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St. Hedwig s Church MASS SCHEDULE RECTORY OFFICE HOURS. DAILY MASSES: 7:00 AM (English) 8:00 AM (Polish) SATURDAY EVENING MASS: 5:00 PM (English)


Academic year: 2022

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St. Hedwig’s Church

One Depan Avenue Floral Park, NY 11001

Website: sthedwig.church E-mail: contact@sthedwig.church Tel. (516) 354-0042

Fax: (516) 327-2458



7:00 AM (English) 8:00 AM (Polish) SATURDAY EVENING MASS:

5:00 PM (English) SUNDAY MASSES:

7:00 AM (English) 8:00 AM (Polish) 9:30 AM (English) 11:00 AM (Polish) 12:30 PM (English) 6:30 PM (English) EVE OF HOLY DAYS:

7:00 PM (English) HOLY DAYS:

7:00 AM (English) 8:00 AM (Polish) 9:00 AM (English) 5:00 PM (English) 7:30 PM (Polish)



9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (secretary) 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM (priest on duty) Saturday:

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM (secretary) Sunday: Office is closed CONFESSIONS

: Saturdays: 4:00-5:00 PM

Holy Days: Confessions before every Mass


: Make arrangements at least 6 weeks ahead of time. Baptisms are held every Sunday at 11:00 AM (Polish) and 12:30 PM (English)


: Arrangements to be made at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. No Marriages on Sunday after 5:00 PM & on Saturdays after 3:30 PM


: Any time. Call cell (516) 776-5486

PASTOR _________________________

PASTOR EMERITUS _______________

DEACON ________________________

SECRETARY _____________________


LECTORS’ MINISTRY ______________

ORGANIST _______________________




Rev. Piotr Rożek


Rev. Msgr. Edward Wawerski


Dn. Ivan Toro


Magda Rosada


Krzysztof Gospodarzec


Barbara Luger


Carol Peise


Zbigniew Maćkowiak


Danielle Auguste


Dorota Kaczmarzyk


Richard Teleski


cell (516) 776-5486 cell (516) 984-9716 (516) 354-0042 (516) 354-0042 (631) 875-8413 (516) 445-1957 (718) 347-7970 (312) 929-9594 (516) 437-2472 (516) 851-0523 (516) 328-1334


SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2021 05:00 pm Rosemary Daunt (Happy Birthday) by Son

John and Dad

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2021 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT 07:00 am +Edward Hafner by Family

08:00 am O Zdrowie i Boże błogosławieństwo dla Ani z Rodziną

09:30 am +Melencio Roberto by Trina Valdez and Family

11:00 am O Zdrowie i Błogosławieństwo Boże dla Rodziny Pędzich

11:00 am +Helena Karpierz (Urodziny) od Córek Grażyny i Ewy oraz od całej Rodziny 12:30 am +Anna Kołodziej by Son Matthew 06:30 pm +Bianca Aureliano by Daughter

MONDAY, MARCH 1, 2021 07:00 am +Walter Sherback by Family 07:00 am +Russell J. Treiber by Albert Irvine

08:00 am +Stanisława Slusarska od Rodziny Grodzki

TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 2021 07:00 am +Marie Kearney by Friend 07:00 am +Timothy O’Connor by Family 08:00 am +Mary Driscoll by Hannah

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 2021 Saint Katharine Drexel, Virgin

07:00 am +Frances Saramak by Henry and Francine Sikorski

08:00 am +Michalina Kurzyna od Rodziny

THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 2021 Saint Casimir

07:00 am +Anne Marie Sanon Roc by the Family 08:00 am +Edward Kurzyna od Rodziny

08:00 am +Ann Powers, Elzbieta, George, Irena i Szczepan Rożkowscy od Heleny i Edwarda Depa

FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 2021 World Day of Prayer

07:00 am +Bienvenido K. Mercado by Leonisa Avancena

08:00 am O Zdrowie i Boże Błogosławieństwo dla Artura z Rodziną

09:00 am Health and Blessings for Family Members by Danielle Auguste

07:30 pm O Dar Wiary i Boże Błogosławieństwo dla naszej młodzieży od Polskiego Kółka Różańcowego


SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 2021 07:00 am +John Daunt by the Kane Family

08:00 am Za dusze w czysćcu cierpiące od Hannah O’Driscoll

09:00 am Deceased Family Members by Danielle Auguste

05:00 pm +Kenneth Klein by Mustafa Family 07:30 pm Fr. Pio Mass in Italian


07:00 am +Joseph Wilkinson (2nd Anniversary) by Aunt Carol and Uncle Peter

08:00 am +Kathleen Bole by Hannah O’Driscoll 09:30 am +Anna and Walter Dluginski

11:00 am +Franciszka Rożek od Polskiego Kółka Różańcowego

11:00 am +Kazimiera i Kazimierz Chmielewscy 12:30 am +Ted Hoffmann by Connie Dziomba (After the Mass Novena to God the Father) 06:30 pm +Peter Sherry (Anniversary) by Wife

