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III ETAP WOJEWÓDZKI 20 lutego 2015

Ważne informacje:

1. Masz 120 minut na rozwiązanie wszystkich zadań.

2. Pisz długopisem lub piórem, nie używaj ołówka ani korektora. Jeżeli się pomylisz, przekreśl błąd i napisz odpowiedź ponownie.

3. Pisz czytelnie i zamieszczaj odpowiedzi w miejscu na to przeznaczonym. Pamiętaj, że zapisy w brudnopisie nie podlegają ocenie.

Życzymy powodzenia!

Maksymalna liczba punktów 50 100%

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Podpis osoby sprawdzającej


Zadanie 1. (6 pkt)

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie recenzję płyty. Zaznacz znakiem X w tabeli, które zdania (1-4) są zgodne z treścią nagrania (T – True), które są niezgodne (F – False) oraz które zawierają informacje niepodane w tekście nagrania (NI – No Information). Następnie uzupełnij lukę 6 zgodnie z treścią nagrania.


1. Kate Moss was taken aback by George Michael’s visit.

2. At the time when Kate Moss was a child George Michael was a popular artist.

3. Only when Kate heard George Michael singing did she know that she would love the song.

4. Kate preferred to be alone in the room while listening to George Michael’s new album.

5. Kate’s husband compares George’s voice to other artists to show he is better than they are.

The features of George Michael’s voice that Kate Moss finds moving are:

6. ... .


Zadanie 2. (4 pkt)

Przeczytaj tekst. Do każdej luki (1-4) dopasuj właściwe zdanie (A-G). Wpisz odpowiednią literę obok numeru każdej luki. Trzy zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.


There is a fascinating story about the American Abstract Expressionist painter Mark Rothko.

In 1966, he visited an exhibition of work by the 19th-century British landscape painter JMW Turner at the museum in New York. 1. _____ “This man Turner,” he reportedly said afterwards, “he learned a lot from me.”

Given that Turner had died more than a century earlier, what did Rothko mean? The answer is simple and fairly obvious nowadays. 2. _____ And it can be easily noticed in his works Last week, I saw a major new exhibition at Tate Britain in London devoted to the final phase of Turner’s career. Traditionally, this period is known as the moment when Turner’s painting became more vigorous, intense and liberated than ever before. 3. _____ The Tate’s galleries are filled with the artist’s stunning, effortlessly incandescent oil paintings.

Unsurprisingly, given how radical they still seem today, these paintings were widely misunderstood by many of Turner’s contemporaries. 4. _____ Even his doctor, the surgeon Anthony Carlisle, was fond of expressing a widely held belief: “The age of Sixty may, in general, be fixed upon as the commencement of Senility.”

Yet the airy, insubstantial quality of Turner’s late style is precisely what endeared him to modern artists.

Adapted from: http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20140915-how-turner-set-painting-free

A. Turner was an important forerunner of modern art.

B. “Turner has always been a key figure for me,” he admits.

C. Walking through the show, he was struck by the similarity of Turner’s paintings to his own art.

D. They assumed his late paintings were evidence of artistic decline, commensurate with his age.

E. His bravura performances, applying dramatic finishing touches to his paintings once they were in the gallery became the stuff of legend.

F. This is implied by the title of the Tate’s exhibition, Late Turner: Painting Set Free.

G. To coincide with the new exhibition, Tate Britain is also showing, a series of works (inspired by a different Turner painting) the Danish artists.


Zadanie 3. (5 pkt)

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Zdecyduj, które zdania (1-3) są zgodne z treścią tekstu (T – True), które są niezgodne (F – False) oraz które zawierają informacje niepodane w tekście (NI – No Information). Następnie znajdź w tekście wyrazy i wyrażenia, które odpowiadają definicjom podanym w punktach 4-9.


The former owner of a painting sold for £42,000 is suing Sotheby's after it was later claimed as a £10 million Caravaggio.

Lancelot Thwaytes, who inherited the painting bought by his ancestor for £140 in 1962, sold it at the auction house on the basis that it was a copy. Believing that the work had been exhaustively researched and was definitely not by Caravaggio, Mr Thwaytes decided to sell it through Sotheby's.

The auction house assessed the work as being by an unknown follower of the Old Master. The attribution read: “In our opinion a work by a painter working in the artist’s style, contemporary to him, but not necessarily his pupil.”

The picture fetched a hammer price of £42,000 in September 2006. Soon afterwards, its buyer, the renowned art collector and historian Sir Denis Mahon, valued the work, entitled The Cardsharps, as a genuine Caravaggio worth £10 million, using the occasion of his 97th birthday to unveil the assessment.

Now Mr Thwaytes claims the auction house failed to carry out proper tests on the painting, saying they did not fulfill their professional duties. Sotheby’s maintains the painting is not a genuine Caravaggio and that it is “clearly inferior” in quality to the master’s true works. In documents now submitted to the High Court hearing, Mr Thwaytes' lawyers criticises the auction house for negligence and claims they failed to carry out proper tests and consult experts. Sotheby’s denies any accusation of

“negligence, causation and loss”, insisting its experts assessed the painting correctly and that “all due skill and diligence” was applied. It will argue the painting is “clearly” a replica, citing a range of Caravaggio scholars who support its view. A spokesman for Sotheby's said: “The catalogue in which the painting was included was distributed among the world’s leading curators, art historians, collectors and dealers – had they deemed the attribution different to that given in the catalogue, the final selling price would doubtless have reflected that.”

Sir Denis, who believed the painting was a genuine Caravaggio, died in 2011, bequeathing part of his vast collection to the nation including, among others, nearly 60 important Italian Baroque masterpieces.


