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Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. K. Pułaskiego, ul. Chrobrego 27, 26-600 Radom

Współpraca wydawnicza:

Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji – PIB, ul. K. Pułaskiego 6/10, 26-600 Radom

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Komitet Naukowy/Scientific Committee:

Prof. Jerzy Żuchowski, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny, Radom, Polska – Przewodniczący Komitetu Naukowego

Prof. Girma Biresaw, United States Department of Agriculture, Peoria, Illinois, USA Prof. Tom Bramorski, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, Wisconsin, USA Prof. Horst Brezinski, Technische Universität – Bergakademie, Freiberg, Niemcy Prof. Pasquale Giungato, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Bari, Włochy Prof. Marcel Mayor, University of Basel, Szwajcaria

Prof. Mitsuharu Mitsui, University of Okayama, Okayama, Japonia

Prof. Marian W. Sułek, Uniwersytet im. Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Warszawa, Polska Prof. Sun Yongqiang, China Research Institute of Daily Chemical Industry, Taiyuan, Shanxi, Chiny Prof. Ryszard Zieliński, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny, Poznań, Polska

Redaktorzy Naczelni/Editors in Chief:

Dr hab. inż. Tomasz Wasilewski, prof. UTH, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Zieliński, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu

Redaktorzy Tematyczni/Subject Editors:

Towaroznawstwo kosmetyków i produktów chemii gospodarczej – dr hab. inż. Tomasz Wasilewski, prof. UTH

Towaroznawstwo opakowań – prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Lisińska-Kuśnierz Towaroznawstwo przemysłowe – prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Zieliński Towaroznawstwo żywności – prof. dr hab. Maria Śmiechowska Zarządzanie jakością – prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Żuchowski

Towaroznawstwo wyrobów tekstylnych i odzieżowych, bezpieczeństwo produktów nieżywnościowych – dr hab. inż. Renata Salerno-Kochan, prof. nadzw. UE

Redaktor Statystyczny/Statistical Editor:

Dr hab. Andrzej Sokołowski, prof. UEK Komitet Redakcyjny/Editorial Board:

Dr Anita Bocho-Janiszewska, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu Prof. dr Pasquale Giungato, Uniwersytet im. Aldo Moro w Bari

Dr inż. Emilia Klimaszewska, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu Dr hab. Małgorzata Lotko, Prof. Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu Dr inż. Anna Małysa, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu

Dr inż. Małgorzata Zięba, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu Dr inż. Urszula Piotrowska, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu Adres Komitetu Redakcyjnego

Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny, ul. Chrobrego 27, 26-600 Radom, tel. (48) 361-75-39; e-mail: tpj@uthrad.pl, www.tpj.uniwersytetradom.pl

Redakcja czasopisma „Towaroznawcze Problemy Jakości” informuje, że formą referencyjną czasopisma jest wersja drukowana.

Publikacje można nadsyłać na adres Komitetu Redakcyjnego ISSN 1733-747X

Wydawca: Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. K. Pułaskiego, ul. Chrobrego 27, 26-600 Radom Opracowanie wydawnicze: Joanna Iwanowska, Iwona Nitek


ul. Malczewskiego 20A, 26-600 Radom, tel. centr. (48) 361-70-33, fax (48) 361-70-34 e-mail: przypis@poczta.onet.pl http://www.uniwersytetradom.pl

Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Technologii Eksploatacji – PIB

ul. K. Pułaskiego 6/10, 26-600 Radom, tel. centr. (48) 364-42-41, fax (48) 364-47-65 e-mail: instytut@itee.radom.pl http://www.itee.radom.pl



Spis treści

Przedmowa ... 5 Jadwiga Adamczyk: Strategia jakości w perspektywach Balanced Scorecard .... 11 Mariusz Tichoniuk: Nowoczesne materiały opakowaniowe poprawiające

jakość i trwałość produktów spożywczych ... 21 Anita Kukułowicz, Karolina Chruścińska: Wpływ zawartości soli oraz metody

obierania na występowanie Staphylococcus aureus i Enterococcus sp.

w krewetkach pochodzących z zalewy ... 36 Elżbieta Kondratowicz-Pietruszka, Lidia Ostasz, Kinga Tataruch,

Małgorzata Kucia: Wpływ warunków ogrzewania tłuszczów smażalniczych

na ich dynamikę autooksydacji ... 44 Krzysztof Wójcicki, Ewa Sikorska: Monitorowanie zmian oksydacyjnych oliw

z oliwek z wykorzystaniem spektroskopii w zakresie widzialnym ... 57 Eliza Gruczyńska-Sękowska: Stabilność przeciwutleniająca szorteningów zero

trans otrzymywanych metodą przeestryfikowania enzymatycznego... 66 Beata Stenka, Aleksandra Wilczyńska: Aktywność antyoksydacyjna ekstraktów

z rokitnika... 74 Daria Kaczmarek, Ryszard Zieliński: Zastosowanie metody Stefanisa

i Panayiotoudo obliczania składowych HSP do ekstrakcji antyoksydantów

z suszu lebiodki pospolitej ... 82 Artur Seweryn: Towaroznawcza ocena wytwarzania zrównoważonych,

łagodnych płynów do kąpieli z anionowymi pochodnymi alkilopoliglukozydów ... 92 Katarzyna Krasowska, Rafał Malinowski: Wstępne badania nad podatnością

napromieniowanych poliestrów na degradację w Morzu Bałtyckim ... 105 Aleksandra Heimowska: Podatność na biodegradację lin otrzymanych

z odnawialnych surowców w środowisku morskim ... 119 Mariola Jastrzębska: Termoplastyczne kompozyty z recyklatem poliestrowo-

-szklanym ... 129 Informacje ... 135





Preface ... 8 Jadwiga Adamczyk: Quality strategy from the balanced scorecard

perspectives ... 11 Mariusz Tichoniuk: Novel packaging materials improving food quality

and extending its shelf life ... 21 Anita Kukułowicz, Karolina Chruścińska: Effect of salt content and peeling

method on the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus sp.

in shrimps from brine ... 36 Elżbieta Kondratowicz-Pietruszka, Lidia Ostasz, Kinga Tataruch,

