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Podsumowuja˛c uzyskane w pracy wyniki stwierdzono, z˙e:

W dokumencie [2007/Nr 1] Bromatologia 1/2007 (Stron 103-107)

1. Skrobia oporna RS4 zastosowana w dietach dos´wiadczalnych nie miała

istotnego wpływu na ste˛z˙enie wapnia w osoczu krwi badanych szczuro´w.

2. Zawartos´c´ wapnia w kos´ci udowej szczuro´w karmionych dietami z dodatkiem

skrobi opornej RS4 była statystycznie istotnie wyz˙sza niz˙ u karmionych dietami bez

tej skrobi, niezalez˙nie od ilos´ci tego pierwiastka w dietach.

3. Absorpcja i retencja pozorna wapnia były ro´wniez˙ statystycznie istotnie

wyz˙sze u szczuro´w karmionych dietami ze skrobia˛ oporna˛ RS4 niz˙ u karmionych

dietami bez skrobi, ale tylko przy wyz˙szej (1,3%) zawartos´ci tego pierwiastka

w dietach.

H. G r a j e t a, A. P r e s c h a, J. B i e r n a t EFFECT OF RESISTANT STARCH RS4


S u m m a r y

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of resistant starch RS4 (chemically-modified potato starch) on calcium content in blood plasma and the femoral bone, and on its apparent absorption and retention in experimental rats. The study was carried out on Wistar rats, which were divided into 6 groups (n=10) and fed the following diets: Group 1 – control diet without resistant starch and with 0,8% calcium ((K + 0,8% Ca); Group 2 – diet with 3% resistant starch and 0,8% calcium (RS4 + 0,8% Ca); Group 3 – control diet without resistant starch and with 1,3% calcium (K + 1,3% Ca); and Group 4 – diet with 3% resistant starch and 1,3% calcium (RS4 + 1,3% Ca). One week before the end of the experiment, 3 rats from each group were housed individually in metabolic cages. After 3 days of adaptation, the rats’ urine and feces were collected during the last three days. At the end of the experiment, the rats were anesthetized with bioketane and then blood was taken by heart puncture and the femoral bone was prepared. Hemoglobin content was determined in the blood by the cyanmethemog-lobin method and also the hematocrite value after centrifugation. Calcium content was measured in the blood serum using Biosystems test kit Arsenazo III. Calcium contents in the diets, feces, urine and femoral bone were determined by atomic emission spectroscopy method. The average calcium content in the blood serum of the rats fed diets RS4 + 0,8% Ca and RS4 + 1,3% Ca did not differ significantly from the serum calcium content of the animals fed control diets K + 0,8% Ca and K + 1,3% Ca. The average calcium contents in the femoral bone of the rats fed diets RS4 + 0,8% Ca and RS4 + 1,3% Ca amounted to 203,3 mg/g and 210,0 mg/g, respectively, and were significantly higher than the rats fed control diets K + 0,8% Ca and K + 1,3% Ca (153,8 mg/g and 179,0 mg/g, respectively). The apparent calcium absorption in the rats fed diets K + 0,8% Ca and RS4 + 0,8% Ca was similar, but in the animals fed diet RS4 + 1,3% Ca was significantly higher (128,2 mg/day) than in the rats fed control diet K + 1,3% Ca (94,1 mg/day). The apparent calcium retention in the rats fed diet RS4 + 1,3,% Ca was also significantly higher (124,4 mg/day) than the rats fed control diet K + 1,3% Ca (91,3 mg/day). In conclusion, it was observed that the diets with RS4 have a beneficial effect on calcium content in the femoral bone, as well as calcium apparent absorption and retention in the test rats, but only in the case of a diet with higher amounts of this element (1,3%).




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Adres: 50-140 Wrocław, pl. Nankiera 1.


W dokumencie [2007/Nr 1] Bromatologia 1/2007 (Stron 103-107)