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Journal of the Institute of Petroleum, Vol. 26, Abstracts


Academic year: 2022

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c/o THE U N IV ER SITY O F B IR M IN G H A M , E D C B A S T O N , B IR M IN G H A M , 15.


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A B S T R A C T O R S . K . T. Ar t e r, B.Sc., A.M .I.A .E .,


S. E . C o o m b e r , B.Sc., A.M.Inst.Pet.

E. F . Co x o n, A .M .Inst.M ech.E.

T. T. Da v i e s, B.A., B.Sc., A.M.Inst.Pet.

P. Do c k s e y, B.A., A.M.Inst.Pet.

R . J. Ev a n s, M.Sc., A.M.Inst.Pot.

H . Ga r d n e r, B.Sc., A.I.C.

P. Gi a m p o r c a r o.

C. L. Gi l b e r t, B.Sc., A.R.C.S., F.Inst.Pet.

D . Ho b s o n, Ph.D., A.M.Inst.Pet.

W . Hy d e, B.Sc., A.M.Inst.Pet.

M . La f i t z k y.

I. Le w e n z, M J.M e ch.E.

M. McLa d o h l i n, B.Sc., A.R.C.S.

H . B . Mi l n e r, M .A., D.I.C., F.G.S., F.Inst.Pot.

A. H . Ni s s a n, Ph.D., A.M .Inst.Pet.

G. R . Ni x o n, F.Inst.Pet.

A. Os b o r n, F.Inst.Pet.

W . P o m , B.Sc., A.I.C.

L. Ro s e n f e l d, A .M .I.A .E .

D . L. Sa m u e l, B.Sc., A.I.C., F.Inst.Pet.

C. H . Sp r a k e, F.Inst.Pet.

E. W . St e i n i t z, F.Inst.Pet.

W . S. St e v e n s, B.Sc., A.I.C.

R . D. St r e e t o n, Stud .Inst.Pet.

G. S. Sw e e t i n g, D.I.C., F.G.S.

J. L. Ta y l o r, B.Sc., A.I.C., F.Inst.Pet.

H . E Te s t e r, B.Sc., A.M.Inst.Pet.

T. C. G. Th o r p e, A.M.Inst.Pet.

H . L. We s t, B.Sc., A.C.I., A.M.Inst.Pet.

E . H . Wi l d, B.Sc.

H. G. Wi l l i a m s, Ph.D., M.Sc., A.I.C.

J. G. W i t h e r s, B.Sc., A .M .I.E .E ., A.M.Inst.Pot.


A B B R E V I A T E D T I T L E S U S E D I N T H E A B S T R A C T S Abbreviated Title.

A ircr. E n g n g A n n . M in . Belg. . A n n . M in . R o um an ie . A n n . OJJ. Combust, liq.

A sp h . u. Teer A u lo . E n g r .

A u lo . Tech. Z. (B e rlin) Azerb. neft. K h oz.

Beitr. angew. Oeophys. . Beitr. Oeophys.

Bitum en Bohrtech. Z .

Bol. Oeol. y M in . (C aracas) Bol. Inform . Petroleras (B . A Boll. Soc. geol. ital.

BrennstChem ie

B u ll. A cad . Sei. {U . S .S .11. Inst.


B u ll. A m er. A ss. Petrol. Geol.

B u ll. A m er. geol. Soc. . B u ll. A ss . franç. Tech, Pitrol, B u ll. In st. M in . (metali.) E n g r s B u ll. M ath . P h y s . É c. polyt. B u c h a ­


B u ll. roum. geol. Soc. . B u ll, seismol. Soc. Am er.

B u ll. U n iv. T e x a s (B ur. econ. Geol.


B u r. Stand. J . Res., W ash. . Calif. O il W orld .

Canad. J . Res.

Canad. M in . J . . Canad. M in . metali. Bu ll.

Chem. <£• In d . Chem. Rev. . Chem. T r. J.

Chem. W kbld Chim . e In d u stria C him . et In d .

C .R . A cad . Sci. (P a r is ) C .R . Geol. Pétr. (Strasbourg) 11”“ Congrés M o n d . Pétrole D iesel E n g . U s. A ss.

Dirección M i n a s y Geol.

Econ. Geol. . Enginee r En ginee ring E . P . . F u e l . G a s O il P w r Geol. M a g . (B ond Oeophys.

Jo u m a l.

Aircraft Engineering.

Annales des Mines do Belgique.

Annales des Mines de Roumanie.

