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Narodowe plany kontrybucji (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, INDC)

W dokumencie Zostały zachowane numery stron (Stron 185-189)

ROZDZIAŁ 11. Pozostali główni światowi emitenci GHG a reżim ochrony klimatu

C. Narodowe plany kontrybucji (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, INDC)

Australia's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution to a new Climate Change Agreement, August 2015, UNFCCC,


%20 Documents/Australia/1/Australias%20Intended%20Nationally%20Determined


Contribution%20to%20a%20new%20Climate%20Change%20Agreement%20-%20August%202015.pdf (dostęp: 25.08.2016).

Canada's INDC Submission to the UNFCCC,

http://www4.unfccc.int/submissions/INDC/ Published%20Documents/Canada/1/INDC

%20-%20Canada%20-%20English.pdf (dostęp: 15.03.2016).

China's INDC, Enhanced actions on climate change: China' s intended nationally determined contribution, 30 June 2015, UNFCCC,

http://www4.unfccc.int/Submissions/INDC/Published%20Documents/China/1/China' s

%20INDC%20-%20on%2030%20June%202015 .pdf (dostęp: 12.08.2016).

Federative Republic of Brazil Intended Nationally Determined Contribution towards achieving the objective of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC, http://www4.unfccc.int/submissions/INDC/Published

%20Documents/Brazil/1/ BRAZIL%20iNDC%20english%20FINAL.pdf (dostęp:


India's intended nationally determined contribution: Working towards climate justice, UNFCCC, http://www4.unfccc.int/Submissions/INDC/Published

%20Documents/India/1/ INDIA%20INDC%20TO%20UNFCCC.pdf (dostęp:


Intended Nationally Determined Contribution – Submission of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 28.09.2015, UNFCCC, www4.unfccc.int/Submissions/INDC/Published

%20Documents/Kazakhstan/1/INDC%20Kz_eng.pdf (dostęp: 25.08.2016).

Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of Turkmenistan in accordance with decision 1/CP. 20, UNFCCC, 30.09.2015,


%20Documents/Turkmenistan/1/INDC_Turkmenistan.pdf (dostęp: 25.08.2016).

Mexico INDC, UNFCCC, http://www4.unfccc.int/Submissions/INDC/Published

%20Docu ments/Mexico/1/MEXICO%20INDC%2003.30.2015.pdf (dostęp:


New Zealand Submission to the ADP New Zealand's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, 7 July 2015, UNFCCC, www4.unfccc.int/Submissions/INDC/Published

%20Documents/New%20Zealand/1/New%20Zealand%20INDC%202015.pdf (dostęp: 26.08.2016).

Russian Submission INDC, 1.04.2015, UNFCCC,

http://www4.unfccc.int/submissions/indc/Submission%20Pages/submissions.aspx (dostęp: 22.08.2016).

South Africa's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), UNFCCC, http:// w ww4.unfccc.int/Submissions/INDC/Published%20Documents/South

%20Africa/1/ South%20Africa.pdf (dostęp: 20.09.2016).

Submission by Indonesia, National Forest Reference Emissions Level for REDD [plus], In the Context of Decision 1/CP.16 Paragraph 70 UNFCCC, Republic of Indonesia, 2015, UNFCCC,

http://redd.unfccc.int/files/national_frel_for_redd__in_indonesia_2015.pdf (dostęp:


Submission By Latvia and The European Commission on Behalf of The European Union and Its Member States, Riga, 6 March 2015, Subject: Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of the EU and its Member States, UNFCCC,

http://www4.unfccc.int/Submissions/INDC/Published%20Documents/Latvia/1/LV-03-06-EU%20INDC.pdf (dostęp: 8.03.2016).

Submission by the Republic of Korea, Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, UNFCCC, http://www4.unfccc.int/submissions/INDC/Published


%20Republic%20of%20Korea%20on%20June%2030.pdf (dostęp: 25.07.2016).

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Submission by the United Arab Emirates, 22 October 2015, UNFCCC,


%20Emirates/1/UAE%20INDC%20-%2022%20October.pdf (dostęp: 15.07.2016).

Submission of Japan's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), http://www4.unfccc.int/submissions/INDC/Published

%20Documents/Japan/1/20150717_Japan's%20INDC.pdf (dostęp: 10.08.2016).

The Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the UNFCCC, UNFCCC, http://www4.unfccc.int/Submissions/INDC/Published

%20Documents/Saudi%20Arabia/1/KSA-INDCs%20English.pdf (dostęp:


U.S. Cover Note, INDC and Accompanying Information, UNFCCC,



%20Accompanying%20Information.pdf (dostęp: 19.07.2016).

2. Opracowania A. Monografie

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Wurzel R.K.W., Connelly J., The European Union as a Leader in International Climate Change Politics, UACES, Routledge, London-New York 2011.

W dokumencie Zostały zachowane numery stron (Stron 185-189)


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