The painting in question is currently on display at the Museum of the Order of St John and is insured for £10m. The hearing, which is expected to last three weeks, continues.

Adapted from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/art/art-news/11190852/Man-who-sold-painting-for-42000- sues-auction-house-after-it-was-later-claimed-as-10m-Caravaggio.html


1. Sotheby’s claims that the painting is by a contemporary artist.

2. Mr Thwaytes maintains that Sotheby's failed in its duty to research the painting in an appropriate way.

3. Sir Denis Mahon passed the disputed painting to the nation.

4. thoroughly and completely, including everything ...

5. the act of saying or thinking that something is the work of a particular person


6. to show or tell people about a new product or plan for the first time


7. of lower rank or value ...

8. work done carefully and with a lot of effort ...

9. to officially arrange for someone who comes after you or lives after you to have something that you own



Zadanie 4. (3 pkt)

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1-8) jednym wyrazem, tak aby otrzymać spójny i poprawny językowo tekst. Wymagana jest całkowita poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych słów.

ADELE AND RIHANNA SCORE UK'S LATEST MILLION SELLING SINGLES 1. ____________ to the Official Charts Company’s sales data, Adele’s Rolling In The Deep and Rihanna’s Diamonds have now 2. ____________ sold over a million copies in the UK.

Rolling In The Deep and Diamonds have become only the 144th and 145th singles to reach this sales milestone, respectively, 3. ____________ the Official Singles Chart began in 1952.

The news comes just a week after Pharrell Williams scored his third million-selling single in 4. ____________ than twelve months with Happy.

Rolling In The Deep was the lead single from the London-born star’s mega-selling second album, 21. The track peaked 5. ____________ Number 2 in the Official Singles Chart, while 21 has gone on to become the UK’s fourth biggest selling album of all-time, with sales 6. ____________ excess of 4.6 million copies.

Meanwhile, Diamonds 7. ____________ become the fourth track Rihanna has featured in to sell over a million copies in the UK. Her previous million-sellers 8. ____________ We Found Love (2011), Love The Way You Lie with Eminem (2010) and Only Girl In The World (2010).

Adapted from: http://www.officialcharts.com/chart-news/adele-and-rihanna-score-million-selling-singles-2801/

Zadanie 5. (6 pkt)

Uzupełnij każde z poniższych zdań jednym pasującym słowem. Wymagana jest całkowita poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych słów. Liczba kresek odpowiada liczbie brakujących liter w słowie, a niektóre litery zostały już podane.

1. In the __ __ __ f__ __ __ , the author explains why he wrote the book, adding that it took him five years to complete it.

2. Although his art career s __ __ __ __ __ __ a period of over seven decades, Pablo Picasso is most known for his introduction of cubism.

3. Francis Wadsworth apparently d __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ an early interest in art, and he briefly attended the Art Institute’s school as a youth.


4. When we arrived at the cinema the u __ __ __ __ helped us, and we promptly found our seats.

5. I’m keen on __ __ n __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ art – artists living today and their works appeal to me much more than classic masterpieces.

6. The artist is going to __ __ l __ __ __ __ her second album at the end of April.

Zadanie 6. (6 pkt)

Uzupełnij luki odpowiednią formą wyrazu utworzonego od słowa podanego pod każdym zdaniem (1-6). Wymagana jest całkowita poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

1. Most of the porcelain that was destroyed during transportation is ______________________ – nothing will ever be as meaningful for our collection.


2. To my mind, no one has displayed such incredible __________________________ as Pablo Picasso has in the history of art.

VERSATILE 3. He is a great comic. No wonder that the audience always applauses him _______________.

JOY 4. The agent told the writer to __________________________ the story for young readers.


5. She made an __________________________ attempt to find fame on the stage and had to return to selling used cars.


6. In our first sculpture lesson, the teacher told us to __________________________ everything we had learned so far and start again.



Zadanie 7. (10 pkt)

Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego (1–10). Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.

Uwaga: nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 5 wyrazów, wliczając w to wyraz już podany.

1. “I can spot anyone who isn’t standing at my concerts”, said Kanye West to the crowd.


Kanye West boasted ________________________________________________ spot anyone who wasn’t standing at his concerts.

2. I wish I had stayed at home instead of going to the art gallery.


I would ________________________________________________ to the art gallery.

3. I had no expectations that this was to be the turning point of my artistic career.


Little ________________________________________________ that this was to be the turning point of my artistic career.

4. Nowadays, celebrities are always recognised whenever they appear.


Nowadays celebrities ________________________________________________ whenever they appear.

5. You have done so much work – I’m sure you will play brilliantly at the concert.


You have done so much work – you ______________________________________________

at the concert.

6. String instruments such as the viola and double bass look the same to her.


She ________________________________________________ between string instruments such as the viola and double bass.


7. “Is this your violin, Madam?” the customs officer asked me.


The customs officer asked me if ________________________________________________ .

8. Even though she tried hard, she was not able to finish the novel.


In ________________________________________________ , she was not able to finish the novel.

9. I have always admired graffiti painters for their courage and determination in creating their art.


I _____________________________________________ for their courage and determination in creating their art.

10. As soon as the pianist stopped playing, I started to cry silently.


Hardly _____________________________________________ when I started to cry silently.

Zadanie 8. (10 pkt)

Odpowiedz na pytania w języku angielskim. Wymagana jest poprawność merytoryczna i gramatyczna odpowiedzi.

1. Where is MOMA located? What is its connection with culture?







2. What is Vivienne Westwood famous for? What country does she come from?





3. Which city does the Notting Hill Festival take place in? What is it well known for?





4. What is the Globe? Who is it associated with?





5. What are Grammy Awards given for? What country does the ceremony take place in?








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