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Saint Albert the Great Parish 8000 Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459


Academic year: 2022

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Saint Albert the Great Parish

8000 Linder avenue BURBANK ILLINOIS 60459


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Alvarez Lupe Amato Frances Arp K & J Bella Vincent Benanti Rose Bojczuk, Fr. Ted Bottari Salvatore Brennan Linda Bryce Joan Buchalski Marilyn Chiavetta James Dabrowski Stan & John Delgadillo Elvia Dulce Alice Eaton Leon Formica Phyllis Grogan Tom Hedderman Family Hermann Debra Jandura Denise M.

Onsagher M & C Pawlak Elaine M.

Pawlak Michael A.

Piete Sr. Paulette Pineda Family Porfirio John Pruett Lefteri Ricco Mary Ann Robles Dulce Ruffolo Lou Sabacan Family Shehane Mary Jane Silverman Alex Slavik Ed Strezo Bernadette Strezo Sr., Richard Szymanek Joshua Villafan Mary Zahradnicek M.

Ziobro Elaine Jandura Rich S.

Kandich John Kemp Belinda Klus Gabrysia Janecek Jr. Jerry Lawlor Donna Leffers Will Ling Ginger Lopez Emily Lubawski Ken Lubawski Monique Lonski Therese Mazgaj Linda Martinez Sonia Mercurio Robert J.

Merino Jan Molek Gabrysia Mortell Flora

Fr. Murawka Slawomir Pahl Don

Thank You for the Tabernacle Flowers

Malgorzata & Andrzej Kubasik Danuta & Wieslaw Ciesla

Let Us Pray For the Sick


Sunday, October 17, 2021 6:15 am + All Parishioners 7:30 am + Jeff Godlewski

9:00 am + Antonina Wolski, + Peter O’Flaherty + John & Marian Klimek

+ Rose Sheridan, + Marie & Benjamin Lonero 10:30 am + Jan Stopka, + Kasia Kieta

+ Janina Opyd, + Jozef & Aleksandra Leja 12:00 pm + Gerald Jankowski, + Aniela Staszel + Jan Staszel 9th Death Anniversary + Stanislaw Staszel

1:30 pm + Jan Figus 30 Days After Death, + Janina Opyd 5:00 pm - All Parishioners - Blessing

6:30 pm + Luz Maria Rivera Valles

+ Victorina Tallez 1st Death Anniversary + Josefina Magana 1st Death Anniversary + Alfredo Garcia 24th Death Anniversary Monday, October 18, 2021

6:30 am - All Parishioners - Blessing 7:30 am -

8:30 am -

6:00 pm - Rosary & Mass (in Polish) Tuesday, October 19, 2021 6:30 am + William McBride 7:30 am -

8:30 am + Louise Witulski

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 6:30 am -

7:30 am + Krzysztof Rawicki 8:30 am + Christopher Viggiano 6:00 pm - Rosary & Mass (in Polish) Thursday, October 21, 2021 6:30 am -

7:30 am -

8:30 am + Arlene Otto Pinkston

+ John Strezo 10th Death Anniversary Friday, October 22, 2021

6:30 am - All Parishioners - Blessing 7:30 am -

8:30 am - Joan Bryce - Blessing & Helath 6:00 pm - Rosary & Mass (in Polish) Saturday, October 23, 2021 7:30 am + Andrzej Bartkiewicz 8:30 am - All Parishioners - Blessing 5:00 pm + Stanley & Veronica Ojer

+ Vincent Garcia - Birthday Remembrance + Josephine & Frank Zagajewski

+ Pat Roach - Birthday Remembrance + Souls in the Purgatory, + Graciela Miranda 6:30 pm + Krzysztof Rawicki, + Andrzej Bartkiewicz Sunday, October 24, 2021

6:15 am + All Parishioners 7:30 am + Gusmana McDaniel

9:00 am + Antonina Wolski, + Peter O’Flaherty + John & Marian Klimek

+ Rose Sheridan, + Marie & Benjamin Lonero 10:30 am + Jan Stopka, + Kasia Kieta

+ Janina Opyd 12:00 pm + Gerald Jankowski

1:30 pm + Jan Figus 30 Days After Death + Janina Opyd

5:00 pm - All Parishioners - Blessing 6:30 pm + Luz Maria Rivera Valles

+ Victorina Tallez 1st Death Anniversary + Josefina Magana 1st Death Anniversary + Alfredo Garcia 24th Death Anniversary

Let Us Pray For the Deceased:

Parishioners of St. Albert the Great, Louise Witulski, William McBride, Krzysztof Rawicki, Andrzej Bartkiewicz,

George F. Van Jr. , John Heercog, Elvira Delgadillo.