FIRST FRIDAY: 9:00 AM Mass in English and 7:30 PM Mass in Polish to the Sacred Heart of Jesus with Exposition, Adoration &

Blessing. Confession 8:30 AM and 7:00 PM

FIRST SATURDAY: 7:30 AM Holy Rosary in Polish, 9:00 AM Mass in English with Exposition, Adoration & Blessing

NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP: Saturday at 8:20 AM in Polish, at 4:50 PM in English

NOVENA TO GOD THE FATHER: Every first Sunday of the month after 12:30 PM Mass

FATIMA DEVOTIONS: Every 13th of the month at 7:00 PM from May to October

GORZKIE ŻALE/LAMENTATIONS: Lent, every Sunday at 3:00 PM

STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Lent, Wednesday in English at 7:30 PM, Thursday in Italian at 8:00 PM, Friday at 7:30 PM in Polish

LITANY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: May, Monday through Friday at 7:30 in Polish

HOLY ROSARY: First Friday after 9:00 AM Mass in English, at 7:00 PM in Polish, First Saturday at 7:30 AM in Polish, additionally October, Monday through Friday at 7:30 PM in Polish

CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY: First Friday after 9:00 AM Mass in English, First Saturday after 8:00 AM Mass in Polish


Pray for the Sick, the Elderly and the Homebound Christine Brown, Lily Simon, Zarina Liwag, Sandra Jean Pierre, Thomas Vita, Fernand Arty, Baby Sigler, Alina Romanczuk, Rosemarie Hermann, Joe Emerson, Dan Mahoney, Vincenza Virdone and Mary Ann Keegan and Michael Watts.



Ash Wednesday $2,073.00 February 21, 2021 $6,309.00

God Bless for your donations


Drodzy Parafianie i Przyjaciele Kosciola

W Ewangelii z dzisiejszej II Niedzieli Wielkiego Postu czytamy: „To jest mój Syn umiłowany. Jego słuchajcie.” Bóg Ojciec prosi każdego z nas, aby słuchać Jego Syna. Przez całe nasze życie uczymy się słuchać.

Słuchaj ojca i matki, później w szkole słuchaj nauczyciela, słuchaj swojego przełożonego, słuchaj żony i męża, słuchaj przyjaciół jeżeli takich masz, słuchaj starszych, słuchaj mądrych ludzi itd. Czy rzeczywiście nauczyliśmy się słuchać, mądrzejszych, dobrych, doświadczonych ludzi. Boję się, że tę piękną formę komunikowania między sobą czyli „słuchanie” zamieniliśmy na szybkie informacje, które są nam sprytnie wciskane jako słowo i obraz w mediach społecznościowych i bez używania nazw w otaczającym nas świecie. Może nam grozić, że my nie słuchamy, ale wszystko jest nam bezkrytycznie wrzucane do naszej świadomości. Prawdziwe słuchanie buduje miłość i przyjaźń, mądrość i wiedzę, uczy rozpoznawać co jest prawdą a co plotką i kłamstwem. A zatem uczmy się słuchać. Powróćmy jeszcze do jednego zadania w Wielkim Poście: „...Jego słuchajcie.” W zamian Jezus obdarzy Cię wyjątkowymi darami z nieba.

Ks. PiԪr Rozek, Wasz Pastor


Dear Parishioners and Friends

In the Gospel of today's Second Sunday of Lent we read: “This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him. “God, the Father asks each of us to listen to His Son. Throughout our lives, we learn to listen. Listen to your father and mother, later at school, listen to your teacher, listen to your supervisor, listen to your wife and husband, listen to friends if you have any, listen to the elders, listen to wise people, etc. Have we really learned to listen, smarter, good, experienced people? I am afraid that we have turned this beautiful form of communicating with each other, ie

"listening", into quick information that is cleverly pressed into us as a word and image on social media and without using names in the world around us. We may be threatened that we do not listen, but that everything is uncritically thrown into our consciousness. True listening builds love and friendship, wisdom and knowledge, and teaches to recognize what is truth and what is gossip and lies. So let's learn to listen. Let us return to one more task in Lent: "... listen to him." In return, Jesus will give you unique gifts from heaven.

Fr. PiԪr Rozek, Your Pastor




Julia Ana Serafin


Dear Parishioners, we will send you a copy of your donations in the year 2020 upon request by you. If you need a statement, please complete the form below and return it to the parish office in the Sunday collection.

God Bless you for your generosity to St. Hedwig’s Church.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2020 DONATION RECEIPT NAME____________________________________



ENVELOPE NUMBER______________________



FRIDAYS AT 7:30 PM All are encouraged to participate

ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY NEWS The next meeting of the Rosarians will be on Sunday, March 7th at 1:30pm in the Parish Hall.

