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X X X X – 21.02.2019 2018/2019 K J A W


Academic year: 2021

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1. Test konkursowy zawiera 10 zadań. Są to zadania zamknięte i otwarte. Na ich rozwiązanie masz 90 minut. Sprawdź, czy test jest kompletny.

2. Zanim udzielisz odpowiedzi, uważnie przeczytaj treść zadania.

3. Wszystkie odpowiedzi czytelnie i wyraźnie wpisuj w wyznaczonych miejscach.

4. Przy rozwiązywaniu zadań zamkniętych wyboru wielokrotnego wybierz jedną, prawidłową odpowiedź i zaznacz ją krzyżykiem, np.:


Jeżeli się pomylisz i zechcesz wybrać inną odpowiedź, to złe zaznaczenie otocz kółkiem B , po czym skreśl właściwą literę, np.:


5. Test wypełniaj długopisem, nie używaj korektora, ołówka ani gumki. Nie komunikuj się z innymi uczestnikami konkursu.

6. Sprawdź wszystkie odpowiedzi przed oddaniem testu.

7. Nie podpisuj testu, zostanie on zakodowany.

8. Brudnopis, dołączony do testu, nie podlega ocenie.





Zadanie 1. (5 p.)

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Dokończ zdania 1-5, zaznaczając prawidłową odpowiedź A, B, C lub D zgodnie z treścią tekstu.

The Time Machine

Far away I heard a scream, and saw a thing like a huge white butterfly flying up into the sky and, circling, disappear over some low hills. The sound of its voice was so sad that it made me nervous. Looking round again, I saw that, quite near, what I had thought to be a red rock was moving slowly towards me. Then I saw the thing was really a monstrous crab-like creature.

Can you imagine a crab as large as a table, with its many legs moving slowly towards you, its eyes looking straight at you?

As I stared at this horrible creature, I felt a tickling on my cheek as though a fly had landed there. I tried to brush it away with my hand, but in a moment it returned, and almost immediately there came another by my ear. I struck at this, and caught something like a thin piece of wire. I turned, and I saw another monster crab just behind me. Its evil eyes were moving round and its mouth was ready to make me its dinner. In a moment my hand was on the lever of the time machine, and I had placed a month between myself and these monsters. But I was still on the same beach, and I saw them as soon as I stopped.

It was a terrible world I was in. The red eastern sky, the dead sea, the stony beach full of these giant monsters, the poisonous-looking green of the plants, the thin air that hurts my lungs.

Was this really the Earth? What had happened to the people, civilizations, my world? I moved on a hundred years, and there was the same red sun – a little larger, but not as bright, the same dying sea, the same cold air, and the same crabs walking among the green weeds and red rocks.

So I travelled, stopping every thousand years or more, watching with a strange fascination the sun grow larger and the life of the old earth die away. At last, more than thirty million years into the future, the huge red-hot sun filled nearly a tenth part of the skies. The crawling crabs had disappeared, and the red beach seemed lifeless.

I looked about me to see if any traces of animal life remained but I saw nothing moving, on earth or sky or sea. Only the green plants on the rocks showed that life was not quite yet extinct.

1. The scream the man heard A. was made by the crabs.

B. made the man feel anxious.

C. was what frightened the butterfly.

D. was made by the butterfly.

2. The feeling the man felt on his cheek was A. like a fly.

B. a crab.

C. an animal he couldn’t see.

D. a thin wire.


3. When the man visited the same place one hundred years later he noticed a difference in the A. size of the sun.

B. number of crabs.

C. colour of the plants.

D. temperature of the air.

4. On his final visit A. there were no crabs.

B. all life had become extinct.

C. the plants on the beach had disappeared.

D. the sun was only a tenth of the size that it had been.

5. In the text, the author

A. blames humans for the changes that happen to the Earth.

B. justifies his observations with scientific evidence.

C. proves that time travel is possible.

D. shocks readers by using vivid description.

Zadanie 2. (5 p.)

Przeczytaj zdania. Wpisz wyrazy, które mają takie samo znaczenie jak podkreślone wyrazy.

Każda kreska odpowiada jednej literze.

1. There’s a snowstorm in New York. b ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ d 2. There’s a nice gentle wind blowing along the coast. b ___ ___ ___ ___ e 3. It’s raining a little bit. d ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ g

4. The man admitted carrying out ten crimes. c ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ g 5. They let the hostages go after five days. r ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ d

Zadanie 3. (5 p.)

Uzupełnij każdą lukę w tekście jednym z podanych wyrazów. Trzy wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo. Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów.

expectancy diagnosis vitamins high-fat cure

obesity surgery pressure

A lot of people lead unhealthy lifestyles. They eat 1. ……… food with too much salt in it and 2. ……… is a real problem even among very young children. Some people drink too much or smoke and they never relax. Because of this, I believe that life 3. ………

could fall in some countries. The younger generations are not as healthy as their parents’ or grandparents’ generations. Doctors can 4. ……… many illnesses and we can have 5. ……… to remove fat but it is our responsibility to change the way we live.


Zadanie 4. (5 p.)

Przetłumacz wyrazy podane w nawiasach, tak aby powstał spójny, logiczny i poprawny pod względem gramatycznym dialog.

A: This anti-virus 1. ……… (oprogramowanie) doesn’t work anymore. I’m going to 2. ……… (odinstalować) it and download something else instead. Do you know which one is best?

B: This is a good one. It’s free but you have to 3. ……… (zarejestrować) it to get free updates.

A: You should tidy up your 4. ………. (pulpit). You’ve got too many 5. ……… (skrótów) on the screen. Make a folder, call it

‘Games’ then drag and drop all the icons into it. That way, the games will be easier to find.

