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Metallurgical Abstracts : general and non-ferrous, Vol. 1, Part 3


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V olu m e 1 MARCH 1934 Part 3


( C o n tin u e d fro m p p . 6 5-6 8 .)

*On the T e m p e ra tu re C o e fficie n t [o f R e sista n ce ] o£ A lu m in iu m . 0. Scarpa

I Alluminio

1933, 2, 317-322).—The temperature coeff. of electrical resistance, which may’be absolute, real, mean, or relative, is discussed, and an expression is derived for calculating the mean relative coeff. of aluminium and of other metals for which p =


is not linear. The most probable actual coeff. for commercial aluminium is 0-0040 (0°-100° C.). From the experimental results of Holborn tbe existence of an allotropie change m aluminium near 0 0. is m-

fer* T h e T h e rm a l E x p a n s io n o f B is m u th [D e te rm in e d ] by X - R a y M e a su re m e n ts.

A H. Jav (

Proc. Roy. Soc.,

1934, [A], 1 4 3 , 465^71).—X-ray powder photo­

graphs of bismuth at temperatures between 18-5° and 268° C. are used to determine the crystal lattice dimensions for each temperature of observation, and the results are compared with those determined optically. The present X-ray measurements disagree with those of Goetz and Hergenrother, and show that the lattice expansion agrees with the expansion of the specimen as a whole. The expansion curve indicates a steady expansion from 20 to 70° C., a sudden increase between 70° and 80° C., a linear expansion thereafter ud to 240° C followed by a decrease after 250° C. The nature of the changes m the lattice’dimensions just below the melting point (271° C.)_is ffisenssed.

Some R em a rks on th e V a p o u r P re ssu re o f C æ siu m . I. H. de Boer and C. J Dippel

{Z. physikal. Chenu,

1933, [B], 2 1 , 273-277).-From a discussion of the vapour-pressure formulae of cæsium given in the literature it is concluded that the relative vapour pressures are best calculated from Langmu Kingdon’s formula, whilst that of Kroner gives the most likely absolute values.

*T he P o te n tia l o f th e C o b a lt E le c tro d e . M M. Haring and B B. Westfall

(Electrochem. Soc. Preprint,

1 9 3 4 , April, 6 1 - 7 2 ) . - T h e s t a n ^ d po entml of cobalt in cobalt chloride solution is - 0-278 ± 0-002 v at 25 C hence the normal potential is close to - 0-300 v. Pure metal, free from stress p e- pared by high current density electrolysis must be used in the détermina

tion under oxygen-free conditions.—A. R. P . .

*T he E m iss io n o f E le c tr ic ity fr o m [N io b iu m ] C o lu m b iu m . [ E le c t r o m c W o - Fu nction o f N b ]. H. B. Wahlin and L. O . Sordal

(Phys. Rev.,

1933, [u],, 4 4 ,

1030).—A note. When heated to the point where vaporization becomes appreci­

able, niobium yields positive ions of the metal itself. The ^ function was determined as 5-52 v. from the relation »

BTe '

2 Fowler. The electronic work-function is 3-96 v., with


— 57 amp./cm. /

*Copper Embrittlement—II. L. L. Wyman (Amer.

Inst. Min. Met. Eng.


1 9 3 2 ,1-1 1).—The previous work on the embrittlement of copper (c -

J. Inst. Metals,

1932, 50, 722) is extended to additional materials, lhese include 3 groups of deoxidized coppers as follows : (1) double-deoxidizc copper using silicon and calcium boride ; calcium-deoxidized coppers having

* Denotes a paper describing the results of original research, j Denotes a first-class critical review.



114 Metallurgical Abstracts

Vol. 1 various calcium contents; (3) double-deoxidized Coppers using silicon or calcium boride with a constant amount of calcium. The results fall into a narrow range, penetration over 0 011 in. not being observed. In addition, the examinations are supplemented by wire bead tests. The results obtained are as follows : (1) the addition of calcium in small amounts (lot 2, 0-0375%) gives superior qualities as regards resistance to embrittlement; (2) excessive calcium additions prove detrimental to physical properties (bend test) of copper ; (3) none of the calcium coppers appears to be detrimentally affected by the usual copper embrittlement; (4) double-deoxidized copper has shown superiority over single deoxidation, for similar or larger amounts of the same deoxidants. Lot 2 may be an exception. (See also Part III,

J. Inst. Metals

, 1933, 53, 689.)—S. G.

^ P ro p e rtie s o f Copper D e o x id iz e d w ith C a lc iu m . Lyall Zickrick


Inst. Min. Met. Eng. Preprint,

1932).—A high-calcium copper alloy has been found to deoxidize copper satisfactorily. Residual calcium remaining in the metal, like residual silicon, increases the annealing temperature required to produce dead soft copper; 0-05% residual calcium increases the annealing temperature of copper from 250° C. to approximately 350° C., and when present in amounts up to 0-2 0% the required annealing temperature is in the neighbourhood of 400° C. Owing to the very slight solubility of calcium in copper in the solid state, residual calcium does not decrease the electrical conductivity of copper as silicon does. For a specific illustration, it was found that 0 03% residual calcium decreased the conductivity of dead soft copper from 101 to 97%, whereas 0-03% residual silicon causes a decrease from 101 to 75%.—S. G.

^ In v e s tig a tio n o f C opper O xid e F ilm s b y E le c tro n D iffr a c tio n . C. A. Murison

(Phil. Mag.,

1934, [vii], 17, 96—98).—The structures of the oxide films formed on copper by heating and of the powdered oxides of copper were studied by the method of electron diffraction. The powdered oxides give the cuprous or cupric oxide structures; the surface films give only cuprous oxide or an unknown structure which can be produced by blowing air over a reheated cuprous oxide film. Chemical analysis shows that the film of unknown structure is a new form of cupric oxide.—J. S. G. T.

Th e S ystem P b 0 - S b203 a n d Its R e la tio n to L e a d S o fte n in g . C. G. Maier and W. B. Hincke

(Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Met. Eng.,

1932, 102, 97-106;

discussion, 107).—See

J. Inst. Metals,

1932, 50, 211.—S. G.

* F ie ld E le c tro n E m is s io n fr o m L iq u id M e rc u ry . J. W. Beams (

Phys. Rev.,

1933, [ii], 44, 803-807).—The strong field emission from liquid mercury at a temperature just above its freezing point has been investigated by applying an impulsive potential of the order 1 0 -6 seconds duration between a spherical steel anode and a plane mercury cathode. Under these conditions the field just necessary to produce breakdown is a measure of field necessary to produce cold emission, since it is this emission which starts the breakdown. The critical fields were sharply defined and varied from 3-5 X 105 v./cm. for impure mercury to 1-8 x 106 v. for very pure redistilled mercury. These magnitudes are much smaller than those required by the Fowler-Nordheim electron theory of metals, and the possible bearing of this discrepancy on the structure of liquid metallic surfaces is discussed. The problem is also of importance from the point of view of the mercury arc lamp.—W. H.-R.

^ M a g n e tiz a tio n a n d M a g n e to -R e s is ta n c e in th e S tu d y o f th e M a g n e tic P ro - F e rro m a g n e tic Substances [N ic k e l]. Giulia Alocco

(Nuovo cimento,

1933, 10, 153-168;

Chem. Zentr.,

1933, 104, II, 2244).—Magnetic hysteresis curves and curves showing the change in resistance during longitudinal magnetization of drawn, twisted, and bent nickel wires at 20° C. have been determined. The results confirm the assumption that mechanical deformation produces an orientation of the elementary moments in directions the inclination



J .— Properties o f M etals 115

Of which to th e wire axis increases w ith increasing degree of deformation.

