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Występowanie otwornic ciepłolubnych w paleoceńskich osadach rejonu KisieIice


Academic year: 2021

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10. Kaasschieter J.


H. ---0 Foraminifera of the Eocene of BeWgium. Mem.


Roy. Set Nal

Belg., 147, Bruxelles, 1961. _

·11. M a:r i e P. - Les facies du Montian (France, Be1gique, Hollande)


Bur. Recb. Geol. Min., 2B, 2, (Coloque PaleogEme), Paris, 1964.


12. M a r z e c M. - 0 nowy-m stano.wisku paleocenu w Ilawie (woj. o.lsztyD.skie). Kwart. geol., 1973, nr 1.

13. P 0 Z a r y s k a K. - Fo.raminifera and biostra-tigraphy o.f the Danian and Montian in PolaJ1d. Palaeo.nt. po.l., 1965, nr 14. .

V14. PpZaryska K. - Warstwy pograniczne kredy i t.rzeciorz~u w Polsce pozalta<rpackiej. Kwart. geol., 1967, nr 3.

'15. Po. Z a r y s k a K., S z c z e c h u r a J . - F01"a-minflfera from the PaIeocene of Poland, their ecological arid biostratigraphical meaning. Pa-laeont. pol., 196B, nr 20.


The. paper presents the results of micropaleon-tological studies carried o.ut o.n Paleo.cene. (Montlan) deposits of NNE Poland, penetrated by the boreho-lea Szo.nowo 75/33, Kisie1ice 85/43 and Ulnowo 911/~.

The top surface ·of Montian deposits occurs at the depth of 172.0' m (at Szonowo), 193.6, m (at Kisie1ice) and 218.0 m (at Ulnowo). The thickness of these· deposits is unkno.wn as these boreholes did not· reach the underlying Mesozoic (Upper Cre-taceo.us) deposits. In the profiles of Szonowo. and KisieUce . boreholes . the Mo.ntian Is overlayed with the deposits o.f the Late Paleo.cene o.r Eocene age (19); and in the Ul-nOlWU profile the Paleocene is overlayed lWi,th Eocene sands (19).

The deposits· represent "Pulawy Beds" of the Montian age. The Pulawy Beds (Montian) are de-velo.ped in two. . facies in this region, which are characterized by somewhat different foraminifer as-semblages. Sandy deposits from Kisielice and Ulno-wo yield the foramfnifer microfauna of the Boreal type, identical' as that kno.wn fro.m GOra Pulawska, ~yrzyn, SochaICZew (13), Ilawa (5), Ok.--ztyn area (7, 8) aB well as the Seland:ian of De:J.mark aIlld Swe-den (2)' (FIg. 1).

The marly-limesto.ne depo.sits fro.m Szonowo yield bo.th the Boreal type micro.fauna and the warm--water fo.raminifer microfauna of the western-Eu- · ropean type, kno.wn fro.m Belgium, Netherlands and France. The latter is represented by the fo.llowing species: Rosalina parisiensis d'O r big n y,

RotOTbi-nella mariei (van Bell en), R. montmna Po. t

a-r y s k a et S z c z e c h u r a, Rotalia marginata d'O r-bIg n y, R. saxorumd'O r big n y, GlobOTotalia

glo-biger,niformis (van Bell en), G,

praepseuclomenar-cl! Ho f k e r, Globorotalia sp., Pararotalia

minima-. lis (If 0. f k er), P. tuberc'Uli/era (R e u ss),

Bagatel-la aenigmatica P ozary s.k a et S z c z e c h ura arid

GlobOTotalia gp. The species are Idster in Fig. 2.

The warm-water foraminifers fo.und here are small, markedly smaller than those their mother province, that is, from the Mo.ntIan of the western Europe. The micro.fauna of that type was previously described from the Paleogene (Mo.ntlaIi) depeslts pe-netrated by Pami~to.wo boreho.le by Poiaryska and Szczechura (1968). The seco.nd locality of the warm-water fo.raminifers in the central and Northern

Po.-land~ described here, gives' further evidence fo.r the influences o.f the warm (meridio.nal) basin o.f the western Euro.pe, responsible for the migratio.n of the warm-water foraminifer mlcrofaunas into. the areas




16. Po Z a r y s k a Ko, S z c z e ch u raJ. - On so. me warm-water fo.raminiferes from the Polish Mo.ntian. Acta palaerint. pol., 197tl.

17. Poza!'yski W., Po.zaryska . K. - On the Danian and· Lower Pa~oocene sediments in Po-land. Inter. Geo.L Congr., Norden, 5.

Co.penha-. gen, 1960. . .

lB. S z c z e c h u raJ., P 0. Z a r y s k a K. - The Mo.ntlan waNIl-wate1' fo.raminiferes in the Meri-dio.nal Province o.f Europe. Acta palaeo.nt. pol., 1971, nr 4.

19. C i u k E. - Sprawozdanie z badan utworOw trze-ciorzt:dowych i paszukiwan zl6z w~li ibrunatnyob w rejonie Kisielic, woj. olsztyriskie. klst. Geo!., 1972.

20. P i woe k i M. - Sprawozeianie z poszukiwan..

zl6z w~gli brunatnych . wY!tonanych w rejonie Ostr6da-p6moc. IG, 196B.


