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Polityka imigracyjna Unii Europejskiej oraz swobodny przepływ pracowników. Ewolucja i teraźniejszość

W dokumencie NAJWYŻSZA IZBA KONTROLI (Stron 169-176)

Maciej Duszczyk, Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR, Warszawa 2011, s. 249.

Książka jest próbą monograficznego opisu znaczącego i zarazem drażliwego prob-lemu Unii Europejskiej, jakim są migracje ludności spoza Unii oraz wewnątrz jej obszaru. Wejście w życie traktatu lizbońskiego zbudowało nową podstawę prawną wspólnej polityki imigracyjnej i otworzyło rynki państw Wspólnoty dla pracowni-ków z innych krajów członkowskich. Dwa pierwsze rozdziały pracy przedstawiają teorie i podstawowe pojęcia związane z imigracją oraz historię kształtowania się europejskiej polityki imigracyjnej. Trzeci dotyczy tzw. imigracji wewnętrznej, czy-li swobodnego przepływu pracowników między krajami stowarzyszonymi. Kolejne części odnoszą się do legalnej i nielegalnej imigracji spoza UE oraz wypracowy-wanych przez Wspólnotę metod ich kontrolowania za pomocą polityki wizowej, azylowej czy kontroli granic. Poruszone są też kwestie działania Unii Europejskiej w zakresie polityki integracyjnej oraz łączenia rodzin. Dwa załączniki zawierają Traktat o funkcjonowaniu UE oraz Program sztokholmski, obowiązujący w latach 2009–2014.

sygnały o książkach




ANDRZEJ SZPOR: Management Control Versus Mediation

in the Public Administration 8

Since management control was introduced to the act on public finances, a discussion has been held on the issue, also in this periodical. This regulation, which seems to be rather unclear, causes fears that management control, if misinterpreted and wrongly implemented in the administrative practice, may become a barrier to modernisation, especially with regard to opportunities to popularise a new attitude to conflicts in the public administration. The author of the article discusses the contemporary theory of resolving conflicts and a simplified model of its application in the management practice, and then he presents management control in this light.

MICHAŁ MISTYGACZ: Judicial Control of the Constitutionality

of the Law 29

In the majority of the continental Europe countries, judicial control of the constitutionality of the law is exercised by a special body of the judicial branch – the constitutional court, which in Poland is the Constitutional Tribunal. The Tribunal is an autonomous state body, independent of the legislative and executive branches. It examines whether legal acts, international agreements and other normative acts are compliant with the Constitution of Poland, it examines constitutional complaints, whether the objectives and activities of political parties are compliant with the Constitution; it settles competence disputes among central state bodies and gives a decision as for obstacles of the President of Poland to perform duties. The author presents the specifics of the Tribunal and the evolution of its role after political transformations in Poland. He also discusses the mandate of the Tribunal and the nature of its decisions.

DARIUSZ JURCZUK, JACEK MAZUR: Preventing Irregularities in EU Funds Spending – the NIK’s Role, Tasks and Results of its Activity 45 Every year, the Supreme Audit Office of Poland (NIK) conducts from 10 to 15 audits in selected areas of the management and utilisation of EU funds, and other areas related to Poland’s membership in the European Union. The objective of the NIK is to detect irregularities and to present systemic solutions to improve the process of EU funds spending. The NIK strives to audit the majority of EU funds spent in Poland and programmes financed with these funds. On the basis of the NIK’s audits performed in these areas over the last four years, the authors of the article present the mechanism of the NIK’s activity, as well as examples of irregularities disclosed and audit results.


MARIA M. GOSTYŃSKA: Transplantations of Organs, Tissues and Cells 58 NIK has carried out an audit of the system for the organisation and financing of transplantations of organs, tissues and cells. The objective of the audit was to assess the procedures related to transplantations and their availability, as well as to assess the results of the

National Programme for the Development of Transplantation Medicine for the Years 2006-2009 – Polgraft”. The audit has also examined the supervision of the minister of health and other competent entities over the implementation of those procedures. The article presents in detail the findings of this audit.


Audit Results Published in August and September 2011 – ed. 71

State and Society


WIESŁAW JASIŃSKI: The Rules for Counteracting Money Laundering

and Corruption among Politically Exposed Persons 73 As long as corruption is related to persons that head public administration and politicians who take the most important decisions, it may become yet a bigger social and economic threat. Significant impact of these people on corruption spreading has become the centre of attention of numerous international organisations which, since mid-2000, have been using a common term to denote them, namely ‘politically exposed persons’, or PEP. The article presents the scope of the definition of PEP and increased financial security measures used in relation to them in the Polish law, as well as the main aspects of corruption activities of such persons and ways of money laundering that they use.