The results for nickel are compared^ w ith those obtained w ith o th er ferro- D ep osited hy E vap oration . [Strain in M i M m i l H N O fc (P hys. Rev., 1933, [iij, 44, 843-849).- K i m s of

k ^ t e r e deposited by evaporation on surfaces of copper, molybdenum, Sass a n d m icafat tem peratures from 25° to 350° C. The m agnetic properties of the fihnT both as deposited an d after annealing a t various tem peratures

itipn studied a t room tem perature. Film s deposited a t low tem peiatures a rT m a m e tic a tly h a r d ^ v ith ^ in itia l susceptibility (v0). For films deposited n metal w ith a higher coefi. of linear expansion th a n nickel, Xo increases Z l tocreasTof tem perature of annealing or deposition. F or films on a m etal K h T lo w e r coeff. of expansion th a n nickel X„ f i « t increases w ith rise of deposition or annealing tem perature, b u t decreases on annealing a t still i w emneratures Film s deposited on m etals a t low tem peratures peeled S £ s u p p irt w hen th e film thickness reached 800-1000 m^x, b u t this stopped when the deposition tem perature reached 100 C., and peeling was never observed on th e non-m etallic supports. The results are explained by BeckeFs theory by assuming th a t th e films are deposited under strain which becomes less a t higher tem peratures. Since th e deposition occurred a t nressures of 1 0 '4 to 10'5 mm. of m ercury, th e results suggest th a t intense strain

^ be produced by th e mere form ation of th e lattice a t low tem peratures, as distinct from th e effect of: occluded. g a s . - W . H -R.

*The Therm ionic C onstants for P la tin u m . H . L. Van Velzer n ev , 1Q33 fiil 44 831-836).—The therm ionic constants for cylindrical filam ents i p l a ti n u m have been investigated by th e analysis of S chottky curves (cf.

Van Velzer^and H am , ibid., 1929, [ii], 33, 1081). Three d istin ct stages were noted during the process of degassing an d ageing. The currents were first lar^e and erratic b u t a steady sta te was th e n reached which w ithstood ageing for 175 hrs. a t 1650° K ., an d gave high values of both f and A inThe ^ e rm io n ic equation I t is this value of A which has previously been ta k e n for th a t of pure platinum, b u t it is really characteristic of a n interm ediate, im pure, stable condition F u rth er ageing a t 1785° K . gave values of A as low as 170 ± 20 amp /cm.2/decree2, an d suggested th a t A was approaching th e theoretical value of 60 and if A is assum ed to be 60, th e m ost probable value of cf> for really nlean platinum is 5-29 v „ although th is stage was ne J ™ c te d mentally. The results suggest th a t th e tem p eratu re of ageing i s m o r e important th a n th e tim e, and experim ents on forced ageing a re jle sc n b e ^

*The K inetics of E lectrod e P ro cesses. I I I . - T h e B e h a v io u r of P la tm u m and Gold E lectrodes in Su lph u ric A cid and A lk a lin e

Oxygen. G. Armstrong, F . R . H im sw orth, an d J . A. \ . B u tler (I roc. Koy.

Soc 1934 [A], 1 43, 89- 10 3 ).—E xperim ents supporting th e view th a t the anodic polarization of platm um electrodes in sulphuric acid or a kaline, solm tions is accompanied by th e form ation of a single laycr of ^ o r c oxyge atoms on th e electrodes are discussed. O n cathodic polarization th e I (iuctio of the adsorbed layer occurs sim ultaneously w ith depolarization of ^ s o l oxygen in th e solution. W hen gold electrodes are polarized m ^ u t e sulphuric acid, the form ation of a definite oxide begins w hen th e p o te n tia l eaches th e value 4- 1-27 v. The efficiency of oxide form ation falls steadily from /0 in the earliest stages to a final co n stan t value of 0 -9 /o- In alkaline solutions gold behaves very sim ilarly to platinum . J . S. y . 1.

Three of the P la tin u m Group o f M etals : I r i d i u m , O sm iu m and R u th e n and Their U ses in A llo y s. F . C arter (Artier. M etal M arket, 1933, 40 , (oo), , and (short abstract) M et. In d . [Land.], 1933, 42 570).- T h e principal1 applica^

tion of these m etals is to th e hardening of p latinum . T he properties and


116 M etallurgical Abstracts

Vol. l uses of several grades of iridio-platinum are described. The h ard osmium- iridium and osm ium -iridium -platinum alloys are also of some importance, as is a platin u m -ru th en iu m alloy. The liigh-tem perature behaviour of the 3 m etals is discussed.—P . M. C. R.

♦T he T herm al E xp an sion of th e Crystal L a ttices of S ilver, P latin u m , and Z in c. E. A. Owen and E . L. Y ates [Phil. M ag., 1934, [vii], 1 7 , 113—131). A high-tem perature precision X -ray cam era is em ployed to measure the expansion of silver, platinum , an d zinc a t tem p eratu res betw een 20° and 600° C. in the case of silver and platinum an d from 20° to 415° C. in the case of zinc. Values of th e coeffs. of expansion of silver a n d p latin u m so deter­

mined agree closely w ith previously d e te rmined values. The thermal expansion of zinc was measured along, and perpendicular to, th e hexagonal axis. The zinc lattice continues to expand u p to w ithin 4° C. of th e melting point. Expansion occurs along both these directions, b u t w hereas the rate of change of base side increases, th a t of th e height decreases as the melting point is approached. The th erm al expansion of th e cry stal lattice o f zinc is th e same as th a t of th e m etal in bulk.—J . S. G. T.

T ellurium and S elen iu m . Anon. (Indust. Australian, 1934, 8 8 , 377-378).—

The occurrence, principal ores, an d chief physical an d chemical properties of selenium an d tellurium are described. A sum m ary of th e ir industrial applica­

tions, which are m ainly of very recent developm ent, includes th e use of both elem ents in radio-telephony.— P. M. C. R.

A ltern atin g T orsional Tests w ith Z in c C rystals. W . Fahrenhorst and E. Schmid (M itt. Material., Sonderheft 1 9 , 1932, 36-43).—R eprinted from Z . Metallkunde, 1931, 23, 323-328. See J . In st. Metals, 1932, 50 , 467.

—S. G.

♦C oncerning th e T h erm oelectric E ffects of th e A lk a lis. A. Sommerfeld (Phys. Rev., 1934, [ii], 45 , 65-66).—A note. E x cep t for lithium , th e results of Bidwell (J. Inst. Metals, 1925, 3 4 , 382) for th e therm oelectric properties of m olten alkali m etals, are in good agreem ent w ith those predicted by the more detailed th eo ry of S. (Handbuch der Physilc, 2 4 , 2 : Ju liu s Springer, Berlin).—W. H .-R.

