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The distribu on of earthquakes. The distribu on of earthquakes Lesson plan (Polish) Lesson plan (English)


Academic year: 2022

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The distribu on of earthquakes

The distribu on of earthquakes Lesson plan (Polish)

Lesson plan (English)


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Before you start you should know the internal structure of the Earth;

basic types of rocks and minerals;

the causes and consequences of the plate‑like structure of the Earth's crust.

You will learn

using the map of world you will show the boundaries of tectonic plates;

determine the relationships between the location on the boundary of lithospheric plates and the occurrence of earthquakes;

locate places on a physical map of world at risk of earthquakes;

draw conclusions concerning the Pacific ring of fire;

determine the impact of earthquakes on human life;

provide examples of solutions on how to prevent tragic consequences of earthquakes.

Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl nagranie abstraktu

Exercise 1

Source: licencja: CC 0.

Earthquakes are vibrations of the Earth's crust. Those that propagate within the Earth are called seismic waves. As a rule, they are a consequence of tension release resulting from the movement of the

lithosphere plates. The frequent causes of earthquakes include volcanic eruptions. Moreover, they may occur as a result of collapse of cave ceilings or excavations in mines (the so‑called rock bumps), and (very rarely) the fall of relatively large meteorites. The largest and most powerful earthquakes are created at the contact zones of the lithosphere plates. They occur in the zones of subduction and sliding of the lithosphere plates along faults, often in the vicinity of active volcanoes and in spreading zones.

The source of seismic wave propagation has been called the focal point or the focus of an earthquake It can be located at various depths, even several hundred kilometres. A place located on the surface of the Earth, directly above the focus of an earthquake, is the epicentre. In the epicentre, the shocks are felt the earliest and are the strongest. The magnitude of earthquakes is determined, among others, using the Richter scale. For example, earthquakes with a magnitude of 2.0 are delicate shocks felt by seismographs only, and occur hundreds of thousands of times on the Earth during the year. Whereas earthquakes with a magnitude of approximately 9.0 are catastrophic in effect, destroying entire cities on a large surface (thousands of km ), and they occur quite seldom – once every several, a dozen or so years.

Earthquakes are experienced all over the globe, but their impact varies geographically.

Earthquakes of such magnitude are relatively rare and occur once every 3–19 years. Earthquakes occur across the globe, but their impact is different depending on the geographical region. In the picture below, we present a cuboid representing a section of the Earth.

Task 1

Look at the illustration and analyse the given information. Where the hypocenter of the earthquake is located?

The distribu on of earthquakes

Source: licencja: CC 0, [online], dostępny w internecie:

h ps://unsplash.com.



The epicenter of the earthquake is located directly above the hypocenter on the surface of the Earth.

Source: domena publiczna.

Task 2

Look at the map representing the distribution of earthquakes. Then remind yourself the theory of plates tectonics. What do you discover?

Source: licencja: CC BY 3.0.

In areas of old, stiff continental disks and old mountains, earthquakes are very rare and weak. We call them aseismic areas. The opposite are seismic areas, i.e. where 90% of all earthquakes occur, including the strongest ones. To a great degree, seismic areas coincide with the zones of lithosphere plate


Exercise 2

Ring of Fire Source: licencja: CC 0.

Virtually all earthquakes are recorded by seismological stations throughout the world. Special equipment is used to record them, the so‑called seismographs.

Task 3

Look at the illustration of seismograph and try to tell the others how it works.


Source: tylko do użytku edukacyjnego na epodreczniki.pl, [online], dostępny w internecie: www.epodreczniki.pl.

Exercise 3

In which sphere of the earth vibrations are perceived as earthquakes?

in the core in the atmosphere in the Earth's crust in the troposphere in the pedosphere


Exercise 4

Choose areas where earthquakes are most common.


bottoms of the oceans polar regions

the zone of parallel plate displacement subduction zones

Central Europe Exercise 5

Areas of earthquakes.

