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Czas realizacji: 27 maja 2020 r.


Academic year: 2021

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Czas realizacji: 27 maja 2020 r.

Przed lekcjami przygotuj:

•podręcznik lub e-book


-strona: 86, 87, 90, 126 (Wordlist)

•zeszyt ćwiczeń lub e-workbook strona 50 i 51 https://online.flippingbook.com/view/746530/

•komputer lub telefon z Internetem Lekcja 1

Temat: Making friends. Wprowadzenie nowego słownictwa.

Lekcja 2

Temat: Verb and noun collocations (połączenie czasownika z rzeczownikiem).

Lekcja 3

Temat: “A travel guide” - praca z tekstem, ćwiczenia rozwijające rozumienie tekstu czytanego.


Podręcznik strona 86 i 126 (słowniczek) Nauka słownictwa:

• Możecie pobrać i odtworzyć nagranie (2.29)

https://www.macmillan.pl/strefa-ucznia/ (wybieramy zakładkę “Szkoła podstawowa klasy 4-8" dalej “All Clear klasa 7” i “Student's Audio”) Lub

• Aplikacja Quizlet

https://quizlet.com/MacmillanPolska/folders/all-clear-klasa-7/sets - unit 8

“Making friends”.


Po zapoznaniu się ze słownictwem, zróbcie ustnie ćwiczenia 1-4 w podręczniku na stronie 86.

Lekcja 2

Podręcznik strona 90 i 126

W tej lekcji poznajecie zwroty składające się z połączenia czasownika z

rzeczownikiem i tego typu zwrotów trzeba uczyć się na pamięć. Nie wystarczy zapamiętać pojedyncze słówka, bo w połączeniu z rzeczownikiem zmienia się ich znaczenie np.: take a photo–zrobić zdjęcie (a “take” znaczy dosłownie: brać/


Wykorzystajcie do nauki słownictwa strony:

https://www.macmillan.pl/strefa-ucznia/ - nagranie (2.32)

https://quizlet.com/MacmillanPolska/folders/all-clear-klasa-7/sets - unit 8

Ćwiczenia do zrobienia ustnie 1-3 strona 90 w podręczniku.

Ćwiczenia rozwijające rozumienie tekstu słuchanego (podręcznik):

• Ćwiczenie 5 strona 86 – nagranie (2.30)

• Ćwiczenie 5 i 6 strona 90 – nagranie (2.33) https://sp12pt-

my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/cecylia_jakubiak_sp12pt_onmicrosoft_com /EbeTDrI4bCFNtPBd7tYIqR4BXCdm3hcMyCBVKkFECixodQ?e=HoOgGT (2.30) https://sp12pt-

my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/cecylia_jakubiak_sp12pt_onmicrosoft_com /EdyM1NvpEjhNq4ZAAJdgSPUBmwYAEScXdSFXdWD46Ofcuw?e=9s3QY5 (2.33)

Lekcja 3

Podręcznik strona 87 – praca z tekstem (rozwijanie umiejętności czytania ze zrozumieniem)

Ćwiczenie 1 – ustnie

Ćwiczenie 2 i 4 pisemnie w Wordzie.


my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/cecylia_jakubiak_sp12pt_onmicrosoft_com/E aZEYpS-DpREhrdF7xfPPl8BVHourb91wBNNB584bYC52Q?e=oVuwDQ


(nagranie 2.31)

Słuchaj i czytaj tekst. Sprawdź nieznane słownictwo i zwroty.

Zadania do nauki: słownictwo “Making friends” i

“Verb and noun collocations” podręcznik strona 126.

Zadania do wysłania:

Zeszyt ćwiczeń strona: 50 i 51

Podręcznik: ćwiczenie 2 i 3 strona 87 Praca dla chętnych:

Tekst dotyczy zwyczajów we Francji, Wielkiej Brytanii, Chinach, Meksyku, Chile i innych krajach, osoby chętne mogą wykonać prezentacje multimedialną o zwyczajach w innych krajach niż te wymienione w tekście.

Klucz do testu (Basic, Standard, Extra) - jeszcze raz możecie zrobić test z rozdziału 7 patrząc na poprawne odpowiedzi.

Basic Test A

1 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 T

2 1 like 2 good 3 about 4 think 5 thought

3 1 producer 2 win 3 film 4 script 5 stunts 6 release 7 screen

4 1 -ion 2 -ment 3 -ion 4 -ion 5 -ment 6 -ment 7 -ment 8 –ion

5 1 will enjoy 2 will buy 3 won’t stay 4 won’t like

6 1 are going to watch 2 is going to visit 3 am not going to study 4 aren’t/’re not going to eat


7 1 Will you wait for me? 2 What will they do? 3 Is she going to stay? 4 What are they going to see?