* 0 n th e E ffect of T em perature of Liquid H yd rogen (— 2 5 2 ’8° C.) on the T ensile Properties of F orty-O n e S p ecim en s of M etals C om prising (a) Pure Iron 9 9 - 8 5 %; (b) F our Carbon S t e e ls; (c) T hirty A llo y S t e e l s; (d) Copper and N ic k e l; (e) F our N on -F errous A llo y s. W . J . de H aas a n d R o b ert Hadfield (Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1933, [A], 2 32, 2 9 7 -3 3 2 ; an d (abstract) Nickel B ull., 1934, 7 , 4).Tensile te s ts have been carried o u t a t 252-8° C. on th e above m etals an d alloys, an d th e results com pared w ith previous w ork a t th e tem perature of liquid air. The hardness of th e specimens was also measured after th e tests. The non-ferrous m etals exam ined were (a) nickel of 99-27 an d 99-4% p u rity ; (6) copper of 99-6 and 99-7%

p u rity ; (c) Monel m etal containing nickel 67-0, an d copper 30-2% ; (d) phosphor-bronze (tin 10-0, copper 88-38, zinc 1-61% ); (e) D uralum in (manganese 0-75, magnesium 0-57, alum inium 94-0 approx., copper 4-1, iron 0-42%) ; and (/) an alloy containing nickel 78-9, chrom ium 18-9, manganese 1-41, silicon 0-20, carbon 0-31%. In general th e non-ferrous alloys retain excellent m echanical properties a t — 252-8° C., th e te n a c ity being increased, and th e ductility left unim paired or im proved, except w ith phosphor-bronze, where th e du ctility is m uch reduced. A t — 252-8° C., copper has a tenacity of 29-70 to n s/in .2, an d an elongation of 60% . T his is in co n trast to iron (carbon 0-04, an d silicon 0-07%), ordinary steels, an d m ost of th e alloys of iron for which th e d uctility becomes zero a t th e very low tem p eratu re, although steels containing a high percentage of nickel re ta in a considerable ductility, i h e original m ust be consulted for th e conditions of th e alloys (cast, worked, annealed, &c.) which v ary greatly. [Note by abstractor : th e te rm “ tenacity is used in th e paper for “ m axim um tensile stress.” ]—W . H .-R .



/ . Properties o f M etals 117

r, „1- „t r w m i t t e e B -2 [o f A .S.T .M .] on N on -F errous M etals and A lloys.

William Campbell and E lE. ^ ^ ^ ^

226Report o U o i n t R esearch C o m m itte e’[o i A .S.T .M . and A .S E B ] on E ffect

« L h ,™ nn the P roperties o£ M etals. P rogress R eport to th e Sponsor oi Tempe French and N. L. Mochel (Proc. Amer. Soc. Test. M at.,1933,

“ • >“ • 53’ 486- S - G '

l i t m „ „ I h ir o Coefficients o i th e E la stic M odulus o i F errom agnetic M K t e * ( Z P h ytik, 1933, 85, 7 0 8 -7 1 6 ).-T h e practical Materials. elastic m odulus of th e E linvars (iron-nickel alloys containing K S d S ) a t ~ m to m p e m t,re , is explained bjr a n application of

r pkcr’s theory correlating m agnetization, m agnetostriction, and specific 7 a Inconstancy of th e tem perature coeff. of th e elastic modulus in S S S S f - I » explained, a t l , a „ p artly , by th e „on-occ„m » e , of macneto-striction th e re a t.—J . S. G. T. , „ ,

*The Latent E nergy R em a in in g in a M etal after C old-W orking. G. I . Taylor pil H o S e y (Proc. Boy. Soc., 1934, [A], 143, 307- 326).-M easu rem en ts of

t h e l a t e n t " i y rem aining in m etal rods after seyere tw isting are described

Verv much more cold-work can be done on a m etal in torsion th a n in direct 7 L u As th e to ta l am ount of cold-work increases th e proportion absorbed tensi . , , , | i resul t s for copper indicate th a t saturation would E T £ d re r y li .tif g r e a tc r th a n .h e

•t t a , found possible to do much more cold-work th a n th is on copper, and

• +?at« showed th a t th e compressive stress increases w ith increasing

faced of shafts axles, an d sim ilar p a rts subject to bending m om ent as t y

advanced until th e residual a r e . is unable to carry th e load,

mentally by fatigue te s ts in a m achm e of th e revolving-beam type S*™g ^ undorm rotary fe n d in g m om ent along th e specimen Beams, of cm cu^r . section are first discussed, an d th e n th e stresses m re™ l ™ g ^ m s of squa

section, and of round section w ith equal paraldel ^ t s are d e d t wit!h a t le n g ^ , theory and experim ent being in agreem ent. T e e e ^ j th e centrations caused by holes, shoulders keyw ays, &c is chs°ussed and problem of corrosion-fatigue d ealt w ith briefly. The experim ents reter steels, but the results are of general in terest.— W. t i .- n .

* Cutting Tools R esea rch C om m ittee. Reporlt o n th e A g em g o i T ool S t e e . TPeriodic Changes in H ard n ess o i M etals an d A llo y s.] E . G. H erb ert [ S S T r c f S , “ 33 124, 645-683). Periodic

observed in freshly hardened tool steel, a n d also m P nickel iron and after th e secondary h e a t-tre a tm e n t. E xperim ents w ith

gold, brass, and D uralum in suggest th a t periodic deform ati0n are a general characteristic of m etals a fte r severe me , p e or disturbance b y th erm al or m agnetic tre a tm e n t. These chanB }


118 M etallurgical A bstracts

Vol. i

connected w ith m agnetic properties, an d in some cases th e m etal may be stabilized by m agnetic treatm en t. The rem ainder of th e paper describes a ttem p ts to use these facts to im prove th e q u ality of tool steel.—W. H.-R.

*The R ate of H eatin g of M etals by S u rface C om bustion. W. Davies (Phil.

Mag., 1934, [vii], 1 7 , 233-251).—The rates of electric heating of platinum, palladium , gold, an d silver wires in binary a n d te rn a ry m ixtures of hydro­

gen, carbon monoxide, and a ir have been determ ined. R esults obtained w ith platinum an d palladium wires are in accordance w ith Langmuir’s theory of th e catalytic oxidation of gases on solids. The effective rate of combustion on these two wires is governed by diffusive an d convective processes lim iting th e rate of tran sfer of th e reacting gases to th e surface of the vires. The slow diffusive process has a n im p o rtan t bearing on the problem of th e ignition of explosive gaseous m ixtures b y h o t wires. In the cases of gold and silver wire no evidence was obtained of heating due to surface com bustion in m ixtures of hydrogen an d air or carbon m onoxide and air at tem peratures below th e ignition points of th e m ixtures.—J . S. G. T.

D iffu sion in M etals. C hristian Specht (Metallbörse, 1933, 2 3 , 447, 509- 510, 542).—A review of recent work.—A. R . P.

* T herm oelectric F orce of T hin F ilm s. E . A. Jo h n so n an d Louis Harris (Phys. Rev., 1933, [ii], 4 4 , 944-945).—M easurem ents h ave been m ade of the therm oelectric force of therm ocouples consisting of tw o th in films of antimony and bism uth prepared by sputtering in purified argon. T he e.m.f. per degree was independent of th e thickness of th e antim ony film, b u t, w hen th e thickness of th e bism uth film was less th a n 10“4 cm., th e sensitivity dim inished rapidly as the film of bism uth became thinner. Thicknesses above 10 4 cm. gave an e.m.f. corresponding w ith th a t of massive bism u th -an tim o n y , an d th e curve connecting th e e.m.f. per degree w ith th e thickness of th e bism uth film shows a m arked bend a t ab o u t 10 4 cm. The sm oothness of th e curve suggests th a t th e change is n o t due to contam ination b y gases, b u t to a change of crystalline orientation in th e th in layer.-—W . H .-R .

In flu en ce of th e T herm al C onductivity of th e M etals o n T heir U tilization in th e C hem ical In d u stry, N otably th e M an u factu re of A cid s and Explosives.

Stefan Zdenek (Chim. et In d ., 1933, 2 9 , Special N um ber (June), 964-975).—

A discussion of th e factors w hich influence th e conductivity of m etals and also those which make th is an im p o rtan t feature in determ ining th e ir use for industrial purposes. A large num ber of m etals an d alloys is considered, including copper, copper w ith various additions of phosphorus, gold, zinc, nickel, brass (70% Cu), bronze (85% an d 87% Cu), platinoid (55% Cu), alum inium alloys. The incidence of corrosion is th e m ost v ita l determining factor when employing m etals or alloys for chem ical p lan t, an d th e relationship between th is and th e conductivity factor is specially considered. Tables and diagram s indicating th e results which have been obtained are freely given.