Annales de l ’Ofilce N ational des Combustibles Liquides.

Asphalt und Teer.

Automobile Engineer.

Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift (Berlin).

Azorbaidzhanskoe Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo.

Beitrage angewandte Geophysik.

Beitrage zur Geophysik.


Bohrtechniker Zeitung.

Boletin do Geologia y Minería (Caracas).

Boletín do Informaciones Petroleras (Buenos Aires).

Bolletin de la Societa Geológica Italiana.

Brennstoff Chemie.

Bulletin of the Academ y of Sciences (U.S.S.R.

Institute of Seismology).

Bulletin of the Am erican Association of Petro­

leum Geologists.

Bulletin of the Am erican Geological Society.

Bulletin de l’Association Français des Tech­

niciens du Pétrole.

Bulletin of the Am erican Institute of M in in g and Metallurgical Engineers.

Bulletin de Mathématique et de Physique, Bucharest (École-polytechnique).

Bulletin of the Roum anian Geological Society.

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.

Bulletin of the U niversity of Texas (Bureau of Econom ic Geology and Technology).

United States Bureau of Standards Journal of Research, W ashington.

California Oil W orld.

Canadian Journal of Research.

Canadian M in in g Journal.

Bulletin of the Canadian Institute of M in in g and Metallurgy.

Chemistry and Industry.

Chemical Reviews.

Chemical Trade Journal.

Chemische Weekblad.

L a Chim ica e l’lndustria.

Chimie et Industrie.

Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Seances de l’Académie des Sciences (Paris).

Com pte-Rendu des Seances du Groupe des Géo­

logues Pétroliers de Strasbourg.

1 1”“ Congrès M ondial du Pétrole (Paris, 1937).

Diesel Engine Users Association.

Publication of Dirección M inas y Geológicas (Argentine).

Economie Geology.



E n g lish Patent.

Fuel in Science and Practice.

Gas and Oil Power.

Geological Magazine (London).



A bbreviated T itle. Jo u rn a l.

G lückauf . . . .

Groz. Neft. . . . . .

Industr. E n g n g Chem. . In d u slr. E n g n g Chem. A n a l. . Industr. P w r ¿ i F u e l Econ. .

Instrum ents . . . .

In t. Z . Bohrtech. . . . . J . Am er. chem. Soc.

J . appl. Chem. (U . S . S . R .) . J . appl. P h y s. . . . . J . chem., meta.ll. m in. Soc, S . A frica

J . chem. Soc. . . . .

J . F u e l Soc. J a p a n

J . Geol...

J . In st. F u e l . . . . J . In s t n auto. E n g r s

J . In st. Petrol. . . . .

J . org. Chem. . . . .

J. p hys. Chem. . . . .

J . R . aero. Soc. . . . . J . Soc. aut. E n g r s

J . Soc. chem. In d . K h im . Tverd. T o p liv a . K o p . Naft. Polsce

M atières grasses . . . . M in . il' M ctall. . . . . M in . M a g . (L o n d.)

M onit. Pétr. roum.

M ontan. Rdsch. . . . .

N a t. Petrol. N e w s

N ature . . . . .

Neft. K hoz. . . . .

N ic k e l In d . . . .

N o v . Neft. . . . . . N o v . Tekhn. B u r.

N o v . Tekhn. Neft.

Oel u. K o h lc . . . .

O il G as J . .

O U W k l y...

Ole, Fette, W achse

O lii m in. . . . . .

P a in t M n fr . . . . .

P a in t Technol. . . . .

Petrol. E n g r . . . .

Petrol. Tech. (A . I . M . M . E .) .

Petrol. T im e s . . . .

Petrol. W orld (L . A .) Petrol. W orld (Lond.) . Petrol. Z . .

P h y s ic s . . . . .

P ip e L in e N e w s . . . . Pro c. Am er. Petrol. In st.

Pro c. A m er. Soc. Test. Mater.

Proc. A s s . A sp h . P a v . Technol.

Proc. In s t n mech. E n g r s Proc. p h ys. Soc. (Lond.)

Proc. roy. Soc. . . . .

Przeg. Chem. . . . .

Przem . Naft. . . . .


Groznenskii Neftyanik.

Industrial and Engineering Chomistry.

Industrial and Engineering Chomistry, A n a ly t i­

cal Edition.

Industrial Power and The Fuel Econom ist.

Instrum ents.

International Zeitschrift für Bohrtechnik.