Małgorzata Kucia: Influence of cooking conditions of frying fats on their

autoxidation dynamics ... 44 Krzysztof Wójcicki, Ewa Sikorska: Monitoring of oxidative stability of olive

oils using visible spectroscopy ... 57 Eliza Gruczyńska-Sękowska: Frying performance of zero trans shortenings

produced by enzymatic interesterification ... 66 Beata Stenka, Aleksandra Wilczyńska: Antioxidant activity of sea buckthorn

extracts ... 74 Daria Kaczmarek, Ryszard Zieliński: Application of Stefanis and Panayiotou’s

method for prediction of HSP components to extraction of antioxidants from

dried oregano plant ... 82 Artur Seweryn: Commodity science-oriented evaluation of thep of sustainable,

mild foam baths with anionic alkyl polyglucoside derivatives ... 92 Katarzyna Krasowska, Rafał Malinowski: Preliminary studies on degradability of irradiated polyesters in the Baltic Sea ... 105 Aleksandra Heimowska: Biodegradability of ropes from renewable raw

materials in the marine environment ... 119 Mariola Jastrzębska: Thermoplastic composites with glass polyester recylate ... 129 Informations ... 135



P r z e d m o w a

Zgodnie z przyjętym przez Kolegium Redakcyjne długoterminowym planem wy- dawniczym w pierwszych dniach stycznia 2019 roku oddajemy do rąk Państwa – naszych czy- telników – pięćdziesiąty ósmy numer kwartalnika Towaroznawcze Problemy Jakości (Polish Journal of Commodity Science). Wszystkie artykuły są publikowane w angielskiej wersji językowej, przy czym każdy artykuł zawiera obszerne streszczenie zarówno w języku pol- skim jak i angielskim. Streszczenia wszystkich prac opublikowanych na łamach kwartalnika w obydwu wersjach językowych dostępne są również na stronie internetowej naszego czasopi- sma pod następującym adresem: http://www.tpj.uniwersytetradom.pl. Ponadto informujemy, że obecnie na stronie internetowej dostępne są w formule open-access pełne wersje wszyst- kich artykułów, które zostały opublikowane na łamach naszego czasopisma do roku 2017 włącznie.

Serię 12 artykułów obecnego wydania naszego czasopisma otwiera praca dotycząca strate- gia jakości w systemie zarządzania konkurencyjnością w przedsiębiorstwie. W artykule tym Adamczyk przedstawia zagadnienia strategia jakości w perspektywach Balanced Scorecard.

W celu osiąganiu standardów jakości na poziomie przedsiębiorstwa w pracy zaproponowano zastosowanie controllingu strategicznego, przy jednoczesnym uwzględnieniu innych czyn- ników mających wpływ na efektywność przedsiębiorstwa. Omawiane w artykule zastosowa- nie Balanced Scorecard pozwoliło na ujęcie celów jakości w perspektywie: finansowej, klien- ta, procesów wewnętrznych oraz rozwoju.

Opakowania stanowią ochronę produktu, zwłaszcza żywności, przed szkodliwym działa- niem czynników zewnętrznych, a także pozwalają na zapewnienie wymaganej jakości produk- tu i bezpieczeństwa konsumentów. W kolejnym artykule Tichoniuk przedstawia nowoczesne materiały opakowaniowe poprawiające jakość i trwałość produktów spożywczych. Autor dokonuje przeglądu innowacyjnych materiałów opakowaniowych oraz gotowych rozwiązań stosowanych w opakowaniach aktywnych, inteligentnych oraz systemów typu „smart packa- ging” przeznaczonych do żywności. W pracy zaprezentowano także wyniki prac autora doty- czące materiałów opakowaniowych o właściwościach przeciwdrobnoustrojowych oraz wskaź- ników świeżości zapakowanych produktów spożywczych.

Jednym z najważniejszych wyróżników jakości produktów spożywczych jest ich czystość mikrobiologiczna. W kolejnej pracy Kukułowicz i Chruścińska przedstawiają wyniki badań własnych dotyczącej możliwości zainfekowania krewetek w zalewie takimi drobnoustrojami jak Staphylococcus aureus i Enterococcus sp. W pracy badano wpływ ręcznej i maszynowej metody obierania krewetek oraz zawartości soli w zalewie na występowanie tych drobnoustro- jów w krewetkach pochodzących z zalewy. Na podstawie analizy wyników przeprowadzo- nych badań Autorki nie stwierdziły korelacji pomiędzy sposobem obierania krewetek a obec- nością w nich Staphylococcus aureus, podczas gdy odnotowano taki związek w przypadku Enterococcus sp.

Zagadnienie stabilności oksydacyjnej tłuszczy smażalniczych stanowi przedmiot badań opisanych w pracy Kondratowicz-Pietruszki i współautorów. Autorki przedstawiają wyniki badań własnych dotyczących dynamiki procesu autooksydacji tych tłuszczy w procesie ich ogrzewania w różnych warunkach. Badaniom poddano rafinowany olej rzepakowy, olej koko- sowy, fryturę oraz smalec. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań wybranych wyróżników jakościowych, stwierdzono, że spośród badanych tłuszczy najwyższą utlenialnością charakte- ryzuje się olej rzepakowy.

Zapewnienie wysokiej jakości surowców i produktów spożywczych wrażliwych na zmiany oksydacyjne wymaga opracowania szybkich efektywnych metod monitorowania tych proce- sów. W kolejnej pracy Wójcicki i Sikorska przedstawiają wyniki badań własnych dotyczących




monitorowania zmian oksydacyjnych oliw z oliwek wykorzystując do tego celu widma ab- sorpcyjne w zakresie widzialnym i porównuje te informacje z klasycznymi parametrami che- micznymi, np. zmiany liczby nadtlenkowej, liczby kwasowej, zwartości karotenoidów i chlo- rofili. Wyniki analizowano z wykorzystaniem zaawansowanych metod analizy statystycznej (PCA i PLS). Stwierdzono, że spektroskopia w zakresie widzialnym może być cennym narzę- dziem do oceny zmian oksydacyjnych różnych oliw z oliwek.

Zagadnienie stabilności przeciwutleniającej żywności jest także tematem badań przedsta- wionych w pracy Gruczyńskiej-Sękowskaiej. Autorka przedstawia wyniki badań własnych dotyczące stabilności przeciwutleniającaej nowych szorteningów smażalniczych zero trans otrzymanych na drodze enzymatycznego przeestryfikowania stearyny palmowej z olejem canola i kwasem stearynowym. W pracy wykorzystano różne rodzaje katalizatorów enzyma- tycznych. W modelowych warunkach smażenia wykazano, że zastosowana metoda pozwala na otrzymanie szorteningów zero trans o wyższej stabilności w porównaniu do handlowego szorteningu smażalniczego i nieprzeestryfikowanej mieszaniny. Zaobserwowano także, że otrzymane produkty wykazują mniejszą szybkość powstawania polimerów oraz mniejszą szybkość zanikania tokoferoli podczas smażenia.