—w - A. C. N.

, the C alculation of th e Sp ecific H ea t of Solid s. K . Honnefeider (Z.

physikal. Chem., 1933, [B], 2 1 , 63-64).—F rom theoretical considerations the experim ental values given in th e literatu re for copper, cadm ium , tungsten, tin , an d zinc have been confirmed.—v. G.

it *<?? P h o to a ctiv ity of A n o d ic a lly -P o la r iz in g P ero x id e-F o rm in g M etals.

1 QQQ1 n T T r ^ SS1?n (Swomen K em i> 1933, [B], 6, 6 5-66; Chem. Zentr., , 11H, 11, ZZ6A). Un illum inating w ith a projection ap p a ra tu s or m ercury- vapour lam p a silver anode in dilute sodium hydroxide or a lead anode in dilute sulphuric acid a reduction of several te n th s of a v o lt in th e anodic potential occurs a t a definite cu rren t density. A stu d y has been m ade of the relation between th e anodic polarization an d th e p o ten tial a t w hich photo- a ctiv ity occurs, an d of th e effect of varying th e lig h t in ten sity . The photo- lytic process appears to consist in th e decom position of th e peroxide. A


f „ b l. p h o t.« « ™ effect hue b e e . o b .e m d w ith p l a t t a m , m etal, copper,

„ t a d in » solution of » . of S e d spooimen. of t o d ™ great number of atomic layers. W1 , . ag much m etal bismuth are immersed in so lu tio n y if layer on th e same is exchanged as would be necessary p hence th e aotion of local elem ents metals after ru b b in g w ith e m 3 y p P gince th e active s u r f a c e of m etals

conJsponding^^t^^m onatom ic coaüng tak es^lace.^^B ^B l. T ech.

7 9 0 ) .— R e a d a t t h e c o n f e r e n c e ^ I f h a f t h e e x c e p t i o n o f c o p p e r , H i t h e r t o , i n v e s t i g a t i o n s h a v e s h o w n , a b s o r p t i o n o f r a d i a t i o n i n t h e silver, a n d g o ld , a l l m e t a l s e x h i b i t c o n t i n u o u s a D S o r p t a n d g o l d a r e

ultra-red, visible, and ultra-viole6 {r®rga° gparenc^ P T be absorption of these characterized by extensive regi antim onv bism uth, chrom ium , and metals and aluminium, m > ‘ n ’+lbp region 7 0 0 - 1 8 6 m u, an d th e results manganese has been investigate , m etals are apparently related

ig34 I I . — Properties o f A lloys 119

I I . — P R O P E R T IE S OF A L L O Y S

(Continued from pp. 69-76.) The P r r t i . a H . n - H . r d . n t e « O m j

not effective T t a . l l o y e cnn b e h n r i.n e d . . t

S ¿ L S S i i X ' r f . » d - ™ d e £ l W - » d y-Silum in e n d th e

“T K i.u S X S S L “—

" - i t a . N


r e - ™


V- S W »

|Z, anorg. (M m., 1933, 2 1 6 , 26-28) .-T h e r m a l j

melting point of gallium (29-9° C.) is n ot appreciably lowered b y alum m im n.

*The Influence of A lu m in iu m and Cobalt on th e M iscibility Gap o f th e I r o n - Copper System in the Solid State. F . R oll (Z. a n o r g . Chem., 1933, 2 1 6 , 133 137).—The lim it of solid solub ility of copper m iron-rich ir o n -a lu m m u m a n d iron-cobalt alloys containing about 1-5% carbon has been determ incd rnicTO- graphically. The solid solub ility of copper in iron is increased b y 10, 20 , ana


30% alum inium t ° ab o u t 6 14 and 24% , respectively, and by 10 , 20, and 30°/

cobalt to ab o u t 4, 7, an d 9-5%, respectively.—M. H.

R a tio n a l U s e o f “ A lu m in iu m - B r o n z e ” b y T a k in g in t o Co«*,So™*- S o lid ific a tio n , H o t- W o r k in g , a n d I n t e r n a l S t r e s s e s . C. H . Meigh (J Juntor I n s t Eng., 1933 43, 42-49 ; and (summary) Found. Trade J ., 1932 47 234-235).—l o ensure th e full advantage of th e special qualities of “ aluminium bronze there should be rational conceptions of design. The a 4- P alln are those principally considered, especially w ith regard to th e very short

solidification and th e contraction experienced during this procer The first phenom enon js often used to counteract th e second. This h illu strated by practical examples. The argum ents p u t forw ard should be p articu larly useful to th e designer and draughtsm an.— W. A. C. N.

O r d in a ry “ A lu m i n i u m - B r o n z e s .” P r o p e r tie s a n d U s e s L P n ¡n 0+

(Cuwre et La,ton, 1933, 6, 5 4 3 -5 4 4 ).-A résumé of the properties andcom mercial uses of th e principal “ alum inium -bronzes.” The influence of alumin RmX T -w" Aq UG nN.tieS UP t0 th e m axim um of 12% for industrial purposes

R e p o r t o f C o m m itte e A - 1 0 [o f A .S .T .M .l o n I r n n - r h m m i ,, ^ t C h r o m iu m - N ic k e l, a n d R e la te d A llo y s . Jerom e Strauss and H D ’Newell

SKtfSiiS: r - MM- “•m- * ¡¿ASS,

Í ^ H -N ife i-C o p p e r Alloys. E. Vaders (Z.

t i f f u A J ’t ’ 2 9 1)-—Copper-m ckel alloys w ith abou t 5% aluminium 450° 7oi°ar T h e t m g f? m 9P ° ; C- and subsequent t n n e a W a“

C- , The7 aI " able Properties of these alloys are still furth er imnroved by addition of up to 20 ^ iron, possibly owing to th e fa c t th a t the solubility

86. J” ¡U3!SS2S*i í“ n,n,A B M " í, IS . *?

5 Í 3 S 8 3^,¡ °n >«% -» S I S

n^rl i, I , /«’ respectively. These alloys can be readily rolled cold an d have a high stren g th , plasticity, an d resistance to corrosion and heat

p . S “ ™ i s f i T o ) 0“ u Bs m T i C om r A,1r Ed™

Of beryllium -copper alloy, containing 1 85 to 2 -35S l S / W ‘ ,Prope.rl>“

been determ ined after various i,»,* , - 3o-2 4 b ^ beryllium have these alloys lend them selves are d iw n w r l c f j r applications to which 717.—J . H . W. nemseIves are discussed. Cf. J . In st. Metals, 1933, 53, 40, ^ 9 6 ^ 2? 6)1—AifacTOuntPofeivA11° yS' A non- A m e r . M etal Market, 1933, alloys, followed by an X w t T comm er?lal sta n d a rd beryllium -copper


1933 «‘. a R * pap"


H ' J ' N° M'- S™ '»<<■

'?? A”n» “«d

p. 70.—W. P. R. ’ 1933’ 103’ 57 8 ) .- S e e M et. Abs., th is volume,

120 M etallurgical A bstracts y0L j


i w i n n « nn th e E a u ilib r iu m R e la t io n s o f H e a v ily A llo y e d B r o n z e s .

ttt tIip C o p p er-R ich C o p p e r -M a n g a n e s e - T in A llo y s . J . Verb (Bdnya- I b f^ E r d ö m ir n ö k i Föiskola bänyäszati es kohäszati osztalyanak Koszle-