In the areas of old, stiff continental disks and old mountains, earthquakes are very ... and weak.

We call them ... areas. Their opposite is made up of ... areas, i.e. where 90% of all

earthquakes occur, including all the strongest. Seismic areas coincide to a large extent with the zones of ... plate collisions.

Exercise 6

Indicate the correct answer. Aseismic areas include:


Apennine Peninsula.


West coast of South America.

Exercise 7

Seismic areas include:

Scandinavian Peninsula.

Labrador Peninsula.

Central Africa.

West coast of North America.

Exercise 8

The earthquake's fire, located at a depth of several to several dozen kilometers from its surface, is:




seismic waves.

Exercise 9

The magnitude of earthquakes is determined by the following scale:






Exercise 10


Source: licencja: CC 0.


earthquake, tectonic plate, Earth's crust, seismography



Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

epicentrum - miejsce na powierzchni Ziemi leżące dokładnie nad ogniskiem trzęsienia ziemi seismograph

Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie słówka: seismograph

sejsmograf - urządzenie do odczytywania i rejestrowania trzęsień ziemi Richter scale

Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie słówka: Richter scale

skala Richtera - jedna ze skal użytych do określenia wielkości trzęsień ziemi


Lesson plan (Polish)

Temat: Rozmieszczenie trzęsień Ziemi Autor: Magdalena Jankun


Uczeń klasy VI szkoły podstawowej

Uczeń klasy I liceum ogólnokształcącego i technikum Podstawa programowa

Klasa VI szkoły podstawowej

VII. 4. Uczeń na przykładzie Islandii określa związek między położeniem na granicy płyt litosfery a występowaniem wulkanów i trzęsień ziemi.

XIV.2. Identyfikuje związki między przebiegiem granic płyt litosfery a występowaniem rowów tektonicznych, wulkanów, trzęsień ziemi i tsunami oraz na ich podstawie formułuje twierdzenia o zaobserwowanych prawidłowościach w ich rozmieszczeniu.

XIV.3 Dyskutuje na temat sposobów zapobiegania tragicznym skutkom trzęsień ziemi i tsunami.

Klasa I liceum ogólnokształcącego i technikum

V. Litosfera: związek budowy wnętrza Ziemi z tektoniką płyt litosfery, procesy wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne kształtujące powierzchnię Ziemi i ich skutki, skały. Uczeń:

1) wyjaśnia związek budowy wnętrza Ziemi z ruchem płyt litosfery i jego wpływ na genezę procesów endogenicznych.

2) wyjaśnia przebieg głównych procesów wewnętrznych prowadzących do urozmaicenia powierzchni Ziemi- ruchy epejrogeniczne, ruchy górotwórcze, wulkanizm, plutonizm, trzęsienia ziemi.

Cel lekcji

Poznasz przyczyny występowania i rozmieszczenie trzęsień ziemi na świecie.

Kryteria sukcesu

korzystając mapy świata wskażesz granice płyt tektonicznych;

określisz zależności między położeniem obszaru na granicy płyt litosfery a występowaniem trzęsień ziemi;

zlokalizujesz miejsca na mapie fizycznej świata narażone na trzęsienia ziemi;

sformułujesz wnioski dotyczące pacyficznego ognistego pierścienia;

określisz wpływ trzęsienia ziemi na życie człowieka;

podasz przykłady rozwiązań dotyczących sposobów zapobiegania tragicznym skutkom trzęsień ziemi.

Kompetencje kluczowe

porozumiewanie się w języku ojczystym;

porozumiewanie się w języku obcym;

umiejętność uczenia się;

kompetencje informatyczne.

Metody/formy pracy


z wykorzystaniem narzędzi TIK;

praca z materiałem edukacyjnym oraz multimediami na platformie epodreczniki.pl;

praca indywidualna, w parach i całego zespołu klasowego.