New Members Are Welcome THANK YOU

On behalf of parishioners of St. Hedwig’s Church and myself I would like to thank Mr. George Jaroszuk and his company Custom Construction Services for their great work on the renovation of our votive candles. Project is still in progress but we all can tell already that the church looks more bright and beautiful. Thank you for a completely positive experience, and please share our gratitude with your entire staff.

Fr. Peter


The first reading today continues the “history of salvation” narrative that we hear throughout Lent this year.

Today’s story was among the best-loved in the Jewish tradition (surely Joseph told the story to young Jesus as he formed him in the ways of their faith); the early fathers of the Church were very fond of it as a means of explaining the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. The overall tone of the first reading, psalm, and second reading seems a little incongruous with the dazzling Gospel, until we remember that the Transfiguration was placed as the Gospel for this Sunday precisely to remind us of the glory that awaits those who live faithfully and obediently to the will of God.

In the life of Jesus, it is a preview of the glory of his resurrection; for us it is a glimpse of the destiny of those who continue, as we heard in last week’s Gospel, to repent and believe in the Good News.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

CMA Campaign begins this weekend. Our assigned goal for this year is $29,000.

As One Family in Mission Creating Pathways to Faith, The Catholic Ministries Appeal addresses our most basic responsibilities as followers of Jesus Christ: to be His desciples, to evangelize one another and to be compassionate to those in need. The Appeal provides critical funding for ministries that form our youth and adults in faith, support religious freedom initiatives, promote the sanctity of life at all stages, provide guality education to our young peopee , feed the hungry and foster vocations to the priesthood and diaconate.

The Appeal also directly aids our parish. All funds raised between 80-100% of a parish goal are returned to parishes for their own programs, services and unique needs. Any monies raised over 100% of our goal, we receive 80% back. We hope you will join us in giving to the Catholic Ministries Appeal to the best of your ability.

In orger to reach our goal, we are asking all parishioners to make a gift. Every donation makes a difference to the ministries and programs CMA supports. Please think of our formation programs, religious education programs, our baptismal and RCIA programs, hospital ministry before making your gift.

I thank all who have already responded to the Appeal. For those wwho have not yet given, please return your gift or pledge by using the envelope that was send to you in the mail. God Bless you all.

Fr. Peter


AKTUALNOŚCI POLSKIEJ SZKOŁY Zajęcia Polskiej Szkoły Dokształcającej im. Św. Jadwigi we Floral Park odbywać się będą w soboty, w godz. 9:00-12.30 budynku Sali Parafialnej przy 309 Jericho Turnike. Przyjmowane są dzieci w wieku 4- 14 lat. Po szczegółowe informacje proszę dzwonić do Dyrektor Szkoły, Doroty Kaczmarzyk (516) 851- 0523.



Faith Formation classes

are held on Thursdays:

Grades 1-5 from 5:00 - 6:00pm Grades 6-8 from 6:15 - 7:15pm

Structure of the catechetical program:

1. Religion lessons in the remote learning system on the zoom platform. (additionally some assignments, homework and info will be placed on parish website, emial or google classroom)

2. Once a month Thursday Mass at 5:00pm - no zoom class at that day.

3. Sunday Mass and other devotions services.

BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Please send all bulletin requests to:

contact@sthedwig.church. The deadline for the bulletin is Monday at 11:00 AM.


You can text your parish keyword

011parishsthedwig To (516) 271-3338

Thank you for your support of our parish and please stay well

This is a difficult and unprecedented time for all of us. In an effort to assist Catholics everywhere, we are opening our doors to make

the FORMED platform free to everyone . Sign up today and get immediate access to the best Catholic movies, faith formation videos, audio talks, and great children's videos. www.formed.org/faithathome



Eternal rest grant unto Them,

O Lord and let perpetual lightshine upon Them. Amen.

Join Catholic Faith Network for the 2021 Telethon on Saturday, February 27th from 2-10pm and Sunday, February 28th from 12-10pm. This exciting weekend will feature guests from around the world, thrilling performances and inspirational interviews. CFN is available on your local cable providers as well as on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Android and the free CFN app. The Catholic Faith Network continues to be there for you during these challenging times and we ask that you help us continue in our mission. If you have capacity to give this year.

World Day of Prayer is celebrated on March 05, 2021.

The World Day of Prayer is an international ecumenical Christian laywomen’s initiative. It is run under the motto

“Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action,” and is celebrated annually in over 170 countries on the first Friday in March. The movement aims to bring together women of various races, cultures and traditions in a yearly common Day of Prayer, as well as in closer fellowship, understanding and action throughout the year.

Through the World Day of Prayer, women are encouraged to become aware of the other countries and cultures and no longer live in isolation. They are also encouraged take up the burdens of other people, to sympathize with the problems of other countries and cultures and pray with and for them. They are further encouraged to become aware of their talents and use them in the service of society. The World Day of Prayer aims to demonstrate that prayer and action are inseparable and that both have immeasurable influence in the world. The text "World Day of Prayer" has been taken from www.cute-calendar.com


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