Eternal rest grant unto them, o Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.


II - Przemyslaw Rogowski & Anna Zych II - Pawel Glista & Breanna Wachowicz I - Damian Jarosz & Joanna Gicala


All three readings today support—each in its own way, of course—a reflection on the humanity of Jesus Christ and how that humanity played a key role in the drama of our salvation.

Although not chosen specifically to coordinate with the other two readings, today’s second reading does in fact carry forward the theme of Christ’s humanity in a remarkable way. The author of the Letter to the Hebrews highlights the solidarity that exists between Jesus and us, precisely because in his human nature Jesus has known the same sufferings and testing that are our own experience.

Because he can “sympathize with our weaknesses,” we can “approach the throne of grace to receive mercy.” For the author of Hebrews, the humanity of Jesus was an essential requirement for his redemptive death, as well as an invitation to us to find in Jesus someone with whom we can identify in our daily struggles.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


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From the Pastor’s Desk

Our Weekly Offering 10/10/2021 CELEBRANT SCHEDULE

Saturday, October 23, 2021 5:00 pm - Fr. Mariusz Nawalaniec 6:30 pm - Fr. Sergiusz Angur Sunday, October 24, 2021 6:15 am - Fr. Sergiusz Angur 7:30 am - Fr. Joseph Mol 9:00 am - Fr. Bernardo Lozano 10:30 am - Fr. Sergiusz Angur 12:00 pm - Fr. Mariusz Nawalaniec 1:30 pm - Fr. Sergiuisz Angur 5:00 pm - Fr. Sergiusz Angur 6:30 pm - Fr. Bernardo Lozano

First Collection______ $16,016.00 Second Collection____ 4,837.00 God Bless All Who Supported

Our Parish!!!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

In October we celebrate the anniversary of Cardinal Karol Wojtyla’s election as a Pope of the Catholic Church.

Cardinal Wojtyla accepted his election and took the pontifical name of John Paul II. On this occasion, today after each Mass we are selling Pope John Paul II favorite cream pies, which he mentioned in one of his visits to his hometown

Wadowice. From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank Sr. Weronika, Danusia, Maria, Józek and Stanley for help in organizing this event. We can always count on you!

I would like to thank all parishioners who participated (from May to October) in the Fatima Procession and Rosary Prayer. Thank you very much for giving an example of prayer and love for the Holy Mother.

Finally, with great joy I would like to inform you and invite everyone to participate in our annual outdoor Fatima & Rosary Procession” in Burbank on Saturday, October 30th at 7:00 pm. Our Rosary Procession will leave from the parking lot of Tobin Elementary School and it will end in the church. Please join us!

”Jesus, I Trust in You”!

Fr. Mariusz


THANK YOU for your support!! Please CONTINUE to support our assistance to the poor and needy.

Remember, FINANCIAL SUPPORT is needed as well as food. Donations can be made either thru POOR BOX (no envelope please) or Sunday Collection (envelope addressed to SVDP).

In our food donation box, we have received extremely large bags and cans of food. We know your intention was to help our poor. We cannot use large quantities such as this, so we have donated them to the FOOD PANTRY at ST. BLASE PARISH in Summit.

Remember, clothing donations can be made at St.

Gerald parish where they have 3 clothing boxes for St. Vincent De Paul Society.

God BLESS YOU ALL for your your CHARITY.

FEAST OF FAITH Only Say the Word

The bread is broken, the banquet is prepared, and now we are invited to the feast. Once more the priest holds the host, now broken, for us to see, and invites us to behold the one “who takes away the sins of the world.” Truly blessed

and happy are those invited to this meal, which is a foretaste of the heavenly banquet, the supper of the Lamb

(Revelation 19:19). We respond to this invitation with a prayer to the Lord: we acknowledge that we are not worthy, but at the same time we are confident that the One who comes to us can heal us, body and soul. This prayer echoes the story of the centurion in Luke’s Gospel. The centurion, a Gentile, asks healing for his servant, but does not consider himself worthy to have Jesus come under his roof—he believes that Jesus can heal his servant with a word, without even seeing him. Jesus is amazed at his faith. It is the same for us. We believe that Jesus speaks to us, comes to us, dwells with us, even though we neither hear his voice nor see his face. —Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Let us throw ourselves into the ocean of God’s goodness, where every failing will be cancelled and

anxiety turned into love. —St. Paul of the Cross

Through his suffering, my servant shall justify many.