Środki dydaktyczne

e‑podręcznik do nauczania geografii;

tablica interaktywna;

rzutnik multimedialny;


mapa fizyczna świata;

Mapa fizyczna Europy;

Mapa fizyczna Polski;

atlasy geograficzne.

Przebieg lekcji Faza wstępna

1. Pogadanka z uczniami na temat trzęsień ziemi na świecie. Czy uczniowie wiedzą, gdzie występują trzęsienia ziemi? W jakich krajach? Jakie zjawiska wtórne do trzęsień ziemi można zaobserwować?

Dlaczego są niebezpieczne? Ćwiczenie interaktywne nr 1 w abstrakcie.

Faza realizacyjna

1. Odwołanie uczniów do treści z materiałów źródłowych, zwrócenie uwagi na pojęcia takie, jak:

hipocentrum, epicentrum, skala Richtera, obszary sejsmiczne i asejsmiczne.

2. Wspólna analiza schematu przedstawiającego przekrój skorupy ziemskiej z hipocentrum i epicentrum.

3. Odwołanie uczniów do mapy „Świat. Trzęsienia ziemi w latach 2000‑2015”. Omówienie mapy.

4. Analiza występowania trzęsień ziemi na kuli ziemskiej. Praca z materiałami w e‑podręczniku oraz z atlasem geograficznym. Podanie miejsc najbardziej narażonych na to zjawisko.

5. Praca w parach, wyszukanie w atlasach mapy przedstawiającej budowę geologiczną i wspólna analiza położenia płyt tektonicznych. Wskazanie zależności między występowaniem trzęsień ziemi

a granicami płyt.

6. Analiza grafiki przedstawiającej występowanie trzęsień ziemi w abstrakcie (Ring of fire).

7. Nauczyciel prosi uczniów, by zapoznali się z infografiką przedstawiającą budowę sejsmografu.

Tłumaczy uczniom, w jaki sposób prowadzi się badania aktywności sejsmicznej.

8. Projekcja filmu „Katastrofalne skutki tsunami w lekcji „Rozmieszczenie trzęsień ziemi”

w e‑podręczniku.

9. Pogadanka dotycząca wiedzy uczniów o zjawisku tsunami.

Faza podsumowująca

1. Jako podsumowanie zajęć uczniowie rozwiązują zadania jednokrotnego wyboru w abstrakcie.

Zadania wykonują wskazani uczniowie na tablicy interaktywnej.

2. Nauczyciel zadaje pracę domową (treść poniżej). Następnie ocenia pracę uczniów na lekcji, doceniając ich wkład i zaangażowanie.

Praca domowa

Znajdź informacje na temat rozwiązań stosowanych przez ludzi w sytuacjach podanych poniżej i spróbuj ocenić ich skuteczność:

1. Jakie działania można podjąć, gdy budynek grozi zawaleniem?

2. Jak przygotować ludzi do przetrwania godzin lub dni po trzęsieniu ziemi bez wody, elektryczności, żywności, leków i Internetu?


W tej lekcji zostaną użyte m.in. następujące pojęcia oraz nagrania



Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

epicentrum - miejsce na powierzchni Ziemi leżące dokładnie nad ogniskiem trzęsienia ziemi seismograph

Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie słówka: seismograph

sejsmograf - urządzenie do odczytywania i rejestrowania trzęsień ziemi Richter scale

Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie słówka: Richter scale

skala Richtera - jedna ze skal użytych do określenia wielkości trzęsień ziemi

Teksty i nagrania

Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl nagranie abstraktu

The distribution of earthquakes

Earthquakes are vibrations of the Earth's crust. Those that propagate within the Earth are called seismic waves. As a rule, they are a consequence of tension release resulting from the movement of the

lithosphere plates. The frequent causes of earthquakes include volcanic eruptions. Moreover, they may occur as a result of collapse of cave ceilings or excavations in mines (the so‑called rock bumps), and (very rarely) the fall of relatively large meteorites. The largest and most powerful earthquakes are created at the contact zones of the lithosphere plates. They occur in the zones of subduction and sliding of the lithosphere plates along faults, often in the vicinity of active volcanoes and in spreading zones.

