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Widok Contents | Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia de Cultura


Academic year: 2021

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A word from the Editors 3


Małgorzata Budzowska

Multimediality in staging of ancient drama.

And Iphigenia by Tomasz Bazan 6

Lilianna Dorak-Wojakowska

Playwright as an archivist. About Witold Wandurski’s style

of editing a documentary and the Workers’ Stage 20

Anastasia Nabokina

“Musical movement” as the embodiment of affect and method of education. Dance and psychoanalysis at the beginning

of the twentieth century in Russia 36

Anita Makuszewska

A student, a spectator, an artist – educational values of dance

and dance theatre heritage in teaching children and young people 49

Agnieszka Wójcik

“Theatre will be instructive to all” (Nāyaśāstra) – educational aspects

of Indian classical dance 60

Marek Pieniążek

Artistic transmissions of affect 77

Éva Székely

The value of theatre as a teaching method in tertiary education:

the activities of the Students’ Drama Club at the University of Oradea 91

Anna Krzemińska

International theatre education based on the example of Polish-French artistic projects – „Shakespeare Project” and „MOON” 100

Zuzanna Berendt

Meetings. Cooperation of Michał Borczuch with children

and the disabled 114

Elżbieta Kwiatkowska

Drama in kindergarten – its integrated potential 123


[175] Contents

Monika Masłowska, Grażyna Aondo-Akaa

Self-reliance and shyness of young people at risk of social maladjustment

in the process of drama therapy activities 139

Agnieszka Ogonowska

Selected gestures and paratheatrical forms as tools used in supporting

communication with older adults 152


Magdalena Stoch

There is only today

[Marina Abramović, James Kaplan, Pokonać mur. Wspomnienia,

przeł. Anna Bernaczyk, Magdalena Hermanowska, Wydawnictwo Rebis, Poznań 2019, ss. 432; original title: Walk Through Walls: A Memoir] 167


Marek Pieniążek, Alenka Vidrih

International art therapy workshops at the University of Ljubljana,

or why we need a theatre room 169


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