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Scientific Journals

Zeszyty Naukowe

Maritime University of Szczecin

Akademia Morska w Szczecinie

2013, 36(108) z. 1 pp. 100–104 2013, 36(108) z. 1 s. 100–104

ISSN 1733-8670

Reliability analysis of a system subjected to two-state

operation process

Ewa Kuligowska

Gdynia Maritime University

81-225 Gdynia, ul. Morska 81–87, e-mail: e.kuligowska@wn.am.gdynia.pl

Key words: reliability analysis, simulation methods, operation states, a semi-Markov process, modeling Abstract

The paper presents analytical and Monte Carlo simulation methods applied to the reliability evaluation of a system operating at two different operation states. A semi-Markov process is applied to construct the system operation model and its main characteristics are determined. Analytical linking of this operation model with the system reliability model is proposed to get a general reliability model of the system operating at two vary-ing operation conditions and to find its reliability characteristics. The application of Monte Carlo simulation based on this general model to the reliability evaluation of this system is proposed as well. The results obtained from those two considered methods are evaluated.


The reliability analysis of a system subjected to varying in time its operation process very often leads to complicated calculations and, therefore, it is difficult to implement analytical modeling, pre-diction and optimization, especially in the case when we assume the system multistate reliability model and the multistate model of its operation process [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. On the other hand, the com-plexity of the systems’ operation processes and their influence on changing in time the systems’ reliability parameters are very often met in real practice [3, 6, 7, 8]. Thus, the practical importance of an approach linking the system reliability models and the system operation processes models into an integrated general model in reliability assessment of real technical systems is evident. The Monte Carlo simulation method [5, 9] is a tool that some-times allows to simplify solving this problem [4, 10, 11]. All cited here publications presents general results obtained under a strong assumption that the system components have exponential conditional reliability functions at different operation states. To omit this assumption that narrows the investigation down and to get general solutions of the problem, at the beginning, we deal with the two-state reliability

model of the system and two-state model of its operation process. The analytical approach to the reliability analysis of two-state systems subjected to two-state operation processes is presented and next the computer simulation modeling method for such systems reliability assessment is proposed.

System operation process

We assume that a system during its operation at the fixed moment t, t  0, +, may be at one of two different operations states zb, b = 1,2.

Conse-quently, we mark by Z(t), t  0,+, the system operation process, that is a function of a continuous variable t, taking discrete values at the set {z1, z2} of the system operation states. We assume a semi-Markov model [2, 3] of the system operation pro-cess Z(t) and we mark by bl its random conditional

sojourn times at the operation states zb, when its

next operation state is zl, b,l = 1,2, b  l. The

exemplary realizations of the considered system operation process are presented in figure 1.

Consequently, the operation process may be de-scribed by the following parameters [4]:

– the vector [pb(0)]12, b = 1,2, of the initial pro-babilities of the system operation process Z(t)


Reliability analysis of a system subjected to two-state operation process (2) 21  (2) 12  1 z 2 z t operation state (1) 21  0 ... (1) 12  (1) 12  (2) 21  (2) 12  ... 1 z 2 z t operation state (1) 21 

Fig. 1. The exemplary realizations of the system operation process

staying at the particular operation states at the moment t = 0;

– the matrix [pbl]22 of the probabilities of the sys-tem operation process Z(t) transitions between the operation states zb and zl, b,l = 1,2, b  l;

– the matrix [Hbl(t)]22 of the conditional distribu-tion funcdistribu-tions of the system operadistribu-tion process Z(t) conditional sojourn times bl at the

opera-tion states, b,l = 1,2, b  l. We mark by: ), ( ) ( ( ) 1 ) ( 1n tPntt  0,), n = 1,2,...,

the distribution functions of the random variables: ,... 2 , 1 , ... ( ) 12 ) 2 ( 12 ) 1 ( 12 ) ( 1n     n n  ,

where the variables (), 1,2,..., , 12i in

 are

independ-ent random variables having idindepend-entical distribution functions with the distribution of the sojourn time

12  , i.e.: ), ( ) ( ) ( 12() t P 12 t H12t Pi      i1,2,...,n, and by: ), ( ) ( ( ) 2 ) ( 2n tPnt t  0,), n = 1,2,...,

the distribution functions of the random variables: ,... 2 , 1 , ... ( ) 21 ) 2 ( 21 ) 1 ( 21 ) ( 2n     n n  ,

where the variables (), 1,2,..., , 21i in

 are

independ-ent random variables having idindepend-entical distribution functions with the distribution of the sojourn time 21, i.e.: ), ( ) ( ) ( () 21 21 21 t P t H t P i i1,2,...,n.