Kolejne dwie prace dotyczą zagadnienia ochrony produktów spożywczych i kosmetycz- nych przed działaniem wolnych rodników za pomocą ekstraktów roślinnych. Pozyskiwanie naturalnych przeciwutleniaczy z surowców roślinnych na potrzeby nowych receptur produk- tów spożywczych lub kosmetycznych wymaga zastosowania ekstraktu, którego efektywność zależy nie tylko od rodzaju surowca i czasu trwania ekstraktu ale przede wszystkim od rodzaju zastosowanego w tym procesie rozpuszczalnika. W pierwszej z nich Stenka i Wilczyńska przedstawiają wyniki badań własnych dotyczące aktywności przeciwutleniającej ekstraktów z rokitnika. Badaniom poddano ekstrakty wodno-glicerynowe z różną ilością świeżych i su- szonych owoców rokitnika. Wykazano znaczne różnice w zawartości polifenoli, witaminy C i zdolności zmiatania wolnych rodników w zależności od ilości, rodzaju i stopnia dojrzałości botanicznej owoców użytych do przygotowania ekstraktów.

W drugiej pracy Kaczmarek i Zieliński zagadnienie ekstrakcji surowców roślinnych o wła- ściwościach przeciwrodnikowych z przeznaczeniem do wytwarzania produktów kosmetycz- nych. W pracy omówiono możliwości wykorzystania metody Stefanisa i Panayiotou do obli- czania wartości składowych parametrów rozpuszczalności Hansena do ekstrakcji przeciwutle- niaczy obecnych w suszu lebiodki pospolitej. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań własnych w odniesieniu do mieszanin wodno-alkoholowych jako efektywnych ekstrahentów tych skład- ników. Stwierdzono wysoką przydatność metody obliczeniowej do wyznaczania składu tych rozpuszczalników do ekstrakcji antyoksydantów z suszu lebiodki pospolitej.

Kolejna praca Seweryna dotyczy towaroznawczej oceny jakości płynów do kąpieli. W pra- cy przedstawiono wyniki badań własnych autora dotyczące nowych preparatów wytworzo- nych z udziałem anionowych surfaktantów na bazie fosforanowychpochodnych alkilopoliglu- kozydów. Na podstawie wyników przeprowadzonych badań empirycznych związanych z bezpieczeństwem stosowania i funcjonalnością opracowanych nowych płynów do kąpieli stwierdzono, że zaproponowane w pracy rozwiązania recepturowe mogą być ciekawą alterna- tywą dla produktów tego typu obecnych na rynku. Wykazano znacząca poprawę wielu para- metrów jakościowych proponowanych rozwiązań recepturowych co może stanowić przesłan- kę przemawiającą za opłacalnością wytwarzania tego typu produktów w skali przemysłowej pomimo wyższych kosztów surowcowych.

Dwie kolejne prace dotyczą podatności produktów przemysłowych na degradację w śro- dowisku morskim. W pierwszej z tych prac Krasowska i Malinowski przedstawiają wstępne wyniki badań własnych dotyczących podatności napromieniowanych poliestrów na zdolność ich degradacji w wodach Morza Bałtyckiego. Ocenie poddawano zdolność do biodegradacji napromieniowanego polilaktydu oraz poli(adypinianu 1,4 butylenu-co-tereftalanu



1,4-butylenu) (PBAT) a także ich mieszanin. Prowadzone przez cztery miesiące procesy bio- degradacji tych poliestrów w środowisku morskim wykazały, że zarówno nienapromieniowa- ny jak i napromieniowany polilaktyd wymaga znacznie dłuższego czasu inkubacji. Z kolei zaobserwowane podczas krótkiego czasu inkubacji zmiany nienapromieniowanego i napro- mieniowanego PBAT wskazują, że sieciowanie radiacyjne utrudnia jego degradację środowi- skową.

W drugiej z tych prac Heimowska przedstawia wyniki badań własnych dotyczących po- datności na biodegradację w środowisku morskim lin otrzymanych z surowców odnawialnych.

Obejmowały one prowadzone przez trzy lata badania stopnia biodegradacji lin sizalowych, konopnych i konopno-jutowych. Stwierdzono, że stopień miologicznego rozkładu badanych lin w środowisku morskim zależy głownie od rodzaju użytego materiału, warunków środowi- skowych oraz czasu inkubacji. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań wykazano, że spośród badanych lin najbardziej podatną na procesy biodegradacji w naturalnej wodzie morskiej jest lina konopno-jutowa.

Przedmiotem ostatniej pracy jest jakość termoplastycznych kompozytów otrzymanych z wykorzystaniem recyklatu poliestrowo-szklanego. Jastrzębska przedstawia wyniki badań dotyczących wpływu dodatku recyklatu poliestrowo-szklanego na wybrane właściwości no- wych termoplastycznych kompozytów poliwęglanowych otrzymanych z tym dodatkiem.

Stwierdzono, że badany recyklat poliestrowo-szklany wpływa na obniżenie wytrzymałości na rozciąganie tak otrzymanych kompozytów poliwęglanowych oraz obniża ich temperaturę zeszklenia.

Pięćdziesiąty ósmy numer naszego kwartalnika zamyka stała rubryka „Informacje TPJ”.

Zamieszczono w niej informacje o kolejnej międzynarodowej konferencji towaroznawczej z cyklu „Commodity Science in Research and Practice” organizowanej przez Wydział Towa- roznawstwa i Zarządzania Produktem Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie, która odbę- dzie się w listopadzie 2019 roku.

Życzę Państwu przyjemnej lektury.

Redaktor TPJ

prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Zieliński




P r e f a c e

According to the long-term plan accepted by the Editorial Board, in the first days of January 2019 we present to our readers the 58th issue of the Polish Journal of Commodity Science. Continuing the efforts to widen the group of our readers all the papers are published in English. We would like to remind that now, only papers written in English are accepted by the editors. As before, each paper contains a wide summary in Polish and English. The summaries in both language versions of all the works published one can find on our web page http://www.tpj.uniwersytetradom.pl. Moreover, at the web page an open-access to all the papers published up to 2017 is offered.

A series of 12 articles in the current issue of our journal is opened by the work on the quality strategy in the enterprise competitiveness management system. In this paper Adamczyk presents the issues of quality strategy in the Balanced Scorecard perspectives. In order to achieve quality standards at the enterprise level, it was proposed to use strategic controlling, while taking into account other factors affecting the effectiveness of the company.

The Balanced Scorecard application discussed in the article allowed the inclusion of quality objectives in the financial, customer, internal processes and development perspectives.

Packaging protects the product, especially food, from the harmful effects of external factors and allows to ensure the required product quality and consumer safety. In the next article, Tichoniuk presents modern packaging materials that improve the quality and durability of food products. The author reviews innovative packaging materials and ready-made solutions used in active, intelligent packaging and smart packaging systems for food. The paper also presents the author's research on packaging materials with antimicrobial properties and freshness indicators of packed food products.

