute]. Konstancin Jeziorna, April 7–8, 2018.

17. WYROSTKIEWICZ Michał. “Argumentacja i retoryka klasyczna”. XV konferencja Arg Dia P [“Argumentation and Classical Retorics.” XV Arg Dia P Conference]. Lublin, October 25–26, 2017.


18. WYROSTKIEWICZ Michał. “Przyszłość ludzkości—wyzwania antro-pologii” [“The Future of Humanity. Anthropological Challenges”]. Lublin, October 27, 2017.


1. LISIECKI Tomasz, Gaudeamus igitur—koncert kameralny [Gaudea-mus igitur —Chamber Concert], October 22, 2018.

2. LISIECKI Tomasz, Viva Polonia—koncert kameralny [Viva Polo-nia—Chamber Concert], November 11, 2018.

3. LISIECKI Tomasz, Magnificat —koncert maryjny [Magnificat — Marian Concert], December 10, 2017.

4. LISIECKI Tomasz, Koncert kolęd—koncert kameralny [Christmas Carols—Chamber Concert], January 21, 2018.

5. LISIECKI Tomasz, Warsztaty emisji głosu dla lektorów Archidiecezji

Lubelskiej [Voice Emission Workshop for the Lectors of the Archdiocese of

Lublin], January 27, 2018.

6. LISIECKI Tomasz, Koncert kolęd—koncert kameralny [Christmas Carols—Chamber Concert], January 28, 2018.

7. LISIECKI Tomasz, Koncert Stabat Mater—koncert kameralny [Stabat Mater —Chamber Concert], March 18, 2018.


1. Maciej BARON SVD, Środowiska wielkomiejskie—locus

współczes-nej ewangelizacji [The Urban Environment as the Locus of Modern

Evange-lization]. Promoter: Fr. Prof. Dr. Hab. Stanisław DYK, defense: September 21, 2017.

2. Michał NOWAK OFM Conv, Działalność apostolska i misyjna świę-tego Maksymiliana Marii Kolbego na tle ówczesnego nauczania Kościoła [The Apostolic and Missionary Activity of Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe against the Background of the Church’s Teaching at the Time]. Promoter: Fr. Prof. Dr. Hab. Stanisław DYK, defense: June 6, 2018.

3. Rev. Paweł KILIMNIK, Metody aktualizacji antropologicznej w


Anthropological Actualization in the Preaching of Bishop Ignacy Dec. Ho-miletics Study]. Promoter: Fr. Prof. Dr. Hab. Stanisław DYK, defense: June 13, 2018.

4. IreneuszSŁOMA, Misterium Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa w

uję-ciu teologii liturgicznej [The Mystery of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the

Light of Liturgical Theology]. Promoter: Fr. Dr. Hab. Bogusław MIGUT, CUL professor, assistant promoter: Fr. Dr. Zbigniew GŁOWACKI, defense: December 11, 2017.

5. Fr. Łukasz KUTROWSKI, Kult Bogarodzicy w opactwie cystersów w Krzeszowie po Soborze Trydenckim w świetle zachowanych muzykaliów [The Cult of the Bogarodzica in the Cistercian Abbey in Krzeszów after the Council of Trent in the Light of Preserved Music]. Promoter: Dr. Hab. Wal-demar PAŁĘCKI MSF, Prof. CUL, defense: September 21, 2017.

6. Michał POPOWSKI MSF, Historiozbawczy wymiar sakramentów

w świetle przepowiadania papieża Benedykta XVI [The Historical and

Sa-cramental Dimensions of the Sacraments in the Light of the Message of Pope Benedict XVI]. Promoter: Dr. Hab. Waldemar PAŁĘCKI MSF, CUL Prof., defense: June 6, 2018.