Realizations 12(i) and21(i) of the random varia-bles ()


 and (), 1,2,..., 21i i

 are illustrated in figure 1. Consequently, we get: ) ( ) ( 12 ) 1 ( 1 t H t  ,

   t nn t t u H u n 0 12 ) 1 ( 1 ) ( 1 ()  ( )d ( ), 2,3,...  , ) ( ) ( 21 ) 1 ( 2 t H t  ,

   t nn t t u H u n 0 21 ) 1 ( 2 ) ( 2 ()  ( )d ( ), 2,3,...  .

Moreover, we mark by: ), ( ) ( ( ) ) (n t P n t t  0,), n = 1,2,...,

the distribution functions of the random variables: ,... 2 , 1 , ) ( 2 ) ( 1 ) (n n n n  , and we have:

  t n n n t t u u 0 ) ( 2 ) ( 1 ) ( ( ) ( )d ( )t  0,), n = 1,2,..., (1)

If we denote by N(t) the number of changes of the system operation process’ states before the moment t, by Nb(t), b = 1,2, the number of changes

of the system operation process’ states before the moment t when its operation process at the initial moment t = 0 was at the operation state zb, b = 1,2,

for t  0,+), we immediately get the following results [5].

Proposition 1

The distribution of the number N(t) of changes of the system operation process’ states before the moment t, t  0,+), are given by:

                    

t n t n n u H u t p u H u t p t n t N P 0 21 ) ( 2 0 12 ) ( 1 ) ( ) ( d ) ( 1 ) 0 ( ) ( d ) ( 1 ) 0 ( ) ( ) 2 ) ( (    (2)                         

  t n t n t n t n u H u t u H u t p u H u t u H u t p n t N P 0 12 ) 1 ( 0 21 ) ( 2 0 21 ) 1 ( 0 12 ) ( 1 ) ( d ) ( 1 ) ( d ) ( ) 0 ( ) ( d ) ( 1 ) ( d ) ( ) 0 ( ) 1 2 ) ( (     (3)

for t  0,+), n = 0,1,2,..., where (0)(t) = 1 and (n)(t) for n = 1,2,..., are determined by (1).


Ewa Kuligowska

System reliability subjected to two-state operation process

We assume that the considered two-state system reliability depends on its operation state it is operat-ing and on the number of changes of the operation process states. We define the system conditional reliability function at the operation state zb, b = 1,2,

after k, k = 0,1,..., changes of its operation process states: ) ( ) ( ( ) ) ( t PT t R b k b k   t  0,), b1,2, k0,1,..., (4) where Tk(b), b = 1,2, k = 0,1,..., is the lifetimes of the system at the operation state zb, b = 1,2, after k,

k = 0,1,..., changes of its operation process states with the conditional distribution functions:

) ( 1 ) ( ) ( ( ) ( ) ) ( t PT t R t F b k b k b k     t  0,), b1.2, k0,1,....

Under those assumptions, we want to find the unconditional reliability function of the system subjected to two-state operation process:

) ( )


R , t  0,),

where T is the unconditional lifetime of the system with the unconditional distribution function:

) ( )


F , t  0,).

Analytical approach to system reliability evaluation

The application of Proposition 1 results in the following proposition.

Proposition 2

The unconditional reliability function of the system subjected to two-state operation process is given by:

    0 ) ( () ) ) ( ( ) ( k b k t R k t N P t R , t  0,),

where the distribution P(N(t) = k), t  0, ), k = 0,1,..., is determined by (2)–(3) and R(b)(t)

k ,

t  0, ), b = 1,2, k = 0,1,..., are the conditional reliability functions of the system determined by (4).

Its particular case for the Weibull conditional reliability functions is as follows.

Corollary 1

If the conditional reliability functions of the sys-tem subjected to two-state operation process are:

] exp[ ) ( ( ) () ) ( t t kb R b k b k     t  0, ), k = 0,1,..., b = 1,2,... (5) Then, the unconditional reliability function of the system subjected to two-state operation process is given by:

     0 ) ( ], exp[ ) ) ( ( ) ( () k b k b k t k t N P t   R t  0,),

where the distribution P(N(t) = k), t  0, ), k = 0,1,..., is determined by (2)–(3). Unfortunately, the fixed analytical results are complex and difficult to apply practically. The problem can also be ana-lyzed by Monte Carlo simulation method.

Monte Carlo approach to system reliability evaluation

We can apply the Monte Carlo simulation meth-od based on the result of Corollary 1, according to a general Monte Carlo simulation scheme presented in figure 2.

