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Journal of the Institute of Petroleum, Vol. 27, Abstracts


Academic year: 2022

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V O L U M E T W E N T Y - S E V E N 1941


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E D G B A S T O N , B IR M IN G H A M , 15.



T . I 0 2 / M 3 1

A B S T R A C T O R S .

K . T. Ar t e r, B .S c., A .M .I.A .E .,

M .Inst.Pet.

S. J . As t b u r y, M.A.

J . Ca n t o r, B . Sc.

S. E . Co o m b e r, B .Sc., A .M .Inst.Pet.

E . F . Co x o n, A .M .Inst.M ech.E.

T . T . Da v i e s, B .A ., B .S c., A .M .Inst.Pet.

P. Do c k s e y, B .A ., A .M .Inst.Pet.

R . J . Ev a n s, M . Sc., A .M .Inst.P et.

H . Ga r d n e r, B .S c., A.I.C.

C. L . Gi l b e r t, B .S c., A .R .C .S., F .In st.P et.

C . G . Gr a y.

G. D . Ho b s o n, P h .D ., A .M .Inst.P et.

J . W. Hy d e, B .S c., A .M .Inst.Pet.

M. M. La p i t z k y.

H . B . Mi l n e r, M .A., D .I.C ., F .G .S ., F .In st.P e t.

A. H . Ni s s a n, P h .D ., A .M .In st.P et.

A. Os b o r n, F .In st.P e t.

D. L . Sa m u e l, B .S c ., A .I.C ., F .In st.P e t.

C. H. Sp r a k e, F .In st.P e t.

R . D . St r e e t o n, S tu d .In st.P et.

G. S. Sw e e t i n g, D .I.C ., F .G .S . H . E Te s t e r, B .S c., A .M .In st.P et.

T . C. G. Th o r p e, A .M .Inst.P et.

B . M. H . Tr i p p, B .S c .

W . Wa d e, A .M .I.M ech.E., F .In st.P e t.

R . J . Wa r d, A.M .I.M .M ., F .In st.P e t.

H . L . We s t, B .S c ., A .C .I., A .M .In st.P et.

E . H . Wi l d, B .S c .

H . G . Wi l l i a m s, P h .D ., M .Sc., A .I.C . J . G. Wi t h e r s, B .S c ., A .M .I.E .E .,

A .M .In st.P et.



Abbreviated Title.

Aircr. Engng


Jou rn al.

A ircraft Engineering

A nnales des Mines de B elgique.

A nnales des Mines de R oum anie.

Liquides0 10ffice N ation al des Com bustibles A sp h alt und Teer.

A utom obile Engineer.

Autom obiltechnische Zeitschrift (Berlin) A zerbaidzhanskoe N eftyanoe K h o zv aistv o . B eitrag e angew andte Geophysik.

B eitrag e zu r G eophysik.

B itum en.

B oh rtechniker Zeitung.

B oletín de Geologia y M inería (C aracas).

A ires) ^ fo rm a c io n e s P etroleras (Buenos BoU. Soc. geol. ital. . . . B olletin de la Societa G eológica Ita lia n a Brennst Chemie . ^ . . B ren n stoff Chemie.

B u h e tin of th e A cadem y of Sciences (U .S .S .R . In stitu te of Seism ology).

B u lletin o f th e A m erican A ssociation of P etro ­ leum G eologists.

B u lletin o f th e A m erican G eological Society.

B u lletin de 1 A sso ciatio n F ran çais des Tech niciens d u P étrole.

B u lletin o f th e A m erican In stitu te o f Mining an d M etallurgical Engineers.

B u lletin de M ath ém atique e t de Ph ysique, B u ch arest (E cole-polytechnique).

B u lletin o f th e R o u m an ian G eological Society . B u lletin o f th e Seism ological S o ciety of A m erica.

B u lletin of th e U n iversity of T e x a s (B u reau of E con om ic G eology an d Technology).

U n ited S ta te s B u re a u o f S ta n d a rd s Jo u r n a l of R esearch , W ash in gton .

C alifornia Oil WTorld.

C an adian Jo u rn a l o f R esearch . C an adian M ining Jo u rn a l.

B u lletin of th e C an ad ian In stitu te of M ining an d

M etallurgy. 8

C h em istry an d In d u stry . C hem ical R eview s.

C hem ical T rad e Jo u rn a l.

Chem ische W eekblad.

L a Chim ica e l ’In d u stria.

Chim ie e t In d u strie.

C om ptes R e n d u s h eb d o m ad aires d es Sean ces de l ’A cadem ie des Sciences (P a ris).

