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Ustawa o lasach. Komentarz

W dokumencie NAJWYŻSZA IZBA KONTROLI (Stron 141-148)

Bartosz Rakoczy, Lex a Wolters Kluwer Business, Warszawa 2011, s. 274.

Jakkolwiek powszechnie wzrasta zainteresowanie problematyką gospodarki leśnej oraz lasami jako dobrem przyrodniczym i cywilizacyjnym, na rynku wydawni-czym brakuje specjalistycznej literatury prawniczej na ten temat. Prezentowana publikacja w pewnej części wypełnia zapotrzebowanie. Autor wyjaśnił znaczenie poszczególnych przepisów ustawy, eksponując w komentarzu trzy wątki: cywi-listyczny (ze zwróceniem uwagi na pojęcie i własność lasu), wartości przyrodni-czej lasów i ich ochrony oraz gospodarczego wykorzystania. Praca może służyć szerokiemu gronu odbiorców – zarówno praktykom profesjonalnie związanym z problematyką leśną, jak i naukowcom, studentom oraz funkcjonariuszom wy-miaru sprawiedliwości.




Work Plan of the Supreme Audit Office (NIK) for 2011:


This year’s plan comprises both state budget audits, on the basis of which, as set out in the Constitution of Poland, the President of the NIK presents to the Polish Parliament the analysis of the execution of the state budget and monetary policy guidelines, as well as audits performed on the NIK’s initiative. The latter are planned in accordance with the priority audit directions and audit areas. The year 2011 is the last year of the period in which the NIK has focused on the following priorities:

“Efficient and Citizen-friendly State”, “Cost-efficient Governance of Public Assets”

and “Poland in the European Union”. These issues will be examined within as many as 85 audits.

MARCIN TRZEBIATOWSKI:Polish as the Official Language of the NIK’s

Audit Work 36

According to constitutional and legal provisions, Polish is the official language. The NIK attaches substantial weight to compliance with these provisions, and the binding Act on the Polish language is the outcome of the NIK’s findings. However, in the activities of public institutions, the number of cases when official tasks are performed in a foreign language has been increasing. Such practices make NIK auditors refuse to perform their duties with regard to documents written in foreign languages without translations. The author of the article analyses the provisions and judicature in the field, and explains, by giving examples, the rightness of such an attitude. He also analyses situations in which application of the said norms is difficult in practice, and proposes changes in the legislation in this area.

WANDA PEŁKA:Problems in the Activity of State Investment Funds 55 The aim of the article is to present public assets funds, which are established with allotted currency reserves, as global capital investors. The author presents their specificity, their growing position on financial markets, including the role they played at the time of the crisis, as well as the importance of these funds to the Polish economy. She also puts questions about the transparency of their functioning and about the supervision of their activity.

LESZEK KORCZAK: Accounting for Compensations for Toll-free Use

of Motorways 71

The NIK has carried out the audit on the functioning of the system of compensations paid from the National Road Fund (Krajowy Fundusz Drogowy) to owners of motorway licences for toll-free use of motorways by vehicles with toll stickers. The aim of the audit was to check the compliance of settlements in this area. It was also meant to assess the activities undertaken by the Minister of Infrastructure and the Director General of National Roads and Motorways with regard to protection of the State Treasury’s interests in agreements on construction and the use of the A1, A2 and A4 motorways. The article presents the most important findings of the audit and conclusions made by the NIK on the basis of these findings.


Audit Results Published in January 2011 – ed. 81

This section presents basic information on recently published results of audits performed by the NIK. This issue comprises audits related to such subjects as, among others: flats for poor people, implementation of IT solutions in the Treasury Ministry, unions of municipalities, the governmental programme called My Sports Fields – Orlik 2012 and national parks.

State and Society


MAGDALENA TABERNACKA:Conditions for Legality of Local Plans 82 The Polish legal system provides for various tools for verification of spatial development local plans with regard to legality within the supervision performed in accordance with the Act on local self-governments, within the prosecutor’s control, within the administrative court’s control and within activities performed by the NIK.