An important quality determinant of food is their microbiological purity. In the next paper, Kukułowicz and Chruścińska present the results of their research on the possibility of infecting shrimps with Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus sp. The study investigated the influence of manual and machine shrink peeling and salt content on the presence of these microorganisms in prawns products. Based on the analysis of the results of the tests, the authors did not find any correlation between the method of peeling prawns and the presence of Staphylococcus aureus, whereas such a relationship was noted in the case of Enterococcus sp.

The problem of oxidative stability of frying fats is the subject of research described in the work of Kondratowicz-Pietruszka et al. The authors present the results of tests on the dynamics of autooxidation of these fats in the process of their heating under various conditions. Refined rapeseed oil, coconut oil, frying and lard were tested. On the basis of the evaluation of selected quality factors, it was found that the rapeseed oil revealed the highest oxygenation.

Ensuring high-quality of raw materials and food products sensitive to oxidative changes requires the development of fast and effective methods to monitor these processes. In the next paper, Wójcicki and Sikorska present the results of their research on monitoring the oxidative changes of olive oils using visible absorption spectra and compare this information with classic chemical parameters, eg change of peroxide number, acid number, carotenoids and chlorophylls content. The results were analyzed using advanced statistical methods (PCA and PLS). It was found that visible spectroscopy could be a valuable tool for assessing the oxidative changes of various olive oils.

The issue of antioxidant stability of food is the subject of analysis by Gruczyńska- Sękowska. The author presents the results of research on the antioxidant stability of new zero



trans frying shortenings obtained by the enzymatic transesterification of palm stearin with canola oil and stearic acid. Various types of enzyme catalysts were used in the work. Under the model frying conditions, it was shown that the applied method allowed to obtain zero trans frying shortenings with higher stability compared to commercial frying briefing and non- esterified mixture. It was also observed that the products revealed a lower rate of polymer formation and a lower rate of disappearance of tocopherols during frying.

The next two papers deal with the issue of protection of food and cosmetics against the effects of free radicals using plant extracts. Obtaining natural antioxidants from vegetable raw materials for new food or cosmetic recipes requires the use of extract. Its efficiency depends not only on the type of raw material and the duration of the extract, but primarily on the type of solvent applied in this process. In the first of these articles, Stenka and Wilczyńska present the results of their research on the antioxidant activity of sea buckthorn extracts. The investigations were subjected to water-glycerine extracts with various amounts of fresh and dried fruits of sea-buckthorn. There were significant differences in the content of polyphenols, vitamin C and the scavenging capacity of free radicals depending on the amount, type and degree of botanical maturity of the fruit used to prepare the extracts.

In the second work, Kaczmarek and Zieliński investigate the problem of extracting plant materials with antiradical properties for the purpose of producing cosmetic products. The paper discusses the possibilities of using the Stefanis and Panayiotou method to calculate component values of Hansen solubility parameters for the extraction of antioxidants present in dried margarine. The paper presents the results of the research on water-alcohol mixtures as effective extractants of these components. A high usefullness of the calculation method to determine the composition of these solvents for the extraction of antioxidants from dried marjoram was confirmed.

The consecutive work by Seweryn's concerns the quality assessment of bathing liquids.

The paper presents the results of research on new preparations made using anionic surfactants based on phosphate-based alkyl polyglucosides. On the basis of empirical studies related to the safety of use and the functionality of the new bath liquids, it was found that the solutions proposed in the work can be an interesting alternative for products of this type on the market.

A significant improvement in many quality parameters of the solutions was been demonstrated, that could be a premise for the profitability of manufacturing this type of products on an industrial scale, even in spite of higher raw material costs.

The next two papers concern the vulnerability of industrial products to degradation in the marine environment. In the first one, Krasowska and Malinowski present the preliminary results of the research on the susceptibility of irradiated polyesters to the ability of their degradation in the waters of the Baltic Sea. The ability to biodegrade the irradiated polylactide and poly (1,4-butylene 1,4-butene adipate 1,4-butane adipate) (PBAT) as well as their mixtures were evaluated. Four-month biodegradation processes of these polyesters in the marine environment revealed that both non-irradiated and irradiated polylactide requireds much longer incubation time. On the other hand, changes in non-irradiated and irradiated PBAT observed during a short incubation period indicated that cross-linking radiation hindered its environmental degradation.

In the second of these works, Heimowska presents the results of her research on the biodegradability of ropes obtained from renewable raw materials in the marine environment.

The reserach included three years testing of the degree of biodegradation of sisal, hemp and hemp-jute ropes. It was found that the degree of myological distribution of the tested ropes in the marine environment depended mainly on the type of material used, environmental conditions and incubation time. Based on the conducted tests, it was shown that among the tested ropes the most susceptible to the processes of biodegradation in natural seawater was the hemp-jute rope.




The subject of the last work is the quality of thermoplastic composites obtained using polyester-glass recyclate. Jastrzębska presents the results of research on the influence of the addition of polyester-glass recyclate on selected properties of new thermoplastic polycarbonate composites obtained with this additive. It was found that the tested polyester- glass recycling recovered the tensile strength of the polycarbonate composites and lowered their glass transition temperature.

The 58th issue of our quarterly is closed by the “PJCS Announcements” column. It contains information about the next international conference “Commodity Science in Research and Practice” organized by the Department of Commodity Science and Product Management, Kraków University of Economics, which will be held in November 2019.

I wish you a nice reading

PJCS Editor

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Zieliński



Cracow University of Economics Faculty of Management

Department of Economics and Organization of Enterprises

Quality strategy from the balanced scorecard perspectives

Received: August 20, 2018; accepted: October 4, 2018 DOI: 10.19202/j.cs.2019.01.01

Key words: strategy, quality, balanced scorecard, enterprises.

Słowa kluczowe: strategia, jakość, strategiczna karta wyników, przedsiębiorstwo.

1. Introduction

Modern enterprises are faced with the challenge to gain a competitive edge. A competitive edge is built up over many years and is affected by a number of factors.

Enterprises operating in today's competitive environment cannot succeed in the market without a concern for quality of products and services they offer.

When it comes to quality it is crucial to develop a long- term policy primarily related to product program and its quality and reliability. Quality should be part of company business strategy and its components should be considered both in strategic planning and strategic decision making.

In modern management efficiency is crucial as an ability to choose the right strategies. On the one hand the success of enterprise strategy depends on how it is formulated and on the other hand on its implementation process that can be promoted by strategic controlling. In the strategy implementation process, monitoring, strategy effect assessment and flexible response to changing enterprise operating conditions are of great

importance. Strategic controlling enables a comprehensive approach to quality problems by providing necessary information, decision coordination and managing process control.