™ ibbl- M itt berg. Mitt. Abt. kg. ung. Hochschule fü r Berg- u. Forstwesen

m e n y e i b o l , MUt. o g ^ p p . ) . _[In G erman w ith English sum m ary.]—

tv, S r J system copper-tin-m anganese has been investigated by therm al nalvsis and micrographical exam ination up to 15% manganese and from the corner to the quasi-binary section m anganese-Cu,Sn. The results are coppc r pniliiiV)T*inni diagram s for constant manganese contents, ,h 5 — ‘ S i Ä S Ä e q u ilib ri, and to n ,f o rm a tio n , in the

“ itl state are given together w ith photographs of characteristic structures solid state are give b A ddition of manganese to bronze reduces the

° f t h e manganese-rich a U o ^ ^ ^ manganese (Umit o{ h

KTtv , 7 a and in ß-tin-copper) th e appearance and transform ations of all bihty in a- and. in p pp i entirely suppressed, together w ith bronzes are changed, th e P P nase ’ appears in th e micro-

«* " Z „ ’S i i S p m a e n i ' t j p h - e i . formed only Thrmmlid state by separation from th e y-phase on coolmg. The appearance

3 r

only when X is, formed from t ( q{ which have been slowly

out a ^ound-rnass of th e ordi y ^ m anganese an d 27% tin, Ä " slowly cooled alloy w ith 1 » m anga« « bp*

the liquidus and solidus tem peratures above h a U L A A ^ conditions existing in alloys excee ng; c a P { ickei t0 Co p p er-tin and 5% nickel were investigated The, « Id itia n ot m e* tjn alloys decreases the solubility of t m i n th e a-p ^ ^ + g eutectoid which diminishes also as th e tem perature is a rihase or th e S'-phase occurs in copper-tin alloys is replaced by eith er 6-phase or tm ,p

i Z a + T o “ ‘£ a + “ when niekel is p n g e n t is r . i „ d to higher tin contents as th e am ount of nickel is mcrease . „ „go 317-318).—An

Sp ecial B r o n z e s . Anon. (Metallbörse, 1933, 23, 27» .28U, a i t o i i alphabetical list of special bronzes w ith t h e i r ^ p g rties o f 63 : 37 B r a s s .

* 0 n th e I n flu e n c e o f th e ß -C o n s t it u e n t u p o n t h e P P e {i ^ kohäszati J. Verö (Bänyam em öki is E rdom ernoh Im is u n a H o c h s c h u le fü r osztalyanak K ösdem inyeiböl; M itt. berg. hutt.. . 9- ■■ E ngiish.]

Berg- u. Forstwesen 5 R a t i o n of

Annealmg of 6 3 :3 7 brass a t oou m. ui „ . „ „ - —.„tures- t h i s separation ß from the homogeneous a-phase stable a t lower p cbioride solutions, reduces the resistance of th e alloy to corrosion, especialiy 1 t he and also reduces th e elongation to anT f te^ J ^ ^ ; S properties are amount of ß which has separated. The betw een th e values affected to a greater or lesser e x ten t, b u t no regu a n ty betw een the and the proportion of ß present has been discovere

I I — Properties o f A lloys 121


122 M etallurgical Abstracts

Vol. l

* In flu en ce of th e M ixture on th e M ech a n ica l P rop erties of Com m ercial Rolled 63 : 37 B rass. 0 . R ittich (M ezindrodni Sjezd Slevarenslcy, Praha {Internal Foundry Congress, Prague), 1 9 3 3 , 363-370 [in C zech]; 371-373 [in French]).—

Addition of brass scrap or of 0-1% phosphorus to new brass m elts made from electrolytic zinc an d copper increases th e tensile stren g th , b u t reduces the elongation a n d Erichsen value of rolled sheet. Phosphorus retards the annealing process an d increases th e brittleness on hot-rolling, b u t renders th e m etal less sensitive to overheating. P ure 63 : 37 brass tends to become very coarse-grained on annealing, b u t th is m ay be prevented by sm all additions of phosphorus. Arsenic is a particu larly deleterious im purity, since it reduces m arkedly th e capacity of th e m etal to be hot-rolled.—A. R . P.

*Som e E ffects o f In tern a l Stress on P rop erties of D ra w n B rass Tubes. D. K.

Cram pton {Amer. Inst. M in . Met. Eng. Preprint, 1 9 3 2 ).— Young’s law does n o t hold strictly for draw n tubes, b u t th e modulus of elasticity is maximum a t zero loads an d falls off continuously w ith increase in stress. Relief- annealed tubes more nearly approach s tric t p ro p o rtio n ality between stress and strain th a n draw n tubes. An approxim ate m ethod for comparing stress in ten sity and distribution in draw n tu b es is described. In general, in hollow sunk tubes stresses persist well into th e tu b e wall, w hereas in drawn tubes th e y fall off m uch more rapidly. A harm ful ty p e of stress distribution also is accom panied by high surface stress an d vice versa. Polycrystalline tubes showed stresses m aterially higher th a n identically tre a te d single crystal tubes.

The sim ultaneous increase of hardness of surface layers originally under tension and decrease of those originally under compression is found when stress is released by splitting. Some prelim inary w ork is reported on effective type and degree of reduction on preferred orientation.— S. G.

‘ The D ev elo p m en t of In tern a l S tresses an d S eason -C rack in g in Cold-Drawn B rass Tubes. Jam es Fox (Engineering, 1933, 1 3 6 , 375-376).—Experiments were carried out on hollow-sunk tubes an d on m andril-draw n tubes. For detecting internal stress in hollow-sunk tu b es m ercurous n itra te is most suitable, b u t am m onia is recom m ended for testin g m andril-draw n tubes. In hollow-sunk tubes th e liability to season-crack, especially in th e smaller diam eter tubes, is m uch more pronounced th a n in th e m andril-draw n tubes.

I t is essential th a t “ sinking ” should be accom panied b y reduction in thick­

ness, as th e effect of th e la tte r counterbalances th e effect of th e former. By a proper combination of dies and in tern al m andrils tu b es can be produced w ithout internal longitudinal stresses.—W. P. R .

S d ico n -Z in c -C o p p er A llo y s. T. R . E d m u n d (Z. ges. Giesserei-Praxis:

P a s Metall, 1934, 55, 33-35).—The composition, m elting point, methods of casting, and m echanical properties of silicon-zinc—copper alloys, containing approxim ately copper 71-95, silicon 2-6, zinc 0 -2 7 % , cast in green and in dry sand, are described. The industrially im p o rtan t of these alloys are those containing zinc 10-14 an d silicon 4 -5 % . These alloys have th e im portant advantage over th e Tom bak alloys, which th e y som ew hat resemble, of better hot-working properties.—J . H . W.

Special B rasses. Anon. (Metallbörse, 1933, 2 3 , 50-51, 81-82, 113-114).—

A n a l p h a b e t i c a l l i s t o f s p e c i a l b r a s s e s , w i t h t h e i r e n m ^ n a i t i n n a A P . P


7 *• *f,r The solubility of gold in lead is 0 03 atom ic-% a t 170° C.