1. Rev. Dr. Zbigniew GŁOWACKI—1 Master’s thesis.

2. Rev. Prof. Dr. Hab. Zdzisław JANIEC—2 Master’s Theses. 3. Rev. Dr. Michał Klementowicz—2 Master’s Theses.

4. Rev. Dr. Hab. Bogusław MIGUT, CUL Prof. —5 Master’s Theses. C. REVIEWS

1. Doctoral

— Rev. Prof. Dr. Hab. StanisławDYK—1 review. — Rev. Prof. Dr. Hab. ZdzisławJANIEC—1 review.

— Rev. Dr. Hab. Bogusław Migut, CUL Prof. —2 reviews. 3. Master’s

— Rev. Prof. Dr. Hab. Stanisław DYK—2 reviews. — Rev. Dr. Zbigniew GŁOWACKI—8 reviews. — Rev. Prof. Dr. Hab. Zdzisław JANIEC—2 reviews.



In the 2017/18 academic year, Dr. Hab. Michał WYROSTKIEWICZ and his team prepared and obtained two grants:

a) Increasing the Competence of Youth in the Field of Journalism as a Platform for the Development of Cooperation between Ukraine and the

Republic of Poland. Joint venture with the National University of Ostroh

Academy (Ukraine), grant sponsor: Ministry of Youth and Sport (Ukraine). b) Otwarci na sukces [Open to Success], grant sponsor: National Center for Research and Development.

Also, Dr. Hab. Michał Wyrostkiewicz, in the current academic year, twice obtained an Erasmus + scholarship and conducted classes at the University of Presov (Slovakia) and the State University of Ostrogsko Academy (Ukraine).



In the Department of Homiletics, research is carried out related to the subject of interest in fundamental, material and formal homiletics. In the field of fundamental homiletics, the Chair’s research first and foremost deals with the theological principles of preaching, the liturgy as the place and source of the Word of God, the post-Conciliar theology of a homily, and the reception of modern Church teaching about homilies in preaching a homily in Poland. Much research is also devoted to working out specific ways of implementing the Church's call to the New Evangelization.

In the field of material homiletics, the research conducted at the Depart-ment of Homiletics focuses on the contents in preaching a homily, which the salvific power of the homily mainly depends on. On the one hand, this is about faithfulness to the basic sources, such as the Bible and the liturgy, and, on the other hand, it is about the way of communicating contents that will be consistent with the Church’s teachings on homilies and adapted to the cul-tural traditions of modern times. It should be emphasized that Polish material on homiletics still requires refining and a comprehensive approach. Homiletic preaching in Poland in this content is often devoid of a theological element and is characterized by a large degree of generality. Therefore, the


Department is developing the contents of modern homily preaching. The De-partment will also deal with the development of the principles of interpreting a homily’s sources. Many research works are dedicated to the homiletic the-ory and practice of outstanding Polish preachers. The Department also con-ducts research on contemporary preaching related to fidelity to the kerygma of the most important evangelical pericopes.

Research in the field of formal homiletics pertains to ways of proclaiming the Word of God, including the use of modern forms of transmitting the faith and developing a preaching language. The aim of this research is to develop ways to attractively and effectively transmit the Word of God. In this field of research, the Department also refers to rhetoric, yet not in its classical form, but in the form of communication theory. The research conducted here fo-cuses on the homily as a communication event and on the communicative and interactive dimensions of the preacher’s formation.

Since homiletics is interdisciplinary, the Department also refers to the achievements of other theological sciences (biblical studies, dogmatic, litur-gics) and the humanities (psychology, pedagogy, sociology, philosophy). This concerns cultivating homiletics in its context. The challenge facing the research conducted at the Department of Homiletics is to present homilies and homiletics as an example of a theological synthesis. It is a synthesis of God's Word, the liturgical celebration and Christian life. In this approach, the homily combines all theological disciplines: it speaks of the salvific mystery of God (which biblical, dogmatic and fundamental theology deal with), reflects on the Christian life (the object of research in moral and spirituality theology) and is directed towards the liturgy and started with the liturgy (cf. DPF 16, CL 16). The Department will also continue research related to contemporary determinants of preaching related to contemporary culture, which is constantly undergoing dynamic changes.