Balanced Scorecard (BSC) has been applied for strategy formulation and assessing its implementation. The objective of controlling should be fulfilling quality requirements and optimising the cost of quality achievement.

The aim of this paper is to present the quality of products and services in the strategic targets system and evaluation of its significance to enterprise value. Balanced Scorecard was used for formulating and assessing the quality strategy as an enterprise management area.

By mapping the linkages, between implementation of objectives in individual perspectives the role of quality strategy in achieving enterprise financial goals and creating its value is presented.

2. Quality problems in enterprise

management strategy Modern enterprises create and implement strategies that can create its competitive advantage.

M. Porter shows three generic strategies enabling an enterprise to gain a competitive advantage [1]:

• overall cost leadership,

• differentiation,

• focus.

The overall cost leadership strategy requires the formulation and implementation of objectives related to cost reduction, avoiding marketing customers,




minimizing costs of R&D, advertising and after sale services, while investing in large-scale production facilities. The differentiation strategy consists in differentiation of products and services provided by an enterprise. The focus strategy involves the focusing of the enterprise on a particular customer group, market segment or geographic market.

The differentiation strategy is linked to quality problems. The differentiation strategy is referred to as “quality leadership” consisting in providing unique products or services. The major assumption of the differentiation strategy is the existence of a group of customers preferring a good distinguished brand instead of common and standard products. A manufacturer of good brand products relies on their customer loyalty, their price insensitivity, thus enabling profit margin to be increased and additional costs related to product development to be borne. Differentiation provides higher margins, allowing the strength of suppliers to be opposed, while at the same time reducing evidently the strength of purchasers who have no comparable products and become less price sensitive. Companies that differentiate themselves to gain their customer loyalty have a better position in the market than other manufacturers of substitute products [1].

When employing competitive strategies the two types of risks may arise: the risk of not achieving or abandoning strategy objectives, or the risk that strategic competitive advantage will disappear with development of a given sector. For a differentiation strategy a risk arises when:

• there is too large cost difference between low cost competitors of differentiated brand (despite of their loyalty, customers give up purchasing a specified brand in favour of huge savings),

• there is a decrease in consumer demand for a differentiated product (e.g. due to increasing customer awareness),

• imitation reduces perceived differentiation.

Differentiation can apply to product design or brand, technology, product features, e.g.

quality, after sales service, after sales network, etc. [2].

Differentiation strategy can be also related to quality differentiation in response to the existing differentiation in customer tastes and incomes. Enterprise can specialize in manufacturing customized products to meet needs of different categories of customers by offering them products of various quality levels.

Table 1. Factors influencing the value for customers Tabela 1. Czynniki wpływające na wartość dla klienta

Value areas Value factors

Product attributes

Product innovation

Product's environmental performance Product availability

Product quality Product price

Company image Awarded certificates, prizes, distinctions Care of safety, health and environment Ethical advertising campaign

Relations with customers

Customer servicing method Easy contact

Feedback and satisfaction analysis Complaint management system

Relations with stakeholders

Care of employees

Participation in charity actions Paying taxes

Supporting youth education

Involvement in local community development Source/Źródło: own study/opracowanie własne.



Distinguishing from the competition is a good strategy for building a competitive advantage. One of models defining the strategy of distinguishing from the competition is a model of value for the customers. The value for customers is the sum of benefits obtained by a customer less costs borne by a customer to purchase a product or service (Table 1).

Product attributes are its primary distinguishing feature related to the sector in which the enterprise operates. As products quickly starting to resemble each other the features distinguishing a product or manufacturer from others are of great importance. Also the company image related to perception of a company through a wide range of achievements is important. The company image is influenced by relations with customers, especially customer service, feedback analysis and good market communication. Also relations with other stakeholders are equally important as they may contribute into marketing success or pose a potential threat. The growing interest in stakeholders and analysis was addressed in the most recent update of the quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015 [3].

Distinction enables the enterprise to gain higher profits than the competition due to acceptance of higher prices in the market. Such strategy type is not always associated with an increase in market share as most customers are not inclined to pay higher prices even if they found an exceptional quality, e.g. higher quality of an offered product. For enterprise competitiveness the strategy based on minimising total costs is still up to date.

On the one hand enterprise competitiveness is influenced by suppliers, and purchasers on the other hand [1]. Suppliers have an impact through their pricing policy and quality of goods and services delivered. By increasing price of supplied raw materials they affect product manufacturing costs that in turn have an effect on enterprise competitiveness in the market.

The significance of the role of suppliers in pricing results from a suppliers' bargaining power, that in turn depends on competition between suppliers. Purchasers (customers) play the most important role as they can have an effect on enterprise profitability through expectation of lower future prices or higher product quality. The imposition of savings among other things in material consumption or enhancing employee productivity, despite of its positive reception, may cause a decline in process or labour quality and consequent deterioration of product quality resulting in a drop in sales. In turn, a reverse operation, i.e. stimulating product quality without considering the costs may also decrease product competitiveness because of its price.

The significance of the quality of products and services in gaining a competitive edge requires that it should be considered as an important strategic goal of an enterprise. Empirical research shows that the quality of products and services is of utmost importance to senior management (74 %) and profitability (55 %) is the second only, while enterprise growth (26 %) is a further goal among strategic objectives [4]. This means than quality management should be subject of a formalised process of strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation.

3. Formulation of the quality strategy in an enterprise

Quality management in an enterprise requires that relative opportunities to build competitive advantage and reduce costs are to be taken account. Therefore, enterprises strive to implement quality management systems while considering them as a component of their strategy [5]. Enterprise competitiveness is also affected by a number of factors, among which the product (service) quality and its price is of utmost importance. However, high quality standards stay very often contrary to enterprise competitiveness. Providing an appropriate quality of processes and products is connected with setting high quality requirements for ordered raw materials and other materials, while observing production and labour norms that in turn represents their operating costs.




Fig. 1. Quality strategy in enterprise management strategy Rys. 1. Strategia jakości w systemie zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem Source/Źródło: own study/opracowanie własne

The quality strategy requires that an enterprise to undertake activities aimed at reaching economic success by providing products and services of high performance features and reliability. In this strategy the enterprise activity includes shaping a new product function and its furnishings, selecting activities for product quality improvement, developing a proper product range structure and establishing optimal product prices (Figure 1).

The determination of the strategic actions of enterprise, as regards to quality of products, is carried out on many planes. These actions include: characterization of the functional properties of a product, selection of the utility properties and their levels, product standardization and differences, selection of the product exploitation service system.

From the standpoint of the market it is important to introduce new characteristics (utility properties) of products or to raise the standard by developing the existing properties for better satisfaction of consumer needs.

Other problems consist in lowering production cost, improving the production process and, at the same time, improving the quality of a product in order to meet requirements of the market.