^ A o i a t o m i c J % a t 200° G ; it i f concluded th a t th e gold atom s are disposed in the intermediate spaces mAheAead ^att^ v. ^ K enneth Gray Recent Applications o i t h e B f b - F .ie r n a r y ^ A sum m ary of the

< * • -1- “ ■ “ • * * “ •

'3*The Surface T e n s i o n f p £ L 1 7 ? lT l - 1 9 1 ) .-

L ead -T m Alloys. • • | j ad and tin over th e whole composition The " le°afA n d t o has been determ ined over th e tem perature range and of pure le rwmnt to 800° C. The surface tension of range from ju st above t e ° ? f tem perature. Small quantities of aU the s p e i u i ^ t h e s u S tension of tin b u t relatively lead produce a miirk g , & &]i h t increase in th e surface tension of w d qThne su rfaceiay er of an a lk y of eutectic composition m ay, on certain

5 J ^ * ^ a j * u E * 2 !SS 5 i>

¿ a f l r x s s s s i i s s : - - -

compound r a s found to.toTO th e f o r m u l n , „ . t e m , ol Mg.Ce, (55% of d c i u m ) a* n o t ob(erved by Donski, the compound C . Z n , b » been^ dent.fied ¡ , s ttte d io be the whilst the compound, C;a 5"n » r n rL rw c ! Tn th e system m agnesium - result of a m isinterpretation of th e coo i g ' d Rounsefell has been zinc, the work of Chadwick an d of H u m e - R o t k e r y ^ {or th e te m a ry confirmed. The equilibrium d ia g r a n n i deposition of th e compound, system, a large p a rt corresponding imAh th e deposit polygonal Mg5Ca3. The te m a ry com pound Mg


Z n £ a 2 conmsis ^ s ^ crystals, unattacked by m tn c acid, an , f_ h ically As regards th eir 492° C. These results were confirmed microgTaphm y. ^ calcium .rich properties, the alloys can be divided disintegrating in m oist a ir;

alloys (from 30% of calcium),, oxndizmg; slightly oxidizable, which, (2) the zinc-rich alloys (from 4 0% of zinc), only slightly oxi , h d owing to the fragility of th e com pounds wbuch very brittle, and unw orkable; (3) th e magnesium -ri y ,

light, slightly oxidizable, an d easy to w ork T h e ^ o y ^ c t o r t ^ ^ not of a single phase, for th e region of more th a n 1% of each nesium does not contain a t ordinary tem peratures more th a n /0 of the other constituents.—J . H . W . i tn m l') 1 9 3 4 ,4 4 ,1 5 5 -

tN ickel and Its A lloys. W R . B arclay ' J b S r c t i c M idland 156; discussion, 156-159).—A bstract of a Pa? o{‘th e ]nst j t ute of M etals, Metallurgical Societies (Birm ingham VowR Steel In stitu te).

Birmingham M etallurgical Society, and. b ta or , castiriK of tern ary The advantages and applications, an d th e m elting “ ^ 3 ^ , ^ d th e alloys of nickel and copper w ith m etals o th er , .. e 0f n ickel in development of the alloys of nickel an d chrom ium a n d ^ o t n ^ ^ austenitic steels are discussed. In th e discussi , T £ dies), the of nickel-chromium alloys for high-tem perature w orking (e.g.

1934 I I . — Properties o f A lloys 123


124 M etallurgical Abstracts

V o l.


com parative h eat an d corrosion-resistance of 85% nickel alloys and 22-280/

chrom ium -iron alloys, th e deoxidation of cupro-nickel, th e corrosion-resist°- ance of nickel alloys, rolling nickel silver, an d corrosion b y flowing liquids were raised. In his reply, B. sta te d th a t he h a d never found evidence that a charcoal cover increased th e carbon co n ten t of nickel alloys, and dealt with th e other points raised. H e recom m ended th e use of manganese and mag­

nesium, n o t only for deoxidizing, which m ay n o t be necessary, b u t for de­

sulphurizing and, in th e case of m anganese, for im proving th e properties of th e alloys.—J . H . W.

*T he N o n -E x isten ce of a H ig h er N ick el Carbide. Ju rg en Schm idt (with Eugen Osswald) (Z. anorg. Chem., 1933, 216, 85-98).—E xperim ents on th e carburiza- tion of nickel w ith carbon monoxide a t 240°-250° C. have shown th a t a higher nickel carbide th a n N i3C is n o t form ed. H ow ever, nickel dissolves about 6-4% free carbon more th a n is necessary to form N i3C.—M. H .

Report o f C om m ittee B - 4 [o f A .S .T .M .l on E lec trica l H ea tin g , Electrical R esista n ce, and E lectric F urnace A llo y s. D ean H arvey an d F . E. Bash (Proc Amer. Soc. Test. M at., 1933, 33, (I), 252-257).—See J . In st. Metals, 1933 53' 493.—S. G.

♦P erm an en t Set in M onel M etal and A u ste n itic Cast Iron. J . E. Hurst (Engineering, 1933, 136, 4 2 9 ^ 3 1 ).—I n connection w ith th e use of the principle of interference or force fits in th e assem bly of engineering com­

ponents th e capacity of various m aterials for p erm anent set has become a m a tte r of prim ary im portance. H . has m ade determ inations by a method based on B ritish S tandards In stitu tio n specifications Nos. 5004 and 4K6, on sam ples of “ alum inium -bronze,” light alum inium alloys, Monel metal!

an d austenitic cast irons. F o r b o th th e ferrous a n d non-ferrous nickel- containing alloys th e p erm anent set values were determ ined a t a stress of 14 to n s/in .2.—W. P . R.

t H eat" and A cid -R esistin g A llo y s. J . F erdinand K ayser (Found. Trade J., a? discussion> 27-28).—A b stract of a p ap er read before the Sheffield Local Section of th e In s titu te of B ritish Foundrym en. The earliest references to heat- an d acid-resisting alloys are to those of iron and chromium, and later nickel. The best all-round heat-resisting alloy is one containing K r t yu: mc!<el 60’ chrom ium 20, silicon 1, manganese 1, and carbon j /<!' , c carhon greatly assists in th e production of sound castings an d considerably increases th e stren g th of th e m aterial a t high temperatures, but more th a n 1 /? is liable to cause brittleness. W hen used for steam- proaucing plant, th e castings should be tre a te d w ith alum inium to render em im mune from sulphur a tta c k . I n replying to th e discussion, K. stated th a t manganese and silicon give a good skin to th e alloy, b u t th a t aluminium was d etrim ental in th is respect. The chrom ium an d nickel m ust not be regarded as mere addition elem ents. The ty p e of sand for th e mould is not i w i S / df T bed th e m ethod of applying th e creep test, and stated

° i 4^+i 4. cas^ *ron gra,äu ally becomes h arder and more

’ but, 0a t o2d% of chrom ium i t is fairly unw orkable; above a alio™ l r rcef*fS® 25~:27% ), th e m etal is easily rolled an d m achined. These alloys are not b rittle a t high tem peratures, b u t will n o t sta n d up to lead.

j pj •yy Tin-R isirnfth c5® Ct a ? d S ° m e O ther P h y sic a l C on stan ts o f A llo y s. II.— The HUw u r n I V Ä R heinallt Thom as an d E . J . E v an s (Phil.

coeff'.'between 0 an d 20 C andTl a ^ 4 0 ^ C ^ t t e ^ t h ^ ' “ 1 ^ tem perature ie L T e f L m f f ie d ^ o ’ S r ^ R I T C” ^ e s o T l T H a d coTffi h a T rano-p Thp * bism uth alloys covering th e com plete composition therm oeleetrin rV6S conncctm g electrical resistivity, tem p eratu re coeff., the

pow er and density w ith th e percentage w eight of bismuth



I I , — Properties o f A lloys 125

ii in th e reeion of low tin content, a well-defined maximum iQ fnimum In this respect the results agree w ith those for the lead-bism uth 01 s of allovs (J. Inst. Metals, 1933, 53,493). The resistivity increases slowly series of aUojra t as th e percentage w eight of bism uth is increased and approximat y ^ ^ rangß 50_85o/o o{ bism uth, and from 0 to 5 0 /¿, th xinfunl for ab o u t 99% of bism uth. Thereafter the