The source of seismic wave propagation has been called the focal point or the focus of an earthquake It can be located at various depths, even several hundred kilometres. A place located on the surface of the Earth, directly above the focus of an earthquake, is the epicentre. In the epicentre, the shocks are felt the earliest and are the strongest. The magnitude of earthquakes is determined, among others, using the Richter scale. For example, earthquakes with a magnitude of 2.0 are delicate shocks felt by seismographs only, and occur hundreds of thousands of times on the Earth during the year. Whereas earthquakes with a magnitude of approximately 9.0 are catastrophic in effect, destroying entire cities on a large surface (thousands of km ), and they occur quite seldom – once every several, a dozen or so years.

Earthquakes are experienced all over the globe, but their impact varies geographically.



Earthquakes of such magnitude are relatively rare and occur once every 3–19 years. Earthquakes occur across the globe, but their impact is different depending on the geographical region. In the picture below, we present a cuboid representing a section of the Earth.

In areas of old, stiff continental disks and old mountains, earthquakes are very rare and weak. We call them aseismic areas. The opposite are seismic areas, i.e. where 90% of all earthquakes occur, including the strongest ones. To a great degree, seismic areas coincide with the zones of lithosphere plate


Virtually all earthquakes are recorded by seismological stations throughout the world. Special equipment is used to record them, the so‑called seismographs.


Lesson plan (English)

Topic: The distribution of earthquakes Author: Magdalena Jankun

Target group

6th‑grade student of elementary school

1st‑grade student of high school and technical school Core curriculum

6th grade of elementary school

VII. 4. On the example of Iceland, the student determines the relationship between the location on the boundary of lithospheric plates and the occurrence of volcanoes and earthquakes.

XIV.2. The student identifies the relationships between the course of the boundaries of the lithospheric plates and the occurrence of rift faults, volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis, and formulates statements about the observed regularities in their distribution on their basis.

XIV.3 Discusses the ways to prevent tragic consequences of earthquakes and tsunamis.

1st grade of high school and technical school

V. Lithosphere: the relationship between the construction of the Earth's interior and the lithosphere tectonics, internal and external processes shaping the Earth's surface and their effects, rocks. Pupil:

1 ) explains the relationship between the construction of the Earth's interior and the movement of lithosphere plates and its impact on the genesis of endogenous processes.

2 ) explains the course of the main internal processes leading to a varied surface of the Earth - epirogenic movements, rock formation movements, volcanism, plutonism, earthquakes.

The general aim of education

You will learn about the causes and distribution of earthquakes in the world.

Criteria of success

using the map of world you will show the boundaries of tectonic plates;

you will determine the relationships between the location on the boundary of lithospheric plates and the occurrence of earthquakes;

you will locate places on a physical map of world at risk of earthquakes;

you will draw conclusions concerning the Pacific ring of fire;

you will determine the impact of earthquakes on human life;

you will provide examples of solutions on how to prevent tragic consequences of earthquakes.

Key competences

communication in the mother tongue;

communication in a foreign language;

learning to learn;

digital competence.

Methods / forms of work


using ICT tools;

activity with educational material and multimedia on the epodreczniki.pl platform;

individual activity, activity in pairs, and collective activity.

Teaching aids

e‑textbook for teaching geography;

interactive whiteboard;

multimedia projector;


physical map of world;

physical map of Europe;

physical map of Poland;

geographical atlases.

Lesson plan overview Introduction

1. A conversation with the students about earthquakes around the world. Do the students know where earthquakes take place? In what countries? What secondary phenomena to earthquakes can be observed? Why are they dangerous? Interactive exercise No. 1 in the abstract.


1. Referring the students to the content from source materials, drawing their attention to such concepts as: focus of an earthquake, epicentre, Richter scale, seismic and aseismic areas.