The planning of product exploitation service and quality guarantee terms is also an element of the quality strategy.

Mission Strategic goals Enterprise strategy

Competitiveness goals Competition strategy

Quality objectives Quality policy Quality strategy

Quality plans and programs

Quality management Setting strategy assumptions

Strategic planning

Setting quality assumptions

Setting quality objectives

Fulfilling customer requirements


TOWAROZNAWCZE PROBLEMY JAKOŚCI 1(58)/2019 The quality strategy accepted by an enterprise is:

• a guide-line for the directions and methods of quality management,

• a basis for the formulation of operational plans,

• a beacon for the directions of actions formally expressed in the Quality Book and in the procedures,

• a means of communication between workers

• an element of the marketing policy of enterprise,

• a guide to decision making

• a guide-line for quality assurance systems.

The quality strategy, the quality assurance system and the quality of a product are causally interdependent, which can be expressed in way:

The quality management that ensures quality in a total manner, at each of production stage, is presented by TQM system (Total Quality Management). TQM, as the total quality, means satisfaction of all the requirements that are essential for a customer. The basic idea of TQM is to avoid defects and not to eliminate their effects. The basic elements of TQM are [6]:

• engagement of the chief management,

• organization of the quality improvement process,

• communication within the enterprise,

• instructing and training programme,

• participation of all the workers,

• quality system according to the select standards,

• methods of improving the quality (for example by means of a cost analysis).

The conditions for an effective introduction of the TQM principle are:

• organization and realization of customers orders at the highest quality level and with relatively costs,

• encouraging the workers to participate in the efforts to ensure the quality,

• formation of quality teams circles for solving the problems of quality,

• selection of the best quality strategy.

4. Quality strategy in a controlling management system

Strategic controlling is an efficient management concept enabling optimisation of enterprise operational efficiency and building competitive advantage based on the quality of products and services. Controlling is a results-oriented enterprise management system that allows overall management coordination through planning, organising, control, motivating and supervising by using an information system [7]. Controlling is a comprehensive management function that involves the entire management process and includes the following stages [8]:

• planning (setting objectives, choosing activities necessary for goals achievement and measuring method),

• implementation (plan implementation),

• monitoring (goal achievement measurement),

• assessment (feedbacks related to current level of achievements and deviations),

• correction (activities targeted at making changes to achieve goals).








Controlling performs an advisory function by supplying information necessary to coordinate decisions and to control the entire enterprise to reach set objectives. Strategic controlling is considered as a management subsystem in which decisions connected with the most important items related to activities to be conducted and the way of achieving it.

The object of controlling must be both to meet quality standards as well as to shape operating costs. Any deviation from the sales plan and the budget are analysed thoroughly to determine their causes. The Balanced Scorecard can be used for this purpose as an instrument for building quality strategy and its evaluation, too.

Kaplan and Norton assert that traditional financial accounting measures (e.g. ROI, EPS) can give misleading signals for continuous improvement and innovation, and are out of step with the skills and competencies that are needed by today's organizations. The Balanced Scorecard is a multi-dimensional framework that translates a company's strategy into specific measurable objectives (Figure 2). These are defined as a combination of financial measures, indicating results of actions previously taken, and operational measures that are drivers of future performance. [10].

Fig. 2. Business efficacy in terms of multiple-criteria approach Rys. 2. Efektywność biznesu w wielowymiarowym ujęciu

Source/Źródło: Maltz A.C., Shenhar A.J., Reilly R.R. (2003) Beyond the Balanced Scorecard: Refining the Search for Organizational Success Measure, p. 191.

The Five Performance Dimensions can be described as follows [10]:

1. Financial Measures – represent the traditional approach to organizational success.

2. Customer/Market Measures – represent the relationship between an organization and its customers.

3. Process Measures – reflect the organizational efficiency and improvement view.

4. People Development Measures – recognize the critical role of stakeholders in organizational success.

5. Preparing for the Future Measures – as an expression of foresight.

Corporate Entrepreneurship


Process TQM






The Five Performance Dimensions:

Financial Performance



People Development


Research Streams Measures



5. Quality goals from the Balanced Scorecard perspectives

Application of the Balanced Scorecard in enterprise management requires a goal measurement system, including the quality of products and services. In management a measurement system is required to meet the three principal assumptions [11]:

• you can not manage something that can not be measured,

• what gets measured gets done,

• measurement influences behaviour.

The use of the Balanced Scorecard requires the main goals to be transformed into individual perspectives and measures, detailed goals and initiative to achieve each of them to be established.

Any quality strategy should consider the Balanced Scorecard both at the stage of formulation and its implementation assessment. To translate quality strategy into perspectives the following operational stages are required [12]:

1. Creating enterprise mission and vision – both mission and vision should indicate the enterprise direction to be followed, including quality. The BSC is an instrument both for quality strategy formulation and implementation. The strategy should be understood and accepted by the management and employees.

2. Establishing strategic quality-related goals in the four BSC perspectives: financial, customer, internal processes and innovation (development).

3. Determining connections between goals disclosure their interrelations and relationships from the four perspectives to create a consistent goal system within the framework of quality strategy and the enterprise as a whole.

4. Crystallization of strategic goals – at this stage goal measures and its value are established.

This stage is important for evaluating quality strategy and corrective actions, if any.

5. Developing action plans and delegating them to lower-level employees. Appropriate actions enabling goal achievement should be specified for set goals. Quality strategy should be integrated with planning, reporting and decisive information acquisition and processing structures. This enable not only effective quality strategy translation into actions but also its quantification, thus promoting its implementation.

The quality-related goals should not be taken into account in the Balanced Scorecard in a form of a separated area of goals, measures and undertakings. Included into the BSC key perspectives become a fully integrated cause and effect chain in implementation of enterprise global strategy.

The strategy is targeted at improving quality of manufactured products and services, increasing market share, improving customer retention and satisfaction, gaining new customers, improving enterprise image and reputation. In each perspective it is important to set main goals and establishing its measures, and then to pick out detailed goals and to indicate a package of initiatives for achieving them.

There are the following four categories of attributes in customer perspective:

• attributes of products, such as function, price and quality,

• customer relationships, including additional services and complaint processing time.

• company image created by brand and advertising,

• relations with stakeholders that create enterprise reputation.

In internal processes the quality strategy is replaced with innovative processes in which an enterprise analyses arising and hidden customer needs and then it provides products (services) that meet their needs. In internal process perspective some quality-related processes can be undertaken such as implementation of IT systems for complaint processing, reducing the number of rejects, shortening delivery times and providing after sales services. The customer and internal process perspective determines the most factors for present and future success.