^ tm tv falls very rapidly. These results are in general agreem ent w ith those T S e r The mafn feature of th e tem perature coefi. of composition rveTs the well-defined m inim um a t th e composition corresponding w ith about

c u r v e is tue wen ueun +ilprmoelectric now er-com position curve has a

9 8 %-maximum c sbows a sudden increase and fall of density over9* % of b/ T ,th; T h e density-composition c bism uth, an d is alm ost linear over the th e H all coeff.-co ni position range 0-80 /0 of Dismurn h 3()96 5787 and 766i oersteds occurs curves for magnetic fields of stren g ths dlJJO ,^ ^ o{ bigmuth> 990/

at compositions corresponding m t h 9 4 ^ J o ^ ^ th e

S Ä 5 *> • 1 ^ « » S S Ä Ä

S p o l i H Ä r r Ä T C , of th e alloy, enhihit te v e t.a , of th e iB m -T n n g ste n S ystem W P. S y k « and Tf .4 R Van H orn (Arner. Inst. M in . Met. Eng. Preprint, 1932, 1-15). th is

m i c a t e s th a t th is phase is solution. D ifiractl0n p a tterns of

^ T o S e t w e e n 1f o t n d f Ä tu n g sten was tre a te d in an a tte m p t to form the X n h a se S p o rte d recently by T akeda. No indication of such a phase was observed in either th e m icrostructures or th e diffraction p a tte rn s ^ -S . G. _

♦Electrical C onductivity along. Chern.,

The System L ith iu m -Z m c . G G rube an d H . The ilibriuni 1QTI 915 211—224).—See J . lu s t. Metals, u o o , oo, Thp S a m has been established by th erm al an d

liquidus consists of 5 branches correspon _ g 28-5-95-5; and 5 series of solid solutions: a, 0 -5 ; J , 5 - 2 0 ^ 2 0 ^ 2 8 5 /0 m elting

p o i n t o f "520° S 4o{°toinic%/ lith iu m (Li2Zn3). T r a n s f o r m a t i o n s tak e p l a c e

in the ß, Y, and 8 solid solutions. M. H . .. c Mntpvials U sed

s - i s s s r s Ä f t " « -

q u a r t z , a n d v a r i o u s s t e e l s , i s g i v e n . — J . o . G . 4 - Metall 1 9 3 3 , 54, Special A lloys. Anon. (Z. ges. Giesserei-Praxis . Das , ’so m ’ 534; 1934, 55, 16).—The com position, p reparation, an d p P _ j H w _ special alloys are described. Cf. J . In st. Metals, 19 , , • ^ 319-322,

fTernary A lloys. E dw in Gregory (Met. n . ( " , j ) our’se öf lectures 349-352, 371-374, 3 9 8 ^ 0 2 ) .- L o n g a b stra c t of a sh^ c ^ gheffield delivered a t th e D ep artm en t of A pplied Sei , changes Although 3-dimension diagram s m ore com pletely show th e pnase g


126 M eta llu rg ical Abstracts

Vol. i

w ith tem perature of tern ary alloys, th e y are difficult an d laborious to construct and, in m ost cases, all th a t is required can be shown in plane diagrams. The construction of such diagram s is explained.—J . H . W.

fAge-Hardening. --- (Metallurgist (Suppt. to Engineer), 1933, 9, 66).—

A discussion of nom enclature relating to th e process.—R . G.

I I I . — S T R U C T U R E

(M etallography; M acrography ; C rystal S tructure.) (Continued from pp. 76-78.)

R eport o f C om m ittee E - 4 [o f A .S .T .M .] o n M etallography. C. H . D avis

and 0 . E. H arder (Proc. Amer. Soc. Test. M at., 1933, 33, (I), 489-491) See J . Inst. Metals, 1933, 53, 440.—S. G.

fM ech a n ism and M etallurgy. L. B. H u n t (Metallurgist (Suppt. to Engineer), 1933, 9 , 78-79).—Some rem arks on th e progressive developm ent of metal­

lurgical hypotheses on mechanistic lines of th o u g h t.— R . G.

P reparation and E tch in g of G alvanized W ires for M etallographic Observa­

tio n . L. H ajd a and S. Popofe (C him . et In d ., 1 9 3 3 , Special N um ber (June), 700-704).—The necessary conditions for good w ork are th e fixation of the cross-section in ebonite, polishing by magnesia suspended in denatured alcohol, an d etching by prolonged use of K ourbatoff’s reagent. The latter consists of a solution of 4% nitric acid in acetic anhydride, 1 p a rt, and a mixture of m ethyl, ethyl, an d isoamyl alcohols in equal volum es, 10 p arts.—W. N.

The M etallograp h ic E x a m in a tio n o f W eld s. J . D. Jevons and M. A W heeler (Welding J ., 1933, 30, 166-172; discussion, 172-174).—An element­

ary discussion of m etallic stru ctu re is followed b y a review of typical weld defects (chiefly steel) as revealed by m etallographic exam ination. This method of investigation is recom m ended as th e best for routine control of welding.

r . „x . o T — H. w . G. H.

In g o t S tructure. S. L. A rch b u tt (Light M etals Research, 1933, 2, (36), 1 6 -1 7 ).—A rep o rt of th e C hairm an’s address to th e London Local Section of th e In s titu te of Metals, an d of th e subsequent discussion.—J . C. C.

nr H ea t-T rea tm en t o f A lu m in iu m -B r o n z e C om ponents. P. Mabb (Machinery (Lond.), 1933, 43, 39—42).—An account of th e effects of heat-treat- iner!on^n i 6 .structure an d properties of “ alum inium -bronze ” containing 10-12% alum inium .—J . C. C.

A pplication of th e R a d io a ctiv e L ead Iso to p e T h oriu m B to the Solution o s “ 1? « i G‘ T am m ann ar*d G. B andel (Z. Metqllkunde, 1933, 25, 153-156, 207-209).—R adiogram s (produced b y laying a plane specimen on a photographic plate) show th a t a t least 10 6 % of thorium B is soluble in lead, thallium , m agnesium , and cadm ium (only after heat- treatm en t), b u t insoluble in bism uth, tin , antim ony, silver, gold, copper, nickel an d zinc in which it segregates along th e grain-boundaries. As little , S .. , ,/0 0 t can still be detected in radiogram s, whereas the lower lim it of detectability by th e microscope is ab o u t 0-1% . On adding thorium Ii to iron containing oxide, sulphide, or slag or to alum inium containing oxide it separates w ith these inclusions on crystallization, an d th u s makes them

• e inp ie..iai. shaking m olten alum inium or zinc containing thorium B w ith liquid lead, bism uth, or thallium th e tho riu m B alm ost com-

lnto, thesf. W hen an alloy containing thorium B n r i S w Y T l rm *U(>n m th e solid sta te th e radiogram shows the rp n T ttr ( f y stam f tl0n) structure, w hereas th e etched specimen shows the

! l r n , f t ! n!!re T o ^ microscope. W hen, how ever, no change in the radimrmm °°Uf 3 ! , 1 transform ation in brass, tran sfo rm atio n in AuCu3), radiogram an d photom icrograph show identical stru ctu res. Radiogram s of


rolled and recrystallized cadm ium , tin , an d zine show the rolling structure.

Further Gram-Size m Relation to Coitt w orm ng J o ^ '^ c o i d - W o r k m g . A. L. Molineux. J . D. Jevons.^ Pinkerton.

H- D a j1®8' T B Crowe. ____ Wiggins (Met. In d . (Lond.), 1933, 43, 634) —A rep o rt of a n open discussion before th e Midland Metal-

? Il Societies (Birmingham Local Section of th e In stitu te of Metals,

^ h a ^ a l S g i c a l l o c i e t y , and Staffordshire Iron and S t^ I n M itu te ) .