The article presents the conditions for legality of a local plan: the legal provision on including obligatory financial requirements, the rules for including those facultative,

providing the compliance of a local plan with the study on spatial development, as well as the procedures for establishing such a plan. It also discusses, on the basis of examples, consequences of exceeding local planning authority and consequences of adopting an illegal plan.

MARCIN SZYMAŃSKI:Institutional System for Implementation

of European Funds 100

The solutions for realisation of programmes implemented in the years 2007–2013 are based, in the first place, on previous experience, but they also take into account the volume of funds allocated to Poland – over EUR 67 billion, and the nature of individual programmes. Moreover, they consider the NIK’s recommendations that were summarised in the overall report on the audit of the use of funds from the European Communities’ budget within the cohesion policy. The article comprises a thorough presentation of the European Funds implementation system, taking account of national solutions and focusing on management and control systems.

International Cooperation


JACEK MAZUR:Will Politicians Agree on an Apolitical SAI Head? 113 Eugene L. Dodaro has been appointed the new Head of the SAI of the United States, the Government Accountability Office (GAO). For the first time in the 90-year-long history of the American SAI, the position of the Comptroller General will be held by an employee of the SAI, and not by a politician or another person from outside the GAO. The story of his appointment shows, however, that it is not an easy thing for politicians to accept an apolitical Head of the SAI.

EWA MIĘKINA:Meeting of Liaison Officers of the Supreme Audit

Institutions of the European Union 118

The latest meeting of Liaison Officers was organised in Luxembourg and it gathered Liaison Officers of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) from 26 European Union member states and the European Court of Auditors (ECA) which chaired the meeting. Besides, among the participants in the meeting there were Liaison Officers of the SAIs of the countries that are candidates or potential candidates to the EU. The meeting focused on issues related to auditing of the EU finances, new organisation of works of Liaison Officers and the new approach to preparation and chairing of Contact Committee meetings.

NIK in Brief

123 Tribute to Lech Kaczyński; Preparations for Changes at the NIK;

A Guest from the Netherlands – ed. 123

The Supreme Audit Office has been preparing for changes stemming from the provisions of the amended Act on the NIK, to be in force from 1 June 2011. The management of the NIK listened to the experience of Mrs Saskia Stuiveling, the President of the Netherlands Court of Audit, with regard to changes she had introduced in her office. While on 7 February, the NIK had the 92nd anniversary of its establishment, which was this year celebrated in a special way by its management and employees. More information on the anniversary is available in the section dedicated to the NIK’s most important events.

Letters, Polemics


RYSZARD SZOSTAK:Once Again on Management Control 129

The author of the article entitled Management Control in Public Finance Sector Units – an Overall Description, published in the 5/2010 issue of “Kontrola Państwowa”, reacts to the comments of the polemicist who, in the following issue, presented a different interpretation of the notion of “management control” and another interpretation of the changes introduced in the Act on public finance of 2009.



WOJCIECH J. KATNER:Friendship has Survived...

Tribute to Doctor Jan Dziadoń 132

A tribute to the late Jan Dziadoń, the director of the NIK Regional Branch in Kraków, by Wojciech Katner, a judge of the Supreme Court and Vice-President of the NIK in the years 1992–1997.

JACEK PURCHLA:Tribute to my Friend Jan Dziadoń 136

Memories about the life and achievements of the head of the NIK Regional Branch in Kraków, presented by famous culture animator, the founder and director of the International Culture Centre in Kraków and the former Vice-President of the Kraków.

Notes About New Books


wyższego. Zgodnie z komunikatem ministra nr 16 z 21 czerwca 2010 r., w sprawie zmiany liczby punktów dla czasopism naukowych, za artykuł naukowy wydrukowany w naszym dwumiesięcz-niku autor otrzymuje 9 punktów. Jest to maksymalna liczba możliwa do uzyskania w piśmie nieposiadającym IF (impact factor), który jest publikowany w Journal Citation Report.

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