2. A joint analysis of a scheme showing a cross‑section of the Earth's crust with the focus of an earthquake and the epicentre.

3. Referring the students to a map known as „World. Earthquakes in the years 2000‑2015”. Discussing the map.

4. Analysis of the occurrence of earthquakes on the Earth. Activity with materials in the e‑textbook and with a geographical atlas. Giving places most exposed to this phenomenon.

5. Activity in pairs, finding maps in atlases showing the geological structure and joint analysis of the location of tectonic plates. Naming the relationships between the occurrence of earthquakes and the boundaries of plates.

6. An analysis of a graphic depicting the occurrence of earthquakes in the abstract (Ring of fire).

7. The teacher asks the students to get acquainted with the infographics showing the construction of a seismograph. The teacher explains to the students how seismic activity research is conducted.

8. Projection of a film entitled in the lesson entitled „Placement of earthquakes” in the e‑textbook.

9. A discussion concerning the students' knowledge of the tsunami phenomenon.


1. As a class summary the students do single‑choice exercises in the abstract. Tasks are performed on the interactive whiteboard by designated students.

2. The teacher gives homework (content below). The teacher assesses the students' activity during the lesson, appreciating their engagement and commitment.


Find information on solutions used by people in the situations listed below and try to assess their effectiveness:

What actions can be undertaken when a building is about to collapse?

How to prepare people to survive hours or days after an earthquake without water, electricity, food, medicine and the Internet?


The following terms and recordings will be used during this lesson



Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

epicentrum - miejsce na powierzchni Ziemi leżące dokładnie nad ogniskiem trzęsienia ziemi seismograph

Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie słówka: seismograph

sejsmograf - urządzenie do odczytywania i rejestrowania trzęsień ziemi Richter scale

Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl Nagranie słówka: Richter scale

skala Richtera - jedna ze skal użytych do określenia wielkości trzęsień ziemi

Texts and recordings

Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl nagranie abstraktu

The distribution of earthquakes

Earthquakes are vibrations of the Earth's crust. Those that propagate within the Earth are called seismic waves. As a rule, they are a consequence of tension release resulting from the movement of the

lithosphere plates. The frequent causes of earthquakes include volcanic eruptions. Moreover, they may occur as a result of collapse of cave ceilings or excavations in mines (the so‑called rock bumps), and (very rarely) the fall of relatively large meteorites. The largest and most powerful earthquakes are created at the contact zones of the lithosphere plates. They occur in the zones of subduction and sliding of the lithosphere plates along faults, often in the vicinity of active volcanoes and in spreading zones.

The source of seismic wave propagation has been called the focal point or the focus of an earthquake It can be located at various depths, even several hundred kilometres. A place located on the surface of the Earth, directly above the focus of an earthquake, is the epicentre. In the epicentre, the shocks are felt the earliest and are the strongest. The magnitude of earthquakes is determined, among others, using the Richter scale. For example, earthquakes with a magnitude of 2.0 are delicate shocks felt by seismographs only, and occur hundreds of thousands of times on the Earth during the year. Whereas earthquakes with a magnitude of approximately 9.0 are catastrophic in effect, destroying entire cities on a large surface (thousands of km ), and they occur quite seldom – once every several, a dozen or so years.

Earthquakes are experienced all over the globe, but their impact varies geographically.



Earthquakes of such magnitude are relatively rare and occur once every 3–19 years. Earthquakes occur across the globe, but their impact is different depending on the geographical region. In the picture below, we present a cuboid representing a section of the Earth.

In areas of old, stiff continental disks and old mountains, earthquakes are very rare and weak. We call them aseismic areas. The opposite are seismic areas, i.e. where 90% of all earthquakes occur, including the strongest ones. To a great degree, seismic areas coincide with the zones of lithosphere plate


Virtually all earthquakes are recorded by seismological stations throughout the world. Special equipment is used to record them, the so‑called seismographs.


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