Journal of the Am erican Chemical Society.

Journal of Applied Chemistry, U .S.S.R.

Journal of Applied Physics.

Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical and M in ­ ing Society of South Africa.

Journal of the Chemical Society.

Journal of the Fuel Society of Japan.

Journal of Geology.

Journal of the Institute of Fuel.

Journal of the Institution of Autom obile E n ­ gineers.

Journal of the Institution of Petroleum Tech­


Journal of Organic Chemistry.

Journal of Physical Chemistry.

Journal of the R o y a l Aeronautical Society.

Journal of tho Society of Autom otive Engineers.

Journal of tho Society of Chemical Industry.

K h im iy a Tverdovo Topliva.

Kopalnictw o Naftowo w Polsce.

Matières Grasses.

M in in g and Metallurgy.

M in in g Magazine (London).

M oniteur du Pétrole Roum ain.

Montanistische Rundschau.

N ational Petroleum News.


Neftyanoo Khozyaistvo.

N ickel Industry.

N ovosti Nefteporerabotki.

N ovosti T ekhniki Bureniya.

N ovosti T ekhniki Noftedobvicki.

Oel und K o h le vereinigt m it Erdoel und Teer.

O il and Gas Journal.

Oil Weekly.

Ole, Fette, Wachse, Seife, Kosm etik.

Olii Minerali.

Paint Manufacture.

P ain t Technology.

Petroleum Engineer.

Petroleum Technology (American Institute of M in in g and Metallurgical Engineers).

Petroleum Times.

Petroleum W orld (Los Angeles).

Petroleum W orld (London).

Petroleum Zeitschrift.


Pipe Lino News.

Proceedings of tho Am erican Petroleum In s t i­


Proceedings of the Am erican Society for Testing Materials.

Proceedings of tho Association of A sp halt P a v ­ ing Technologists.

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

Proceedings of the Physical Society (London).

Proceedings of the R o y a l Society.

Przegląd Chemiczny.

Przem yśl Naftowy.


Abbreviated Title.

Quart. J . geol. Soc. Lond.

R d s it- R d Constr.

Rec. Trav. chim. P a y s - B a s

Refiner . . . .

Rev. Comb. liq.

Rev. Pélrolif.

Rev. sci. Instrum . R iv . ital. Petrol. . S . A fr. M i n . (E n g n g ) J .

Strade . . . .

Sulz. tech. Rev.

Su m m . Ops, Calif. O il F id s . Tech. P h y s. U .S .S .R . . Tekn. T idskr.

Terr. M a g n .

T ran s. Am er, geophys. U n. . T ra n s. Am er. In st. M in . ib Metall.

T ran s. F a ra d a y Soc.

T ran s. In st. mar. E n g r s T ran s. In s t n m in. E n g r s U .S . B u r . M in e s, In f . Circ. . U .S . B u r. M in e s, Rep. Invest.

U .S . B u r. M in e s, Tech. P a p e r U .S . Geol. S u n . B u ll. .

U . S . P...

I Forld Petrol. . . . .

Z . dtsch. geol. Ges.

Z . Oeophys. .

Z . prakt. Geol. . . . .

Z . ver. dtsch. Chem.

Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London.

R o a d s and R o a d Construction.

Receuil des T ra v a u x Chimiques des P ays-Bas.

Refiner and N atural Gasoline Manufacturer.

Revue des Combustibles Liquides.

L a Revue Pétrolifère.

Review of Scientific Instrum ents.

L a R iv ista Italiana del Petroleo.

South African M in in g and Engineering Journal.


Sulzer Technical Roview.

Sum m ary of Operations, Californian O il Fields.

Technical P hysics of the U .S.S.R.

Teknisk Tidskrift.

Terrestrial Magnetism.

Transactions of the Am erican Geophysical Union.

Transactions of tho Am erican Institute of M in ­ ing and Metallurgy.

Transactions of the Faraday Society.

Transactions of the Institute of Marine E n ­ gineers.

Transactions of tho Institutio n of M in in g E n - gineers.

U nited States Bureau of Mines, Inform ation Circular.

U nited States Bureau of Mines, Rep ort of I n ­ vestigations.

United States Bureau of Mines, Technical Paper.

U nited States Geological Surve y Bulletin.

United States Patent.

W orld Petroleum.

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesell­


Zeitschrift für Geophysik.

Zeitschrift zur Praktische Geologie.

Zeitschrift Vereins deutscher Chemiker.

Jo u rn a l.



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