C om pte-R endu des Sean ces d u G roupe d es G éo ­ logues P étroliers de S tra sb o u rg .

I I ”“ Congrès M ondial d u P étro le (P aris, 1937).

D iesel E ngin e U sera A ssociation .

P u blication o f D irección M inas y G eo ló g icas (A rgentine).

E conom ie G eology.

E ngineer.

E ngineering.

E n glish P a te n t.

F u el in Science an d P ractice.

G as an d Oil Pow er.

G eological M agazine (L on d on ).

G eophysics.

Ann. M in. Belg. . Ann. M in. Roumanie . Ann. Off. Combust, liq.

Asph. u. Teer Auto. Engr .

Auto. Tech. Z. (Berlin) Azerb. neft. Khoz.

Beitr. angew. Oeophys. . Beitr. Oeophys. . Bitumen Bohrtech. Z.

Bol. Oeol. y Min. (Caracas) Bol. Inform. Petroleras (B .A .)

Bull. Acad. Sei. (U JS.S.R . Inst.


Bull. Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol.

Bull. Amer. geol. Soc. . Bull. Ass. franç. Tech. Petrol.

Bull. Inst. Min. (metaU.) Engrs Bull. Math. Phys. £c. polyt. Bucha­

Bull. roum. geol. Soc. .rest Bull, seismol. Soc. Amer.

Bull. Univ. Texas (Bur. econ.


Bur. Stand. J . Res., Wash.

Calif. Oü World . Cañad. J . Res.

Cañad. Min. J . . Cañad. Min. metall. Bull.

Chem. <k Ind.

Chem. Rev. . Chem. Tr. J . Chem. Wkbld Chim. e Industria Chim. et Ind.

C.R. Acad. Sci. (Paris) C.R. Geol. Pétr. (Strasbourg)

ü " Congrès Mond. Pétrole Diesel Eng. Us. Ass. . Dirección Minas y Oeol.

Econ. Geol. . Engineer Engineering EP, . Euel . Gas OU Pwr Geol. Mag. (Lond Geophys.



Abbreviated T itle. Journal.

Glückauf . Groz. Neft. .

Industr. Engng Chem. . Industr. Engng Chem. Anal. . Industr. Pwr <Sc Fuel Econ.

Instruments . Int. Z. Bohrtech. . J . Amer. chem. Soc.

J . appl. Chem. (U .S.S.R .) J . appl. Phys.

J . chem., metali, min. Soc. S . Africa J . chem. Soc. . . . .

J . Fuel Soc. Ja p a n

J . Geol. . . . . .

J . Inst. Fuel . . . .

J . Instn auto. Engrs

J . Inst. Petrol. . . . .

J . org. Chem. . . . . J . phys. Chem. . . . . J . R. aero. Soc. . . . . J . Soc. aut. Engrs

J . Soc. chem. Ind.

Khim. Tverd. Topliva . Kop. N aft. Polsce

Matières grasses . . . .

M in. & Metali. . . . . M in. M ag. (Lond.)

Monit. Pétr. roum. ' . . Montan. Rdsch. . .

N at. Petrol. News

Nature . . . . .

Neft. Khoz. . . . .

Nickel Ind. . . . .

Nov. Neft. . . . .

Nov. Tekhn. Bur.

Nov. Tekhn. Neft.

Oel u. Kohle . Oïl Gas J . .

Oil W k l y...

Ole, Fette, Wachse

Olii min. . . . .

P aint M nfr. . Paint Technol. . Petrol. Engr .

Petrol. Tech. (A .I.M .M .E .) . Petrol. Times .

Petrol. World (L .A .) , Petrol. World (Lond.) . Petrol. Z.

Physics . . . . .

Pipe Line News . . . .

Proc. Amer. Petrol. Inst.

Proc. Amer. Soc. Test. Mater.

Proc. A ss. Asph. Pav. Technol.

Proc. Instn mech. Engrs Proc. phys. Soc. (Lond.) Proc. roy. Soc. .

Przeg. Chem. . . . .

Przem. Naft.

Quart. J . geol. Soc. Lond.


Groznenskii N eftyanik.

In d u strial and E ngineering Chem istry.

In d u strial and Engineering Chem istry, Analyti- cal E dition .

In d u strial Pow er an d The F u el E conom ist.

Instrum en ts.

In tern ation al Zeitschrift fü r Bohrtechnik.

Jo u rn a l of the Am erican Chemical Society.

Jo u rn a l of A pplied Chem istry, U .S .S .R . Jo u rn a l of A pplied Physics.

Jo u rn a l of th e Chemical, M etallurgical and Min­

ing Society of South Africa.

Jo u rn a l of the Chem ical Society.

