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Proceedings of the 30th Anniversary Commemorative Research Study Compilation, Japan Institute of Navigation, 1978 (summary)


Academic year: 2021

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Japan Institute of Navigation





The Institute wishes lo express sincere appreciation to the Japan Maritime Foundation, certain shipping companies and reiated maritime corporations, for their financial support o f this publication; and to thank Mr. James 0 . Dirden for his w o r k in the editing o f the studies in this compilation.

Copynglit 1978, by

Japan Institute o f Navigation

c/o T o k y o University o f Mercantile Marine 2-1 -6, Htchujima, K o t o - k u . T o k y o , Japan N o t f o r Sale

For Presentation Only

Printed by Sakane-Sholen Co., L t d . 1-3-9, Hatchobon, Chuo-ku, T o k y o , Japan



The publication o f this R E S E A R C H S T U D Y C O M P I L A T I O N is one o f 30th Anniversary Commemorative Activities o f the Japan Institute o f Navigation. The Institute was founded on 27 November 1948. It Is dedicated to tiie general advancement o f knowledge i n the many aspects o f ocean transport. T o reach this objective, Institute committees promote the study o f ...

Ship Maneuvering and Management; Ocean Navigation;

Marine T r a f f i c Engineering; and Ocean Engineering.

Our i n t e n t i o n in publishing this compilation is to acquaint scholars and research workers everywiiere with the nature and objectives o f our Institute, and the activities o f our mem-bers. The content selection ( f o r which we are indebted to our Study Evaluation Committee

members) was made f r o m material we published — in Japanese — over the last ten years. Tlie included studies are representative o f the research engaged i n by our members.

It is our hope that this compilation w i l l help others to understand the scope o f our ac-tivities; and that f r o m tliis understanding w i l l come further development i n the study o f navigation and its related fields, and increased international maritime research collaboration.

November 1978

Executive Committee

30th Anniversary Commemorative Activities Japan Institute o f Navigation


C o n t e n t s

A Practical Method of Analyzing the Acceleration and Deceleration of Ships

Hatsiizo I'ani and Masayiiki Knokida 1

Experimental Study on Quay Mooring of a Ship in Waves

Keinasuke Honda, Satoiv Maluiki and Kinzo Inoite 7

On the Effect of Wind around the Pier upon the Course-keeping of Ship

A kira I wai and Ktiniaki Slioji 15

A Basic Study for the Rationalization of Port Terminal Operation

Kinjiro Yoncda, Yasiiiakc Nisliirania, Akio M. Sugisaki and

Takeluslii Yamada 23

An Experimental Study of the Dynamic Holding Capability Characteristics of Anchors

Hiruslii Kikiitani, Kiyoslii Oikawa and Shiliei Nonuira 31

Studies of Behaviours of Fishing Boats from the Viewpoint of Seakeeping Qualities by Means of Field Measurements

Riliei Kawashima and Hidcyuki Nislnnokiibi 37

Estimation and Representation of Ship's Position Error

Minoni Hirota 49

Statistical Properties and the Suppression of Radar Sea Clutter

Kaziitami Slioji and Toslüü Shimizu 6 1

Application of Kalman Filtering to Omega/NNSS Hybrid Navigation

SImji Nislii and Koiclii Kimiira 59

A High Accuracy Three-Dimensional Position Determination Method for the Navy Navigation Satellite System (NNSS)

Koicfii Kimura, Hidconii Nasii, Jakao Uc/iino and

Hiroslii Yamazaki 77

A Study Concerning the Visual Transmission for Navigators from fhe Viewpoint of Safe Navigation A Study on Background Lights

-Toniunii Wakao, Koichi Kuwazaki and Jyoji /nagaki 85

Study on Marine Traffic Accidents - Degree of Damage and Estimation of Losses Resulting from Marine Traffic Accidents

-Yahci I'ujii 9 j

Probability of Collision in a Model Collision Avoidance System

Kiyoshi Hara I Q 3

On fhe Computation of Port Penetrating Waves

Snsiiniu Kuwajima H j

On fhe Computed Waves of Typhoons

Tokiijiro hnnie and Hirolmgn Wake 12]

On Marine Traffic Capacity

AkioM. Sugisaki. HirosliiKikiiiuni, Susitmu Kuwajima,



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