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present c®htEnu®us


Academic year: 2022

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:.:4,`,h Leiłcja i

present c®htEnu®us

y opisać czynhości, które odbywaLją się w danej chwili, użyj czasu present continuous.

by utworzyć zdanie, użyj odpowiedniej formy czasowhika be oraz czasownika z końcówką -;ng.

1 am go_ to school now.

We are hav dinner now.

You _ writing a story now. You _ stayihg at home now.

He is watch Tv now. They are visit_ a museum now.

She _ suifing the lnternet now.

lt is rain now.

I Uzupełnij zdania v\łaściwą formą czasowników podanych w nawiasach.


(have) lunch in the school canteen now.

(study) for a test.

(Iearn) some new English words.

(go) on a class trip today.

(make) too much noise in the classroom.

(sit) next to Jane today.

ut`^/orzyć zdanie przeczące w czasie present inuous, wstaw r)ot po czasowniku be

odpowiedniej formie, np.:

'm not going to school today.

aren't Playing fiootball now.

taking the bus to school today.

doing any tests today.

g®Ing t® sch®®I t®da7.

Aby utworzyć pytanie w czasie present continuous, zamień miejscami podmiot zdania i czasownik be w odpowiedniej formie, np.:

You are doing your homework now.

Are you doing your homework now?

Odpo^^ńiedz:. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.

He is studying Maths now. Is he studying Maths now?

Odpow.iedz.. Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.

she going to her guitar lesson today?

we visiting a museum today?

2 Uzupełnij zdania Waściwą formą czasowników podanych w ramce.

ive notuse sit notplay walk notread football now.


my guitar lesson today.

her computer at the mo to school today.

a book now.

at our desks at the momemL

= Ułóż pytania, wykorzystując podane wyrazy.

Dopisz krótkie odpowiedzi.

1 we / have / a break now / ?

2 you / use / your coursebook today / ?

3 they / do / their project now / ?

4 he / do / the exercises now / ?

5 she / wear / her school uniform today / ?


Lekcja @


present c®n{Ehu®us / presen{ simple

Uzupełnij reguły gramatyczne nazwami czasów: Present s;mp/e lub present corit;nuous.

Używaj czasu

aby Opisać

czynności wykony\^/ane regularnie.

W czasie często używaj

określeń częstotliwości, np.:

sometimes, often lub every day, every Friday, at the weekend.

: Używaj czasu

wykonywane w tej chwili.

W czasie

aby opisać czynności

używaj określeń czasu, hp.:

now, at the moment, today, this week.

I Zakreśl Waściwą formę czasowhika.

1 He often reads / is reading historical books.

2 We play / are playing volleyball at our PE class today.

3 She usually does / is doing her homework in the evening.

4 You carry / are carrying a lot of books today.

5 They watch / are watching an animal

programme in class at the moment.

6 All the students wear / are wearing their

lD badges at school every day.

Ż Uzupełnij zdania vwaśchq formą czasowników podanych w ramce w czasie present simple lub present continuous.

ż-óL[L ---- Surf w-e-ii


to school on the bus but today on foot.

a dress now but she usually some jeans and a jacket.

lunch at the moment.

at the moment, he

= Ułóż zdania przeczące w czasie preseht simple lub present continuous.

1 We / not use / computers in class / every day /.

2 They / not listen / to the teacher / at the moment /.

3 I / not study / Maths / now /.

4 She / not take / a packed lunch to school every day /.

5 He / not wear / his school uniform / at the moment /.

6 1 / not go / to my guitar lessons / every Friday /.

4 Uzupełnij pytania. Wpisz: Do, Does, Js, Are.

lunch at the school canteen every day.

the Web on his laptop but, the lnternet on his mobile phone,

5 Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami i wyrażeniami podanymi w ramce.

is making doesn'tlike are

Hello Peter,

she usually go to school on the bus?

you using your computer now?

he play football at school every day?

they often go on school trips?

he reading a book at the moment?

don'ttake amlooking aredoing lives amwriting walk

to tell you about my school. It's quite near my house, so I (Ż) bus. My best firiend, Adam, (3)

I enjoy Polish and English lessons, but Adam (5) At the moment, we (6)

Adam (8)

you like studying? (10) Write back soon, Mark

next door, so we usually (4)


the school to school together.

these subjects. He's interested in Maths and ICT.

an English Project together. I (1) fior some Pictures and a Presentation on the computer. What about you? What subjects (9)

you Preparing something fior school at the moment?



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