In development perspective (innovation and learning) the implementation of quality strategy depends on employees, systems and procedures. Employee qualification rising and introduction of operating procedures by implementing ISO series 9000 standards foster achieving goals in customer, internal process and financial perspectives.

Financial perspective is a result of the three perspectives mentioned above, since increasing sales income, sales profitability, unit manufacturing cost, quality costs or investment return are consequences of activities in the customer, internal process and development areas (Figure 3).

Substantiation of strategic goals involves goal setting and establishing its value as target or desired one. The measure of future effects is based on measure in the customer and internal process perspectives such as market share, customer satisfaction, order processing time, number of complaints, number of innovations.

An enterprise is evaluated from the perspective of financial results such as sales income, sales profitability, rate of return or value maximization. However, to achieve these effects it is necessary to succeed in the customer perspective. The most common measures used in this area include [13]:

• market share – expresses the number of customers, sales value or volume,

• customer retention – the number of regular customers,

• customer acquisition – the number of new customers,

• customer satisfaction – customer satisfaction level,

• customer profitability – net profit generated by a customer or market segment.

Selection of these measures includes not only customer satisfaction, but also their profitability. This means that the enterprise should strive not only for customer satisfaction, but for their profitability, too. Implementation of these goals is included into assumptions of quality strategy, and by placing it on a strategy map it contributes in financial results and ensure enterprise future success.

Fig. 3. Quality strategy map – quality in enterprise goal structure Rys. 3. Mapa strategii jakości – jakość w strukturze celów przedsiębiorstwa Source/Źródło: own study /opracowanie własne.

Sales profitability

Customer profitability Customer satisfaction

Quality related training

Resource quality Process quality FINANCIAL PERSPECTIVE






5. Conclusions

The Balanced Scorecard is a system for measuring enterprise performance for achieving their vision. It integrates and coordinates both goals and enterprise-wide actions within the framework of the four perspectives: financial, customer, internal process and development.

These perspectives are interconnected to each other with cause and effect reasons and achieving partial goals in each of them enables strategic goals to be achieved. Formation and hierarchization of goals enables a strategy map to be developed to present importance of all goals for achieving and enterprise financial goal.

Quality strategy consists of developing a long-term policy comprising, for example product selection, areas of activity, technologies, selection of new markets and target customers. Customer satisfaction and profitability is directly affected by resource quality and process quality in the in internal process perspective.

By using the BSC it is possible to make strategy more flexible by on-going adjustment of strategic actions that lead to achieving target goals. Under changing enterprise operation conditions, especially those related to customer expectations or a wider stakeholder group, it is possible to correct discrepancies as soon as possible.

6. Acknowledgments

The project was financed from funds granted to the Faculty of Management at Cracow University of Economics within the framework of the subsidy for the maintenance of research potential.

7. References

[1] Porter M.E. (2010) Strategia konkurencji. Metody analizy sektorów i konsumentów.

PWE, Warszawa, pp. 57-64.(in Polish)

[2] Pierścionek Z. (2006) Strategie konkurencji i rozwoju przedsiębiorstwa. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, pp. 169-176. (in Polish)

[3] PN- EN ISO 9001:2015, Systemy zarządzania jakością. PKN, Warszawa. (in Polish) [4] Krupski R., Niemczyk J., Stańczyk-Hugiet E. (2009) Koncepcje strategii organizacji.

PWE, Warszawa, p. 33. (in Polish)

[5] Adamczyk J. (1995) Strategia jakości przedsiębiorstwa w warunkach konkurencji.

Przegląd Organizacji, 9. (in Polish)

[6] Porter R.J., Parker A.J. (1993) Total Quality Management – the critical success factor.

TQM, 1.

[7] Vollmuth H.J. (2007) Controlling – planowanie, kontrola, kierowanie. Placed, Warszawa, pp. 39-61. (in Polish)

[8] Goliszewski J. (2015) Controlling – koncepcja, zastosowania, wdrożenia. Oficyna Wolters Kluwer Business, Warsaw, pp. 187-193. (in Polish)

[9] Nowak E. (2011) Controlling w działalności przedsiębiorstwa. PWE, Warsaw, p. 5033.(in Polish)

[10] Maltz A.C., Shenhar A.J., Reilly R.R. (2003) Beyond the balanced scorecard: refining the search for organizational success measure. LPR Journal, 36, 193.

[11] Klingebiel N. (1997) Performance measurement – systeme. Das Wirtschafts – Studium, p. 658.

[12] Kaplan R.S., Norton D.P. (2010) Wdrażanie strategii dla osiągnięcia przewagi konkurencyjnej, PWN, Warsaw, p. 9. (in Polish)

[13] Kaplan R. S., Norton D. P. (2010) Strategiczna karta wyników. Jak przełożyć strategie na działania. PWN, Warsaw, pp. 19. (in Polish)





In gaining a competitive advantage it is important to be distinguished from the competition. Quality strategy is an efficient method that ensures an appropriate quality of provided products and services. However, assuring an appropriate quality affects manufacturing costs that can be incompatible with enterprise competitiveness.

Quality strategy in the enterprise competitiveness management system is described in this paper. The use of strategic controlling for achieving quality standards, while considering other factors influencing enterprise effectiveness is proposed. The Balanced Scorecard allowed to depict quality goals in the four perspectives: financial, customer, internal processes and development. The translation of quality strategy into the BSC perspectives revealed the role of quality goals in achieving enterprise financial goals.


Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Wydział Zarządzania, Katedra Ekonomiki i Organizacji Przedsiębiorstw


W uzyskaniu przewagi konkurencyjnej ważne jest wyróżnianie się na tle konkurencji. Sku- teczną strategią jest strategia jakości, która zapewni odpowiedni poziom jakości oferowanych wyrobów i usług. Równocześnie zapewnienie odpowiedniej jakości znajduje odzwierciedlenie w kosztach wytworzenia, co może pozostawać w sprzeczności z konkurencyjnością przedsię- biorstwa.

W artykule scharakteryzowano strategię jakości w systemie zarządzania konku- rencyjnością przedsiębiorstwa. Zaproponowano zastosowanie controllingu strategicznego w osiąganiu standardów jakości, przy uwzględnieniu innych czynników mających wpływ na efektywność przedsiębiorstwa. Wykorzystanie Balanced Scorecard pozwoliło na ujęcie celów jakości w czterech perspektywach: finansowej, klienta, procesów wewnętrznych i rozwoju.