Zadanie 5. (5 p.)

Uzupełnij tekst, zmieniając formę podanego wyrazu. Wpisany wyraz musi być poprawny pod względem leksykalnym, gramatycznym i ortograficznym.

Seven-year-olds fail test

A study by the National Foundation for Educational Research of 3 500 seven-year-old pupils shows an 1. ……… (IGNORE) of basic maths which is simply unbelievable. The results, which were published recently, show that one in seven children lack basic 2. ……… (KNOW) of maths and cannot even do simple multiplication, such as 6 x 6. The results also show that a 3. ……… (THREE) of the children in this age group cannot count up to 100. Moreover, only half of the children had any 4. ……… (UNDERSTAND) of the decimal system for money and only one in thirty could accurately read the temperature on a thermometer. Finally, only one in seven could say what the cost of three 50p loaves is. What is more, almost a quarter have not learnt to read with any 5. ……… (CONFIDE) and have problems with the alphabet; meanwhile another 25 % are unable to spell basic words.


Zadanie 6. (8 p.)

Z podanych możliwości A, B lub C wybierz i zaznacz prawidłowe uzupełnienie zdań poniższego tekstu.

1. Lena ……… that he wanted to join us for lunch.

A. asked B. said C. told

2. I told her ……… take it personally but she still got offended.

A. don’t B. to not C. not to

3. The teacher asked us ……… talking but most of us kept talking that’s why we didn’t hear the details of the trip.

A. to stop B. stop C. that we stop

4. X: Do you think we ……… all these leaflets by 5 o’clock today?

Y: I hope so.

A. will be delivering B. will have delivered C. are delivering 5. You will need ……… for your passport.

A. have a photograph take B. to have a photograph taken C. having a photograph took 6. X: Why didn’t Sam join us on Friday?

Y: He ……… his knee X-rayed.

A. is having B. was having C. will be having

7. Paul won’t be home for 1. ……… dinner this evening. He is going to 2. ……… cinema after 3. ……… work.

A. 1. a, 2. the, 3. the B. 1. –, 2. a, 3. the C. 1. –, 2. the, 3. –

8. All our tours have 1. ……… educational value and many have been specifically designed to comply with 2. ……… requirements of 3. ……… UK National Curriculum.

A. 1. –, 2. the, 3. the B. 1. an, 2. –, 3. the C. 1. the, 2. –, 3. –

Zadanie 7. (3 p.)

Każde z poniższych zdań zawiera błąd. Podkreśl błędy w zdaniach, a następnie napisz pełne, poprawne zdania.

1. Can you tell me is there an English lesson today?


2. I don’t know what does ‘sophisticated’ mean.


3. Nobody knows how much will the broken window cost.



Zadanie 8. (4 p.)

Przeczytaj tekst, następnie wszystkie podkreślone fragmenty zapisz po kolei w punktach 1-4 w formie pytań w mowie niezależnej (zacytuj je).

My last job interview was very stressful. The interviewer first asked me (1.) if I had ever worked before. Then she was interested in (2.) why I had left my previous job and how I had heard about that vacancy. She also wanted to know how I saw myself in 10 years’ time. I don’t quite understand why she asked (3.) if I was married. The next question, though, was the toughest – she wanted to know how much I expected to earn. I think she liked my answers because finally she wanted to know (4.) when I would be available to start working.

1. ………?

2. ………?

3. ………?

4. ………?

Zadanie 9. (5 p.)

Uzupełnij wpis na szkolnym blogu, tłumacząc zdania podane w nawiasach. Wykorzystaj wszystkie zapisane obok angielskie wyrazy. Nie zmieniaj formy tych wyrazów, pamiętając, że zostały one wymienione w przypadkowej kolejności. Tekst powinien być spójny, logiczny i poprawny gramatycznie.

First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who has helped with the school play.

1. ………...

(zarówno aktorzy, jak i obsługa pracowali bardzo ciężko; staff/the//have/both/the/hard) and everyone who made the costumes worked hard as well.

2. ……….………..

(chciałbym również podziękować wszystkim tym, którzy sprzedawali bilety;

thank/those/I/like/have/sold). This year 3. ………

……… (mieliśmy nawet większą publiczność niż w poprzednim roku; audience/larger/had/an/even), and except for Wednesday evening, every single seat was sold. This year the play ran for a week instead of for two days.

4. ………..

(nie mieliśmy dużo czasu na próby teatralne; time/did/lot), and yet the play was a great success. Personally, I feel that 5. ………

………. (powinniśmy pogratulować aktorom za ich wspaniały występ; wonderful/actors/performance/we/for/the/their). In conclusion, I’d like to give John Smith, the director, a special present from everyone at the school.


Zadanie 10. (5 p.)

Wykonaj poniższe polecenia.

I. Wpisz brakującą informację w zdaniach 1. i 2.

1. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, where a monarch is the head of state.

The Parliament and the elected government hold almost all real power. There is a principle describing this system: "the Queen reigns, but she does not ………...".

2. The US has two main political parties, the Democratic Party and the …………... Party.

II. Zdecyduj, czy zdania 3. i 4. są prawdziwe (True), czy fałszywe (False). Wstaw znak X w odpowiednią kratkę.

3. Virginia was the first permanent English colony in the North America and was named after Queen Elizabeth I.



4. Diana, Princess of Wales, the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales died in a car crash in

Paris in 1997.



III. Dokończ poniższe zdanie, zaznaczając A, B, C lub D.

5. The American Civil War began in A. 1776 and ended in 1783.

B. 1815 and ended in 1819.

C. 1861 and ended in 1865.

D. 1914 and ended in 1918.


Brudnopis (nie jest oceniany)


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