— Isaiah 53:11b


Great things happen @ St. Albert the Great!

St. Albert the Great Catholic School

Personalized Learning Elementary School - Preschool - 8th

To learn more about our MakerSpace Capital Campaign, please visit this YouTube link:

h ps://youtu.be/DDHSxf2RWxY


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Z biurka Ks. Proboszcza


—PRZYPOMINAMY o obowiązku noszenia maseczek podczas wszystkich nabożeństw w kościele.

—Wciąż możemy zabierać do domów specjalne kopertki na tzw. „Wypominki”, czyli modlitwy za zmarłych w miesiącu listopadzie. Przez cały miesiąc listopad w poniedziałki, środy i piątki o godz. 6:00 wieczorem będziemy się modlić za naszymi bliskimi zmarłymi. Kopertki wypominkowe można składać jak zawsze do specjalnego koszyka w prezbiterium.

—POLSKI PROGRAM ABSTYNENCKI „QUO VADIS” służy pomocą osobom uzależnionym od alkoholu. Po więcej informacji proszę zgłaszać się osobiście lub telefonicznie: 5701 W. 63rd St., Chicago, Il. - 773-767-7620

Moi Drodzy Para ianie i Goście !

Przeżywamy w tych dniach kolejną rocznicę wyboru kardynała Wojtyły na Stolicę Piotrową. Cieszymy się bardzo orędownictwem św. Jana Pawła II w niebie. Z tej też okazji w dniu dzisiejszym po Mszy Świętej możemy zakupić Kremówki Papieskie, które wspominał w czasie jednej z pielgrzymek do Ojczyzny (Wadowice). Serdecznie zachęcamy do ich zakupu! Z całego serca pragnę podziękować sr. Weronice, Danusi, Marii, Józkowi i Stasiowi za ich pomoc w zorganizowaniu tego wydarzenia. Zawsze można na was liczyć!

Dziękuję również tym, którzy przez kilka ostatnich miesięcy (od maja do października) uczestniczyli w Procesji Fatimskiej i Modlitwie Różańcowej wokół naszych budynków parafialnych. Dziękuję za piękne świadectwo modlitwy i miłosci doMatki Bożej.

I wreszcie z wielką radością zapraszamy wszystkich parafian, modlących się w naszym kościele, Koła Góralskie wraz ze sztandarami, rodziny z dziećmi oraz gości do udziału w Procesji Fatimskiej i Różańcu ulicami naszego miasta Burbank w sobotę 30 października o godz. 7:00 wieczorem. Procesja Różańcowa rozpocznie się na parkingu Tobin Elementary School i zakończy się w kościele uroczystą Eucharystią. Patronem tego pięknego

nabożeństwa Maryjnego jest nasza parafia św. Alberta Wielkiego oraz ZPPA z nowym Zarządem. Serdecznie wszystkich zapraszamy!

„Jezu, ufam Tobie”!

Ks. Mariusz

Our goal is (koszt)...$70,000.00 Amount collected (zebrano)...$28,317.00

Amount still needed (suma potrzebna) ...$41,683.00

84 rodziny złożyły ofiarę na ten projekt. Serdeczne „Bóg Zapłać”! Zachęcamy pozostałe rodziny naszej parafii do

wsparcia tego dzieła!





30,000 28,317 20,000





Happy 57th Wedding Anniversary

Matt & Ann Kopp and Ron & Mary Jane Shehane

St. Albert the Great Prayer Group meets every Saturday in the Administration Building St. Joseph Room at 1:30 pm.

Bible Study in the Administration Building St. Joseph Room 10:00 am.

St. Albert the Great Seniors (60 or over) meet 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 11:00 am to 2:30 pm in Rogers Hall.

Please come, meet your neighbors, make new friends, play Bingo.


Holy Hour Adoration of the Blessed

Sacrament in the Adoration Chapel 7:30 pm.to 8:30 pm.

Pro Life Group meets every 2nd Tuesday of each month in the Administration Building at 10:00 am Please Join them!