Jo u rn a l of the F u el Society of Ja p a n . Jo u rn a l of Geology.

Jo u rn a l of the In stitu te of Fuel.

Jo u rn a l of the In stitu tion of Automobile E n ­ gineers.

Jo u rn a l of the In stitu te of Petroleum . Jo u rn a l of Organic Chemistry.

Jo u rn a l of Ph ysical Chemistry.

Jo u rn a l of the R o y al A eronautical Society.

Jo u rn a l of the Society of A utom otive Engineers.

Jo u rn a l of the Society of Chemical Industry.

K h im iy a Tverdovo Topliva.

K opalnictw o N aftow e w Polsce.

M atières G rasses.

Mining an d M etallurgy.

Mining M agazine (London).

M oniteur du P étrole Roum ain.

M ontanistische R undschau.

N ation al Petroleum News.

N ature.

N eftyanoe K h ozy aistvo.

Nickel In du stry . ^ N ovosti N eftepererabotki.

N ovosti Tekhniki Bureniya.

N ovosti Tekhniki N eftedobvicki.

Oel und K oh le vereinigt m it E rdoel und Teer.

Oil an d G as Jo u rn al.

Oil W eekly.

Ole, F e tte , W achse, Seife, K osm etik.

Olii Minerali.

P ain t M anufacture.

P ain t Technology.

Petroleum Engineer.

Petroleum Technology (American In stitu te of Mining an d M etallurgical Engineers).

Petroleum Tim es.

Petroleum W orld (Los Angeles).

Petroleum W orld (London).

Petroleum Zeitschrift.

Ph ysics.

P ip e Line New s.

Proceedings of the Am erican Petroleum Institute.

Proceedings of the A m erican Society for Testing M aterials.

Proceedings of the A ssociation of A sphalt P a v ­ ing Technologists.

Proceedings of the In stitu tio n of Mechanical Engineers.

Proceedings of the Ph ysical Society (London).

Proceedings of the R o y al Society.

P rzegląd Chemiczny.

Przem yśl N aftow y.

Q uarterly Jo u rn a l of the Geological Society of London.


Abbreviated T itle. Journal.

Rds & Rd Constr.

Rec. Trav. chim. Pays-B as Refiner

Rev. Comb. liq.

Rev. Pètrolif.

Rev. sei. Instrum.

Riv. ital. Petrol. . S. Afr. M in. (Engng) J . Strade

Sulz. tech. Rev.

Summ. Ops, Calif. Oil Fids Tech. Phys. U .S.S.R . . Tekn. Tidskr.

Terr. Magn.

Trans. Amer, geophys. Un.

Trans. Amer. Inst. M in. <fc Metall.

Trans. Faraday Soc.

Trans. Inst. mar. Engrs Trans. Instn min. Engrs U.S. Bur. Mines, Inf. Circ. . U.S. Bur. Mines, Rep. Invest.

U.S. Bur. Mines, Tech. Paper U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. .

U .S .P...

World Petrol. . . . .

Z. dtsch. geol. Ges.

Z. Geophys.

Z. prakt. Geol.

Z. ver. dtsch. Chem.

R o a d s an d R o a d Construction.

R eceuil des T rav a u x Chim iques des P a y s-B as.

Refiner and N atu ral Gasoline M anufacturer.

R evu e des C om bustibles Liquides.

L a R evue Pétrolifère.

Review of Scientific Instrum en ts.

L a R iv ista Ita lian a del Petroleo.

South A frican Mining an d E ngineering Jo u rn a l.


Sulzer Technical Review.

Sum m ary of O perations, Californian Oil Fields.

Technical P h y sics of the U .S .S .R . Teknisk Tidskrift.

Terrestrial M agnetism .

T ran saction s of the A m erican Geophysical U nion.

T ran saction s of the A m erican In stitu te of Min­

ing an d M etallurgy.

Tran saction s of the F a ra d a y Society.

Tran saction s of the In stitu te of Marine E n ­ gineers.

Transactions of the In stitu tio n of Mining E n ­ gineers.

U nited S tates B u reau of Mines, Inform ation Circular.

U nited S ta te s B u reau of Mines, R ep o rt of I n ­ vestigations.

U nited S ta tes B ureau of Mines, Technical P aper.

U nited S tates Geological Survey Bulletin.

U nited S tates P aten t.

W orld Petroleum .

Zeitschrift der D eutschen Geologischen Gesell­


Zeitschrift für Geophysik.

Zeitschrift zur P raktische Geologie.

Zeitschrift Vereins deutscher Chemiker.

(Certain periodicals listed above have not been av ailab le during 1941).



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