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Metadane karty pracy ucznia


Academic year: 2022

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Metadane karty pracy ucznia ID (wypełnia redakcja)

Tytuł Be a pain in the neck (Idioms 1)

Przedmiot nauczania Język angielski

Autor (imię i nazwisko) Aleksandra Kazimierczyk Adres (ulica, nr domu) ul. Omulewska 14/4 Kod pocztowy, miejscowość 04-128 Warszawa Login autora w Scholaris olakazimierczyk

Abstrakt Karta pracy ucznia będąca dodatkiem do scenariusza przygotowanego do realizacji w trakcie 45-minutowej lekcji, której celem jest zapoznanie uczniów ze zwrotami urozmaicającymi wypowiedzi pisemne i ustne, czyli z idiomami. Pierwsza lekcja z tego cyklu ma za zadanie przedstawić uczniom zestawy idiomów, zawierających w sobie słowo „neck” oraz „eye”. Uczniowie zapoznają się ze znaczeniami idiomów, uczą się stosować te wyrażenia.

Wydawca OSI CompuTrain


Odnośniki scenariusz, szablon do pracy z uczniem

Etap edukacyjny liceum

Informacje o prawach (wypełnia redakcja)

Słowa kluczowe idiomy, idioms, słownictwo, neck, eye, UDC (wypełnia redakcja)

Przybliżony czas trwania zajęć (dotyczy scenariuszy, kart pracy, testów, prezentacji)

45 minut

Uwagi Jest to pierwszy z serii siedmiu scenariuszy lekcji opartych na praktycznej nauce angielskich idiomów.


KARTA PRACY UCZNIA – Be a pain in the neck (Idioms 1)


Ex. 1 Work in pairs. Match the idioms with their explanations.

be a pain in the neck (informal)

to be very annoying

be dead from the neck up (humorous)

to be very stupid

breathe down someone's neck

to pay very close attention to what someone does in a way that annoys or worries them

get it in the neck (British & Australian, informal)

to be punished or criticized for

something that you have done

have the brass (neck) to do something (British, informal, American & Australian, very informal!)

to have the confidence to do

something that is rude or shows a lack of respect, without caring whether people approve

I'll wring your neck! (informal)

something that you say when you are very angry with someone

neck and neck

describes a situation when two people who are competing are very close and either of them could win

risk your neck

to do something very dangerous

save someone's neck

to prevent something bad from

happening to someone


stick your neck out

to give an opinion which other people may not like or which other people are frightened to give


Ex. 1 Work in pairs. Match the idioms with their explanations.

dry-eyed without crying; not crying in a

situation when one usually does

to have an eagle eye to be good at noticing small details because they watch things very carefully

an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth)

if someone does something wrong, they should be punished by having the same thing done to them

the apple of someone's eye the person who someone loves most and is very proud of

be easy on the eye to have an attractive appearance

be in the eye of the storm to be very much involved in an argument or problem that affects a lot of people

be in the public eye to be famous and are written about in newspapers and magazines and seen on television


can't take/keep your eyes off someone/something

to be unable to stop looking at somebody because he is so attractive or interesting

cry your eyes out (informal) to cry a lot and for a long time


Ex. 2. Look at the list of idioms. Watch other group’s presentations and write the explanation for each idiom.


– ________________________________________

cry your eyes out (informal) -


an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth)

– _________________________

the apple of someone's eye

– ________________________________________

be easy on the eye

– ________________________________________

be in the eye of the storm

– ________________________________________

be in the public eye -


can't take/keep your eyes off someone/something

– ____________________________________________________________________

to have an eagle eye -



Ex. 2. Look at the list of idioms. Watch other group’s presentations and write the explanation for each idiom.


stick your neck out – ___________________________________________

be dead from the neck up (humorous) – ___________________________________

breathe down someone's neck – ________________________________________

get it in the neck (British & Australian, informal) – ____________________________

have the brass (neck) to do something (British, American & Australian, very informal!) – ______________________________________________________________

I'll wring your neck! (informal) – ___________________________________________

neck and neck – ___________________________________________

risk your neck – ___________________________________________

save someone's neck – ___________________________________________

be a pain in the neck (informal) – _________________________________________

Aleksandra Kazimierczyk Nauczyciel języka angielskiego British School



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