St. Vincent de Paul Society meets second Wednesday of every month at 5:45 pm in the Administration Building St. Joseph Room.

St. Albert the Great Holy Name Society members meet 2nd Monday after 2nd Sunday of the Month in Rogers Hall at 7:30 pm.

Boy Scouts Troop 481 meet every Thursday at 7:00 pm in the St. Albert Room.

Cub Scouts Pack 3481 meets on Fridays at 6:00 pm in the St. Albert Room (off for summer).

PARISH OFFICE 708-423-0321

OPEN MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM AND 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM SATURDAY

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PARISH STAFF:












PLANNED GIVING TO YOUR PARISH Remembering your parish in your is an excellent way to demonstrate love and appreciation for the people and things you care about most. When the parish receives gifts through wills, we know, respect and appreciate the thought and care that went into the decision to make us a beneficiary. If you would like to remember the St. Albert the Great Parish in your will, please contact the parish office. Our parish will remember you by engraving your name on a special St. Albert the Great Parish Mission Statement. St. Albert the Great Parish is a Catholic community, a sacramental people of God.

We embrace all age groups, interests and backgrounds, and are drawn around the table of the Lord, we pray together, laugh and cry together, and work together for the purpose of drawing strength to make gospel message and its values alive in our people, we are a community steeped in tradition with many ministries to offer. We welcome all to share in our education and spiritual life.

Wednesdays Mondays



Saturdays Play Bingo every Tuesday Night.

Door open at 4:00 p.m.

Come Hungry! Full kitchen!


SATURDAY 5:00 PM Sunday Obligation (English);

6:30 PM Sunday Obligation (Polish) SUNDAY 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM (English)

6:15 AM, 10:30 AM, 1:30 PM, 5:00 PM (Polish), 6:30 PM (Spanish) WEEKDAYS (Monday-Friday) 6:30 AM (English-September 1 to June 30)

(Monday-Saturday) 7:30 AM ( Polish) 8:30 AM (English) WEDNESDAYS 6:00 PM Novena to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Polish) SACRED HEART ADORATION CHAPEL

Open Monday - Friday 8:30AM to 8:30 PM Fridays 3:00 PM - Divine Mercy Chaplet (Polish) Open Saturday 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM

FIRST FRIDAY Bilingual Confessions

7:00-7:30 AM, 4:30-6:00 PM; 6:00 PM Mass (Polish)

HOLY DAYS - Please refer to schedule printed in the bulletin prior to the Holiday.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00-4:45 PM SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM (English) 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sunday 3:15 PM

(Polish) All Sundays (Except for Special Holidays) (Spanish) 4th Sunday of each month

Baptism Preparation Class in English - Last Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM.

In Polish - Last Monday of each month at 7:00 PM In Spanish - Second Sunday of each month at 9:00 AM

Parish registration and attendance at the Baptism Preparation Class are required prior to Baptism for the first born child.


All marriage arrangements must be made with the parish priest at least 6 months prior to the scheduled date Marriage ceremonies; Saturday 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM (No Sundays).

PARISH OFFICE (708)423-0321

BIURO PARAFIALNE po polsku. (708)423-0321

Please call for Baptism, 1st Communion, Confirmation Marriage ceremony, parish registration,

convert instruction, prolonged illness at home.

PARISH WEBSITE www.stalbertgreat.com

E-MAIL stalbert@archchicago.org PARISH BOUNDARIES

North-75th St. East-Cicero, West-Narragansett South-87th St. (Cicero to Austin)

83rd St. (Austin to Narragansett) MINISTRY OF CARE (708)423-0321

Deacon Irvin A. Bryce Jr.

PRAYER NETWORK (708)966-4068 Mrs. Marlene Rybicki

ST. ALBERT THE GREAT SCHOOL. (708)424-7757 5535 West State Road

Mrs. Jodi McLawhorn, Principal www.stalbertthegreatschool.com FR. IGNACY POSADZY

POLISH CATHOLIC SCHOOL…..(773)372-7445 Sr. Beata Kołtun MChR - Principal www.szkolaksignacego.com

E-MAIL biuro@szkolaksignacego.com CCD OFFICE………..(708)636-0406

5535 West State Road, Burbank, Il.

SPRED PROGRAM ..…………..……(708)728-9526 SPRED PROGRAM po polsku…..…..(708)728-9526


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