8 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a

9 1 are 2 passes 3 will call 4 won’t go

10 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F

11 Student’s own answers Basic Test B

1 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T

2 1 thought 2 think 3 bit 4 like 5 good

3 1 plot 2 star 3 stuntman 4 scene 5 script 6 award 7 effects 4 1 -ment 2 -ion 3 -ion 4 -ment 5 -ment 6 -ion 7 -ion 8 –ment 5 1 will pass 2 will win 3 won’t be 4 won’t enjoy

6 1 am going to stay 2 is going to see 3 aren’t/’re not going to travel 4 isn’t going to watch

7 1 Are you going to come tomorrow? 2 Will she help us? 3 Where are they going to stay? 4 What will he say?

8 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 b

9 1 won’t 2 rains 3 are 4 will come 10 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F

11 Student’s own answers

Standard Test A 1 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 c 2 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 c


3 1 producer 2 film 3 screen 4 stunt 5 award 6 plot 7 release

4 1 development 2 connection 3 prediction 4 equipment 5 decoration 6 enjoyment 7 celebration 8 advertisement

5 1 will pass 2 am going to eat 3 won’t enjoy/will not enjoy 4 isn’t going to meet 5 Will you have

6 1 They are leaving 2 Are you going 3 I am not meeting 4 is she arriving

7 1 am doing/am going to do 2 won’t reach 3 are arriving/are going to arrive 4 will visit 5 aren’t going to buy 6 isn’t playing/isn’t going to play

8 1 buy 2 doesn’t go 3 will get 4 won’t wait 5 gives

9 1 (almost/about) 20/twenty. 2 A video camera. 3 Raising Arizona. 4 In 2007. 5 True Grit.

10 Student’s own answers Standard Test B

1 1 a 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 b

2 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 b

3 1 director 2 star 3 release 4 script 5 soundtrack 6 special effects 7 win

4 1 movement 2 education 3 excitement 4 possession 5 enjoyment 6 suggestion 7 development 8 argument

5 1 won’t finish/aren’t going to finish 2 are going to have 3 will you help 4 isn’t going to stay 5 will pass

6 1 We are meeting 2 are you doing 3 She isn’t arriving 4 Is Mark coming 7 1 will stay 2 is going to buy 3 are playing 4 won’t enjoy 5 isn’t going to stay/isn’t staying 6 aren’t arriving

8 1 will change 2 won’t go 3 wins 4 helps 5 are 9 1 c 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 b

10 Student’s own answers

Extra Test A


1 1 It was a real surprise (for her). 2 Because they looked really cheap/terrible. 3 He gives the film 3 out of 10 (points). 4 She doesn’t like romantic films (much). 5 Paula may or may not see the film Heroes 2.

2 1 Did you like anything? 2 The plot wasn’t (very) good. 3 What did/do you think of/about the film? 4 I thought/think it/the film was rubbish. 5 The actors were very good.

3 1 film 2 director 3 release/make 4 screen 5 award 6 stunt 7 script/plot 4 1 development 2 enjoyment 3 excitement 4 possession 5

prediction/suggestion 6 equipment 7 predictions 8 education

5 1 will be ... are you doing/going to do ... are going (to go) 2 Are you going to see ... won’t have ... am going to buy

6 1 there will be 2 are going to make 3 am meeting my friends 4 (probably) won’t win

7 1 Who are they going to visit? 2 What time/When is she arriving? 3 Where will you wait? 4 How long will the journey take (about)?

8 1 don’t leave ... will miss 2 won’t get ... doesn’t get 3 will stay ... rains 4 won’t talk ... apologise 5 am not ... will go 6 stops ... won’t be

9 1 d 2 f 3 a 4 c 5 e

10 Student’s own answers Extra Test B

1 1 Some of the songs were amazing. 2 It cost ₤3 million. 3 They were slow and boring. 4 She liked the main actors./She says that the acting was really (very) good. 5 It is released next month.

2 1 The special effects were amazing/awesome/incredible/brilliant/wonde rful. 2 I really liked/loved the soundtrack. 3 Did you like anything (about the film)? 4 The actors were terrible./The acting was rubbish. 5 What did/do you think of the film?

3 1 scene 2 screen 3 script 4 special effects 5 award 6 soundtrack 7 release 4 1 connection 2 excitement 3 argument 4 suggestion 5 advertisement 6 movement 7 decoration(s) 8 equipment


5 1 will be/’m going to be ... is arriving/is going to be arriving ... will drive 2 are you doing/are you going to do ... are you getting/are you going to get ... won’t have

6 1 (probably) won’t 2 is playing 3 are going to visit 4 the film will be

7 1 How will you spend the money?/What will you spend the money on? 2 What is he going to study? 3 Why are you going to help him? 4 Where are they


8 1 won’t pass ... doesn’t study 2 don’t help ... will be 3 is ... will go 4 won’t catch ... leave 5 will be ... doesn’t win 6 have ... won’t replace

9 1 e 2 f 3 c 4 b 5 d

10 Student’s own answers


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