In academic research, the Department of Homiletics also focuses on look-ing for ways of reachlook-ing out to modern man with Christ’s message, the Lord, the Savior and the Messiah, to a believer and the de-Christianized. In these times of the New Evangelization, it is not enough to reproduce the model of mass pastoral work and to limit ourselves only to proclaiming sermons from the pulpit to the faithful gathered in the Church. The new life situation of Poles, the process of de-Christianization, a change in human morality, men-tality, problems and needs, demand new ways of talking about Jesus Christ.



In the Department of the History of the Liturgy, research is conducted on the forms of religious piety in Polish sanctuaries, taking into account the historical development of the Divine Service based on liturgical books and non-liturgical sources such as chronicles, votive books, prayer requests and thanksgiving and historical literature related to particular places of religious worship. In addition, issues are also related with presenting the liturgical and legal requirements for celebrating after the Second Vatican Council. To fully present this development, research is being conducted on the liturgy in pre-Vatican II ecclesiastical books.

The subject of the research are the forms of popular piety contained in Polish prayer books and manifestations of liturgical worship in religious communities in Poland. Another field of research is the use of information and communication techniques and the media in pastoral activities (explor-ing the possibilities of us(explor-ing ICT in celebrat(explor-ing the liturgy). We also deter-mine the subjective aspects of information exploitation, develop the concept of info-ethics and info-components in the natural environment of the human person, as well as liturgical formation in the parish, meaning actuosa

paricipatio in liturgical groups.


In the Department of Theology of the Liturgy and Liturgical Spirituality, research is conducted on the theology of the sacraments in the light of euchological and biblical texts as well as the current teachings of the Church’s Magisterium. The second important topic is the theology of the celebration of the liturgy after the Second Vatican Council and participation in the liturgy of all of the priestly people of God, meaning the clergy and the laity.

In addition, the existence of the Chair and the direction of research deter-mine the developmental tendencies in contemporary theology. The latest re-search field is liturgical spirituality in American and European theology. The main goal of the research is to introduce the emergence of liturgical theol-ogy, which as a new and interdisciplinary way of practicing theology inte-grates all the theological disciplines around the cult paradigm and directs them towards the Christian life. Due to the existence of its many models, re-search is aimed at comparing them to the most socially engaging American liturgical theology. The main goal of the research is also to prepare an inte-gral model of liturgical theology that takes into account the contexts of


European theology, including Polish. Research on these issues seems to be very important for the further development of liturgical theology, but also for theology as a whole.

Translated by Jan Kobyłecki

The preparation of the English version of Roczniki Teologiczne (Annals of Theology) and its publication in electronic databases was financed under contract no. 836/P–DUN/2018 from the resources of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for the popularization of science.


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18290/rt.2018.65.8-9en



Lublin, CUL, June 8–9, 2017

On June 8–9, 2017 at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, an international symposium took place entitled “Liturgy and the New Evan-gelization” organized by the CUL Institute of Liturgics and Homiletics by the Team of Poland’s Episcopate for the New Evangelization and the Insti-tute for Church Life and the Faculty of Theology of the University of Notre Dame in the USA. The basic assumption of the organizers was to enable a meeting for liturgists and those involved in the work of the New Evangeli-zation in order to reflect on the evangeliEvangeli-zation dimension of the liturgy and the liturgical dimension of the New Evangelization, then to formulate prac-tical guidelines on the shape and spirit of the liturgical celebrations in the spaces of New Evangelization.

The symposium was opened by Rev. Dr. Hab. Sławomir Nowosad, CUL professor, dean of the Department of Theology, who welcomed the speakers and numerous participants and thanked the organizers of the event for taking up very relevant and important issues for the present and future of the Church. The first session was supervised by the Director of the Liturgics and


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