Correlations of Nature Protection and Forest Management 93 While analysing the problem delineated in this way, the authors of the article refer to selected elements of the nature protection law in forests, focusing attention on the axiological aspect of legal norms related to nature protection and forest management. They define the position of these regulations in the environment protection law system, and on this basis present legal and axiological relations between them. They also pay attention to instruments that provide for protection of forest resources and to special natural values of these resources. At the same time, the authors present imperfections of the binding national legal regulations in the field of nature protection and forest management.

WOJCIECH SZYDŁO: Appointment of a Supervisory Board Member

of a Company to a Board of another Entity of the Same Capital Group 109 The article presents detailed regulations related to opportunities for limiting the accumulation of the function of a supervisory board member of a joint-stock company in other entities. They are mainly related to persons who perform public functions and to companies with the share of the State Treasury. The author emphasises that the binding regulations lack a general principle that would ban a joint-stock company supervisory board member from being appointed to the board of another company within the same capital group. He also indicates consequences that such practices have for their performance.

PAWEŁ WIECZOREK: Dispute about Nuclear Energy in Poland 126 The government’s intentions to construct nuclear power plants in Poland are frequently regarded as a risky move, which will not only fail to solve the problems of the Polish power industry, but can threat the perspectives of other energy sources as well. After the explosion in the Fukushima nuclear plant, fears have also aroused as for the safety of such plants. The author of the article presents the arguments of both supporters and opponents of nuclear energy, and refers to the government’s plans and the needs of the economy in the area.

International Cooperation


JACEK MAZUR: Meeting of the Heads of the SAIs of the Visegrad Group 146 For more than ten years, the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of the countries of the Visegrad Group (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia), as well as Austria and Slovenia have been collaborating closely and on a regular basis. Annual meetings of the Heads of these SAIs allow for discussing many important issues and sharing good practices applied in their institutions. At this year’s meeting, held on 22-23 September in Luhačovice, the Czech Republic, the participants discussed, among others, the use


of IT tools in SAIs’ activities, elaboration of overall reports on EU funds management, auditing of EU trans-border cooperation programmes, and the most important topics to be discussed at the upcoming meeting of the Heads of the SAIs of the European Union.

ZBYSŁAW DOBROWOLSKI: Meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group

on the Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering 152 At the fifth meeting of the Working Group, in the works of which the NIK actively participates, draft guidelines on enhancing integrity, transparency, accountability and good governance for public assets were approved and the decision was taken to elaborate their final version. The draft was presented by a representative of the NIK, as the NIK was the leader of the group tasked with developing the guidelines. At the meeting, the participants also dealt with the Group’s work plan, adopted at its previous meeting. Moreover, SAIs were also appointed to be responsible for the implementation of individual tasks of the plan.

ZDZISŁAW KASZUBA: Spanish Experience in Public-Private Partnership 156 The author of the article reports on the study visit to Madrid, organised by the Ministry of Economy for representatives of various Polish institutions and bodies, whose aim was to get acquainted with Spanish experience in projects realised within public-private partnership (PPP). The author also discusses Spanish legal regulations in the field, the origins of PPP, business models applied within PPP and examples of projects. He also quotes opinions of, for instance, representatives of Spanish audit institutions on advantages of this model and on threats that it poses.

NIK in Brief


New Vice-Presidents; NIK – an Environmentally-Friendly Office – ed. 163



CZESŁAWA RUDZKA-LORENTZ:20th Anniversary of the Death

of Walerian Pańko 165

On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Death of Walerian Pańko, the First President of the NIK after the Political Transformations of 1980s.

Notes About New Books




„Kontrola Państwowa” znajduje się na liście wybranych czasopism Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego. Zgodnie z komunikatem ministra nr 16 z 21 czerwca 2010 r. w sprawie zmiany liczby punktów dla czasopism naukowych za artykuł naukowy wydrukowany w naszym dwumiesięcz-niku autor otrzymuje 9 punktów. Jest to maksymalna liczba możliwa do uzyskania w piśmie nieposiadającym IF (impact factor), który jest publikowany w Journal Citation Report.

Zasady publikowania w „Kontroli Państwowej”

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Dane sprzedawcy:

1. Nazwa firmy: Najwyższa Izba Kontroli, Redakcja „Kontroli Państwowej”

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W dokumencie NAJWYŻSZA IZBA KONTROLI (Stron 169-176)