B pa60Te npe,l(CTaBneHhI pe:JYJlbTaTbl MHltponaneoli-TOJIOrH'lecKOro. llHanH3a JIaJIeoqeacKHX (MOHTCKHX) OT-no:m:emdi: no pa3pe38K CKBa2KHH llio.Ho.BO 75/33, KK-cenHqe 85/43 H YJ!bHoBlo 95/53, npoA.z!eHHbIM B ce:eepo--BOCTO'lHoA 'laCTH nom,WH' (q,Hl'. 1).

MOHTCKHe OTno:m:elDUl 38JIerllIO'l' Ha rny6HHe 172,0 K (CKB. mOHOBO), 193,6 K (CKB. KKceJIHqe) K 218,0 III (CKB. YJlbHo.BO). Mo~o.CT!o 9THX OC~KOB He

o.IIpe-~eneHa, TaB: KaK YKa3aHHbIe CKBa:m:HHbI lie ,lIOCTHl'JIH

KPOBJIH Me30.30S (sepxuIDt Men). B pa3pe"3aX CKBalKHH mOHOBO H KHcenHqe MOHT saJIeraeT no.~ Bep"!CllenaJIeO-qeHoBblMK KJIH 90.qeHOBbIMH (1'9) OTJIOlKeHHHMK, a B paspese YJIbHOBO DaJIeoqeH nepeKpblT 90.qeHo.BbIMH

neCKaMK (19). .

. HCCJIe~OBaHHbTe OTJIo:m:eHHa npe~CTaBJImoT TaK Ha3. nyJIaBCKHe CJIOH, HBJIalO~eCJl: B03paCTHDIlll 'KiUlBa~eH­ TOK KOHTCKoro apyca. B ~8HBoA 'laCTH CTpaHbI OHH

npe~C'1'aBJIeHbI ~YJUI 'l'HIUlIm nopo,I\, co~ep:m:~u:

pa3HbIe c006IqeCTBa cPoPllllKllHtPeP. B neC'l8.Ho.-Dec'la-mmo.BhpC OTJIo.:m:elDUlX (KKce.miqe, Ynb"lOBO) npe~­ CTaBJIeHa cPoPIlMHHHq,ePOBaS q,aYHa 6opeliJIbHo.ro. TH-na, COOTBeTCTBYIOIqaR '4>aYHe, H8.6JIIO,I\aaweAi)s B pas-pe3ax l'ypa-nYJIaBCKa, )KHlKHH. COXa'leB (13), HJIaBa (ij), a paAo.He OJIbWTKHa (7, 8), a TaK:m:e B paspesax ,l(amm: H mse~HH (2) (q,Hl'. 1). B KepreJIHCTO-H3seCT-IUIKOBbJX Dopo,ll;aX (IIIOROBo.), Hap.R,Dy C MHKpoq,aYHoA 60.peaJIhHOrO THIIa, DOHBJI.IUOTCII Ten~o.JII06HJlbIe q,opa-MHHHcPePbI 3ana,ll;HOeBpODeAcKoro THIIa (BeJIbrHS, HH-JlepJIaH~bI, c1JPaHL\HH). OHa npe,I\CTaBJleHa '::JIe~/IOIqH­ MH ~MH: Rosalina parisIensis d' 0 r big n y, R 0-torbinel1a mariei (van Bell en), R. montiana P 0-z a r y s k a et S z C

z e C h u r a, RotaHa marginata

d ' 0 r bIg n y, R. s&X<ll'UJn d' 0 r big n y, Globoro-taMa globigeriniformis (vaQ Be 11 en), G.' praepseu-dornenardi H 0. f k el', Globo.rotalla sp.. Pararo.talia mJinimalis


0 f k er). P. ituberculifera (R e us s). Ba-J(atella aenigmatica PlO tar y s k a & S z c ze c h u r a, Globorotalia sp. nepe'lHCJIeHHbIe BH,llbI npe,I\CTaBJIeHbI Ha PHCYHKax Ta6JIHI\I>I 2.

TenJIOJII06HBbIe q,opaMHHHq,epbJ 06JIa,n;aIOT MeJIKH-MH paKOBHHKaMeJIKH-MH H no BeJIH'lHUe 3Ha'lHTeJIbHO YC'l'y-n8IOT 9K3eMnJISpaM, Ha6JIIO~aIOIIlHMCS B MOHTCKHX OTJIo:m:eHHSX 3ana~Ho.A ·EBPOIlbI. MHIq)OcPaYHa 'l'aKOro THIIa 6bIJIa onHCaHa K. nOlKapbICKOA H fr. Ir(exYPoBOA (1968) no. naJIeoqeHCBLPl (MOR'J'CItJW) OTJIo:m:eHKRIII paspesa CKBalKHHbI naMeHTOBO. B ~aHHoA pa60Te OIIHCaRO B'l'Opoe MeC'l'OHaXO:lK)teHHe TeWloJII06HooA 1iIH-KPo.q,aYHbI Ha TePPHTOPHH qeHTPaJIbROA H cesepHoA IIoJlbIIIH. 3TO MeCTOHaxo:m:,neHKe pacmHpseT rpaHKULI BJIHSHmi rennoro saIIaZlHoeBponeAcKo.ro. 6acceAHI\ B BOCTO'lHo.eBponelicKoA (60peaJIbHo:ft) ':lPo.BHHi.i;HH, 6JIa-rO,lIapa KOTOPbIM TenJIOJIIOI5HBble q,o.paMH'THcPePbI 1IP"-HHKaJIH Ha TePPJt'l'OPmo ~eHTPaJl'bHo.A Jot ceBepHo'lt no.JIbWH.


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