■, r*L wdai W Stillwell an d E lm er E . Jukkola.

*The Crystal S tr u c tu r e :^ 4Nd5 g -56_57)>__F r0 m X -ray diffraction d ata, the

<J- X“ i a to p S S th e H -br.s, t i p - Of . t r a c t ™ («. -

oT ^ OI aT The ratio of valence electrons to th e num ber of atom s is 3 :2 if the valence of th e tran sitio n elem ent is assumed to be zero (as m CoAi, NiAl, FeAl, &c.).—R . G. 0 w en a n d Jo h n Iball

*X-Ray Study o f A u m m iu m ^ m c ^ q£ a prebrailiai.y (Phil. Mag., 1934, [viij, 17» , • which alloys covering a wide range

survey of the m ethod. Only

of composition have been exa V tem perature could be investigated

alloys below th e obtained w ith these

less than about 2% of alum unum ^ 15-164 A. for th e alloy

«-phase alloys changes from 15-109 A p extending from about 2o/o to 80%

saturated w ith a urm murn^ 2 ) ^ ¿ ¿ redgcubic structure) consisting of alloys of alum inium , ( ) y P ( aiumin iu m ; th e param eter of th e y-phase containing f {° alum inium to 4-0345 A. for an alloy containing changes from 4-0406 A \ “ r P“ ® , transform ation tem perature was found to 80% of alum m ium .^ “ ^ ¿ S S S T t h a n t h e L u l t s given by other he between 300 O .a n d d lU u , w n i b ta k e n a t high tem peratures investigators. X -ray spectrum p g V face-centred cubic structure, show th a t th e ^-phase is a solid soluti aiu m in iu m ; th e corresponding

At 375° C. it extends from 19 to 45/« of alum m m , ^ ^ ^ crystal param eters are 4*016 A. an d 4 • p_- - a+- ^he higher tern- centred cubic lattices of different param e ers alloys indicate a much peratures (up to 450° C.) th e param eters of th e y-phase a U o y s ™ ^ mogt of smaller range of solubility of zinc u1, a u“ 1IU'r‘rhe resu)ts altogether closely

r s s r s r s t « *s% r

when the alloys are exam ined a t lugh te m p e ra tu re . • Structure and

♦Crystal Structure and E lec trica l P rop erties n ^ c'tals Subjected to L o n g i- the [Electrical] C onductivity o f B ism u th S in g le Crys a - 697_707).—J u s t

tudinal M agn etization . 0 . S t i e r s t a d t ( s e e

as in the case of transverse m agnetization of bism utn sin,g y t ure Met. .46«., this volume, p. 77) i t is lectrL a c o n d u c t^ ty of bism uth can be derived from m easurem ents of th e electrical oonaucu y

single crystals in longitudinal m agnetic b e l d s . - J • • Laves (Z.


r t,l b o r i d e .

189) can be explained on th e assum ption t h a t i t consrsts o t a ^ boron atom s in which th e gaps are filled b y m etal atom s,

calculations of von S. an d N . is corrected, v.

1934 I I I . — Structure 127


*A Study o f Segregate S tructu res in C opper-T in and S ilv er-Z in c Alloys.

D ana W. Sm ith (A m er. In st. M in . M et. Eng. Preprint, 1 9 3 2 ) .—Structures resulting from segregation of th e a-phases from th e respective ¡3-phases of the systems copper-tin an d silver-zinc were in vestigated to determ ine if they were analogous to those obtained by Mehl an d Marzke in th e system s eopper- zinc and copper-alum inium . A co p p er-tin alloy containing 74-92% (by w eight) of copper, balance tin , an d a silver-zinc alloy containing 67-76%

(by weight) of silver, balance zinc, were chosen for these investigations. Both of these alloys are entirely in th e ¡3-phase fields a t elevated tem peratures and on cooling segregate th e a-phases. I t was shown, in both systems,"

th a t the a-phases segregated from th e ¡3-phases in th e form of needles parallel to [111] directions in th e [3-phases, an d also th a t in th e co p p er-tin system the a-phase oriented itself so th a t a {111} plane was parallel to a {110} plane in the

¡3-phase p aren t solution. I t is postulated th a t th e tendency of the a-phase to form needles instead of the more common platelets is to be ascribed to the fa c t th a t a sim ilar arrangem ent of atom s exists along {111} directions in the (3-matrix and {110} directions in th e a-segregate. I n th e copper-tin system i t was found th a t a pseudom orphic segregation of th e a-phase took place in th e form of plates in positions originally occupied b y tw ins in th e [3-matrix, an d th a t th e tw inning plane in th e [3-phase was p robably a {133} plane.

—S. G.

^L attice Structure and F erro m a g n e tism in M an gan ese-A lu m in iu m -C op p er A llo y s. II .M agnetic and E lec trica l In v e stig a tio n s. O tto Heusler (Z.

Elektrochem., 1933, 39, 645; discussion, 646).—R ead before th e Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft. The ferrom agnetic m anganese-alum inium -copper alloys are characterized by a 3-fold su p erstru ctu re of th e ty p e On.MnAl F or each of th e 3 types of ato m th ere is a characteristic p a rtia l lattice into which foreign atom s m ay e n te r owing to th e stoichiom etric composition of th e alloys and to th e m utual exchange of atom s. This e n try of foreign atoms in a,ny of th e 3 p a rtia l lattices lowers th e spontaneous m agnetism and the Curie point. An explanation of th e results based on Sadron’s hypothesis (J. Inst. Metals, 1933, 53, 8) is p u t forw ard.—J . H . W.

*Type and L a ttice Structure o f B in a ry M a g n esiu m C om pounds. E. Zintl and E . H usem ann (Z. physikal. Chem., 1933, [B], 2 1 , 138-155).—Mg,Sb«

a = d a c = 7'229 A., th e m agnesium atom s being a t the BOO; } r v ; f 1 v, and the antim o n y atom s a t \ % u ; 4 | - u positions, from which u = 0-235 and v = 0-63. Mg3B i2 has th e sam e ty p e of lattice with a ~ tn n? ? c, = A- yf eP 2 has a com plicated cubic lattice with a — 12-01 A. and Mg3As2 a sim ilar lattice w ith a = 12-33 A.—v. G.

^ R eflection of E lectro n s from L iquid M ercury. [Stru ctu re o f Liquid M etals.]

R o b ert W. Brode an d E dw ard B. Jo rd a n (Phys. Rev., 1933, [ii], 44, 872-875).—

t h e reflection of electrons from a clean m ercury surface has been studied with angles of incidence from 10° to 90°, an d velocities from 20 to 70 volts. The earing of th e results on the inner p otential of liquid m etals, an d th e nature of th e surface are briefly discussed.—W. H .-R .

r ■Th1<; St/ ^ Ct^ 0f ?,xide FUms on N ick el. G. D. P resto n (Phil. Mag., 1934, LvnJ 1 7 , 466-470).— By th e m ethod of electron diffraction it is shown th a t the crystal structure of the film of nickel oxide on nickel sheet is identical with m ately —J S ^ " I & ' Salt ty p e of lattice of p ara m e te r 4-10 A. approxi-

„ w z - 7h ™EIeCtr?noo ^ “ fieuration in Metallic Phases. U . D ehlinger (Z.

fn tL a I A m '-’ ^ [®]> . 2 2 , (1/2), 45-58).—Conclusions are reached as frnrn t electronic configuration of th e body-centred cubic com pound CuPd j™ , cj°!our of th e all°ys of gold, copper, an d silver w ith m etals of the R othei p latl™ m 8rouPs- An a tte m p t has been m ade to explain th e Hume-

128 M etallurgical Abstracts




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