At the beginning, we fix the following parame-ters:

– the number N  N\{0} of iterations (runs of the simulation) equal to the number of the system lifetime realizations;

– the vector of the initial probabilities [pb(0)],

b = 1,2, of the system operation process Z(t) states at the moment t = 0 defined in Section 2; – the matrix of the probabilities [pbl], b,l = 1,2,

b  l, of the system operation process Z(t) transi-tions between the various system operation states defined in Section 2.

Next, we generate the realizations of the condi-tional sojourn times bl(i), b,l=1,2, b  l, i=1,2,...,n, of the system operation process at the operation states defined in Section 2.

Further, we generate the realizations of the sys-tem conditional lifetimes (b),


T b = 1,2, k = 0,1,..., according to the formula (4).

In the next step we introduce:

– k  N as the number of system operation pro-cess states changes;

– j  N\{0} as the subsequent iteration in the main loop and set j = 1;

– tj  0,), j = 1,2,...,N as the system

uncondi-tional lifetime realization and set tj = 0.

As the algorithm progresses, we draw a random number q from the uniform distribution on the interval 0,1. Based on this random value, the realization zb(q), b = 1,2, of the system operation

process initial operation state at the moment t = 0 is generated according to the formula:


 

 

 

        . 1 0 , , 0 0 , 1 2 1 1 q p z p q z q zb

Next, we draw a random number g uniformly distributed on the unit interval. Concerning this random value, the realization zl (g), l = 1,2, l  b,

of the system operation process consecutive opera-tion state is generated according to the formulas:

 

 

. , 1 2 2 1 z g z z g z l l  

Further, we generate a random number h from the uniform distribution on the interval 0,1, which we put into the formula H 1(t)

bl, b,l = 1,2, b  l

obtaining the realization bl(i), b,l = 1,2, b  l, i = 1,2,...,n. Subsequently, we generate a random num-ber f uniformly distributed on the unit interval, which we put into the formula (5) obtaining the realization tk(b), b = 1,2. If the realization of the

empirical conditional sojourn time is not greater than the realization of the system conditional life-time, we add to the system unconditional lifetime realization tj the value bl(i). The realization tj is

recorded and zl is set as the initial operation state.

We generate another random numbers g, h, f from the uniform distribution on the interval 0,1

obtaining the realizations zl(g), bl(i) and tk(b),

b,l = 1,2, b  l. Each time we compare the realiza-tion of the condirealiza-tional sojourn time (i)


 with the realization of the system conditional lifetime tk(b). If bl(i) is greater than tk(b), we add to the sum of the realizations of the conditional sojourn times (i)


 the realization tk(b) and we obtain and record an system unconditional lifetime realization tj. Thus,

we can proceed replacing j with j + 1 and shift into the next iteration in the loop if j < N. In the other case, we stop the procedure.

Example 1

The input data for the system operation process are:

– the vector of the initial probabilities of the sys-tem operation process Z(t) staying at the particu-lar operation states at the moment t = 0:

 

pb 0




– the matrix of the probabilities of the system operation process Z(t) transitions between the operation states:

 

       10 1 0 2 2 bl p ; No ) (q zb Start Generate g No Stop INPUT: N,



 

pbl Yes Set j:1 ) (g zl Take () H-1(h), bl i bl   t()[R(b)(f)]1 k b k Generate q Generate h (i) bl  Generate f ) (b k t bl j j t t :  ) ( ) ( b k i bl t θ  ) ( : b k j j t t t   Yes OUTPUT: tj N j  1 : kk 1 : jj l b z z : Set tj:0 Set k:0

Fig. 2. Monte Carlo algorithm for a system reliability evaluation

k: = k + 1 j: = j + 1 ) (i bl


Ewa Kuligowska – the matrix of the conditional distribution

functions of the system operation process Z(t) sojourn times (i)


, b,l = 1,2, b  l, i = 1,2,...,n at the operation states:

 

t F  

 

t H Nm σ 12 12, 12  , H21

 


 

t , where: , 290 12 m σ1210, m2170, σ215. The input data for the system reliability are:

], 1 1 2 00000335 . 0 exp[ ) ( 2 ) 1 ( t k k t Rk     ], 1 1 2 00000163 . 0 exp[ ) ( 2 ) 2 ( t k k t Rk     t  0,), k0,1,2,.... (6) The results of simulation calculated for N = 1,000,000 realizations are:

– the mean value of the system unconditional life-time T 820days;

– the standard deviation σ676 days.


The discussed problem seems to be very inter-esting in practice because of the natural omitting the assumption on exponentiality of the system reliability functions at operation states. Both, the analytical method and the simulation method, should be modified and developed to get results better fitting to real technical systems.


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