Przełożenie strategii jakości na perspektywy BSC pokazało rolę celów jakościowych dla osią- gnięcia celów finansowych przedsiębiorstwa.

prof. dr hab. Jadwiga ADAMCZYK Cracow University of Economics Faculty of Management

Department of Economics and Organization of Enterprises

ul. Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków, Poland e-mail: jadwiga.adamczyk@uek.krakow.pl



Poznań University of Economics and Business Faculty of Commodity Science

Department of Industrial Products Quality and Ecology

Innovative packaging improving food quality and extending its shelf life

Received: August 27, 2018; accepted: October 11, 2018 DOI: 10.19202/j.cs.2019.01.02

Key words: active packaging, intelligent packaging, smart packaging, antimicrobial activity, freshness indicator.

Słowa kluczowe: opakowania aktywne, opakowania inteligentne, smart packaging, aktywność przeciwdrobnoustro- jowa, wskaźniki świeżości.

1. Introduction

The preliminary function of food supply chain is the assumption of food safety and its desirable quality [1, 2]. A whole range of methods and tools is involved in achieving this goal including modern food processing technologies, management systems focused on product quality and safety, logistic facilities and food packaging especially [3]. Following the global trends, technological achievements and consumer demands food industry and related market participants increase the interest in novel packaging solutions like active packaging, intelligent packaging and smart ones [4, 5].

The majority of packaging materials protect food against adverse external factors in a passive manner e.g.

blocking the oxygen activity or ambient humidity [4, 6].

Active packaging materials protect actively food products by ongoing limitation or escalation of selected factors, which improves the protective capacity of

packaging [7]. Figure 1 demonstrates the model of packaging functions including traditional and novel solutions.

The application of active materials allows to significant extend the foods’ shelf-life and contributes to the reduction of costs associated with the need to prevent them from spoilage and removal already spoiled products from the market [6, 8]. The positioning of active packaging over the protective function of food packaging (Fig. 1) results from the concept of changing the way of protecting the packaged products from passive to active form. The intelligent packaging is presented here as the extension of communication function of traditional packaging. Its major feature is ability to continuous collect and process information on packed product (e.g.

freshness, ripeness) or its surrounding (e.g. temperature, humidity) [7]. The monitored parameters can be useful in whole food supply chain. The application of intelligent packaging could support flow of the product information to each participant of the chain (including the final consumer).

Smart packaging is usually packaging system which undergoes independent and self- acting micro- or nanochanges in its structure or alteration of its properties, as the response to dynamic changes in its environment. It can be connected with application of electronic sensor (e.g. temperature sensor) or communication device (e.g.

radiofrequency identification tag, RFID tag), or having the capacity to control their interfacial properties basing on ionic




channels, biomimetic surface activity, wettability, adsorption or adhesion [11]. The most popular smart technologies provide so-called self-healing or self-cleaning packaging materials. Automatic Data Collection (ADC) systems based on RFID technology also gaining popularity in food supply chain [2]. In food sector smart technologies is interchangeably applied with intelligent and/or active packaging as a combined more complex solution (Fig. 2) [10, 12].

Fig. 1. Model of major functions of conventional and innovative food packaging (own work based on [4, 7, 9]) Rys. 1. Model podstawowych funkcji opakowania i nowoczesnych typów opakowań (opracowanie własne na

podstawie [4, 7, 9])

Active packaging comprises packaging materials and articles that interact with the food in a manner defined by the European regulation (EC) No 450/490 i.e. “deliberately incorporate components that would release or absorb substances into or from packaged food or the environment surrounding the food” [13]. Active packaging is designed to maintain or prolong foods’ shelf-life while ensuring their quality, safety and integrity. This group could be divided into scavenging systems (absorbers), releasing systems (emitters), materials containing active substances such as antioxidants or antimicrobials (Fig. 2) [3]. The active scavenging systems remove undesirable compounds from the packaged food and/or its surrounding – mainly moisture or oxygen, but also carbon dioxide, ethylene or odors [14]. The releasing systems emits compounds to the food products and/or into packaging headspace – mainly carbon dioxide, but also it could be antimicrobial compounds, antioxidants, flavors, ethylene or ethanol.

Intelligent packaging are described as “materials and articles that monitor the condition of packaged food or the environment surrounding the food” [13]. They provide dynamic feedback to any participant of food supply chain (especially to consumer) on the actual quality of the product, therefore they enhance communication function of the packaging [14]. The main element of intelligent packaging system is an indicator that interacts with internal (e.g. food components, volatile metabolites in the headspace) and/or external factors (e.g. temperature, components of the atmosphere). The results of this interaction lead to the indicator response (e.g. color change, visibility of pictograms, electric signal) that is correlated with the condition of the food and/or its surrounding [2, 15]. The most popular types of the intelligent food packaging systems, both commercially available and being under development, are time temperature indicators (TTIs), integrity indicators and freshness indicators (Fig. 2).



Fig. 2. Classification and most popular features of innovative food packaging (own work based on [1, 3, 10]) Rys. 2. Klasyfikacja i wykaz najpopularniejszych właściwości nowoczesnych opakowań przeznaczonych do żywności

(opracowanie własne na podstawie [1, 3, 10])

Many of innovative food packaging are already available on the market but there is a wide perspective to develop a lot of novel packaging systems [1, 6]. The main problem is that the technologies evaluated in model conditions may not always acting in the same manner in real food applications [2, 3]. The complex and diverse structure of food products may affect the activity of the packaging e.g. in relation to release, absorption or diffusion process of active substances or target compounds in intelligent systems. Therefore, it is valuable to analyze the packaging in relation to specific food products. It helps to better understand the advantages and limitations of the novel packaging technology, and might accelerate its adoption in commercial applications [3, 10].

2. Active food packaging

Active packaging are good alternative to conventional packaging methods, which are able to release or absorb substances from or into the preserved food, or its surrounding to sustain the quality and prolong the shelf life of packaged product [6]. The application of active packaging can be particularly beneficial to perishable foods because of the possibility of reducing the amount of active substances or elimination of unnecessarily industrial processing that might introduce contamination into the product. Active systems are widely available in food packaging already offered on the market. They include mainly moisture absorbers, oxygen scavengers, carbon dioxide emitters, antioxidants and antimicrobial compounds [3, 14-16].

2.1. Moisture absorbers

One of the most problematic factors influencing foods’ quality and safety is its moisture content and water activity, which could escalate physicaland chemical reaction, enzymatic activity and/or microbiological growth in various types of food products [18]. Moisture absorbers could be an effective tool for the adjustment the moisture content and water activity inside packaging. The active humidity controllers, which are available on the market, are divided into two groups [3, 19]:

• Moisture absorbers

• Oxygene scavengers

• Antioxidant packaging

• Carbon dioxide emiters

• Antimicrobial packaging Active


• Time temperature indicators (TTIs)

• Integrity indicators

• Freshness indicators Intelligent


• Radiofrequency identification (RFID)

• Active / intelligent smart packaging Smart


In novat ive food p ac kag in g


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