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Metadane karty pracy ucznia


Academic year: 2022

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Metadane karty pracy ucznia ID (wypełnia redakcja)

Tytuł Be in safe hands (Idioms 3)

Przedmiot nauczania Język angielski

Autor (imię i nazwisko) Aleksandra Kazimierczyk Adres (ulica, nr domu) ul. Omulewska 14/4 Kod pocztowy, miejscowość 04-128 Warszawa Login autora w Scholaris olakazimierczyk

Abstrakt Karta pracy ucznia będąca dodatkiem do scenariusza

przygotowanego do realizacji w trakcie 45-minutowej lekcji, której celem jest zapoznanie uczniów ze zwrotami

urozmaicającymi wypowiedzi pisemne i ustne, czyli z idiomami. Trzecia lekcja z tego cyklu ma za zadanie

przedstawić uczniom zestawy idiomów, zawierających w sobie słowo „hand”. Uczniowie zapoznają się ze znaczeniami idiomów, uczą się stosować te wyrażenia.

Wydawca OSI CompuTrain

Źródło Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms

Odnośniki scenariusz, szablon do pracy z uczniem

Etap edukacyjny Liceum

Informacje o prawach (wypełnia redakcja)

Słowa kluczowe idiomy, idioms, słownictwo, hand UDC (wypełnia redakcja)

Przybliżony czas trwania zajęć (dotyczy scenariuszy, kart pracy, testów, prezentacji)

45 minut

Uwagi Jest to trzeci z serii siedmiu scenariuszy lekcji opartych na praktycznej nauce angielskich idiomów.


KARTA PRACY UCZNIA – Be in safe hands (Idioms 3)

Ex. 1 Work in pairs. Match the idioms with their explanations.

all hands on deck something that you say when everyone's help is needed, especially to do a lot of work in a short amount of time

an iron fist/hand in a velvet glove

someone who seems to be gentle but is in fact severe and firm

an old hand someone who has done a

particular job or activity for a long time and who can do it very well

be in someone's hands to be dealt with or controlled by someone

be in safe hands to be being looked after by someone who can be trusted

A bird in the hand (is worth two in the bush)

it is better to keep what you have than to risk losing it by trying to get something better

The devil finds work for idle hands

people who have no work or activity are more likely to do things they should not do, such as commit crimes


give someone a free hand to allow someone to do

whatever they think is necessary in a particular situation

have blood on your hands to be responsible for someone's death

put your hand in your pocket

to give money to charity (=

organizations that collect

money to give to poor people, ill people etc.)

Ex. 2 Choose one answer to fill the sentence with correct idiom.

1. Don’t worry. Your children will ________ with us. We have well-qualified teachers and psychologists in our school.

a. be in safe hands b. be an old hand c. have the blood on their hands 2. They’re going to be here in an hour. We have to clean and decorate the house so

it’s ______________.

a. an old hand b. all hands on deck c. an iron hand in a velvet glove

3. This sound producer is ___________. He is the best in the country so you can be sure that the concert will go fine.

a. an old hand b. in safe hands c. in your hands 4. I’m ___________ to do whatever you decide. From now you’re the chief.

a. in your hands b. a bird in the hand c. giving you a free hand 5. Nowadays, more and more public people __________ to help children from poor


a. put their hand in their pockets b. have the blood on their hands c. are in safe hands

6. She runs the town with ______________ – in a firm but gentle way.

a. an iron hand in a velvet glove b. all hands on deck c. a bird in the hand

7. The leaders of this war ________ of many thousands of people _______ . a. giving you/a free hand b. have the blood/on their hands c. put their hand/in their pockets

8. Your health is __________. So take care of yourself!


a. the devil finds work for idle hands b. in your hands c. an old hand

9. If we do not stay as busy working as we should, we may have entirely too much leisure. And as the old proverb says, “___________________.”

a. The devil finds work for idle hands b. all hands on deck c. be in safe hands 10. If I were you I wouldn’t quit that job. I know that you hate your boss but


a. all hands on deck b. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush c. the devil finds work for idle hands

Aleksandra Kazimierczyk Nauczyciel języka angielskiego British School



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